On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark explained Wednesday that when President-Elect Trump takes the oath of office in January there will be no dictatorship, no Hitler, no using the military on citizens. Then President Biden comes out and says the same thing because it was all a lie. Trump was never going to destroy democracy. Also, these cases against Trump won’t survive, it’s just a matter of time. Judge Merchan’s case is over whether he likes it or not because it’s DOJ’s position that you cannot indict a sitting President. Later, Senator-Elect Dave McCormick calls in to thank the Levin audience for his Senate win in Pennsylvania. He explains that Sen Bob Casey has not conceded yet but there was no way he could win with the numbers. Afterward, pundits keep asking how did this Trump landslide happen. Patriotic Americans of every faith, sex, and race said no to the Democrat party. Democrats don’t get to install a candidate and say they are defending democracy.
Elissa Slotkin Wins Michigan Senate Race, Keeping Seat Blue
Washington Examiner
Trump wins most Latino county in the US by 16 points after 60-point loss in 2016
Photo by ANGELA WEISS,MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
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Rough transcription of Hour 1
Segment 1
You know, we have a massive echo chamber here. You know, it’s interesting, the day the president won officially that night, which was Wednesday, Wednesday, early morning, I should say, we came on the air. I guess that’s yesterday evening. And what did I say? There’s going to be no dictatorship. There’s going to be no Hitler. There’s going to be no using the military to kill people who disagree with you, that none of that’s going to occur. There’s not going to be any. Any attack on the Dobbs decision and the decision of the states when it comes to abortion and on and on and on, that none of that’s going to happen. And out comes Kamala Harris and basically says, you know, can’t we all get along in our own way? Which is actually a bizarre way. And then there’s Biden today squinting and squealing. Basically saying the same thing because that was all a lie. That Donald Trump is going to destroy democracy. That was all a lie. What else? On the echo chamber, I put out a statement, but this is something I’ve talked about for months and months and months and months when it comes to the law. At these two memoranda from the Department of Justice one day in 1973 and the other dated 2000. Should Donald Trump get elected president. Are basically his. I don’t want to say bulletproof vest, but you get my point. You cannot indict a sitting president. But it’s more than that. When you read those opinions, as I probably am the only one who had. They go much more broadly than that. Basically, the entire problem, they say, with indicting a sitting president. And that is Donald Trump will be a sitting president when he’s sworn in is the entire length of a trial that they focus on and the and the very steps in a trial and how that degrades the office of the presidency and so forth. And so now I know they’re putting Bill Barr out there because Bill Barr listens to this show. Those two memos nobody was referring to. You might recall I’ve been using them for years now, and not just him, others. Others. And then I said on the state cases. The same applies to that. We’re not talking about civil actions. We’re talking about criminal actions. Number one, you have the supremacy clause of the Constitution. Local and state prosecutors and local and state courts have no authority or jurisdiction to pursue cases. Against a soon to be president at any stage of the case. That is sentencing. Sentencing is the most poignant. In terms of the argument of the memo. Because at least theoretically, if the ability to put an incoming president in jail and state jail. No. So a state and local prosecutor or state and local courts, states, period, have no authority. To affect a president president’s constitutional duties and the functioning of his office. It’s that simple. It’s over. And if Mershon, the acting state judge, doesn’t agree to that, eventually that will be the decision. Because Donald Trump is the president elect. So this album, Brag Machine Case, is over. It’s a dead case walking. Whether this judge likes it or not. So for half a century it’s been the position of Democrat and Republican administrations that the Department of Justice cannot indict a sitting president. This position has been justified for a myriad of reasons. All of which come down to the fact that the president is the head of the executive branch and unelected prosecutors, juries and judges cannot exercise that power. That makes it impossible for a president to carry out his constitutional duties. While defending his liberty and reputation in a courtroom. So to allow such a procedure would be to to do permanent damage to the constitutional system of our government and set a precedent that could not be reversed. Once that catch let out of the bag, that is prosecutors indicting a sitting president for infinite potential reasons that destroy the purpose, the functioning of the executive branch. Because under our Constitution, the president is the executive branch. Now the issues come up as to whether the same principles of non-prosecution, as I underscored yesterday, would apply where the charges are brought by a state or locality. After all, it’s been argued and it’s been argued by law professors, former federal prosecutors, everybody and their mother. That the Department of Justice jurisdiction is federal, not state. Now, I’ve straighten this out on Fox, I’ve straighten it out on Blaze, and I’m straighten it out here, and I’ll finally some of the back benchers. They’ve learned how to regurgitate it and they pat themselves on the head. Look what I figured out. They figured out nothing. Bill Barr’s always been an obsessive listener to this program, so it’s good that I can educator, former attorney general, among others. Among others. We don’t operate with reverse federalism is what I call it. That is where states and localities have the power to influence. A federal constitutional office. That’s preposterous. And yet that’s what’s going on here. So the the judge merchant should dismiss the case with prejudice, and it’s over. Say, look, it’s over. He’s been elected president. So what happens if he doesn’t? Obviously, not only should the courts in New York and Georgia upon motions by the president’s lawyers, which they’ve already filed, is my understanding. Mr. Producer, we’re going to take an early break. I’ll be right back and I’ll explain it later.
Segment 2
Sorry, folks. I got a call, and I couldn’t say no. You can figure that out yourselves. You figure that out, Mr. Producer? Can you figure out who called? Yeah. You know, so. I’m sorry, folks. Um, let me get back to what I was talking about. These cases won’t survive the federal and the state cases. Just a matter of time. Because. Since it is and is the position of the federal government, all administrations, all departments of justice, both parties, all attorneys general that you can’t take criminal actions against a sitting president can affect his presidency, the office of the presidency, the executive branch. And so to reverse the decision of the people to vote for this person or diminish his reputation or character as he’s dealing with foreign powers and issues of war and peace, then clearly a state. Or a local D.A. does not have the power to do exactly that. First of all, they don’t have the jurisdiction under the supremacy clause. That’s number one. So everything’s changed. I would argue that President Trump could have reversed all this at the Supreme Court anyway, but everything’s changed because now he’s the elected incoming president of the United States. So you’re Judge Mershon, and you’re sitting there. What are you going to do? You’re going to say, you know what? I’m going to put an ankle bracelet on, you know, that will be challenged in federal court and killed. And if they need to get to the Supreme Court, they should use one of the common law search that I’ve talked about at length. And it’ll be finished or be over in no time. No time. So they have no way out. They’re boxed in, machines boxed in in New York. All those courts are boxed in. Again, on the criminal side, I can’t speak to the civil side. It’s a different thing according to the Supreme Court. But we’re in the weeds enough. And over at the Department of Injustice, they realize they have nothing. There’s nothing they can do. This is why they were all in a rush to try and get these cases going before the election. And they hoped. And they hoped. They get him convicted at the federal level and in jail before the election. That’s why they were in a rush. They did that in Manhattan without the jailing part. RUSH To get the convictions in a Stalinist trial with a Stalinist jury and a Stalinist judge in a Stalinist prosecutor, in my humble opinion. Now, in the sentencing section. Well, Mark, that’s not. You can’t indict. A former has not done with that. They say you can’t indict because the indictment triggers the process. The entire process all the way up through sentencing. And so now they’re at sentencing. And what’s the judge going to do? I sentence you, you pay this you debt now. And I happen to know for a fact President Trump’s lawyers are on top of this now. But this is what I’ve discussed with you behind this microphone on Blaze and on Fox now for almost two years. Right, Mr. Producer? It’s been something like that. This is why I’ve discussed. This is why I walk you through these things, because they do matter. They make a big difference. So you’ve got the supremacy clause. You’ve got the Department of Justice memos. You’ve got basic jurisdictional issues. And yet they still brought these cases. They were hoping he would lose. Now, I want to underscore something else about this right up to voting day. The official day of voting and throughout early voting, you’re being told by network after network, by cable channel, after cable channel, by expert, after expert by these guys with the maps on the boards and the touch screens and all the rest. You boys are told by pollster after pollster and the people who allow these platforms to be used this way really should not have. But that said that this election is too close to call. Too close to call. So one of the greatest landslide elections in American history. So they were all wrong. Donald Trump is not going to use the military to kill anybody. He’s not going to have concentration camps. He’s not going to arrest journalists on TV. He’s not Hitler. He’s not a dictator. He’s not a fascist. He’s not going to destroy the Constitution. He’s not going to do any of those things. So they lied. And now they say, Can’t we all get along? Can’t we unite? And some of them actually say it’s up to Donald Trump. To put out his hand for bipartisanship. And so I asked myself, Aren’t you tired of being lied to by the media? Aren’t you tired of being lied to by the Democrats post-election? Just look back at everything you were told. By the experts. Look at everything you were told by by $1,000,000,000 in ads and the surrogates who came on. Now, one of them is going to be fired. Not one of these outlets is going to change what they do. None of it. None of it’s going to be changed. And so I’m thinking to myself, what’s going on here? Comcast owns NBC and MSNBC. This is Comcast’s responsibility. When it comes to those networks, they own them. They own them, these major corporations. They’re on CNN, these major corporations. They’re on MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, ABC is owned by Disney. Song by Disney. CBS is owned by Paramount. Hollywood, owned by Paramount. NBC’s owned by Comcast. I believe Time Warner. If I stand corrected, so be it. Time Warner owns CNN. And of course MSNBC’s also on by. Basically three or four mega-corporations. That put these hosts on there, put these phony journalists on the put these programs on that preach hate. Poison. Viciousness. Spew. Lies. Three or four corporations. Think about it. And one other thing. I love these people who go on TV, including my beloved Fox. Who tells us that elections have changed forever now because of Pakistan. Podcasting is very important. I happen to be a big proponent of it. But they always ignore the £800 gorilla who’s sitting right in front of them. You know what the £800 gorilla is, Mr. Producer? It’s conservative talk radio. What did we do? Election night. People in their cars, in their trucks with their radios, in their cars and their trucks. 300 million vehicles with radios and the media ignores conservative talk radio.
Segment 3
You know one of the Senate seats that now to be honest with you, that’s the one I cared about the most. I cared about all of them, don’t get me wrong. But I’m a Pennsylvanian. I’ve gotten to know Dave McCormack. I know he’s going to be a fantastic senator. And it’s about time. David, They finally called your race in Pennsylvania, but you’ve been through hell. I mean, you went through a primary. What you lost by the skin of your teeth. You’re in this race and it’s close, close, close. First of all, I know you wanted to say something to the audience, but then tell us what it’s like to run for a race like this and what would motivate somebody to go through it. Mark, thanks for having me. And you’ve been such a great supporter. Every step along the way and I’m really grateful to you and I’m just grateful to your audience. And you know, you’ve had me on the show a number of times. I’ve felt great support. It’s given me an opportunity to talk about where I think the country needs to go and what kind of leadership Pennsylvania needs. And listen, this is, you know, politics these days is tough and it’s a contact sport. And, you know, you have horrible said things said about you. You have lots of lies told about you. And and so it’s a big sacrifice for any family. But for me, you know, it’s it’s been a true honor because I think the country is headed in a terrible direction. And I think being in the Senate, working with President Trump and others, that they’ll give me the opportunity to really make a difference and get our country back on track. And, you know, as you know, Mark and I are the parents to six beautiful daughters. And we want to make sure the America that we’ve been so fortunate to be part of is available for them. So that’s the motivation. And any time you start feeling sorry for yourself, you just think about all the people in American history that have sacrificed so much more than the simple, you know, running for the Senate and having people say mean things about you on TV. This is small compared to the sacrifice of others. So we feel honored to do it. Excited about the opportunity and and proud. When did you officially learn that you were officially the senator or going to be the senator? Well, you know, it’s been up we thought for some time that the numbers were such in terms of what was coming out of the ballot, but know the ballot count that there was no way for Senator Casey to win. We couldn’t see any way as we were growing our lead, we had 30,000 votes. And then we’re, you know, counting additional votes in Cambria County, which is a very conservative county where I’m getting about 75% of the votes. So we didn’t see any possible way. But, you know, the Associated Press had commented on the race and we didn’t think they were going to. And then what happened a few hours ago was the Associated Press called it, and we had had no interaction with the Associated Press, We had no discussions. We didn’t know how they were processing the data. But to us, it was just an inevitability because the math is such that there’s no way that Senator Casey can close the gap. And my guess is they were watching that. They were seeing that our numbers were growing and and made the judgment. And so, you know, we just found out a couple of hours ago, which was great news. Did the did your opponent call you or as he called you? He has not called. He has not conceded. In fact, you know, there’s some suggestion he won’t concede. And, you know, it’s I know it’s hard. Listen, I I’ve been through an election, as you mentioned, I lost a race in 2022 by 900 votes of 1.5 million cast. So, you know, I think I I understand that this is probably hard for Senator Casey. And, you know, he’s been in elected office for 30 years. He’s been in the Senate for 18 years. So this is tough. And so, you know, he’s going to have to work his way through it, however it’s best for him. But I think just as as a practical matter, there’s no way for him to. Get enough votes to win. And I think the Associated Press declaring the race over was an important step for everybody coming to truth, coming to grips with that reality. While Senator elect Dave McCormack. That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it? It’s pretty great. Yeah, it’s pretty great. And you know this and this is such a great country. I know that you share my love for the exceptional, exceptional America that we have that we’ve been blessed by. And I know you share my deep concern, but I share your deep concern. We’re in agreement that we’re in deep trouble and that we need new leadership. And you know, what’s really great about this election is there’s not a lot of ambiguity around what the people have chosen and they’ve made a clear choice for change, a clear choice for strength over weakness, a clear choice for common sense policies over a radical liberal agenda. And and I think President Trump has a mandate and I think a strong majority in the Senate, which I’ll be part of. And I think we have an opportunity here to really get things back on track. And I’m honored to be part of it. Well, we’re honored that you won, because I know this audience really loves you and really wanted you to win very, very badly. And it’s just another smiley face day, the McCormick and the best to you and your family. Go get go out and have a nice dinner. Try to sleep in tomorrow and then you can just start fighting away the next day. The best to you and your great family, Mark. Thank you. Thank you again. God bless you. It’s our honor. That guy’s a class act. It’s also a combat veteran. And think it was 82nd Airborne, if I remember correctly. And they tried to destroy him. You know he’s not from Pennsylvania. Yes, he is. He was born in Pennsylvania. His family, the farm there. But it didn’t matter. But he knocked off an iconic name, Casey. Senator Casey’s father was very. Very beloved in Pennsylvania. He’d been elected time and time and time again as I forget what title they gave the office. It wasn’t you know, it wasn’t governor, lieutenant governor, senator, but the guy who handles the books. The auditor, I should say. I think it was the auditor of Pennsylvania. He eventually did become governor. He was a man who was a practicing faithful Catholic. He rejected abortion. You might remember the case of Casey versus Pennsylvania. That’s him. And he would no doubt be very disappointed, I think, in his son who voted for the most radical. It’s not an abortion bill. It’s the most radical bill ever. When it comes to babies, that would have not permitted. Not permitted. A doctors and so forth to to say babies who are born from botched abortions that would have eliminated parental notification. All the rest of magic gone from his father. To him. And it was so bad that the Democrat National Convention, I forget which one, but the Democratic National Convention, he was not invited to speak. He may have been uninvited, if I recall, because of his position on abortion. And his son. Honest to God, I told him from Pennsylvania, I’m from the Philadelphia area. He really didn’t do anything. I really didn’t do anything. That’s an important state. You know, you only get two senators. So that was problematic. So we have another Republican senator. So I think the Republicans have 53 seats now in the Senate. And Sam Brown in Nevada. We’re still rooting for him. It’s touch and go. And Mr. Producer Mike Rogers wasn’t that the gentleman’s name and ran for the Senate? Michigan. He was a congressman is a fairly sort of centrist or we would call rhino. Open your microphone. How many times did we invite him to come on the program? Three. About that about three times. Did they ever respond to you? I don’t think so. They never got back to you. He didn’t want to come on the program. We are all over the state of Michigan. As many of you in Michigan know, we have great listeners, great patriots throughout the state of Michigan. He didn’t want to come on the program. Strangest thing. So I said, you know, it was a very close race. I think my audience, I think our patriots would have come out and helped them. But, you know, three strikes and you’re out. What am I supposed to do, beg a guy to come on the show doesn’t want to come on the show. He must not want to win that badly. I don’t know. But he didn’t. For me, it was fine. Okay. I know you’re sort of a moderate rhino, but we need to win. We need to win these seats if Donald Trump’s going to get his agenda through. I was still rooting for him, by the way. I’m rooting for all these guys. One of the ones that really upsets me. Is, have they? In Wisconsin. I don’t know if that race is over or not. I think they’ve declared it over, but this guy was fantastic and is. You know, he’s been on the program many, many times. Fantastic. And yet. And his opponent is a complete radical kook. You can’t win them all, they say. But it would have been nice to win just a couple more, don’t you think? Him And we’re waiting for Sam Brown. I remember what happened to our friend Laxalt, Adam Laxalt in Nevada. He was leading fairly comfortably. Then they start counting votes Saturday. Over the weekend, they go into these apartment complexes and nursing homes. They have a very aggressive voter harvesting. Aspect of their law there, and they used it to defeat him. It’s too bad he would have been a fantastic senator, just like his grandfather, who was a close friend of mine. Paul Laxalt. I hope they don’t do that to Sam Brown. Not that they would. I don’t know. We’re going to watch. But Donald Trump won Nevada. Donald Trump won Arizona. Donald Trump won everything. That’s because of you, the people. Everything. So all of them were wrong, even on Election Day. It’s too close to call. Three months of back and forth, 1/10 of 9/10 of a .93 points. Then we have the idiot with the Iowa. Oh, Iowa. Harris is in lead by 3%. She lost it by what was it, 14%? Mr. Producer. What do we say? Ignore this stupid stuff. It’s ridiculous. But see what kind of class McCormack has. He comes onto the program and he thanks you. And he thanks you because the guy’s got class. It’s been a wild one hour. Been a wild one hour. But you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’ll be right back.
Segment 4
I sit back and I think about people analyzing what happened here. And how did this landslide happen. I want to tell you what happened. Patriotic Americans of every faith, of every race, every background, every sex. They were watching what was happening. They said, no, this is America. You don’t get to install a Democrat candidate and blow out 14 and a half million primary voters and tell us you’re standing for democracy. You don’t get to open our borders and have. Literally millions and millions of people coming across and not vet them. So we get terrorists, we get rapists, we get murders in. Record numbers buggered Venezuelan gangrene Never heard of before. Ms. 13 is more powerful than ever before. Fentanyl, I mention. You don’t get to do that. You violated every single immigration law. You don’t get to take money from hardworking Americans. And take their money. And give loan relief on student loans for people who are getting four year college degrees or advanced graduate degrees and have plumbers and electricians and truck drivers pay for it. America knows right from wrong. America knows. Where it wants to be. And you don’t get to talk down to us. You don’t get to tell black guys what to do because they’re black. You don’t get to tell white people that there’s something wrong with them because they don’t agree with Kamala Harris on substance. You don’t get to attack one ethnic group, one racial group, one economic group after another, and you don’t get to call the American people. You don’t get to call the American people garbage. What kind of a campaign was this? So the American people said, no, no, no, excuse me, this is our country. It’s it’s we the people. You don’t get to treat us this way. And rather than just voice it at the dinner table, the breakfast table, rather than just voice it in our houses of worship, rather than just whine and groan about it. In sports stadiums one to another, you did something about it. More Jews. More blacks. More Hispanics. More women. Voted Republican this time. Than ever before. Than ever before. The big cities. Did not turn out in the normal numbers they normally turn out for the Democrat Party. They said no. Republicans were getting bigger numbers than they ever have in these cities. Not that they were going to win them. But they persuaded enough Americans in these cities to vote for them to stop the Democrats. People need to keep this in mind who are in media and who are serious. Not the not the bomb throwers, not the 99% of the phony journalists on the phony news platforms, but people who are serious and want to be taken seriously. Need a look at this. I need to stop throwing in our siding with these people. Because what we’ve learned here now, listen to me, is the American people are far more united. Then people think we are when people go on TV and do this racial crap, Oh, do this gender crap, I do this redistribution crap. People are stepping back saying, Wait a minute, that doesn’t put food on my table. Wait a minute. I know Ernie Grabowski down the street. He’s a good guy. Well, excuse me. Just because he’s not my race. My body. Now, that doesn’t mean there aren’t bad people in this country. There’s a lot of them. And we’re even importing more. But we’re talking about the American people, not the exception. The American people are good people. We’re a diverse country in every respect. We’re a fantastic country. And our so-called leaders, the ruling class, keep trying to rip us the pieces. And they’re doing it on all platforms news platforms, sports platforms, other entertainment platforms. They’re doing it in the movies. They’re doing it on documentaries. They’re just doing it over and over again. They got public TV. They got public radio where it is constant, constant, constant. And the American people are saying, Enough, enough. I can’t stand it anymore. We’re not Marxists. We’re not jihadists. We’re not racists. We are in our homes and our neighborhoods and our communities. We actually get along pretty damn well. When we gather at churches and other places of worship, when we gather at sporting state station, A stadiums and so forth, one more in movie theaters. When we’re in big groups, we’re not at each other’s throats. This isn’t some kind of banana republic. We treat each other civilly. Similarly. That’s who we are. And you explained it through your vote to the Democrat Party and you explained it through your vote to the American media and you explained it through your vote, that it may be cool to tell people to support this group or that group. It may be cool to constantly rip at the fabric of this nation. Oh, it may be cool to attack the founders and the framers of this country and our fantastic declaration and Constitution. That is the glue that keeps this diverse society together. Oh, it might be great. They push these projects like 16, 19 and CRT, but they’re crap. They’re absolute crap. The American people love their country. That’s what this election showed. From every single walk of life. The American people love their country, even though the ruling class, even though the media, even though Hollywood does not.