Category Archives: Homepage Features

DEI RUINED the Secret Service

DEI RUINED the Secret Service

Mark breaks down the 3D image of Trump’s fortunate timing in turning his head during the assassination attempt at the Pennsylvania rally. Where was the Secret Service breakdown? The buck must stop with the director- whom Jill Biden handpicked because of her DEI hiring.MORE

Donald Trump is Tough as Nails

Donald Trump is Tough as Nails

Millimeters and milliseconds. That’s what separates a catastrophe from a miracle. If Donald Trump doesn’t turn his head at the precise moment he did, he’s dead. Divine intervention? Maybe. What we do know is he’s ok and continues his march back to the White House.MORE

Levin: This Is From The Democrats Dehumanization Of Trump

Levin: This Is From The Democrats Dehumanization Of Trump

Mark Levin: “What’s been taking place against Donald Trump is dehumanization. What am I talking about? The systematic, relentless, pervasive media Democratic Party dehumanization, that is treating somebody like they’re a non-human, treating somebody like they don’t deserve to be treated with any form of respect whatsoever. They’ve done this repeatedly to many people.”MORE

Mark Levin Shares Heartfelt Story About His Brother-In-Law And Trump

Mark Levin Shares Heartfelt Story About His Brother-In-Law And Trump

Levin: “Even before Donald Trump announced, my father, Jack; our daughter, Lauren, and my brother-in-law Joe were big Trump supporters. Joe is not with us anymore. Shortly before he passed away, I called Donald Trump. I called him and I spoke to his assistant I said is it possible to speak to the president? I…MORE