May 9th, 2024

May 9th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show,  President Biden confessed that he made a unilateral decision to cut off arms to Israel if they invade Rafah. This is an impeachable offense.  In January 2020, the GAO said that President Trump violated the Impoundment Control Act (ICA) by withholding funds from Ukraine. Biden can’t decide to withhold arms because he doesn’t like what Israel is doing. Under no circumstances is there a deferral for a policy reason. What Biden has done is told every enemy of the U.S. and every terrorist organization that when you take on our allies you can defeat them and Biden will reward the Palestinians with their own country. Biden just signed the death warrant of the Israeli and American hostages. If you are Jewish and you vote Democrat, you are suicidal. You are voting for the survival of Hamas, and the funding of Iran. Will Democrats vote for the Biden/Hamas ticket? Also, Biden lies about inflation and then attacks and blames businesses for raising prices. Inflation is skyrocketing on the products we need to sustain ourselves and job creation and your pay is flat. When the economy goes South your liberty goes South.

Office of Management and Budget—Withholding of Ukraine Security Assistance (January 2020)

Trump administration broke law in withholding Ukraine aid, watchdog says as Senate prepares for impeachment trial (2020)

Right Scoop
‘Very bad thing!’ Trump blasts Biden for Israel betrayal: ‘Any Jewish person’ who voted for him ‘should be ASHAMED’

Jewish News Syndicate
Biden reportedly delayed saying he withheld arms from Israel until after Holocaust speech

Here’s the resolution the Republican senators supported — every Republican except Rand Paul

Biden Comes to Hamas’s Rescue

NY Post
Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Well, let’s start from the beginning. We played this yesterday, but we’re going to play it again because I have a lot more to say about this. Joe Biden confessing. Confessing on CNN. Then he made a unilateral decision. To cut off arms from the Jewish state of Israel. Go! I made it clear that if they go into Rafah, they haven’t gone in Rafah yet. They go into Rafah. I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used or equipped to deal with Rafah, deal with the cities to deal with that problem. We’re going to continue to make sure, as Israelis secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks. I came out of, you know, in the Middle East recently. But it’s it’s it’s wrong. All right, that’s enough. How many times have I said this man fancies himself a dictator? And it goes on and on and on. I’ve got another clip here. But he says he’s working with the Arab states to create a Palestinian state and he wants to create it out of the state of Israel, even though Israel objects. He’s going to go forward with this. He’s going to get it recognized. He’s going to push for it. He’s going to threaten them even more. This part of what Biden’s youth, Biden said on CNN, nobody’s even talking about. Listen to this. Cut seven go. Then we got to think through what is happening after Gaza, after this is over. Who who’s going to occupy Gaza? I’ve been working with the Arab states and we’ll match them if Iran get them in trouble. But five leaders in our community, we’re prepared to help rebuild Gaza, prepared to help transition to a two state solution, to govern it or to maintain the security and peace while they’re working out a Palestinian Authority that’s really not corrupt. Where does this man get the authority to do any of this? So nobody’s played that clip. The rest of what he said. I want to address this. I said, what is it, three. What is today? Thursday, maybe. I said it on Monday or Tuesday, Mr. Producer. This withholding of funds is a violation of federal law. The Empowerment Act. Correct. Remember that? Well, I’m glad that everybody else is talking about it now. It’s very important and that’s why we try to push this into the public discussion. I also said I believe it was last night that this is an impeachable offense. They tried it against Nixon and Trump and so forth. And so early this morning. As I prepare for this program and my Saturday opening statement. And trust me, you’re not going to want to miss that. And we have Eric Trump. We have the president of a real college, Hillsdale College, Larry Arnn. That’ll be on Saturday Killer show. But I need to discuss this now. Even though I discuss it at great length on Saturday. It’s so weird how people want credit for things, so they jumped the line. It’s just so weird. But this is too important. For people to do their usual hit and run their usual posting and circulate. This is just too damn important. So I found this January 16, 2020 GAO, U.S. Government Accountability Office Report. And it was used to try to destroy Donald Trump. As a basis and intent to try and impeach Donald Trump on the Ukraine issue. And what was the substance of this? I kind of remembered it. So I went and looked for it and I found it. A law. The Employment Control Act, IRCA that was passed in 1974 to deal with Richard Nixon. It’s been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. And so I want to read some of this to you so you’ll be better informed and have more knowledge and anybody else who pretends to comment on it. In the summer of 2019, the Office of Management and Budget OMB withheld from obligation funds appropriated to the Department of Defense for Security assistance to Ukraine. In order to withhold the funds, I won’t be issued a series of nine apportionment schedules with footnotes that made all obligated balances unavailable for obligation. This is under President Trump. Faithful execution of law does not permit, the president writes the GAO to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law. I won’t be withheld funds for policy reasons, which is not permitted under the Empowerment Control Act. That is federal law. The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the Empowerment Control Act, a.k.a violated federal law. Now you know where I’m going and why I found this relevant. You know, I raised this several days ago. Now. I continue to dig into it. Now you say later in the report, an appropriations act is a law like any other law. Therefore, unless Congress has enacted a law providing otherwise, the President must take care. Must take care. To ensure that appropriations are prudently obligated during their period of availability. Period. There’s no choice. The Constitution grants the president no unilateral authority to withhold funds from obligations the state Congress has vested. The president was strictly circumscribed authority to impound or withhold budget authority only in very limited and rare circumstances as expressly provided by the law. And those do not apply here. There’s no constitutional issue and so forth. The ACA. That is, the law separated parliaments into two exclusive categories deferrals and rescissions. Now, the president may temporarily withhold funds from obligation, but not beyond the end of the fiscal year, which the president transmits the special message by proposing a deferral. The president may also seek the permanent cancellation of funds for fiscal policy or other reasons by proposing a recession. In either case, the law requires that the president transmit a special message to Congress that includes the amount of budget authority proposed for deferral or rescission and the reason for the proposal. And these messages must provide detailed and specific reasoning to justify the withholding as set out in the Act. There is no assertion. That can be made unilaterally. In other words, Congress has to go along with this. But Congress not only was not notified by Congress is not prepared to go along with this. It goes on. The ACA does not permit deferrals for policy reasons, so no circumstance under the law. Is there a deferral for a policy reason? I don’t want them going into Rafah to bat. Too damn bad. I want these justification. We’re talking about Ukraine. Withholding falls squarely within the scope of an impermissible policy deferral. That’s the deferral of U.S. aid funds was improper under the ACA. When Congress enacts appropriations, it is provide a budget authority that agencies must obligate in a manner consistent with the law. The Constitution vests lawmaking power with Congress under Article one, Section eight, Clause 18. Faithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law. In fact, Congress was concerned about exactly these types of withholdings when it enacted and later amended. The ACA. And they concluded. By the way, the take care clause, I’m doing this off the top of my head is Article three. Section three. I think clause one president has to take care that the laws will be exits if he has a policy difference. This has been litigated multiple times before the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s the rule. Separation of powers. A budget act has passed. The president signs that he must comply with the agencies, must comply with it. He can’t wake up one day and say, you know what, I’m under political pressure. You know what? I don’t like what the Israelis are doing. So I decided to withhold arms that had been appropriated for it by Congress that have been signed off for by the executive branch previously. He has no such power, period. Period now. Exclamation mark. I won’t be violated. They write the ACA when it was held. DOD’s USA A1 funds prime obligation for policy reasons. The empowerment of budget authority was not a programmatic delay. I won’t be. And state the State Department have failed to provide the information that we need to fulfill our duties, meaning the GAO. We consider a reluctance to provide a fulsome response to have constitutional significance. Joe’s role under the ACA under the law to provide information of legal analysis to Congress as it performs. Oversight of executive activity is essential, and it goes on. This was waved around by Chris Van Hollen, who today praised Joe Biden and said he didn’t go far enough. This was waved around by Bernie Sanders, who says all aid should be cut off to Israel because he’s a Stalinist, self-hating Jew. This was waved around today. They are the Israel and Jew haters in Congress, in the Democrat Party. This was waved around when they wanted to impeach Trump. And today they say nothing about it except they praise. They praised Biden. So what do you do? Senator Risch. Isn’t that his name? Mr. Producer from Idaho? Something like that. Very weak. We’ve invited him on the show a few years back. Didn’t want to come on because he’s very weak, very cowardly. Says today, there’s nothing we can do about this. So when it comes to Senator Risch. Risch. The Constitution is not worth fighting for. They’ll get up and whine and complain. LSU press releases condemn. But when it comes to the heavy lifting, upholding the Constitution that he swore an oath to uphold. He’ll do nothing. Nothing. Congressman Michael McCaul, chairman of the House. I guess it’s the Foreign Affairs Committee. There’s nobody weaker and more pathetic. This is the law. This is what it says. He should be scratching at the speaker’s door. And he should be saying. My committee, I as chairman of this committee, we are appalled by Joe Biden and what he’s doing to the state of Israel. That he’s violating the Empowerment Act. And there no president has this power. And I remember our Democratic colleagues were waving around this opinion, the one I’m holding in my hands, ladies and gentlemen, right now, waving it around to get Trump to impeach Trump. They did impeach Trump. He sits on his fat ass and he does nothing. We’ve invited him on this program and he’s always conflicted Where we have this, we have that. I don’t blame him. He doesn’t want to be exposed. Tom Cotton’s out there pounding away. Ted Cruz is out there pounding away. Lindsey Graham’s out there pounding away. So several other senators. Not Senator Reid. Now, Congressman McCaul, they’re hiding. If they’re not going to stand up now, they’re utterly worthless. What is the point? So these two. Individuals even serving in high positions in Congress. The fact is, we have precedent. We have federal law. We have separation of powers. We have at least three provisions of the United States Constitution that are being violated. What can we do about it? Impeach. Well, Mark will never get the votes. I don’t care. I don’t care. This is the Constitution. That’s not some rule coming out of the Rules Committee. This is the Constitution. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You’ve got to put somebody in charge of impeachment here who is effective, Who communicates well. Who was brass knuckles? And who knows what the hell they’re doing. This whole last impeachment thing completely fizzled out. Because the focus was wrong. I don’t know how many times they said the focus should have been on the constitution itself at a bank account here and a wire there. And people are confused. And on and on and on. Number one, it should have been focused on immigration, the take care clause. The man is violated left and right. The Mayorkas impeachment was a perfect example of what needed to be done, but focused on Biden. Number two is defied two Supreme Court rulings and he’s bragged about it. It’s an impeachable offense. And number three, he’s specifically violating the power of Congress to appropriate separation of powers, three provisions of the Constitution and a federal empowerment law. And they say there’s nothing we can do.

Segment 3
Now, let me explain what Biden has done here. But Biden has done, as he’s told every enemy of the United States. Every terrorist organization in the world. Every terrorist regime in the world Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, you name them. That when you take on our allies. You can defeat them. You can. Slaughter their citizens. You can keep doing what you’re doing because in the end, I. Joe Biden. Will not allow our allies to defeat you. Hence, he will not allow the United States to defeat our enemies. Specifically in the case of Israel, Israel is surrounded. They’re surrounded. By countries. And terrorists. I want to slaughter them. They’re not interested in a two state solution. They never have been. You have to do is read the Hamas mission statement and talk about a two state solution. Islamic Jihad, the mother and mother, Muslim Brotherhood. Iran has its own state. Hamas had its own state. Joe Biden is an extraordinarily stupid man. But he’s a narcissist, He’s an egomaniac. He’s unhinged. He hates the wrong people. Hamas heard what Biden said. He heard that they’re going to be rewarded. Prague, October 7th, after all. Why not? Why not? Biden helped pay for October seven through the Iranian regime. Through the Iranian regime. Takes no responsibility for anyone. Hamas heard what Biden said and they said, you know what? No hostages. We’ve killed many of them, if not most of them. We’ve raped the women. And nobody’s going to stop us. Certainly not by the. The leadership of Hamas, which is in these these tunnels, these bunkers surrounded by about 5000 terrorists in these four different battalions. They’ve been thrown a lifeline by Joe Biden. And so when Israel does what Israel needs to do with or without the weapons that they need. What do you think Hamas is going to do? It’s going to fight. It’s going to kill more Israeli soldiers. It’s going to kill more Palestinian citizens. There’s going to be mayhem, more death. It’s going to be far more difficult. What else do you think they’re going to do? They’re going to kill more hostages. With that interview on CNN. Joe Biden signed the death warrant. Of American and Israeli hostages. He signed the death warrant. He made it clear to Hamas there is no price to pay to the leadership. To the leadership. There is no price price to pay. If you continue to kill, rape and torture American and Israeli hostages. We will protect you from the Israelis. We will not allow them to win. We will not allow them to destroy, to crush the leadership of Hamas and the four remaining battalions. We will be funder, the Israeli IDF. We will attack them verbally. We will attack them in international courts. We will attack them at the U.N.. What would be pressure against them? When our European left in France with our Arab friends, we will put pressure on Israel, not Hamas. The money will continue to flow to Iran. The PLO will continue to kill. Jews in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and more than that, the second part of the interview nobody is paying attention to. We’re going to reward the Palestinians with their own country. And who’s going to run it? Well, all the Arabs. I’m talking to five Arab countries, he says, because he’s not talking to Israel. Five Arab countries. You mean the countries that won’t take the Palestinians? Now think this through for 2 seconds. So if Israel does what Biden tells them to do, which is to leave the Hamas leadership and the four battalions. The Biden says we’re going to have moderate Palestinians. And such. To figure out. How to give the Palestinians authority. Moderate Arab countries, whatever that means. But he’s leaving Hamas and the leadership of Hamas in Gaza. Even by his own words. It’s incoherent. It’s nonsensical. This is an abomination. Israel is taking incoming missiles. All day long. All night long from Hezbollah. That’s Iran. What do you think Hezbollah is thinking? Thinking. Doing based on what Joe Biden said on CNN. Nice night. Well, what the hell? Our brothers, our fellow monsters. Subhumans. They slaughtered all these Jews. And Biden won’t let the Jews destroy them. He’s certainly not going to give them the arms to attack we Hezbollah, because we didn’t even slaughter any Jews. Oh, we we intend to. Oh, you better believe it. Israel has already paid for some F-16s that he’s put on hold. He’s put on hold. Not just £2,000 bombs and £500 bombs, but smaller bombs. Precision weapons. He’s put on hold. Ammunition for tanks. Ammunition for rifles. I must have missed something. Did Hamas surrender? I must admit something that Hezbollah stopped firing missiles into Israel. I must admit something. Now the PLO still killing randomly Jews. I must have missed something. So some peace agreement, some surrender. And on top of this, Israel’s never doing enough to feed the Palestinians in Gaza. The 87% who voted for Hamas, a similar percentage that still support Hamas. And what they did on October seven. There is no distinction. None. Between Hamas and the Palestinians. Hamas. Is the Palestinians. Hamas, Islamic Jihad. Fatai. There are Palestinians. To mazing, isn’t it? So let me say this. President Trump said it today. You said it before, and I will repeat it myself. If you are Jewish and you vote Democrat, you were suicidal. You’ll be voting with the very same people. I want to eviscerate you and your people. But we see this mental defect, if you will. In the likes. And Anthony Blinken in the likes. Bernie Sanders in the likes of Jerrold Nadler and the likes of Thomas Friedman. A long list. A long list. Here’s President Trump again outside the courtroom this morning. One go. And what Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful. If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves. He’s totally abandoned Israel and nobody can believe it. I guess he feels good about it because he did it as a political decision. You have to do the right decision, not the political decision. But he did a very bad thing. And this man is attacked by the American media. Why? Because, ladies and gentlemen, the American media is thoroughly anti-Semitic, anti-American and anti-Israel. That’s why. The event of October 7th. Has clarified everything for anybody who wants to see. If you vote for Joe Biden on Election Day, you are voting for the survival of Hamas. If you vote for Joe Biden on Election Day, you are voting to fund Iran. If you are voting for the election of Biden, you are voting. To destroy the existing state of Israel. I carving it up? And giving a big chunk of it to Palestinian terrorists or Palestinians who vote for terrorists. What’s a difference? Tom Cotton. There’s a superstar. Here’s what he said today. Cut to go. Now, some people say Joe Biden is doing this for his re-election, which would be bad enough. It would also, I have to add, be grounds for impeachment. Under the Democrat’s Trump, Ukraine standard withholding foreign aid to help fund re-election. Only with Joe Biden. It’s true, but I’m afraid it’s also worse than that. Joe Biden and Israel hating Democrats are using electoral concerns as a pretext to do what they’ve always wanted to do to cut Israel loose. Remember, a lot of Barack Obama’s aides who are now Joe Biden’s aides, disputed that Hamas was even a real terrorist group to begin with. For that matter, remember that Joe Biden himself threatened Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin more than 40 years ago with cutting off aid to Israel, begging, humiliated Biden, warning him not to threaten Israel and saying, I am not a Jew with trembling knees. Israel is fighting a just unnecessary war. Their knees are not trembling, as Prime Minister Netanyahu just said. They’ll fight alone if they have to. But let me assure all the Israelis watching, you won’t have to fight alone. You don’t have a problem with America. You have a problem with Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party. And the American people are going to solve that problem for you in six months. Amen. He is a leader. He is a statesman. And I am proud. Of what the vast majority of Republicans are doing, the Speaker of the House. And his leadership team. The leadership team in the Senate. I’m proud of them. Brian Mast and Chip Roy. The introduction of the bill that they just put out there, I’m proud of them for that. Proud of them. Now is not the time. For the week. The cautious. The risk averse. You were staring evil in the eyes. Name is Joe Biden. It took a region of the world that actually. Was embracing peace. That it turned on the Palestinian terrorists. That put them in a box. Thanks to President Trump. A region of the world where Iran. What’s collapsing. We’re finally the people of Iran would be free. As with the rest of the world, and there be no nuclear threat. Biden. Resuscitated them. If you vote for Biden. You’re voting for funding terrorism. Iran. If you vote for Biden. You’re voting to defend the leadership of Hamas from the leadership of Israel. If you vote for Biden, you’re by voting for a man. It was violated. The Constitution violated federal law. And it’s trying to put his political opponent in prison. More when I return.

Segment 4
One of the things that’s really sickening is watching these Democrats go on cable, got Fox and CNN and MSNBC and tell you what Biden’s doing is not what Biden’s doing. No, no, no. He still supports Israel. It’s just Netanyahu. You see, it’s Netanyahu. He’s the problem. Not Hamas. The leadership of Hamas. You know, Joe Biden hasn’t called for the removal. The leadership of Hamas. No, the leadership of the democratically elected government of Israel. He hasn’t called for removing the leadership of the PLO or Hezbollah or Iran now. He kept trying to put his top political opponent in prison. And he wants Netanyahu. He posed. He’s already talking about a two state solution. We can get some peaceful Palestinians together. Oh, yeah. Yeah, They’re all over the place. Israel cannot. Commit suicide at the command of Joe Biden, who was stereotyping the Jews. And let me just be as plain as I can. Joe Biden. For half a century. His lie to the people of America. And he’s lied to the Jewish community. He’s played them for fools. And some of them still want to be played for fools. People need to make a real decision, look deep into their conscious, in their soul. They really do. You need to look deeply. Into why they’re still Democrats and why they vote for Democrats. When it is constitutional conservatives. Mostly Republicans. We’re speaking out. We’re speaking out. People need questions about this. Because what should happen? Likely won’t happen. A massive turnout of voters who reject the river to the sea crowd, who reject Omar Talib and their ilk. Who objective funding. Disarming. Israel, while it’s surrounded by enemies who continue to shoot missiles into the country. And are killing American and Jewish hostages. Impeachment isn’t good enough for Joe Biden. He’s breaking the law. If the Supreme Court rules that immunity does not follow a president after he leaves office. Then I intend to help the Trump administration. God willing, he wins to draw up articles of indictment against Joe Biden. I’ll be back.