May 7th, 2024

May 7th, 2024

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the legal and judicial war on President Trump in service to President Biden and the Democrat party is destroying our justice and electoral systems, and America will never be the same. Trump has been indicted for crimes that do not exist and have not been committed, subjected to SWAT raids, and denied protections given to former presidents. The most important way to fix this is on election day, and a Trump win will demonstrate that these totalitarian tactics will not stop the American people from doing what’s right. We not only look like a Third World banana republic, we’ve become one – and should Biden, his party, and surrogates succeed, we will remain one. Also, Biden claims to have ironclad support for Israel, but he is only saying that for votes in November. Biden is doing what he feels he needs to do to sure up his Jewish support in America, people who are completely detached from Israel, and the suffering of Israelis because of the Biden Administration withholding weapons and attempting to overthrow Benjamin Netanyahu. Later, Mark is joined by Cliff Sims, former Special Assistant to President Trump and Deputy Director of National Intelligence, to discuss his experience working under President Trump and his new book The Darkness Has Not Overcome: Lessons on Faith and Politics from Inside the Halls of Power.


Report: U.S. delaying sale of precision weapons to Israel

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Stormy Daniels’s Lawyer Michael Avenatti Says She’s Falsifying Records & Committing Fraud to Avoid Paying Trump!

Photo by Win McNamee

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Welcome America. I’ve been thinking of a number of these issues today. The best way to address them. And I want to begin with this Manhattan trial. And then I want to begin after that with Joe Biden. At the Holocaust Museum, a memorial. But first, this Manhattan case. And by the way, as a side note, I notice what I post on social media is regurgitated on TV some below, sometimes to post it because social media is very limiting on how you can present information. So I can present it, but it requires, in my view, a. A more substantive presentation. In the Manhattan case, you’re seeing the naked use of the criminal justice system and judicial system to smear, threaten, humiliate and destroy a political opponent of the Democrat Party. Indeed, perhaps the most powerful political opponent the Democrat Party has ever confronted. Therefore, tactics of the old Soviet Union in the French Revolution must be used. To one degree or another. For the actual American justice system won’t deliver to the Democrats what they demand. The elimination of Trump as a candidate or the crippling of him to such an extent that he cannot he cannot win. The Democrat Party must be protected and empowered at all costs, just like the Communist Party throughout the last hundred and 50 years. And numerous. Fascistic parties. This is a show trial. It’s not a trial based on Western values principles, including those adopted by our Founding fathers. It’s a trial. Whose outcome is preordained. Or at least that’s the objective. It’ll take a strong jury to reject what the Democrat Party demands of him. There’s always hope, but that grave damage has been done to a once treasured American system of justice. This is the third trial conducted by the New York Democrat Party for the benefit of the state and federal parties. Joe Biden, congressional Democrats, etc. It is conducted for propaganda purposes. For political purposes and to make clear that anyone who dares to challenge the party in a fundamental and serious way will be punished, ruined, if not destroyed, simply by having to go through such a tyrannical process. You will pay an unimaginable price, as will your family. Your businesses will be destroyed and seized from you. Everything you’ve built over more than half a century will be subjected to the party’s wrecking ball. And the fact that there is a presidential election is precisely why this case and the others must be heard now must be conducted by Democrat prosecutors and by Democrat judges under the pretext of enforcing it, upholding the law, laws that have absolutely nothing to do with the alleged offences. President Trump has been indicted for crimes that do not exist and have not been committed. He’s been subjected to SWAT teams and his personal phone records have been seized by the government. He was denied attorney client privilege, normal appellate processes and protections historically afforded former presidents. And a list goes on. And of course, Democrat Party officials, operatives and media are giddy. They urge his imprisonment for a supposedly violent, outrageously unconstitutional gag orders that prevent President Trump from defending himself against these injustices and abuses while everyone else, including prosecution witnesses, are free to say whatever they want. And the judge is so thoroughly conflicted. His refusal to recuse himself underscores how corrupt he and his courtroom are. The judge allows virtually all information into the trial, especially testimony that has absolutely nothing to do with the case at all and a case that has nothing to do with anything either. The most important way. To fix this is on November 5th. It won’t be a permanent fix, but it can be a first step. A Trump win will demonstrate that even these totalitarian tactics will not stop the American people from doing what is right. I’ve done a lot of reading. A lot of research. On what it was like. To be put on trial in various totalitarian regimes. It’s just like this. To destroy a person’s reputation. You bring in whatever information you can, whatever witnesses you can to degrade the individual, the smear the individual to libel the individual. There are no rules in this courtroom. The judge rules with an iron fist. But the normal rules that take place in a courtroom, rules of evidence. Rules of witness notice. Rules of what crime you’re actually trying to defend your client against. Those rules don’t apply. We’ve actually never witnessed anything like this before. Ladies and gentlemen. Never. The criminal justice system. The judicial system. In America has been destroyed. You should have no faith that in anymore. And the judges had themselves to blame. As do the prosecutors all over the country. I don’t even hear Republican district attorneys or attorneys general speaking out condemning what’s taking place. They hide in their own jurisdictions behind their big desks. They don’t want anything to do with it. Nothing. I see Republicans like Paul Ryan. Chris Christie. Say the most damnable things. Apparently they can’t rise to the moment to defend their country. They’re still caught up in their personal animus. I see Nikki Haley. A few months ago, she wouldn’t shut the hell up. Now she won’t speak up. Just watching as this takes place. Because her moral center is in a moral center at all. She wants to be president and she’ll walk over anybody and do anything to accomplish that. But you’ll have to walk through us. This is the time right now. That determines those who support this country and love it and those who don’t. Well put aside their personal political animus. I want. Is more worried about what Biden is doing to our country. Then all the lies. And the rest. About Trump. We had Trump for four years. He didn’t do this to the judicial system. He didn’t defy Supreme Court rulings. He didn’t defy federal law with open borders, student loans, Obamacare for DOCA, and the list goes on and on. He needed none of that. He was harassed and harangued. Stalked. From the moment he decided to run for office and won office. The administrative state rose up. The police state, the intelligence state. The massive bureaucracy. They rose up. They rule the roost. Who is this man? He must be destroyed. And their work with the Democrat Party. They worked with the media, the leaks. The lies. The man didn’t have a day of peace as president of United States. Now one. Now they drag out this. This porn actor. Who had signed a non-disclosure agreement. Who’d been paid? I’d heard demand. That’s out the window. She wants more money. They put her on a stand. Over a bookkeeping issue that they’re trying to turn into a federal election felony. I was the first to say, I notice I do that a lot. As the others burp it up today, this is a dead case walking. The problem is the appeal won’t be heard until well after the general election. And so this isn’t about the law. This isn’t about a bookkeeping error. This isn’t about a federal campaign action in which this judge in this prosecutor have absolutely no jurisdiction of any kind. You also heard a legal analysts say today that. The effort is underscored Biden’s role by the fact that the Department of Justice hasn’t gone into any court to object to the violation of the federal jurisdiction by localities. I think I’ve been saying that for two months here and on TV and beyond. Chuck, they’re catching on. That’s good. I talked about collateral evidence. And the decision by the highest court in New York to throw out Weinstein’s conviction because of all the collateral evidence coming in. Now, that’s common fare by the legal analysts, and that’s good. And that’s taking place. And the judge doesn’t care because the judge’s mission is not to be a judge. The judge’s mission is as an operative for the Democrat Party and the Biden re-election campaign. Just like a judge in the Soviet Union. Judge isn’t there to follow any semblance of due process or justice. The judges are there to get the job done. The conviction. Maybe we’ll have a courageous juror, too. That would be great. That does not excuse what’s taking place while the justice system works. No, it doesn’t. It’s broken badly by the Democrats. It’s not a justice system. Any more than you can call what happened in the French Revolution a justice system, any more than you can call what Stalin did to his political opponents say justice system. Ever hear of Eugene Debs? Mr. Producer? You’ve heard me talk about them a little bit. He was a radical socialist. And he was given a hell of a time to. Woodrow Wilson, of course, was a radical socialist and a racist. Democrats both. And so he got Congress to pass. You may be familiar with this, ladies and gentlemen, 1917. The Espionage Act, a very broad act. Intended to silence. Opponents to Wilson and his entry into World War One. Eugene Debs was an opponent. He was an isolationist. Our entrance into World War One is also a presidential candidate, multiple election cycles. Well, Woodrow Wilson couldn’t. Couldn’t afford to lose a couple of percentage of the vote. I mean, his first election, he won. Because the Republican Party was split between Theodore Roosevelt and Howard Taft, and he snuck through and he didn’t want any problems this time around. He was a minority president in terms of the vote numbers, and he wanted to be a majority president. And he wanted to ensure his re-election. So he sent out the federal Federales, I guess, to arrest. To arrest him. And he ran for president still. They debs from prison, from federal prison. I think he got two or 3% of the vote. If you think the Democrat Party is beyond this, you’re dead wrong. If you think the American media are beyond this, you’re dead wrong. We live in a country where we have a monopoly party that pushes the agenda of the Democrat Party, whether or not they’re elected. They own the culture, the colleges in the universities, in the media. They own Hollywood. And they have no intention of going into the night quietly. And the greatest threat they face or maybe have ever faced. Is Donald J. Trump. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
You know. People say this happened quickly. Well, tyranny speeds up after a while when the constitutional firewalls have been breached. If you’ve been listening to this program, which will be 22 years come September. You’ll know we’ve been talking about this for a long time. You know, I’ve written books about it for a long time. So it didn’t happen overnight. But what has happened overnight is the intensity, the aggressiveness of the tyranny that we are experiencing. And trust me, we are experiencing it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
A couple of years back when Joe Biden decided to run for president, there was an article that appeared in 2020. And it was written by a journalist who had followed Biden for much, if not most, of his political career. And among other things. She interviewed a former senior staffer to Biden. Who dealt with, among other things, foreign policy and matters related to Israel. And I read that to you several months ago. And what this former Biden Senate staffer said is Joe Biden. Says he supports Israel. Says he would defend Israel to the end. But those are only words intended to get the Jewish vote. Those were only words intended to get the Jewish vote. Joe Biden made statements soon after October 7th flew to Israel. Assuring. The Israelis. The Jews there. The government there. Prime Minister Netanyahu, that he had their back. That there was no space between them. And that he would do everything in anything to support his. He lied. And that’s never been Joe Biden’s actual position, whether it was malarkey and begging. Netanyahu or anybody in between. Since then. He and his State Department have conducted war crimes investigations against Israel. They work with radical left wing groups we now know. Emails have appeared thanks to Free Beacon. To subject and target Jews who live in Judea and Samaria, which Biden wants to give to the Palestinians, to all kinds of abuses of power and civil rights abuses by our own State Department targeting them. Punishing them in another country. He has both privately and publicly condemned the elected Israeli government. He has in his staff, worked with radicals in Israel to try and overthrow that government. He’s work with Democrats in our country, including Schumer, among others, calling for the ouster of the prime minister of Israel. This in the face of a war. That the terrorists started it always start. He hasn’t one spoken about the brave young people in the IDF, the vast majority of whom. Are not regular army. They’re shopkeepers. They’re salesman. They’re it workers. They’re plumbers. They’re truck drivers. Their families. And every day you see the beautiful faces of these young men. No call up to defend their people, their country. Who’ve been killed. Not once has he ever talked about them. Now once. Any more than he’s ever talked about the three American soldiers who were killed by Iran. Iran. So give us a speech today on Holocaust remembrance. So while written speech. People are wondering where the hell is. He would seem to me, if you’re speaking from your heart and your soul. If you’re speaking from a moral conscience. He would have said the things that were written for you today, a long time ago. But he didn’t, and he wouldn’t. He kept drawing a moral equivalency between. The virulent. Rabid Jew hatred and anti-Semitism on our college campuses and in our media. Funded by his party. Funded by Hamas. Funded by Communist China. Funded by Qatar. And even today. He did little to direct. The government put an end to it. He didn’t send in the US Marshals. As our buddy Leo Terrell suggested last week. To ensure that Jewish kids could go to class. So the graduation could happen for all kids. He didn’t do any of that. He didn’t denounce Soros. Pritzker. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund. To stop paying. For the Jew hatred and even more broadly, the hatred of our own country, the burning of our flag that’s going on on our college campuses now. None of that happened. Biden did what he feels he needed, he needed to do to shore up his Jewish liberal voters, and it’ll work for them. Because they don’t live in Israel. Because their children and grandchildren are in fighting the enemy over there. They don’t have to live with the consequences of the Biden administration blocking and slow walking key munitions that the Israelis need to finish off Hamas. And as a footnote, since I was the first to bring it up, my buddy Higgins reminded me of it in an email. James Hagan. He’s in. He’s in violation of the Empowerment Act and against the Constitution. The monies were approved by Congress, signed by Biden, and now he’s sitting on it. President doesn’t have that power. Not anymore. Nixon tried. It’s one of the reasons they sought to impeach him. The things he says. About Israel’s war tactics. It’s not just an attack on Netanyahu. It’s attack on the Israeli people, the Jewish people of Israel. You heard Norah O’Donnell regurgitate it Sunday. I played it for you yesterday. The indiscriminate bombing. If Israel wanted to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, it could do so with one or two bombs. But it does, does it? No, it doesn’t. And why does this administration and their media hacks and thugs keep regurgitating Hamas information? Hamas statistics? Because they hate Israel. That’s why. This administration. Is the most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic administration. Perhaps ever. Certainly in recent times. Trump gave that speech. Because that staffer of his was right. He doesn’t want to lose the votes of liberal Jews. Joe Biden talks up Islamophobia. And trashes the Jewish state because he doesn’t want to lose the vote. Of the Hitler Youth. And Muslims in places like Dearborn to stand in imams in Virginia. New Jersey. California and elsewhere. We’re preaching the annihilation, the evisceration of the Jews. So finally, they say Biden spoke out. Definitively on a Holocaust Remembrance Day. It’s actually a week, but that’s okay. As he puts his foot. On the throat. Of Israel. Israel won a victory. Biden wants surrender and capitulation to what he did in Afghanistan. Quite frankly, that’s what he’s doing to the Ukrainians. Whether many of you understand that or not. But that’s what he’s doing. I don’t care how many damn speeches he gives. I don’t care where he gives them. I don’t care who wrote them. That old line action speaks louder than words. Well his actions. Constantly undermining the leadership in Israel, constantly undermining the military in Israel, constantly leaking. To a backstabbing Israeli reporter. Barack Ravid over at Axios, another Salvator. Constantly leaking to their buddy Thomas Friedman, who despises the state of Israel and Netanyahu. There’s nothing to stop Iran. From funding terrorists that surround the state of Israel. In fact, he funds Iran so they can. And he funded October 7th. Donald Trump, who they seek to put in prison the rest of his life. Netanyahu They who they seek to dethrone. It was Donald Trump. Who used economic trade. In other tactics to strangle Iran. The people of Iran. Iran, Excuse me. They’re not Arabs. They’re Persians. They hate this government. I read to you some of the human rights abuses of Iran. How they slaughter their own people, torture their own people. Rape their own people. Spy on their own people. Monitor their own people. Both in Iran and overseas. Biden. Gave them sustenance. Sustenance. He gave them the ability to buy weapons. To find Hamas, which is exactly what they did on the October seven attack he takes no responsibility for. Two things were missing from Biden’s speech. One, I already addressed a list of what it is. Not. I set up a program. I did a list of specific actions that this government would take. And in addition to acknowledging what’s taking place in our country, apologizing for his role in gaslighting it with our horrendous things he has said about the state of Israel, about the government of Israel. But the military in Israel for standing with the terrorist little bastard from Jordan, with his friends at Qatar that fund Hamas and protect Hamas. The billions that. They were given to Iran that flowed into Iran. They’re selling oil that the communist Chinese, who in turn are our enemy. An apology. Is where Joe Biden. Oh, on this Holocaust Remembrance Day. For his treatment of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But no. He’ll be celebrating. Not by me. They say the proof is in the pudding. Actions speak louder than words. Pick up any one of those old worn. Statements because they apply. As I speak. More to the point as he spoke. At the Holocaust Museum Memorial. His orders went out. To stop munitions from flowing to the state of Israel. To the Jewish people. Could destroy once and for all. A terrorist organization that was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood for the purpose of murdering every single Jew, not just in the Middle East, but around the world and overthrowing our country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Just listen. Biden keeps saying Israel has our ironclad support while he’s blocking munitions. Now, come on. The Democrat Party has a tough, you know, high wire act here. They have to really walk the line. I keep hearing reporters say, yeah, because they are morally bankrupt. And they’ll do anything for votes. In prison. Trump Still elections. Oh, yeah. Change the electoral process. And. They don’t want peace in the Middle East. Peace in the Middle East is defeating the terrorists. They don’t want their base. To be riled up if Israel destroys a terrorist. That’s what’s going on. Let me ask you a question. You think the Israelis want Trump to win or Biden to win this election? Mr.. Easy one. Easy one. And that’s the truth. But what’s going on in our country in this courtroom? Should disgust you. It should upset you. Our legal system has turned into a criminalization system, the criminalization of politics. It’s not a justice system. It’s a legal system. I mean, every society, communist, fascist have legal systems. But we have one, two. But in the state of New York. It’s not a justice system. It’s a legal system that is used by a one party state to deliver for their Democrat president per Democrat Congress. That’s what’s going on and it is grotesque. We’ll be right back.