April 17th, 2024

April 17th, 2024

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark returns from Israel and explains the lunacy of President Biden’s Iran policy. Biden’s position in refusing to support Israel from taking offensive military action against Iran means that Biden will not support any military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and that Iran will have a functioning nuclear arsenal with which to threaten the United States, Israel, the Arab world, and the rest of the world without fear of military attack. The best time for Israel to hit Iran’s nuclear sites, with critical U.S. support, would’ve been over the weekend. Biden’s appeasement of Iran and intentional funding of Iran ensures that Islamist-fundamentalist Iran will become a nuclear power. The war that’s taking place is Israel v. Iran. Iran’s direct attack on Israel with over 300 missiles makes this crystal clear. Israel is David. Iran is Goliath. Having helped Iran (Goliath) against Israel (David) in unbelievable acts of duplicity and betrayal, the Biden regime is now threatening to abandon Israel if it retaliates against Iran to deter further offensive military attacks against its cities and towns. Israel will retaliate despite the Biden regime’s collusion with Iran for it has no choice and when it does it’ll be both righteous and prudential. Also, high crimes and misdemeanors have nothing to do with the criminal code, it refers to political crimes against the state.  Democrats declaring that the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment was unconstitutional was another nail in the coffin of the Constitution. The impeachment clause says the House impeaches and the Senate tries the case.  There is no authority for the Senate not to hold a trial.  Sen Chuck Schumer himself decided that Article 1 and Article 2 were unconstitutional based and no grounds, based on no debate. Schumer just destroyed the impeachment clause. The Senate made mockery of the entire process and it was cheered by media.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the lunacy of Biden’s Iran policy.

Jerusalem Post
Iran says it gave warning before attacking Israel. US says that’s not true

William ‘Billy’ Mitchell — ‘The father of the United States Air Force’

John Kirby denies that Joe Biden has “unfrozen” Iranian funds.


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. I want to thank all the guys who took up the microphone in my absence. And I want to thank all of you. For sticking with us. I told you I was going on a mission. How many of you had figured out is probably Israel? But I don’t forecast exactly what I’m doing for obvious reasons. I’m not like, everywhere. In Mr. Producer, there’s some people in the Middle East who might not like me either. And so, particularly when I have some of the family with me, I can’t pinpoint and announce exactly what I’m doing. And we had a terrific man protecting us. He had an automatic weapon. We’ll just say his name was Gabriel, and he was terrific. And I’ll get into this a little bit with you because I did it to report to you. It’s one thing to talk about what’s going on in the Middle East. It’s quite another to experience it. We experienced it a little bit more than I expected we would, but we did, and so be it. And what I realized is how much of the reporting is B.S. when things are taking place in the Middle East. Complete B.S. even from some people who are reporting from there. Most of them aren’t, but some are. Now. I had some meetings over there. I’m not going to get into them in specifics. Some very significant people learned a great deal. And this is why I combine this microphone with knowledge on these subjects, not just shoot from the hip. And by the way, I want to also discuss tonight this impeachment fraud that took place. I want to also discuss tonight the Trump case, the speaker of the House and the funding for various allies, as well as the hearings that took place on our day. We have a lot to cover. I just got back, obviously literally got back about 5 hours ago. And so, first of all, the people of Israel don’t all think the same way. Don’t all practice their faith the same way. Some don’t practice their faith at all. There are also Arab-Israelis and other Israelis. They’re Christians who live in Israel. It is a majority Jewish state, but it is a diverse state. And you will see many minorities there. You will see a lot of Ethiopians because Israel some time ago had a refugee left from Ethiopia to Israel because the Ethiopian Jews were being, as you can imagine, murdered and attacked. And so it’s it is quite a melting pot in that sense. And when you look at the IDF, the IDF is full of people of all backgrounds, all colors, all denominations, and that is true. One of the things I knew, but certainly was underscored when we were there, is the Israeli people are warriors. By that you mean by that I mean they will defend their country. Whether Biden wants them to defend it or not, whether Blinken wants them to defend it or not. Regardless of what they say on CNN and MSNBC in the pages of The New York Times, it doesn’t matter. They have nowhere to go. This is it. And they also know that this is their homeland. Very few people around the world can say that they can. They can literally identify their history going back over 4000 years. Well, the Jews can. Palestinians can’t because they didn’t even exist 200 years ago or 150 years ago. It’s a whole nomenclature thing. They do know what’s going on in the United States. They’re quite concerned about the massive spread of anti-Semitism in our country. They’re quite concerned about the lack of support. Or the sort of the the support and the no support that’s coming out of certain elements within the United States. They see what you see. They do. Listen to this station. I should say this program in Israel via the podcast and direct streaming. And of course, they have Fox, among other stations in Israel. It is a vibrant country, but it’s also a country that is different. What do I mean by that? We stayed in two different hotels and you will have signs in different parts of the hotel on every floor that has the word shelter and bold and an arrow. So you’re always mindful that you you may have to run to a shelter or there might be an attack. This is constant in that country. It is constant. I want you to think about how that would work if you or we were under constant threat and missile sirens going off. And how that would be for your kids and your grandkids. They’re not firing missiles willy nilly. Whistles are willy nilly being fired at them. Also. You will see soldiers in the streets. It’s not an overbearing presence, but very young people with rifles on their shoulders and so forth and pistols on their hips. Walking certain of the streets. Whether it’s in the old city of Jerusalem or other parts of the country, and they are starting to loosen their very strict gun rules. More and more citizens can obviously carry guns. I don’t think they’re loose enough from my perspective, but there you go. Many of the people there speak beautiful English. It is a completely. Westernized, open society. Unlike what surrounds them. Which are throwbacks to the ninth century, even the seventh century. Which are terrorist organizations and regimes even the Arabs want nothing to do with. And so you have this. This conflict between a. A Western civilization and democracy. People who believe in life and believe in freedom versus a throwback. Ideology in one form or another. They could care less about freedom, the individual or democracy and have a centralized ideology. And if you don’t comply, then they kill you or they oppose you or they do something to you. They don’t let it sit. And that includes Muslims who don’t believe in terrorism. They are targeted in the Middle East. I’m watching this guy McKenzie, who was one of the architects of the horrific surrender in Afghanistan. Apparently head of the CENTCOM at one point. And these guys who are failures as generals. They’re brought on TV to give counsel on advice and input on what Israel should do. Or Ukraine should do what Taiwan should do. It’s really baffling to me. McKenzie and Molly, even though they pointed out that they didn’t agree with what Biden told them to do and Blinken told them to do should be hanging their heads in shame for the rest of their lives. They should have resigned in opposition to what was taking place. We’ve had generals who have done that. Singh Live is a perfect example, and I wrote some notes here he was on Fox on the CAVUTO Show with respect to Israel, they should take the win. Now, that’s my take. What win? Folks, 300 missiles were shot at at their cities. My wife Julie, my mother in law, my stepson and I experienced it. And they were shot out of the sky, but they were shot at their country. Nobody says Iran should play defense. Those were offensive missile. Firings at the state of Israel. Now. I’m pretty sick and tired of people telling them what to do. But we wouldn’t tolerate that for 2 seconds. And you wouldn’t tolerate it if our government tolerated it. And some general retired who’s a complete loser goes on TV. Take the win. First criticism of Biden in Afghanistan. He’s repeating Biden right now. He suggests it’s hard for Israel to take the victory, to accept victory, accept victory. This missile silo still exists. Those threats still exist. He says Israel is pretty much on its own. The U.N. and the rest of the world are telling them don’t do anything precipitous. What makes them think they’re going to do something precipitous? If they do something, do something. That is hard and specific and does destruction that’s not precipitous, says Israel has to balance its support from other countries. All these conditions placed on a country that’s trying to defend itself and the people trying to defend themselves from a guy. Who surrendered in Afghanistan. Because he is not alone, but the others, 13 of our soldiers to be killed. God knows how many American citizens are there Nobody even talks about. Nobody. But I got to thinking, I went on a couple of shows. They called me when I was here on Saturday, sitting in the. I didn’t go to the shelter. My wife didn’t go to the show. We went to the parking lot under the hotel and right outside the parking lot. And I was stewing I was furious that I was sitting there. First of all, I wished I could do something. Obviously, I couldn’t, but I was pissed at the fact that I was there. And I got to thinking about all this. I was reading information that was coming fresh over the transom from legitimate sources in the Middle East before they got to the United States. And I posted it for you. And I’ve said I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the lunacy of Biden’s Iran policy. Biden’s position, refusing to support Israel from taking offensive military action against Iran means that Biden will not support this. And this is important. Any military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and that Iran will have a functioning nuclear arsenal with which to threaten the United States, Israel, the Arab world, and the rest of the world without fear of military attack. Now, why did I write that? Because that was the time for Biden. To talk to Netanyahu about taking out those nuclear sites. We have our military there. We will back them up. They can take them out and that would be that. But instead, he immediately says, no, no offense. No offensive military action. How many military or militaries around the world would say, okay, that’s fine, no offense of military action when you’re surrounded. By Islamist terrorists funded by Iran, which is funded by the United States. I mean, you’re surrounded. This is a country of about 13 million, 7 million Jews. Give or take. By a billion people. And everybody keeps saying Hezbollah has 150,000 precision missiles. Iran triggered October 7th. Biden paid for. The best time for Israel to have hit Iran’s nuclear sites with critical U.S. support would have been now. I wrote, I mean, some days back. Biden’s appeasement of Iran and intentional funding of Iran, lack of deterrence against Iran, and efforts to crippling Israel’s efforts to neutralize Iran’s military and terrorist operations ensures that Islamist fundamentalist Iran will become a nuclear power. Then what? And once that occurs, there will be few options to limit Iran’s ambitions short of a devastating confrontation with frightening risks. What will we do if Iran closes the Red Sea and other navigable waters used to transport oil? And it will also contribute even further to the firepower of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, axis, and cause other Middle East countries to acquire nuclear weapons. This is the world Biden and Blinken are creating while sanctimoniously lecturing about their efforts to de-escalate military confrontations again. The crucial point is that Biden has not only signaled to Iran that no effective action will be taken to stop its nuclear program, but Biden has actually acted to ensure that Iran’s final path to building nuclear weapons is open and clear. Heart break. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So it’s a lot more to get to as well as the other subjects, but. Three of the missiles were intercepted over Jerusalem. At least three of the we heard we were in our hotel room. We were not sleeping, kind of dozing off. It was middle of the night. I can’t give you the exact time. And I remember maybe five in the morning or whatever. The hours are so strange because Israel 7 hours ahead from the East Coast. So me being an insomniac anyway, I’m really never sleeping, Mr. Producer. And then it was boom, boom, boom. Said, Oh, we know what that is. Let’s go, because you don’t want to be stuck in a hotel room with a window and so forth. So we immediately moved and most people went to the shelters. I kept thinking about 911, everybody being told where to go and often told of the wrong places and what to do. So we headed down the stairwells three levels under the ground right near where the parking lot was. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
You know, to be intentionally funding Iran and its terrorist regime and its nuclear program, that’s what’s happening intentionally. And then to appease Iran, obviously, is going to lead to a massive problem. And that’s what is meant by no support for offensive military action against Iran by Israel. The idea that missile defenses are, uh, the answer to preventing offensive strikes against Israel or any country is lunacy on its face. It’s illogical. It is a deterrent under certain circumstances, maybe in many, but ultimately, you don’t stop missile attacks by chasing another country’s missiles. You stop missile attacks with certainty by destroying that country’s capacity for launching missiles and or deterring such attacks by subjecting that country to punishing offensive military attacks. And despite Biden’s massive and current propaganda operation to the contrary, facts are facts. It’s beyond debate that the duplicitous to create the events that took place in the skies over Israel a few nights ago, that’s what I posted. And of course, Israel was in the dark about it. This is the same Biden regime that outrageously demands tactical approval over Iran’s battlefield decisions. Why? Because it wouldn’t have gone along. Israel’s not going to go along with treachery that puts its people through such heinous subterfuge. Think about how morally corrupt, among other things, the Biden regime’s actions truly are. Now, what am I talking about, ladies and gentlemen? It’s a report out of the Middle East. I believe it was in the Jerusalem Post that Iran gave a heads up to Iraq, Turkey and Jordan, and all three gave a heads up to the United States what Iran was going to do and when they were going to do it. The Biden regime denies it. Now, Biden had the king of Jordan next to his side a couple months ago to trash Israel. Why would Jordan lie about this? In fact, why would Turkey and Iraq lie about it? As detestable as that, uh, mass murder is in Turkey, but why would he lie about it? They have nothing to gain from that. And apparently the Biden administration said back, okay, but don’t, you know, that’s kind of got to be the limits to what you can do. And so that’s one of the reasons we were repositioning some of our ships, some of our capabilities in the Middle east, because they were tipped off, but they didn’t tell the Israelis. Now, Biden and the iranian regime sympathizer, Blinken, coordinated with Iran over the timing types of missiles and even iranian propaganda. Even before the first missile was intercepted, the iranian mouthpiece at the UN said, this is it. This is all we’re going to do. This should put an end to it. And so everybody had the message, like a conga line of rocket dancers at Radio City Music hall. All the european countries said exactly the same thing almost at, uh, exactly the same time. The United States, our media were saying the same thing. The bought and paid for generals were saying the same thing. The enemy was saying the same thing. Okay, they’ll be done. 300 missiles. Take a victory lap. Israel, take a victory lap. The purpose of this coordinated propaganda campaign was to prevent Israel from pulverizing Iran’s military capabilities. This was not urban warfare, ladies and gentlemen. Like Gaza, Israel has one of the most powerful air forces on the face of the earth. Not one of the biggest, one of the most powerful, and it has significantly advanced technical military systems. So the Biden regime began leaking immediately to their favorite reporters. This guy Barik Raviv, who’s an Israeli, writes for axios and others. I’m going to hand him mister producer, the head up Biden’s ass award, because he’s their go to guy. There’s a few others, too, when they want to put information out, and he’s more than happy to do it for them. So they began leaking immediately to their favorite reporters and media outlets, many of the same press sympathizers they relied on during the Obama regime to promote the Iran nuclear deal. And so they were leaking that Israel had provoked Iran by taking out seven of its generals, including Soleimani’s replacement, who was in Syria in a phony consulate building, which was actually an iranian bunker, directing attacks on Israel and weapons transfers to Israel against Israel, and was involved in the October 7 attack. So the Israelis said, uh, we’re taking this bastard out. So the leaking was Israel had provoked Iran and they hadn’t told the US in advance about the planned attack. Why, do you think? Because they leaked to the New York Times and this guy, Barack Ravid, who’s a self hating Israeli, I guess they can’t trust Biden and Blinken. That’s why Israel didn’t forewarn Blinken, because he would have linked it to the media. And Israel’s not obliged to get permission from Biden on how and whether to defend its people. Biden, blinking or hostile to Israel and seek to overthrow its democratic government. There they are. Netanyahu should have told us, well, they’ve organized and helped fund his overthrow, not that of the head of Iran or Turkey? No, Israel. They’ve repeatedly told this openly to the entire world, including the Iranians, that they want to take out the leadership in Israel. Every one of these shocking and appalling Biden regime mobster tactics, and there are more. With the scheming and the plotting and the leaking and the usurping and the backstabbing against a long time and a central loyal ally which is in a daunting and bloody war, literally triggered by the insane policies of the Biden regime, is beneath contempt. And I found out something else when I was there from one of the horses mouths, although they’re quiet about it, Israel took out most of the missiles, mostly, uh, most of the supersonic missiles. Israel has an extraordinarily advanced and elaborate air defense system. No air defense system is perfect. And I want to explain this to you. The whole SDI, uh, idea, the strategic defense initiative came from Ronald Reagan. It was called SDI, the strategic Defense Initiative. The media immediately started calling it Star wars. Let me know when you send that to me, mister producer you’re, uh, having trouble with immediately started calling it Star wars and mocking it. And one of the leading senators who was mocking it was Joe Biden. Reagan used to talk about the ability to shoot a bullet out of the air with another bullet. That was the goal. Oh, Star wars, that’s a fantasy. On at least one occasion, he shut down the government because they so slashed funding for what became the m patriot missile system. And its. And his efforts to have it, you know, work through and actually go through the practices of seeing if it worked, that he put his foot down. The Democrat party opposed S d I. And the patriot missile system. They opposed it. They fought it. The media posed it. They fought it. They mocked Reagan over and over again. Oh, Star wars. Oh, we’re wasting tens of billions when we could be feeding the hungry. Oh, you know how it goes. But he demanded it. He insisted it on it. It also won the cold war because Gorbachev wet himself over it. Oh, good God, what do they have there? And all through the reporting on the fantastic performance of the missiles shooting down missiles, not once did Ronald Reagan get any credit, and not once was it mentioned that Joe Biden in 1986, as Henninger writes at the Wall Street Journal, mocked as reckless the idea of defending against ballistic missiles. Reckless. That was Biden. Biden was trying to sabotage the whole program. Want you to keep that in mind. So some of this that took place on that Saturday night when we were in Israel was choreographed. Including the propaganda? Including the propaganda that’s not to say it’s not a magnificent technological display that we should be proud of and the Israelis should be. That’s not my point. My point is you have the Biden administration through Blinken, that it’s been a special pleader for Iran that’s been funding Iran, that hired this guy Malley, who hired other people, backdooring us, helping Iran get a nuclear weapon, and they still are, and they have no plan to stop it. They won’t even let the Israelis stop it. No offensive acts against Iran because I guarantee you that’s what they had in mind. I don’t know it for a fact, but that I’m sure it was. Now’s the time that they would have gotten no backup from the United States. That’s why I’m convinced unless Israel does itself, which is very difficult, they’re going to get a nuclear weapon. And when they get one, they’ll have ten. And when they have ten, they’ll have 101, because Biden won’t even let the Israelis take it out. Then I get to thinking a little bit more, ladies and gentlemen, while I’m over there. This is David versus Goliath. This is not Israel versus Hamas, although Hamas needs to be destroyed and crushed in a thousand different ways. This isn’t Israel versus Hezbollah. Same thing. I’m certainly not downplaying it. That’s not my point. This is Israel versus Iran. This is David. That’s Israel versus Goliath, which is Iran. Iran has probably twelve to 15 times as, uh, large a population as Israel. They have more tanks than Israel. They have slowly surrounded Israel, the surrogate terrorist regimes armed with missiles of the wazoo. Israel is David. Iran’s Goliath. Israel is the victim. Iran is the perpetrator. That’s the war that’s taking place. Iran’s direct attack on Israel with over 300 missiles makes it crystal clear Israel is David. Iran is Goliath. Iran has surrounded Israel with terrorist surrogates that are relentlessly, daily attacking the jewish state. The Biden administration has funded Iran. It’s rearmed Iran. Iran is on the precipice of completing its nuclear missile development with no us plan to stop them. No offensive activity. Not by Israel, no. Take a victory lap. It’s over. And helping Iran. Goliath against Israel. David. His unbelievable act of duplicity and betrayal by the Biden regime. And the Biden regime is now threatening to abandon Israel if it retaliates against Iran to deter further offensive military attacks against its cities and its talents. In fact, the Biden regime demands that Israel declare victory in a suicide act of self deception and has organized a pr campaign I keep talking about, really against Israel. Israel is going to retaliate. How and when, we don’t know. They can’t stand for this. Of course, Biden stands for it. That’s fine. But Israel is not required to join Biden’s suicide pact, which he’s dragging our country down. They’re not required to force to join us. We could only wish we had a leader like Netanyahu rather than a sinister and moronic schemer like Biden. That is a fact. That is a fact. Now, I’m not going to come on this radio program and tell you things that didn’t happen. We were there that m, we were sheltering and we were shivering, and the missiles flew right over our heads and that, no, although the missiles came pretty damn close flying over the hotel. But that’s beside the point. You’re a little nervous, but at no point was I or were my family scared. At no point were we in direct danger. That’s, of course, one of those things would have hit the hotel directly. I’m no hero. I’m not Superman. I went there to see with my own two eyes what the hell is going on so I could report back to you the truth. The truth. The fact is that there was this choreography to a point that took place. The fact is that Iran does fear a massive strike from Israel. The fact is that our government has been working around the back of, uh, we the people, and deceived us on how it’s supporting Iran. It’s supporting Iran in every respect. And the fact is that our government is on the wrong side of a lot of these battles. And when you have a guy like Blinken, who’s a Marxist ideologue, his family has ties to Soros, and this is not hyperbole. These are facts. And they listen to a buffoon like Thomas Friedman who’s wrong all the time. You can see what danger we’re in and what danger they put another country in. The difference is the Israelis, I said, have nowhere to go. That’s their home, and they’re going to fight for it. And they didn’t elect Biden. They didn’t elect Blinken. If it means not getting support from the United States, they’re still going to fight for it. They have no choice. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The, uh, Israeli missile defense system, the Iron Dome, and the Arrow missile defense systems, as well as a few others, very, very advanced. The arrow defense system deals with these, uh, atmospheric ballistic missiles. And that’s how the Israelis were able to take out most of those on their own. This has been a joint project between the United States and Israel for about 40 years, since Reagan in 1986. And the reason is, the Israeli technological know how. Their industries that develop these various technologies are second to none. Second to none. Um, even beyond Silicon Valley, they have to be, because they have no chance for mistakes. And so the deal is that they work on them, we work on them. They apply their technologies to them, and then they share their technology with the United States. Some people say, what is it far away? What is it with the Jews and the Zionists and so forth? It’s a two way street. My question is, where are all our missile defense systems? Which of our cities are protected? Ah. Uh, it’s an important question, isn’t it? It’s also top secret. I used to know about it. I don’t know anything today. It’s been decades. But the Israelis take our f 15s. Our f 16s are more advanced fighters. They take our tank systems, and they approve them with their technologies, and then they share that information with the United States, so we can as well.