March 14th, 2024

March 14th, 2024

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Chuck Schumer is another liberal Marxist self-hating Jew like Sen Bernie Sanders and cares about nothing but power because that is all fascists and Marxists care about. Schumer hates Israel and exposed himself on the Senate floor by calling for a new Israeli election and the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu. People like Schumer and President Biden dictate to the Israeli people what to do and how to do it while favoring Hamas over Israel. Also, the Democrat party seeks to imprison Donald Trump through 91 felony indictments in 4 jurisdictions at both the state and federal levels. Biden does not want an opponent in the general election, and the justice system is doing the dirty work for him so Biden wins by default. This is more than election interference but is an attempt to destroy our entire electoral process because the Democrat party is a totalitarian party that wants to put its political opponents in prison and destroy them. Later, Biden should be impeached for several reasons, including failing to uphold our country’s immigration laws and the crime and damage that has been unleashed upon America from it. Biden has failed to uphold his oath of office and follow the Constitution.

Election Interference: Chuck Schumer Demands New Vote in Israel to Oust Netanyahu

Biden Slaps More Sanctions on Israel While Giving $10 Billion Sanctions Waiver to Iran

Hungary Summons U.S. Ambassador over ‘Lies’ From Biden About Orbán Seeking a ‘Dictatorship’

Manhattan prosecutors not opposed to delay in hush money case against Donald Trump

Photo by Anna Moneymaker

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Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. We talked about this, but I need to really underscore this. The Democrat Party seeks to present Donald Trump. 91 felonies in four different districts. In four different states local, state and federal. Not one of which has any merit at all. I don’t care what the legal analysts say or any judge says. I’ve gone through it and I know the difference. The bottom line is that Joe Biden does not want an opponent in the general election. He doesn’t want an opponent. And I want you to think about that. And the criminal law system is trying to deliver for him. In Democrat cities and Democrat states and of course, the Democrats that run the Department of Justice, which means they don’t want you to have a candidate that Joe Biden would win by default. Even if a president can run or a candidate can run when they’re in prison, obviously. There’s just not enough voters who would vote for. And there wouldn’t be time for the Republicans to nominate somebody. I doubt they even have a process for these types of circumstances. Who would? That is what’s going on here. This is more than election interference. This is an attempt to destroy our entire electoral process. The Democrat Party apparatchiks. They tried to take Trump off the ballot. It failed. Now they want them not just indicted, not just convict him, convicted. They want him in prison. You don’t bring 91 felony indictments. In multiple cities, in multiple jurisdictions. Just because you want indictments, you’re trying to put them in prison. And obviously this is coordinated. Can you prove it, Mark? We can never prove a negative, but I can prove that it’s all happening at the same time. I can prove there was communication with the Justice Department and the White House. I can prove there was communication with the DA’s office and Fulton County in the White House. I can prove there was communication between the judge in the Manhattan case and the federal judge in Washington in the January six case. I can prove a lot. Plus an hour to prove anything. They’re watching TV, they’re reading the news. They know exactly what’s going on and they’re responding to it. They hear Joe Biden repeatedly scream about if Donald Trump wins, we will lose our country. If Donald Trump wins, people will be sent to prison. If Donald Trump wins, it’s the end of democracy. The judges here who are appointed by Democrats, the prosecutors, Soros, Democrat prosecutor, they all hear it and they all have their marching orders. Now. The level of treachery of the Democrat Party cannot be overstated. Let me put it to you this way. You can see the totalitarian positions, the totalitarian. Actions. Of Biden. Sanders. Schumer. You saw them with Pelosi. You can see them with all of them. This is not a party that believes in America. This is not a party that believes in our history and our founders. This is not a party that believes in the American citizenry, which they are trying to replace. This is a party that is. That is the umbrella operation of the American Marxist ideology. They sound like Marxists. They promote issues like Marxist for walks like a Marxist, and it spews hate like a Marxist. It’s a Marxist. I don’t mean in the pure Marxist sense. It’s why I wrote the book in the American Marxist sense, and I want to get to this issue. Having laid the foundation of Chuck Schumer today. Chuck Schumer’s what I call another self-hating Jew. Chuck Schumer is all about power. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesn’t give a damn about our country. He doesn’t give a damn about the debt. He doesn’t give a damn about the border. He wants to load up the judiciary with radical leftists. It’s all about power because fascists and Marxists, that’s all they care about. And that’s all Chuck Schumer cares about. Bernie Sanders the same thing. Throwing up 32 day we did with Bernie Sanders. There’s an economic moron. Is a financial illiterate and is a Marxist. Is it a dialogue? So you don’t really need to know anything to be in any luck. And then you have others in the Democrat Party. But here’s what they have in common. They hate the state of Israel. Chuck Schumer has walked a fine line for a long time, but today he exposed himself once and for all. How can you hate Israel? Mark I don’t know. There are people in Israel who hate Israel like Ehud Barak. Schumer’s in New York, a huge Jewish community, but huge Islamist community. He worries about candidates challenging him. Like AOC. Biden worries about that crowd, too. The Democrat Party has now been devoured by the Islamists and the Marxists, by the Bernie Sanders and the AOC. But that Rashida Rashida Talib. And so forth. That’s their new core constituency, not blue collar workers. Not Italian, German, Irish. Ethnicities. Not the Jewish community. Not. It’s this. This is who they are. It’s ideological now. Because the Democrat Party is a totalitarian party that wants to put its opponents in prison. Like Donald Trump. They impeached him twice over nothing. They pressured the appointment of a criminal investigation and a special counsel over a Russia hoax that they, in fact triggered. They have launched all these criminal investigations and charges. They have attempted to bankrupt him and he may succeed. This is not a party that wants a fair and square election, a fair and square debate. This is a party that wants to destroy its opponents, destroy them. This party, The Democrat Party, is not only trying to destroy and imprison Donald Trump, they’re trying to destroy. Destroy. The prime minister of another country, Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. When you read the filth, the cancer, the poison of it, Thomas Friedman, who’s a truly sick, self-hating Jew, in my humble opinion. My humble opinion. Barely literate in his writings. Certainly not coherent year to year. Decade to decade. A man who embraced communist China and only wished that America were more like the governing system in communist China. I put it in liberty and tyranny was so outrageous. Kind of backed off a man who celebrated Vladimir Putin as a man who can get things done but then kind of backed off. Thomas Friedman likes the man with the iron fist. As long as the man of the Iron Fist. Is a man who centralized his government, who believes in a radical left agenda. Because Thomas Friedman was raised for a significant part of his young life in a kibbutz in Israel. And the kibbutz in Israel tend to be very left wing. And then we have Blinken. A contemptible traitor to the country. So, Chuck Schumer. Goes to the floor of the Senate today and delivers a Stalinist like speech. He says that the people of Israel must remove this government. The people of Israel must remove Benjamin Netanyahu. They must. And after the war. If they don’t, that the United States will shape Middle East policy with or without Israel. Says that Netanyahu must immediately. Most immediately remove the extremists, the radicals in its coalition. These are nothing more than Orthodox Jews who believe in the sanctity of their country represent small parties. Just another excuse to attack the Jews in Israel, particularly those who actually practice their faith. Never before that I’m aware of. Has there been an effort to remove a duly elected prime minister or president of an ally? By any administration in the United States. We’ve had administrations attacked for taking out presidents of, for instance, South Vietnam at the time, Diem. Maybe overthrowing governments here and there in Central and South America that were our enemies. But we’ve never had an administration in our own country. We’ve never had a political party in our own country committed. To the destruction in the coup of a duly elected. Prime minister in a democratic country before an ally is A friend of mine wrote me earlier today. It pays to be an enemy of the United States under this administration, not an ally. So Schumer goes to the floor of the Senate. Tells the Israeli people who they should vote for, tells the Israeli people what kind of government they should have. It tells the Israeli people there must be a two state solution. Tells the Israeli people what to do and how to do it. Bernie Sanders has been going around saying this is Netanyahu’s war, we need to cut them off other succeeding. I got word today from the ground level, not the PM’s on the ground level. They’re having to ration bombs in Israel now. Mr. Producer. Even though this administration knows. What’s going on in the north with Hezbollah in a potential war there. Israel is running out of key weapons now. And the Biden administration is happy with it. That’s why they’re tying any funding of Israel with all sorts of other things that they know Republicans don’t support. Biden is starving Israel of weapons right now. Biden has issued executive orders attacking individuals in Judea and Samaria. And today, our State Department. Put sanctions on two major farmers. In that part of Israel. To try and prevent them from making money, to try and prevent the farmers who grow things and sell things from growing things and selling things. Why? Because they want their land to be given to the terrorists. Meanwhile case after case of Palestinian terrorists murdering. Jews and others in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere. There’s no sanctions placed on them. There’s not even any reporting done in the United States on this. They want you to believe it’s all one way. And we’ve already told you how they have lied about the statistics, the casualties in Gaza. And they keep lying about it because Joe Biden doesn’t give a crap about the casualties in Gaza any more than he gives a crap about the casualties on our southern border from fending off from gangs. He doesn’t give a crap about the slave. Of women and children into sex on the southern border doesn’t do a damn thing about. Does it give a crap about crime in our inner cities? Doesn’t even talk about it. But he’s worried, you see, about what’s going on with the lives of Gazans. So he’s forced a lie. To push. A projection. When we come back, you’ll get to hear some of this. And I personally want to respond directly to Chuck Schumer. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Five months into this conflict, it is clear that Israelis need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course at this critical juncture? I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of Israel. At a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. I also believe a majority of the Israeli public will recognize the need for change, and I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future. Of course, the United States cannot dictate the outcome of the middle of an election, nor should we try. That is for the Israeli public to decide. A public that I believe understands better than anybody that Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world as a democracy. Israel has the right to choose its own leaders, and we should let the chips fall where they may. But the important thing is that Israelis are given a choice. There needs to be a fresh debate about the future of Israel after October 7th. So stop. He’s calling for new elections in Israel to overthrow the existing government. He’s telling the Israelis who they ought to vote for. He’s telling the Israelis that when this war is over, the very geography culture. System, democratic system in Israel needs to be re-examined. That it is a pariah in the world if it doesn’t do the things that Chuck Schumer demands, it does. But of course, it’s up to the Israeli people. This is pretty damn unbelievable. Pretty damn unbelievable. I’ve got more. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I believe in his heart. He has his highest priority is as is the security of Israel. However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel. He has put himself in coalition with far right, far right extremists like ministers Smotrich and Ben-gvir. And as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah. Prime Minister Netanyahu has also weakened Israel’s political and moral fabric through his attempts to co-opt the judiciary. So let’s stop here. Look at. Listen to this. Let me tell you how the speech is intended for. This speech is intended for really two audiences? No, not in America. Because you have to admit. Biden. Blinken. Sanders. Now, Schumer. They’ve tied up the river to the sea. Crowd. The Islamists. The exterminate the Jews crowd. They’re all Democrats. They’re all for the Democrats. So they’ve got that. And they have now drawn on an indelible line. Between the Republican Party, which supports Israel and the Democrat Party, which supports Hamas and Iran, and is funding Iran, as I’ll get to in a moment, even now. It’s putting more sanctions on Israel today while it’s funding Iran today with another $10 billion. There’s no there’s no mistaking what’s taking place. The Democrat Party is now formally in the camp of Hamas. The media are now formally in the camp of Hamas. They’re more than happy to use their statistics. In fact, they’re happy to use their video and their photographs. Even though they know it’s a lie. They know now because we had one of the great statisticians in America explain that the numbers are a lie, but they don’t care. Now I want to say this. What would we say if Netanyahu was talking about? The American people. Need to overthrow their government. The American people need to demand an election. The American people need to throw this one out and that one out of the can asset, which would be our Congress. And these proposals by the Democrats on how to destroy our Supreme Court and our judicial system. And then it goes on and on and on. Would we tolerate that from Netanyahu? We tolerate that from any leader of anywhere around the world in this speech. Chuck Schumer is an English version of Vladimir Putin except worse. Israel is a democracy. Almost 80% of the people of Israel in recent surveys support the direction that the government is taking with Hamas and the phony two state solution issue and so forth and so on. And so they try and create this image that it’s Netanyahu. This is these are the people of Israel. And Chuck Schumer saying, I know better. And of course, Chuck Schumer is nothing more than an apparatchik for Biden in the Democrat Party. Power, power, power, power. And you heard what he said. He’s threatening Israel. He’s threatening the people of Israel. You do what I say. We are going to have a big after examine what we want Israel to look like 20 said in so many words. We will determine what a sovereign country looks like. We will determine the government of the sovereign country. We will determine the borders of the sovereign country. Chuck Schumer is a fascist. This is totalitarianism. Biden is a fascist. This is totalitarianism. Bernie Sanders is a fascist and there are overlaps between Marxism and fascism. But we don’t need to discuss that tonight. Bernie Sanders is a fascist. Trying to force Israel to bow to their demands. And I’m telling you tonight. From my contacts in Israel that there are now rationing bombs. Even though Hezbollah is poised to attack. At the same time, the Biden, through his policies and directly, has flooded over $100 billion under the Iranian regime. And as a result, their terror surrogates and Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and the PLO. He says it’s time. It’s time for the Israelis to have a course correction. And I’m thinking course correction. That’s what we’re trying to do in our country. When you’re trying to imprison our candidate, we want a course correction, too. But can you imagine a foreign leader, a Netanyahu or whomever, telling Joe Biden who should be in his cabinet, he got to get rid of this Bush? You got to get rid of Blinken. But we’re going to help work on reorganizing your gov. What what the United States should look like. The Democrats. Oh, they always attack imperialist America. Colonialist America. Oh, those early white supremacist founders of America. Who are the imperialists and the colonialists today? Sanders. Biden. Schumer. Blinken. That’s who. It’s really stunning. Cut for Mr. Producer. Go. Nobody expects Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence, to preserve the violence since Israel’s fall. It’s Netanyahu’s fault. America. Are you listening? It’s Israel’s fault. It’s Netanyahu. This is the senior centers senator from New York where most of America’s Jews live. Who is embracing Hamas in Iran? Netanyahu. The government of Israel. They’ve created this cycle of violence. Go ahead. Be on the world stage and to work towards a two state solution. They don’t want a two state solution. The last survey, over 75% of Israelis said no, no, no, no. And so Biden is going around saying, well, we will impose it on them. This former prime minister, this reprobate, who’s now the foreign minister in the UK, says Israel doesn’t get to decide whether there’s a Palestinian state or not. America, I want you to Google something. When the British drew the lines after the Ottoman Empire, when they drew the lines in the Middle East, they created this two states. That is modern day states because of course, the Jews were there long before Britain even existed. But let me go on. The other stay was Jordan. It was Jordan. Jordan. So the Jordanians and they self. The south name Palestinians. They didn’t want two states. They wanted the whole damn thing. That’s what’s been going on. So, Chuck Schumer. Insist that a two state solution will bring peace. They ignore what’s gone on in Gaza. They ignore what Hamas says in its mission statements. Iran to give a damn about a two state solution. They want to roll over Israel and they want to roll over everybody who opposes them. This isn’t about a two state solution to geographic areas. They want to obliterate all opposition, starting with the Jews who are right there in the Middle East. They tell us this. But Chuck Schumer doesn’t give a crap. So the Democrat Party, if you are Jewish and you vote Democrat, you are certifiably insane. By the way, if you’re any American and you vote Democrat, you’re certifiably insane, as far as I’m concerned. Either that or you’re a host on the. On Comedy Central, like Liebowitz, who changed his name. Liebowitz. You know who Liebowitz is, right, Mr. Producer? Jon Stewart. Cut five go Hamas and the Palestinians who support and tolerate their evil ways. Radical right wing Israelis now say he’s not a faithful Jew. So anybody who’s an Orthodox Jew is a radical right wing Israel. I told you this. These are self-hating Jews who hate Jews of faith. Who hate Jews of faith. They’ve run the New York Times for God knows how long. And now they run the Democrats side of the United States Senate. Go ahead. And society. President Abbas. Prime Minister Netanyahu. These are the four obstacles to peace. So Netanyahu is the obstacle to peace. You know, ladies and gentlemen, Schumer had to coordinate this speech with Biden, with Blinken, with the White House. He’s a coward. He doesn’t do things one off. Now others are trying to. Oh, I want nothing to do with that. He’s one to take the heat because he figures he’ll get elected no matter what. And that’s how you’ll see challenges. But I want to give credit to Mitch McConnell. Credit where credit is due. Credit where credit is due. He immediately went to the floor of the Senate. He’d never heard anything like this before in his career, ever. And here’s what he said. Cut seven. Go. It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of Israel. This is unprecedented. We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all. Things that upset left wing activists are not the prime minister’s policies. There is Israel’s policies. Make no mistake, the Democratic Party doesn’t have an anti baby problem. It has an Israel problem. Israel is not a colony of America. Its leaders serve at the pleasure of the party in power in Washington. Only Israel’s citizens should have a say in who runs their government. This is the very definition of democracy and sovereignty. Either we respect our decisions or we do disrespect their democracy. And think about how they disrespect our republic. Ladies and gentlemen. The border. Think about it. Massive spending. Inflation. How they’re trying to imprisoned Donald. They want him in the in the paradise that is the Schumer world, the Biden world and the world of hell. Donald Trump would be in prison today. And Joe Biden would be running against nobody. Netanyahu would be removed as prime minister of Israel, replaced with a neighborhood Barak type or a Lapid. Who will serve it? The bended knee. The Biden administration and divide up this country and expose the people of Israel to permanent extermination. That’s what the Biden administration is seeking right now. One party rule in America and one party rule outside of America where they absolutely control everything that happens in the state of Israel. You don’t hear. You don’t hear Chuck Schumer glowing on the floor of the Senate condemning Biden or his administration for pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into Iran. You don’t hear a damn thing about it. You don’t hear Chuck Schumer going to the floor of the Senate. Condemning today widespread anti-Semitism. Oh, he’ll talk about it in passing and so forth. But you don’t say. You don’t hear him say. What’s the Biden administration doing about it? You don’t hear Chuck Schumer go to the floor of the Senate and explain what this second state will look like and how it can be assured it won’t be a terror state because it will be a terror state. You don’t hear Chuck Schumer go to the Senate floor and say, well, we need a course correction in America. Joe Biden. No. To change up his cabinet. In fact, Joe Biden ought to resign. He’s mentally unstable. He’s cost tens of thousands of people their lives over on the southern border. We are slavery like we haven’t seen since the end of the Civil War. It’s time for a course correction. But you don’t hear him say that. The jackass. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
These speeches like Schumer’s and Biden’s and are they’ll be memorialized for thousands of years. They’ll be remembered. How do you think he’ll be remembered? This also gives motivation, impetus to our enemies all over the world to overthrow governments. The U.S. economic pressure to whatever they have to do to overthrow duly elected governments in this House, buying any different than Putin? And now they’re. Quietly secretly withholding weaponry, weaponry, rather. As I’m told, the rationing bomb’s over there. And all this has given power to Iran. All this while Biden funds Iran, arms Iran. They kill three of our people through their surrogates, and we don’t touch Iran. But Netanyahu has to go because he’s the only one standing up to Iran. He’s it. He’s the only one. Here’s Elise Stefanik today. Cut. Go. Israel is not only fighting for its right to exist. It’s fighting for the rights of Jewish people everywhere. And instead, it met. Instead of meddling in elections of a sovereign nation, Chuck Schumer should follow House Republicans lead in supporting our ally in their darkest hour. The obstacle to peace is Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer, who has refused to pass the Israeli aid package, which supports our ally Israel, as they fight Iranian backed Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. This same Israeli aid package that Joe Biden issued an unprecedented veto threat for. House Republicans proudly stand with Israel. We are proud to host an Ambassador Herzog here today, and we want to continue to stand up and make sure that we are crystal clear. Chuck Schumer does not stand with Israel. House Republicans do. I want to make it clear here and ladies and gentlemen, if the Democrats win the next election, Biden and they hold the Senate, hold the Senate, take the House, Israel. May no longer exist as Israel. America may no longer exist as America. These people are totalitarians. They can throw the word democracy around as much as Communist China throws the word reform around. They’re destroying our justice system. They’re destroying our sovereignty on our border, the destroying our currency. They are destroying our ally, Israel, while pretending to support it. They’re going to break up Israel and destroy Israel. I mean. These are totalitarians. These are tyrants. Chuck Schumer is a fascist. He gave the speech of a fascist. That is a fascist speech. It’s a fascist speech. Let me just say this, Dan Bongino in many ways is like a brother to me. Lost his mother last night. And so we pray for his family. And our sincerest sorrow to Dan and the family. It’s a very, very sad thing. I’ll be right back.