The media and the Democrats, one in the same, through their Stalinist January 6 committee, are trying to portray Trump as an emotionally unbalanced, foul-mouthed man. Unfit for the presidency. My personal dealings with him have found nothing of the kind. Quite the opposite. And he was an incredibly successful president, despite all the corrupt efforts to destroy him and his administration, too numerous to list here.

But now would be a good time to read the Bill Clinton grand jury testimony or civil suit, to recall what a reprobate he was, defended by his party and much of the press.  Or listen to the LBJ tapes, some of which you can find online.  He was an unhinged, sleazy, corrupt person in numerous ways.  He even taped the phones of his VP Humphrey and his GOP opponent Barry Goldwater.

Of course, JFK slept with anything that moved, including a young intern, East German spy, starlets, the wives of friends, et al. And his ascendancy to the presidency was paved, in part, with payoffs by his lawless, Third Reich-sympathizing father, Joe Sr.

Truman was known to have a hot temper and short fuse, not to mention a tart tongue, for which he was admired and celebrated by the press and historians.  Saint FDR saw enemies everywhere, and liberally unleashed the IRS and FBI to ruin them, including media outlets and political opponents. He and the press also colluded to coverup much of the Holocaust.

Or read the histories of some other presidents, including racist Woodrow Wilson, and his appalling official segregationist acts. There was alcoholic Andrew Johnson, who opposed Reconstruction and did next to nothing to take on the KKK. And, of course, the elections of 1800 and 1804. Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Burr despised each other and said and did things that would seem unimaginable today. And there were others.

Unfortunately, today we are the victims of an ideologically-driven, low IQ “press” unencumbered with objectivity or integrity; narcissistic RINOs and NeverTrumpers who would rather lose the country to the American Marxists than see Trump or a conservative succeed; a Democrat Party driven by leaders and radicals who hate our country; and intellectual lightweights posing as historians.