October 21, 2021

October 21, 2021

Biden Podium / Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden regularly violates the Constitution, and the Democrats could care less. School districts are promoting critical race theory and transgenderism, but they want to go after Donald Trump and his White House staff. All the Democrats can focus on is nationalizing everything they can get their hands on, maintaining an open border, and diminishing the U.S economy. Later, Attorney Merrick Garland was questioned in a hearing after he issued a memo labeling parents as domestic terrorists and admitted that the only report his office reviewed was a single letter from the National School Board Association. Garland also admitted that he was not even aware who asked him to write the memo, but suggested it wasn’t the White House. How much more dishonesty from the government will Americans put up with? Afterward, retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila joins the show to discuss a dubious assignment he was sent on in 2011 where he was attacked and shot three times by a cartel hit squad. Avila blames the Obama-Biden administration for poor planning and a failure to protect ICE agents serving abroad.


Washington Free Beacon
White House Knew About Letter That Compared Parents to Domestic Terrorists

PJ Media
Democrats Are Trying to Prevent a Huge Red Wave in 2022

Grenell College
52% of Americans Believe Democracy Facing “Major Threat”

Daily Caller
McCarthy Calls On House Democrats To Pass Bipartisan Bill To Lock Up Cop Killers

Email from Loudoun Co. superintendent alerted school board on day of bathroom assault

Loudoun Now
School District Loses State Revenue Due to Enrollment Drop

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

To my dear brother in law, Joe Strauss is very ill tonight. And we love Joe and we’re praying for him and we wish the absolute best for him. All right. So the House of Representatives has voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt. Let me say this, I hold the House of Representatives in contempt. I hold these Democrats in contempt. They’re holding Bannon in contempt and they want him in prison. They want him in prison. They didn’t want Eric Holder in prison when he was held in contempt. And the matter was referred to the U.S. attorney’s office and the Department of Justice with Fast and Furious. That actually cost somebody their life. Whether they actually sending and directing. Gun sales to go into Mexico, where they could track the guns, genius, genius. Hillary Clinton should have been in prison many, many times, even starting as first lady. But she was very lucky she had that fraud as the director of the FBI who passed. I’m pushing for her indictment. All she did was clean her server so you couldn’t get access to our emails during the course of a criminal investigation. Gee, I wonder about that, don’t you? That’s right, Hunter Biden. He’s still loose around the nation. The president’s son. Who is who is trying one time after another with a communist Chinese, with the Ukrainians, with anybody else to shake them down in their father’s name, and now we know they even had a joint bank account. They even had a joint bank account, but nobody calls for a special counsel to investigate that. No. We have Eric Swalwell in the good old days when we had a serious FBI senior management. He’d be investigated for espionage. Why? Well, let me put it to you this way. He was colluding with a communist Chinese spy. A birthing person, actually. And what are the Democrats do they put him back on the Intelligence Committee? And on the impeachment committee. That’s how much they respect you. We have the president of the United States is violating several immigration federal statutes, which also violates the Constitution. Article one, Section three, but he doesn’t care. Neither do they. Neither do they, we have an attorney general of the United States who has violated the First Amendment of the Constitution. But they don’t care. Big deal. We have school districts trying to impose critical race theory and transgenderism ideology on little kids in violation of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, in my view, as well as the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But big deal. Steve Bannon needs to go to prison, ladies and gentlemen. Now, where’s the evidence that Steve Bannon had anything to do? With violent activities on January six, there’s none. None. Criminal investigations are done by the Department of Justice. They haven’t subpoenaed anything from Steve Bannon, nothing. They’re already conducting six hundred and thirty investigations and counting. Because as you know, trespass and parading on federal property is a grave threat to the republic, great threat. Graves threat. Burning our cities. Brutalizing police officers. Attacking a federal courthouse. Night after night for over two months. Trying to overthrow our country. They’re mostly peaceful. What the hell? What the hell? So we have to sit here and watch this as Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney. She’s a good Stalinist, it turns out she’s a good Stalinist, the whole committee is filled with stylists. They all have reached their conclusion that Donald Trump needs to go to prison, that Steve Bannon needs to go to prison, that everybody around him needs to go to prison. You know, why do I call them a good stylist? First of all, this is a little Politburo. They only put people on this committee. Only put people on this committee who’ve already stated their end goal. You already stated the consequences of their investigation, that’s number one. Number two, Congress doesn’t conduct criminal investigations. Or pre investigations for criminal investigations. That’s not its job, it’s to legislate and, of course, spend us into oblivion and bankruptcy. That’s number two. Number three, the communist Chinese are threatening us that fascist Russians are threatening us, the Islam, Nazis in Tehran, the threat in North Korea, our borders are wide open. People pouring in here by the millions, all kinds of diseases, criminals and what have you, fenthion, all sex trafficking. As an affirmative result of this president and the Democrat Party, they threaten the United States Supreme Court by hanging a dark cloud over their head, constantly talking about how they’re going to reform the court, you know, like good Soviets. They want to get rid of the filibuster rule. So their agenda could be rammed down our throats. In the dark of night without us knowing anything about it, Mouse, get rid of the whole damn Senate. Then. And it goes on and on and on, nationalizing our economy, undermining private property rights, no respect for unalienable rights with their damn mandates left and right. But don’t worry, Liz Cheney and the boys, Liz Cheney and the boys. They’re on top of it. They’re focused full time on Steve Bannon. And they don’t have any predicate whatsoever, nothing. Zero. Now, they haven’t issued a subpoena for Nancy Pelosi’s records. So we can determine exactly what she did during the course. Of this event. None of her records, not of her phone calls. We already know. Hashimoto was on my Sunday show a few weeks back, and he said her concern was, how are we going to get food to our members? How are we going to get food? I like ice cream. Ice cream, you know. Sixteen dollars for a credit card. That’s right. I want my ice cream. And, of course, our makeup. Yes, that’s right. Probably her depends, too, I guess here, I don’t know what do I know? What do I know? Now, the attorney general of the United States before the so-called House Judiciary Committee. The Democrats were slobbering all over him, the Democrats do not care about civil liberties, the Democrats do not care about your right to protest, your right to free speech, your right to association. No, no, no, no, because you’re not burning down cities. That’s right. You’re white supremacist, even if you’re not white, it doesn’t matter, you’re a parent, you’re a taxpayer, you’re obviously a white supremacist. You’re very upset about what the teachers unions and the educational bureaucracy and the clowns that got elected to the school board. You’re very concerned about how they’re imposing critical racist theory and transgenderism on your children and your own flesh and blood. But for all these years, they said we need parental involvement in our schools. Now, that’s how we improve our schools. We need parental involvement. So the parents are involved. They saw what was happening to their kids. They watched it right on the computer monitors two years ago. And they didn’t like it one damn bit. And so the National School Board Association, a Democrat operation without consulting a state school board, associations that pay their fees. Writes a letter in concert with the White House and the Department of Justice, an inside job sends it to the White House. Five days later, I. A memo comes out from the attorney general of the United States. That any good Soviet KGB general could have written. That’s right, I said it. That’s correct. Any good Soviet KGB general could have written, what is Liz Cheney staying on this, nobody knows. She’s very, very busy. Very busy. It’s disgusting. Now, when we come back, I want to congratulate the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee. They did a fantastic job today. They only got five minutes each. But they were outstanding, every single one of them. It made me proud. It really did. We’re going to spend a lot of time on this because this is your country, these are your schools. That First Amendment belongs to you, not the Congress, not to the Department of Justice. Those Bill of Rights belong to individual American citizens. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

All right, folks, we’ve got a lot to cover, but it’s great. It’s great the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee today, many of you were working or doing other things, you couldn’t watch it. That’s what I’m here for, the cleanup hitters, right? She used to call me. That’s exactly correct. Jim Jordan at the Justice Department oversight today. And you’ll notice, ladies and gentlemen. Even though the October, even though exceeded the National School Board letter was out there, we broke it nationally. Here you’ll notice the October four memo. It was out there. We broke it nationally. Here you notice the response from American Legal first was out there, but we broke it first here nationally and gave it the kind of coverage and the kind of push that it needed. And you’ll see many of the arguments that I made right off the bat behind this microphone are being made today. Jim Jordan cut to the attorney general sitting there, oversight hearing go chairman just said the DOJ was political and went after their opponents. Are you kidding me? Three weeks ago, the National School Board Association writes President Biden asking him to involve the FBI and local school board matters. Five days later, the attorney general of the United States does just that does exactly what a political organization asked to be done. Five days. We’ve sent Republicans on this committee, sent the attorney general 13 letters in the last six months, takes weeks and months to get a response. Eight of the letters, we’ve got nothing. They just gave us the finger, said we’re not going to get back to you. And all our letters were actually sent to the attorney general. Here’s a letter sent to someone else asking for a specific thing to be done. And in five days, the attorney general does it. Here’s what the October 4th memo said, quote, I’m directing the FBI to convene meetings with local leaders. These meetings will open dedicated lines of communication. And for threat reporting, dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, a snitch line on parents started five days after a left wing political organization asked for it. That’s not political, I don’t know what is where’s the dedicated lines of communication with local leaders regarding our southern border, something that frankly is a federal matter, whereas the dedicated lines of communication on violent crime in our cities, violent crime that is went up in every major urban area where Democrats have defunded the police. Now, can’t do that. Can’t do that. The Biden Justice Department going to go after parents who object to some racist hate America curriculum. Nope. Can’t focus on the southern border where one point seven million illegal encounters have happened this year alone. A record, a record no investor team can just waltz right across the border, but the Department of Justice, they’re going to open up a snitch line on parents. I’m Tanya. Jordan was outstanding, as he always says, as were several of the others, and you’re going to hear from them. Because this needs to be said, while we can still speak as a free people. The tyrannical conduct of this White House and its supporters, whether they’re in the media, academia or quite frankly, the corporatist is unbelievable, the mandates. Firing people who are unvaccinated, including people. Who don’t need a vaccine because they have something better called natural immunity antibodies or people who have a true religious exemption which is protected under the federal constitution, many state constitutions and under federal statute. Which is why I spent a lot of time earlier in the week, a full hour and a half or so explaining legal cases that can be brought against these employers. But, Mark, I don’t have the money. That’s why you pulled together the resources with several of you and each one of these major or midsized corporations and sue their ass. Because in my view, you have a better than 50/50 chance of winning. Not just talking, not drama, but actually take them on. Conduct depositions, conduct discovery. But the head of human resources on the stand. In a deposition. But the CEO or board members, through depositions, in fact, record them, make them public. There are many things you can do. I’m an activist. Not a showboat. I’m an activist. There are things that you can do to bring these big powerful. Multi-billion dollar global corporations to their knees. That’s the whole point of Chapter seven in American Marxism, you can do this. If you pull together, pull your resources in any company, same with a police force. Same with firefighters, same with nurses. You need to have lawyers who are serious, we’re ready to fight for you, not just collect a fee. And they’re out there. They’re out there. But more than that. Look what they want to do now with the with this budget. They want to pass the spending. They want to pass. What do they want, do they want to monitor your loans and your bank accounts, your checking account, your savings account? They want to monitor your everyday activities. They say they’re going after billionaires when they’re targeting you. They want to take over what’s left of the health care system, push your kids into government run school. I mean, this is a disaster, but I’ve got a lot more. Stick with me. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, as a side point. You know, I’m here in Virginia. I watch these ads, the Democrats run, they’re just so disgusting, loathsome liars. This is the only way they can ever win. They never want to run on their records, so they never want to run on their opponents record. It’s truly discussing. You got a mansion now buckling. It is starting to get out that cinema may be buckling and this is how it works. This is how it works and all you’re going to hear about this process that they’re working with each other, they’re negotiating, they’re trying to get done by the end of the week, maybe they’ll get done over the weekend. But and you’re sitting there wondering, what the hell are they talking about? Because you are cut out of the process. This is a game for Washington, it’s a game for the Washington media. And keeping it a game and keeping it surface and superficial level means that you’re never going to know the real content until these laws are in place. It may be your arrested one day or you get a fine or a penalty, or you say to an accountant, what the hell, I didn’t know this was in the bill. Exactly. This is not a constitutional republic, I don’t know what it is anymore, but it’s certainly not Jim Jordan again at the hearing today. With Merrick Garland sworn in in front of them, cut three go. Mr. Chairman, Americans are afraid. For the first time during my years in public office, first time I talked to the good folks I get the privilege of representing in the fourth district of Ohio, folks all around the country, they tell me for the first time they fear their government. And frankly, I think it’s obviously obvious why every single liberty we enjoy under the First Amendment has been assaulted over the last year. Stop and think about it. Americans were told you couldn’t go to church, couldn’t go to work, couldn’t go to school, small business owners were told you’re not an essential business. Close your doors, causing many of them to go bankrupt. We were given curfews, stay at home orders last fall in Ohio. You had to be in your home at 10:00 in Pennsylvania. When you’re in your home, you had to wear a mask in Vermont. When you’re in your home, you didn’t have to have to wear a mask because you weren’t allowed to have friends and family over. And of course, there’s always a double standard with these folks. Folks who make the rules never seem to follow them. And now the Biden administration says get a vaccine or lose your job, even if you’ve had covid and have natural immunity, get a vaccine or you will lose your job. Oh, I almost forgot. By administration also wants another dedicated line of communication for reporting. They want a second snitch line. They want banks to report on every single transaction, over six hundred dollars for every single American to the IRS. The IRS, that agency with its stellar record of customer service, the IRS, you know, the same IRS. That targeted conservatives the last time Joe Biden was in the executive branch. Jefferson said once tyranny is when the people fear the government, we’re there, sadly, we are there. But I don’t think I don’t think the good people I don’t think the good people of this great country are going to cower and hide. I think your memo, Mr. Attorney General, was the last straw. I think it was the catalyst for a great awakening that is just getting started. Pilots at Southwest Airlines, this is the Chicago Police Union. Parents at school board meetings. Americans are pushing back because Americans value freedom. A few weeks ago. You weeks ago, Terry McAuliffe said this, I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach. Government tells parents we’re smarter than you. Americans aren’t going to tolerate it when the attorney general, the United States, sets up a snitch line on parents. Americans aren’t going to tolerate it. I think they’re going to stand up to this accelerated march to communism that we now see. America’s got to fight the good fight. They’re going to finish the course. They’re going to keep the faith because Americans value freedom. That’s exactly right. And you folks in this audience have so much to do with this. You heard Jim Jordan. The march to communism. You never would have heard that three, four, five, six months ago. We choose freedom. We value freedom, he says. The last chapter of American Marxism, we choose liberty. You’re having an impact on this country, ladies and gentlemen. You’re speaking out neighbor to neighbor, parent to parent, taxpayer to taxpayer. You’re speaking out. Many of you are organizing. You’re showing up in places you never showed up before. This is very, very, very important. And I would say to the people of Virginia, you’re now in ground zero. How much more are you going to put up with allies from Terry McAuliffe, the lies from this existing attorney general has been attorney general for eight years. His crime has gone through the roof. Now they’re lying there, this attorney general. How they’re lying because the Republican candidate got support from the Republican Governors Association, so they’re now running an ad saying. The Republican Governors Association supports domestic terrorism. That’s how sick this is. And Terry McAuliffe is so weak, he’s so pathetic, he has to rely on Obama and Joe Biden and Joe Biden and whoever else will come into the state to campaign for him because he can’t stand on his own two feet. He’s a coward. He’s a fraud. Have we ever reached out to that campaign, Mr. Producer? We haven’t heard back, Mr. Tough Guy doesn’t want to come on this program. I wonder why. I wonder why. All right, now Merrick Garland responds to Jim Jordan and Jim Jordan response to him. Cutforth go. I want to be clear, as I can be, this is not about what happens in sky high school board meetings. It’s only about threats of violence and violence aimed at school officials, school employees and teachers for sentences. Your memo, the very first sentence you said in recent months, there’s been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence. Yes. When did you first review the data showing this so-called disturbing uptick? So I read the letter and we have been seeing over time through. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn’t ask you. So you read the letter. That’s that’s your source. So let me be clear. This is not a prosecution or is there some study, some effort, some investigation? Someone did that said there’s been a disturbing uptick or you just take the words of the National School Board Association and the National School Board Association, which represents thousands of school boards and school board members, says that there are these kind of threats when we read in the newspapers reports of threats of violence, when that is in the context of threats of the source for this, for the very first line in your in your mouth of the gentleman has expired. Shut up, Nadler, you moron. We expired. Boy, I’ll tell you what. So what Jordan was able to to find out here is garlanded, no independent review, the Department of Justice did no independent review instead. They just took the letter, which was composed with assistance from the White House and I believe the Department of Justice, something that we need to get to the bottom of. And soon. And soon. It continues, cut five, go put the White House told you to write the memo, no one in the White House spoke to me about the memo at all, but I am sure I was at least I certainly would believe that the White House communicated its concerns about the letter to the Justice Department. And that is that was my next question. Did you or anyone at the Justice Department discuss the memo with White House personnel or with anyone at the White House before the memo was sent? I did not. I don’t know whether anyone discussed the memo. Let’s stop right there. This man knows he’s coming. In front of a hearing. He knows this letter is going to be discussed, his memo, he knows it’s going to be discussed. And he doesn’t. Call his staff around and say, OK, who was involved in this letter? Give me the whole background about this national school board who went over there and met with the White House, who the White House met here, who did we speak to and so forth and so on. You’re telling me that American legal first, the conservative legal foundation knew more than the attorney general of the United States, folks. That’s an possibility. Because the Justice Department and its officials, they’re not just witnesses, they’re participants. Their participants. Go ahead. Communication from the National Association of School Boards was discussed between between the White House and the Justice Department, and that’s perfectly appropriate, just as with those individuals who at the White House talked through the justice. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. Talk to you. Did someone call you? I think I’ve answered. No one from the White House spoke to me. But the White House is perfectly appropriately concerned about violence, just like they’re concerned about white violence. Attorney General. What violence? Go ahead, it’s and they make requests of the Justice Department in that respect, just like their did you or anyone at the Department of Justice communicate with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, the National School Boards Association prior to your memo? I did not I don’t know I don’t know if anyone else is just part of it, I don’t know, you know, did you or anyone at the Justice Department communicate with those organizations? They have a national school board association. Prior to the letter, did you help the National School Board Association put together the letter and not. I have had no such conversations. I would be surprised if if that happened, but I don’t know. He doesn’t know. Sounds feeble to me, he doesn’t know because he doesn’t want to know because he didn’t ask. Here’s my next question. Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the memo? Which staffer brought it to you to sign? Now, I know as a former chief of staff, let me explain something. The attorney general doesn’t sit in his office and typically write memos. Now it’s happened, my attorney general did on occasion, but typically he doesn’t know anything. Sisso was brought to him. It was a it was a deal put together by the White House and people in the Department of Justice, probably the Civil Rights Division. Because she’s a reprobate, the one that had to Clark. And as this passes through for approval to reach the attorney general. There is a system in place, I know, because I put it in place when I was chief of staff to the attorney general for sinus. So if it goes from the head of the Civil Rights Division, typically, then it’ll go to the associate attorney general, the deputy attorney general, go to the chief of staff, to the attorney general, and then into the attorney general. Through the executive secretariat that typically reports to the chief of staff, as it reported to me. So there’s fingerprints all over this memo. Fingerprints all over this memo. So I would encourage all of you out there, go ahead and file a Freedom of Information Act request and ask for all the information related to the memo. Anybody who was involved. Any officer went through. Within the Department of Justice. The legal groups out there, I would encourage you to do the same thing, the parents groups, I would encourage you to do the same thing offense, offense, offense, activism. Activism. And if you need to bring a lawsuit, you can contact Landmark Legal, you can contact American First Legal, you can contact Judicial Watch. There’s a number of organizations out there that can help you. A number of organizations can help you. There’s a lot more. I think you’re going to find this quite fascinating. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

All right, we have some breaking news here. The Washington Free Beacon, Chuck Ross, a second source now we had the American legal first noway of the Washington Free Beacon, the country’s largest school board association, collaborated with a Biden White House before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists, according to previously unreported emails, the emails obtained by parents defending education. There you go, boys and girls, wonderful through public records requests. This is what I’ve been talking about and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon Review that the National School Board Association’s president and CEO sent the letter to buy not September 29 without approval from the organization’s board of directors. The letter said that the acts of some parents at school board meetings across the country could be considered, quote, a form of terrorism and hate crimes. All right. The letter makes clear excuse me. The emails also show that the White House asked the association. The White House asked the association for examples of threats against school board members days before Attorney General Merrick Garland created a task force of officials from the FBI and the Justice Department to determine how to prosecute alleged crimes at school board meetings. The letter makes clear that the White House was aware of the letter before it was released while raising questions about whether the White House colluded with the association on the letter to prompt federal action. The letter has sparked allegations that the Biden administration is trying to stifle dissent among parents who oppose mass mandates that teaching a critical race theory at schools school board meetings have become battlegrounds for factions at parents torn on the issues. Parents in some districts have organized recall efforts to remove school board members who support mandates or radical curricula. They emails also show that members of the National School Board Association’s board of directors voiced frustration that officials sent the letter out without their approval. One director at the association said the letter had reawakened hostilities that were just beginning to subside. Quote, Many of us have been put in a position now of explaining or defending this action of our association as we are asked by members of our community if we consider them domestic terrorists for showing up to our meetings and expressing their opinions. John W. Hotchkiss, a director from the association Central Region, wrote on October one. He said that he and other board members would not have likely approved the letter, which he said use terms that were extreme. And as for action by the federal government that many of us would not request. Biola Garcia, the president of the U.S. Association, and Chip Slavin, the CEO, disclosed in the other emails to the board that they had been in consultation with the White House and the Department of Education regarding an alleged rise in cases of irate parents showing up at school board meetings. Irate parents, I don’t know is that like Black Lives Matter burning down cities? I don’t think so. Garcia wrote in an email to the board on October two that the association had been engaged with the White House and Education Department, quote, for several weeks on the school board protests, we felt compelled to say something when we started hearing about threats, harassment, acts of intimidation at school board meetings. By the way, she’s a left wing hack and so a Slavin, Garvin and Slavin did not respond to requests for comments. And it goes on and they have copies of the emails with redactions telling you Freedom of Information Act requests and that sort of thing, ladies and gentlemen, very, very important, as I explain in Chapter seven of the book. But now we know the White House. The Department of Justice, specifically the Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education, there’s a new one all colluded. To put out that letter. To attack parents. And citizens, why? They are scared to death about the election in Virginia because they want Terry McAuliffe to win. They are scared to death that parents across this country are going to rise up and take down this monopoly, these school teachers unions, and take on the educational bureaucrats and put people on school boards who are responsible people who care about quality education. Obviously, the Democrat Party supports none of that. I’ll be right back