July 14, 2021

July 14, 2021

Cuba Demonstration / Getty Images / Erika Santelices

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden has abused and bastardized immigration laws that allow for migrants to apply for refugee status for simply facing poverty or crime. Yet, Cubans fleeing the tyranny of communism have been told to not even attempt swimming to the US to seek refuge. Then, the American Marxists are silent or supportive of what’s going on. What stands between the people and tyranny is the civil society. Biden has invited the most corrupt racist organization in the world, the United Nations, to investigate race relations in the United States. Parents must borrow a page from the left’s BDS movement and apply it to their children’s school to direct and guide what and how they learn. Keep in mind that the founders of critical race theory came from Ivy League colleges. Later, Democrat legislators in Texas fled to DC to meet up with DC Democrat leaders. The reason is for their exodus and abdication of duty was an unwillingness to vote on a bill that would strengthen the integrity of elections by increasing poll watchers and checking voter ID. The group then held a press conference on Capitol Hill and broke out into song singing the old civil rights hymn “We Shall Overcome.” Afterward, Senate candidate, Josh Mandel, calls in to discuss his campaign for the US Senate in Ohio.


Save America
President Trump on American Marxism

Daily Caller
Democrats Announce Sweeping $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Reconciliation Plan

Just The News
Reality check: What’s really in the Texas voting reform bill?

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Erika Santelices

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Lots to cover tonight. I hope you’ll stay with us throughout the program. You know, Mr. Producer, Mr. Coskun and I were talking before the program. We’ve been open southern border. People from all over the world are pouring into this country. People who are caught are not being deported, criminals who are caught are not being deported. You know, the media are not covering it. And yet this administration puts its foot down when it comes to Cubans. Who are truly facing horrific conditions. Who are truly facing torture and imprisonment and death. From an iron fisted, genocidal Marxist regime. And when it comes to Cubans being refugees, the Biden administration says don’t even try. Don’t even try. So we’re sitting here talking to each other, they in New York, me and Virginia. And. What’s the distinction, and we all came up with the same one. The Cuban community tends to vote Republican. Whereas others south of the border tend to vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The Biden administration has so abused and bastardize our immigration laws and policies and rules that if you are leaving a country because you’re impoverished. Or you may face crime. High rates of crime. Then they’re trying to stretch the refugee rules to allow you to come into the country and not even wait in Mexico, you can come into the country, then disperse into the country, and then you’ll get a court date with in front of an administrative law judge who probably takes two or three years. And we now know over 90 percent of those people never show up. On the other hand, if you’re Cuban trying to leave a communist regime that has a horrific human rights record. You’re not welcome, you’re being told you stay where the hell you are. And you’re being told that by the head of the Department of Homeland Security. Who’s of Cuban ancestry, who’s own parents escaped Cuba to come to this country? Now, what do you think about this? And the media are just fine with it, no problem at all. What’s the big deal? What’s the big deal? I said a Martha MacCallum Show earlier today, and I’ve said it before, Joe Biden is worse than Neville Chamberlain, and I said it about Obama. Why? Neville Chamberlain signed a phony peace deal. With Hitler. Joe Biden is funding the Iranian regime. He’s ensuring that they will have nuclear weapons aimed at the United States. Even Neville Chamberlain wasn’t that much of a moron to do that. And yet that’s exactly what Biden’s doing. This is a very dangerous, stupid, pathetic man in the Oval Office protected by the United States media. And why wouldn’t he be protected by the United States media? What is the number one supposed gold standard in journalism? The New York Times? Right. The New York Times helped Castro take over that country, its reporter, as I point out, by the way, in American Marxism, was a mouthpiece regurgitating everything that Castro said, that he was leading a democratic revolution and so forth. You know, there were less than a hundred of these these guerrilla fighters who took over that country less than a. So much for the uprising of the the proletariat and the masses. Well, the masses want their freedom. And they’re being put down. Cuba’s dark even during the day. We don’t know what the hell is going on there, but words here and they’re coming out, individuals are telling us. Their secret police are brutal. And yet Obama, of all things, bent over backwards to accommodate that government. Biden took an entire day to say anything of what he said was passive. All but a handful of Democrats have spoken out against what’s going on in Cuba. The American Marxists are silent or supporter. That’s what we’re confronting. What stands between us and tyranny and totalitarianism is the civil society and our constitutional order. Both of which were under attack by the Democrat Party and their surrogates, both of which were under attack by these Marxist spawned Americanized movements. And yet people who suffer under tyranny, people who are brutalized the first place they want to come to the United States of America. People in the Third World. People of color desperate to come to the United States of America, and yet look how the American Marxist, the Democrat Party, the media, academia and all the rest of them look how they speak of us, look how they treat us. So everybody’s free to come up with a border except the Cubans. Now, you figure it out. The borders wide open because they think they’re importing Democrats, the borders closed to the Cubans because they dare not import Republicans, I’ve been telling you this now for several years, even before Biden. Moved into the Oval Office. If those were Republicans, two thirds voting Republicans coming across the southern border, the Democrats would be posting the highest walls, the thickest walls. There’d be a moat with alligators, there’d be sharpshooters. Nobody would get the hell into this country. But because they feel they’re going to be Democrats. Wide open border, even though these people are suffering, even though they’re in these tents, even though the media have turned their backs on humanity, on what’s going on, on the southern border. And let’s look at this and even a broader way. Joe Biden in the course of the last week has lifted significant sanctions against the Iranian regime, allowing billions of dollars to pour into Iran at the same time, while Iran has been discovered trying to kidnap an Iranian American journalist who writes and speaks out against them, who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, at the same time. And look at Venezuela, look at what’s happened to the great country of Venezuela and the economy of Venezuela and the people in Venezuela. It is a Cuban satellite. Maduro can’t survive without the support of the Cuban government. And Cuba can’t survive without the support of the Chinese and the Russian government’s. What does Biden do? He lifts certain sanctions against Venezuela. In the past week. And then our secretary of state. Our secretary of state invites the United Nations. To conduct a human rights investigation. Of race in America, he invites the United Nations. To investigate race relations in the United States of America, the United Nations, the most corrupt, racist, anti-Semitic crap. Well, whatever in the in the world, almost. This is by. And when one other thing. Did you see the video online? It’s hard to stomach. Of the Taliban executing Afghan soldiers who fought with us. Have you seen their. They rounded them up and they shot them dead. I said here earlier in the week, or maybe it was last week. The women and the girls in Afghanistan. Are going to be brutalized in horrific ways. Anybody? Who served with the United States, who supported the United States or did not support the Taliban? It’s going to have their life taken. Do you really think Joe Biden gives a damn about you, he really think the Democrat Party gives a damn about you? You saw what we went through last summer in our cities against minorities. You saw what took place. You saw the violence in the arson. You saw the brutalization of our fellow human beings, the intimidation of our fellow human beings. You saw what was done to our police officers who are there to protect us, to maintain law and order. And you heard what the Democrat Party said, calling law enforcement storm troopers. You heard the media talk about mostly peaceful protests, billions and billions and billions of dollars. People killed. You heard what the Democrats said, because this is part of their base. This is the Bernie Sanders AOC Pressley talibe Omar Bush and on and on. This is their base. The Marxists. The violent rioters. The Hate America crowd. We have nothing in common with the Democrat Party if you’re a red blooded American, we have nothing in common with these American Marxist movements. We have nothing in common with the American media, which is why you despise them. We have nothing in common with these tenured. Marxist professors, nothing. We have nothing in common with the NEA in the left and all the rest of them nothing. They do not represent the vast majority of the American people. And yet they’ve been able to devour major aspects of this culture. And they now use the Democrat Party. For political muscle. What kind of party? Wants to destroy the independence and separate nature of our judiciary and particularly the Supreme Court. What kind of party wants to pack the Supreme Court like fascist, a Marxist, do what political ideologues that support their positions. What kind of party goes around with its president popping off about Jim Crow, that this is the worst since the civil war when Republican state legislatures are taking what are really. Quite normal and regularized actions to expand voting, but to protect the vote. Because it wants complete domination, it wants to turn red states in the blue states without the permission or support of the votes of the people in those red states. What kind of party wants access to your text messages? What kind of party sends people door to door to see if you’ve been vaccinated? What kind of. He throws people in jail for months at a time in solitary confinement, doesn’t charge them with insurrection. Charges him with trespass, trying to get them to plead to higher offenses. Almost 600 people, and yet when it comes to Black Lives Matter and Antifa does next to nothing, the track down their leaders and to charge them with felonies or even RICO violations. You know. We are at a very, very serious time here. Very, very troubling time. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Only a couple of minutes, this segment I want to continue after the bottom of the hour, but before we do, we’re going to have a guest, Josh Mandel, in the third hour of this program. There are a number of Republicans running for the nomination for the United States Senate from Ohio. Some people are are coalescing around J.D. Vance. I’m not coalescing around J.D. Vance for one simple reason. He didn’t vote for Donald Trump. Not once, not twice. And you would think in 2020, one would know. The necessity of doing exactly that. That’s my understanding, I’ve endorsed Josh Mandel in the past. He is a fantastic young man. We’re going to bring him on the show on our three. I want you to hear from him because he’s getting no time whatsoever with a couple of billionaires who have gone behind Jaidev. And this is always the irony to me. I have nothing against this guy. JD Vance, Hollywood made a movie out of his book and now he wants to be a senator. But some people have been relatively, I mean, relatively definitely consistent in their views and in their voting patterns and so forth and so on. And in my view, there’s no time to play around. So while others are coalescing around one kid and another candidate running as a RINO who has led the party in Ohio for some period of time, I think she has to win backing. President Trump hasn’t backed anybody yet. He may stay out of it, I don’t know. But we’ll hear in the third hour and you’ll draw your own conclusions. And the president, President Trump called me last week and he said, I want to congratulate you, I hear from publishing sources that this book, America Marxism is a is a massive hit. And I thank them very, very much. And he issued a very kind, beautiful statement today without any prodding from me. I can tell you that. And I’ll read that to you as well. So we will be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, it’s an amazing thing. Folks, I want you, if you have a chance, go to Amazon.com and look at the best sellers. You’ll see American Marxism is number one, thanks to you then. Number two is Michael Wolff, that kook landslide, a trashing of Trump? That’s what it is. Number three, I think, frankly, we did win this election. The inside story of how Trump lost. That’s the number 31. There are one, two, three of the top six books, not as top as mine, but top trashing Trump. Full of gossip. This guy, Michael Bendir. Is given airtime to promote his book, you know, am I given airtime on NBC, Mr. Blitzer? CBS. ABC. Of course not. Of course not. And books on gossip about Trump. Is that what you folks really want to read and really want to hear about what our country is in such dire straits? I’m quite serious about this. I’m quite serious about this. And in the next hour, we’re going to go over some of the solutions involving colleges and universities. Yesterday we talked about. Government schools, you know, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, things we can do well, Mark, I don’t remember everything. It’s in the book and it’s even more extensively discussed in the book. And we’ll go through some of these other areas that we should go through my opinion. And by the way, initial retail sales are coming in. They are huge. And that’s you. And that’s you and Cascos got a ton of the books, Wal-Mart, they’re all Barnes and Noble Books-A-Million, you name them, they all have a great number of books for you. And that, to me, is what is important. But even the media, the Republicans, they don’t understand. This isn’t about gossip. What happened a year ago in the Oval Office, I got a memo. Who cares? This one didn’t like that one, that one didn’t like this. Who cares? I mean, seriously. We’ve got a country in dire straits here in dire straits. It’s almost as if the good Lord is saying, look at Cuba, look at what’s going on in Cuba, look at Iran, look what they’re trying to do with a journalist. Look at what China is doing. Look at you guys want to become that. You remember what Ronald Reagan said 12 and a half years ago, I dug into the audio, into the transcript at the Reagan Library to get the exact words about how we’re only one generation away from losing our liberty. We’re not born with it, it’s not in the bloodstream, we have to defend it and protect it. That’s in the first chapter, but you’ve heard other people mimic this over the course of the 12 and a half years since liberty and tyranny came out. Can’t be distracted with stupid stuff. Now, rather than trash our former great president. And don’t we wish he were here today? Here’s a statement he put out today without any promotion by me, without any input from me, you know, I’m sure people go out and say, hey, I didn’t say a word he on his own. And this was the way he is, by the way. He’s a very nice man. Why don’t they write a book about that? Statement by Donald Trump, 47th president of the United States of America, Save America of the. Is the. It’s on the stationary, congratulations to Mark Levin on the release of his great new book, American Marxism, now available and doing really well. Mark is an American patriot who loves his country in American Marxism. Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture. From our schools, the press and corporations to Hollywood, the Democratic Party and the Biden presidency, and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like progressivism, democratic socialism, social activism and more. Get your copy today. Save America exclamation mark. And I want to thank the president of the United States, former President Donald Trump. I didn’t ask him to do anything, and yet he did it. And that’s very, very kind of him. Now more on what this Democrat Party is doing to this country. Over at The Daily Caller. And you’ve probably heard some of this, but you don’t know the particulars, we never know the particulars because these bills are so big, they’re so sweeping. They’re just so massive in every way and they affect our lives and we have no say in it, no committee hearings, the inability to attend committee hearings, the inability to raise questions in person with our own representatives and senators. This is where we are right now, ladies and gentlemen. Andrew Strunsky, political reporter, Daily Caller, Democrats announced sweeping three point five trillion infrastructure reconciliation plan, they already spent two point three trillion. They have a federal budget proposal of six trillion dollars. Our economy doesn’t even create when you add these trillions together, it adds up to something like 12 trillion, our economy doesn’t create that kind of money. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a Marxist. The chair of the Senate Budget Committee. Announced a three point five trillion dollar deal on their infrastructure reconciliation package late today. The deal is the first step, the beginning, the reconciliation process. Which Democrats hope will allow them to bypass a certain GOP filibuster and pass the plan on a party line, vote so much from Manchin, so much for cinema, they must be defeated. The package includes an array of Democratic priorities that face near unanimous Republican opposition, including billions for child care, climate change, other forms of so-called human infrastructure. Look at how they steal and pervert the language. Schumer and Sanders said in a joint press conference today. We’re very proud of this plan, Schumer told reporters, we know we have a long road to go if we pass this. This is the most profound change to help American families in generations. This is going to help American families growing a massive government into a even massive, bigger government. A more massive government doesn’t work anywhere in the world. They steal your freedoms, they steal your money, they steal your property. And then they pretend, listen to the Cubans who are trying to survive. Listen to them. The government says they’re going to provide food, there’s no food. The government says they’re going to provide medicine. There’s no medicine. They say all these things, they are liars. That’s what they are. Anywhere in the world, does this work anywhere? In addition to the human infrastructure, they create phrases and words we’ve never heard of before, human infrastructure, what the hell was that? That is a Marxist socialist economic agenda. It’s not human infrastructure. Nothing human about. The bill will also include money for Medicare to include dental vision, hearing coverage, Medicare is going broke. It doesn’t matter how much money they pour into it. They stole hundreds of billions out of Medicare for Obamacare, which stole hundreds of billions of dollars out of the private health care system. The expansions were a key goal for progressives. They’re not progressives. And Schumer endorsed them in June, other floated provisions include two years of free community college, paid leave and boosts toward the child tax credit, which Biden extended for a year. It’s just a massive expansion of welfare. It’s a massive expansion of the federal government. You’re going to have massive tax increases, every single one of you. They talk about the rich versus the poor in Venezuela. They don’t talk about the rich versus the poor anymore. Everybody’s poor except for the ruling class. In Cuba, they’ve lived through this propaganda. It’s a reality for them. Everybody’s poor except the leaders of the military. The police and the Communist Party. Now, Democrats have a Senate majority. The 50/50 split means that the plan almost certainly needs unified support from Schumer’s caucus to pass. Democrats also only have three votes to spare in the House, meaning that just a few defections could tank the bill if Republicans vote unanimously in opposition. But they won’t the Democrats, because there’s not a single moderate among them when push comes to shove. Not one. Every damn one of them voted for San Francisco, even Nancy Pelosi to be the leader. Out there party. The speaker of the House, every damn one of them. Now, this bill is coupled with a smaller one point two trillion dollar infrastructure framework, three point five plus one point to Mr. Producer. How much is that? Five trillion, give or take. Five trillion on top of two point three trillion on top of a six trillion dollar budget proposal. Inflation through the roof, the price of a gallon of gasoline, energy resonates throughout the economy, food, everything, heating, air conditioning, everything. And they want to spend trillions and trillions more and they say it’s paid for, they are liars, the idiot senator here in my own state. What’s that chick’s name? There’s two of them. Two of them. One of us has to pay for plan, it’s a paid for, they just lie, they don’t care, they lie and they’re all in on it. There’s not one friggin moderate senator on the Democrat side, not one. Warner that puch. That freak of nature. Schumer said that Democrats will vote on both the bipartisan and reconciliation bill. So you have 11. Low IQ Republican senators who walk into the trap, they have a bipartisan bill that pays for cement and steel and real infrastructure, one point two trillion a fortune. And now. And now the Democrats are going to add three point five. These 11 Republicans, the usual suspects. The usual buffoons. Always looking for a middle way. And they screwed us. All 11 of them. They screwed us. They have no idea what’s swirling around us here, they have no idea what the Democrats are trying to do to this country and we the people, what they’re trying to do to the minds of your children, what they’re trying to do to your communities in your neighborhoods, what they’re doing to your universities and colleges, what they’re doing to our border, and the notion of citizenship. They are at war with this society. Let me be as clear as I know how. And you want to hear language that incites. You want to hear language that incites where’s the FBI director, should he be interviewing Joe Biden for him, inciting insurrections and inciting violence, that speech that he gave at the Constitution Center? What’s the most diabolical, evil, outrageous speech any modern president has given in our modern history period? Bar none. They complain about Trump in his tweets, Trump never gave a speech like that, the most horrendous speech I have ever heard in 50 years of following politics, the most horrendous speech I have ever heard in citing. Encouraging you tell people somebody’s stealing your vote because of your race. What the hell do you think that causes? Shocking. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I have an idea, Mr. Head of the Joint Chiefs, I have an idea, Mr. Head of naval operations. I have an idea, Mr. Secretary of Defense, rather than handing out Marxist racist books or recommending them to our brave men and women who serve in our multiple military services, why don’t you have them read American Marxism? In fact, why don’t you read American Marxism? Mr. Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you say you read Mao. You say you read Lenin. How hard would it be to read this? Let’s have the people who serve the United States military read American Marxist. Why not have a little bit of competition on our college campuses, send your kids if they’re going to college with a copy of the book too, so they can defend themselves, defend your lifestyle and defend this country against these tenured Marxist. No, I can’t do that. We’re not going to do that, no way. Yeah, well. There’s an army of you out there, it’s quite obvious. Who do care about this country and you see what’s happening in Cuba and Venezuela and these other countries, it’s an amazing thing that Democrats are in charge. Do you feel like they’re expanding freedom? Do you feel like they’re expanding individualism? Do you feel like they’re embracing the Constitution? Do you feel like they believe in national sovereignty in a secure border? Do you feel like they believe in safety and law and order so they can walk in your streets? Do you do you feel like the money you earn belongs to you or that they’re going to take a whole bunch of it? You’re just waiting for the guillotine to fall. These are very devious, diabolical and evil forces that we’re dealing with here, including in the media who hate me and the feeling is mutual. I want to remind you of a couple of things, if I can pull it up here very quickly as we close this hour and start the next one very, very shortly. All right. We want to encourage as many of you as possible because we’re going to have a blast. We’re going to have a good time this Saturday from one to two p.m. We’re doing this with bookends, Ridgewood, New Jersey. But it doesn’t really matter where it is. This is the source through which all of us all over the country can meet this Saturday, one to two p.m., have a discussion about American Marxism, take some questions and give some answers. And you can get a signed book plated copy of American Marxism. There’s only a few places where you can get this. It’s just the nature of the states and the towns and the ordinances and everything else. This is one of them and one of the only ones. And it’s going to happen this Saturday. So Saturday is going to pass before you know it. So if you’d like to participate, I’d love to have as many of you as possible. Thousands of you. And we will do this and you can check it out by going to bookends dotcom. That’s B, OK, dash a straight dash and dot com backslash book dash and dot com backslash. Always go to Mark Levin Show dot com, where we also have the link. And I also want to remind you that Premier collectibles has signed copies with certificates and they’re in a beautiful package, limited edition, limited first edition when they run out that if they’re gone, you can go to premier collectibles, dot com slash Marxism, premier collectibles, dot com slash Marxism, or again, go to the mothership ship. Mark Levin, show dotcom. If you want sign books, I encourage you to do either one of those. I’ll be right back..