June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021

Obama Anderson / Getty Images / White House Pool

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Barack Obama got a softball interview with Anderson Cooper and of course, he doesn’t get any hard questions. Instead, he reverts to demagoguery. Obama references changes in the Demographics of America and gets no pushback, yet this program receives hateful criticism for pointing out these same changes. Obama says some right-wing media outlets stoke fear and that White America is resentful of the changing population. Then, Obama cynically cites critical race theory as the biggest threat to the republic, the problem is that this is Marxism and Obama knows it. Herbert Marcuse is the ideological founding father of the new left movement and critical race theory. Later, President Biden and Antony Blinken have handed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians through intermediaries with no strings attached. Biden also ignores Rep. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitism. Afterward, Michael Farris from Alliance Defending Freedom calls in to explain the facts of the Tanner Cross case. Cross was silenced by the Loudon County School Board after voicing his objections to using coerced pronouns that are against his faith beliefs.


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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / White House Pool

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I want to thank my buddy Ben Ferguson for sitting in for me yesterday. He’s a good man and I much, much appreciate it, man. Oh, Manischewitz. There’s a lot to jump into here. I hope you’ll stick with me. All three hours is very important to the extent you can. But we’re going to start with something a little unusual here. Despite all that’s going on, we’re going to start with Barack Milhouse Benito Obama, and we’re going to learn something from how he conducts himself. How the media jumped to his every syllable. And we’re going to unravel this once and for all. And we have to start, unfortunately, with Obama, we have to play the clip so we know what we’re responding to here. Here he is. He gets this kiss ass interview from Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper doesn’t challenge Obama on anything, doesn’t challenge Obama on his ideology, doesn’t challenge Obama, what’s going on on the border, which he supports, doesn’t challenge Obama for his utter silence when it came to all the riots. In fact, his support in some ways for it. The fact that his former staffers, two thirds of the Biden administration is populated by his former staffers, his past anti-Semitism, Obama’s not questioned about anything on CNN. Instead, Anderson Cooper and the other fraud’s. It Jeff mother suckers, CNN used the occasion to prod Obama to attack Trump, to attack you, to attack Fox. That’s why CNN has no ratings, literally their debt. It’s a wasted carbon footprint. Let’s take a look let’s take a listen to what he had to say, because I want to unravel this and unravel about how the left, the Democrats in the media do this and what we can do about it. So I’m giving you a little bit of a peek. Into American Marxism. By the way, I’ve been off the air Saturday, Sunday, Monday, three days. And this has been the number one non-fiction on Amazon and on Barnes & Noble, and that’s because of you. And I want to thank you and I don’t believe you’re going to regret it, 17 and a half bucks. I think you’re going to say that was well worth it. That’s my hope. That’s my belief. But let’s get into this a little bit. Cut five go. I also think that there are certain right wing media venues, for example, that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America and seeing demographic changes and and do everything they can to give people a sense that their way of life is threatened and that people are trying to take advantage of them. First of all, a couple of things just from that sense. How come it’s OK when Obama and the Democrats note demographic changes happening in the country? But if I say it, it’s white supremacy, right, Mr. Producer, how come how come when you look at the census data and you look at these various entities like Gallup and Pew and you see it with your own two eyes? Obama brags about it, Biden brags about it, the Democrats brag about it. This is what the Democrats want. This is what the Democrats are doing. That’s why the borders open. I’ve written about this, talked about this. It’s liberty and tyranny. How come when we mention look what they’re doing, oh, you must be a white supremacist. Is Barack Obama a white supremacist? Now, that’s number one. That’s number one, and this is purposeful, what they’re doing. Whatever you think about it, this is purposeful, what they’re doing. Number two, white America is resentful. And white America fears this. White America is resentful and white America fears this. I don’t know what white America is. There are people in this country, all walks of life, all backgrounds, all races who do not believe the borders should be open to sex offenders and coyotes and to little kids coming across the border without their families. McAllen, Texas, is right on the border with Mexico, it’s 85 percent Hispanic, it’s a heavy Democrat city. They just elected a Republican mayor. So the lie that’s out there by Obama and his ilk, radical American Marxist ilk and the media is that only white people and white supremacists are concerned about what’s happening to the country. No, that’s not true. I’m not done. Go ahead. Right now, right where you would think with all the public policy debates that are taking place right now, that, you know, the Republican Party would be engaged in a significant debate about how are we going to deal with the economy and what are we going to do about climate. We are involved in a debate about how we’re going to deal with the economy anyway. Go ahead. What are we going to do about. Lo and behold, the single most important issue to them currently right now is critical race theory. Who knew that that was the threat to our republic? Now, you see, this is how it works. Critical race there. What are you worried about? Like it’s a threat to our report. What’s the big deal? What’s the big deal and the people who raise this, obviously they have monetary interests, obviously it’s right wing media. Obviously it’s white people scared of demographic changes in this country. What’s the problem? Here’s the problem. I’m going to confront this. You’re going to hear everyone on Fox and everyone on radio do this now. The problem is it’s Marxism. And Obama knows it. Now, I’m going to give you a little history lesson here, a little a little bit of information that you have not heard, and it is an American Marxism and I should know better and keep my mouth shut because it’ll be repeated and repeated and repeated. Then suddenly you’ll say, well, Marx repeating what somebody else said, I am not. This critical race theory comes from something called critical theory. And it’s part of a Marxist movement in the 1960s in this country. And the founding father of this critical theory movement was Herbert Marcus. I would say he’s a man that was a professor, many Ivy League schools in this country, he was born in Germany. He’s a Hungarian Marxist ideologue. He worked with the Franklin School of Political Theorist, which was basically a communist beehive. And as a young man. As a young man in Germany. He saw the rise of the Communist Party and he saw the rise of the Third Reich and he was certain the Communist Party would win. He was certain that people would be drawn to the Communist Party. Because of the Communist Party’s ideology, he was a true Marxist, but that’s not what happened for a number of reasons. I don’t need to get in here. We’ll do it another day. And he needed an explanation why isn’t this happening? So we escaped to the United States, where he spreads his form of what I call American Marxism. And he writes extensively, and one thing you don’t know is that he was the brainchild behind the new left movement. The rights of the 1960s, Students for Democratic Action, the violence that occurred, the attempt to blow up the Capitol building and other buildings in the Pentagon, he was the ideological mastermind. Behind that movement, he’s the ideological mastermind behind critical race theory. Others picked up from where he left off. But nonetheless, he’s the founding father. Of critical theory and ultimately critical race theory. We’ll get into this in much more detail when we all have the book in front of us, as it turns out, and I’m excited, you know, you spent a long time writing these things and researching them. I just got the hardcover today. I’m looking at what you’re going to have. And I think you’re going to really jump into this and. Digest it and really want to help save your country. So here’s Barack Obama, here’s my point. Is this the biggest thing that’s going to talk about the hair we’re talking about, which. No Marxism. We’re talking about Marxism being taught to our children in public school classrooms, in elementary schools and secondary schools and high schools, of course, and colleges and universities which have been doing this for years. We’re talking about the National Education Association and the American Federation for Teachers embracing this and promoting this. We’re talking about school boards across America and schools, administrators across America, embracing Marxism and spreading Marxism. That’s what they’re doing. We’re talking about media personalities, professors going on these various news platforms promoting Marxism, we’re talking about corporate boards and corporate executives who are bracing critical race theory. They’re embracing, shockingly enough, Marxism. LeBron James, half the sportscasters on ESPN, ESPN, half the coaches. For professional sports. Now, some don’t know it and some do, but it’s our job to explain it and to confront it, this is just a little piece of the book that because of Obama, I just couldn’t be quiet anymore about this. And again, I’m not going to get into all of it. I’m just giving you a feel for it. And one of the things Markku says is America is a very tolerant country, isn’t it, ladies and gentlemen? 1965 rights, an entire piece of tolerance, you know what he says about tolerance, tolerance is an end in itself. You know what he talked about? Because if you pretend to be a tolerant society with a civil rights movement, with the Warren Court or the EEOC, with federal causes of action and people getting to vote, no more Jim Crow and stuff like that, you’re actually. Suppressing, you know what? You’re suppressing your eliminating a Marxist revolution, you’re eliminating violence. You’re sucking people in, you’re you’re colonialized their minds. So that they become a part of your society, you’re pacifying them, it’s a neocolonial effort, that’s what it is. The philosophers, so-called in the top advocates of critical race theory, this is what they teach. That Marxism will not have a chance in this country until we destroy all the impediments, you know, they reject the civil rights movement. I heard Araldo, this isn’t a criticism on Fox today on the five, he was saying, look, you know, people were taught about. You know, black kids were taught about these these great heroes of the Confederacy. What do you expect? This has nothing to do. With that. Nothing. When we come back, I will explain it further. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, I don’t know what it is really during breaks and other people write me. You should do this on your show. You should have this. Yes, don’t forget to mention us don’t know who has the brass ones to bother a talk show host about this. It’s an amazing thing. It’s an amazing thing. People constantly tell me how to do my job or how to do a show. I move on, you’re the audience, you’re who I care about. I’m trying to unravel what Obama did in this whole effort here. There were many. Prominent critics of CRT critical race theory, one of the most important ones to me was the late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., chief of staff, confidante and friend, his closest. Confidant Dr. Wyatt T. Walker. Now, Walker was a legend in the civil rights movement in his own right. His friend and frequent collaborator in the school choice movement, Steve Kolinsky Greitzer. So Walker was Kingsfield general in the organized resistance against notorious Birmingham Birmingham Safety Commissioner Bull Connor. I’m not going to read this whole thing to. But why is this significant? Because Walker had nothing but contempt for critical race theory. He was disgusted with it. And critical race theoreticians were disgusted with him. And the civil rights movement. You remember what I said earlier? About what Marcus had said. Marcus said that this is nothing but an effort to create a tolerant society to prevent the proletariat from rising up and overthrowing this country. Well, of course, they have nothing but contempt for the Civil Rights Act of 64, the Civil Rights Act of 65, Martin Luther King himself, although only a few of them will admit that. And Martin Luther King’s confidante saw it and he knows it. Because he’s not a Marxist. And so this is what is being taught to your children. This is what’s being peddled to your children again, I’m not going to go into it anymore. I wrote page after page after page. I’m putting the book down. You understand my point? They reject all the progress that’s been made because from their perspective, it’s nothing more. Nothing more than an effort to prevent a full blown Marxist violent revolution. That is their belief. How do I know, because I’ve read it one scholar after another, I’ve read Marcus just like the new leftist read Marcus. And he’s not the only one. Derek Bell. He’d been a professor at Stanford Law School, then Harvard Law School. They don’t hide their views are way out there for everyone to read. And so when you have these apologists on TV and you have an apologist, Obama. Whose bodies were domestic terrorists, whose bodies were Marcus followers? Nobody knows better than Barack Obama. What critical race theory is, what critical theory is. Because he was pals with domestic terrorists who are also followers of Marcus in the new left movement. And that man was elected president of the United States for eight years while they trashed Trump and they trashed all the Republicans and sister, big issue. Now, we got a lot of big issues, have a lot of them, but they sure as hell is one of them. Like, I cover many in the book, but I thought you’d want to be aware of it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Joel Pollak at Breitbart wants me to mention that Salon mentioned in 2012 that Breitbart brought this subject up a. So I hope Joel’s happy with that. You know, there’s people that are working very, very hard in this at a heritage of Gonzales, you have this Chris Rulfo. You’ve got many, many people. That’s not my point. I want us to go back. Find out where this came from to present it to you. Through what I do. So we can better understand what’s going on, and that’s what we’re going to continue to do. It’s like climate change. It’s not that I’m the first one to mention climate change. But let’s go deeper. Let’s take a really good look at this. I’m sure there’s a million people have mentioned climate change, good, bad, indifferent left wing. Who cares? It’s not what I’m interested in. And so we plow ahead, it’s very, very important. We must confront people like Obama, we must unravel what they’re trying to do, where they just dismiss it in the media, just dismiss it. I don’t care what happened in 2012. This is twenty, twenty one. And it’s now taken over our schools. And people want answers and they want them today and people want to know how to fight this and they want to know how to fight it today. And so it’s very, very important. Well, there are several other issues that we focus on this. And that’s the point. Obama has not done. What about Obama on CNN again? On Trump and neo-Nazis. There’s is amazing this a guy, again, who was friends with domestic terrorists. Cut for I go, I thought that there were enough guardrails institutionally that even after. What does that mean? A guy who wants to destroy our constitutional construct is buddy with bombers. A guy who’s who spends his every waking day trying to figure out how to fundamentally transform America, but I thought there were enough guardrails institutionally. What is he talking about? They hate the Constitution, they hate the guardrails, they hate the Electoral College, they hate sovereign borders. They hate private property rights. So what are the guardrails Obama is talking about? Go ahead. That you would have the same qualities as monotonous and inarticulate as he’s always been. Go ahead, establishment, who would say, OK, you know, it’s a problem if the White House isn’t doesn’t seem to be concerned about Russian meddling. The White House doesn’t seem to be concerned about Russian meddling. His former vice president just handed the Russians a pipeline. That our former president stopped. He Barack Obama refused to provide the Ukrainians with offensive military hardware that our president provided. He Barack Obama refused to put real serious sanctions. On Putin that our president did. So he’s grasping, he doesn’t know what to say, you know, when you really think about the Trump presidency. He never violated or went beyond anybody’s guardrails, he followed the law, he followed the Constitution, he followed court decisions. When they disagreed, they made appeals. They went as her draw. He never violated anything. He never went over guardrails. Go ahead. It’s a problem if we have a president who’s saying that, you know, neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, they’re good people on both sides. He didn’t say neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, comma. There’s good people on both sides, folks. I have I don’t know how many programs I’ve done where I’ve taken the transcript. And I’ve gone through it with you word by word, he never said these things. He never said Charlottesville and the neo-Nazis and the Klan are on one side and there’s good people. That’s not the way he said it. So they have to lie. They have to twist his words. And twistin for what Obama doesn’t even know how he how he jumped the guard rails, he doesn’t even have any examples. And why is Anderson Cooper interviewing Obama about Trump? Why is he interviewing Obama about the Republican Party? Why isn’t he interviewing Obama about Obama and Biden and the Democrat Party? Why does an Anderson Cooper interrupt and say, you know, Mr. President, with all due respect, you’ve got quite a growing anti-Semitism movement within your party. Some people believe that you helped launch, that you have not come out and condemned AOC or Omar or Talib or any of them. Why is that? Was that a tough question, yes, for him, not for the rest of us. Why isn’t he asking him about himself and his party, his former vice president and their agenda? Go ahead, Rita, which we did not see that Republican establishment say, hold on, time out. That’s what the hell is this fool talking about? Here’s more go ahead at who we are, but rather be cowed into accepting it and then finally culminating in January, so they always have the January 6th. I got to get January 6th. What is January 6th have to do with any of this? That was a spontaneous protest. You had a couple hundred people who charged into that Capitol building who have been condemned widely, and I want to get back to that in a moment because condemning them widely doesn’t mean they should be treated like they’re in the old Soviet Union either. Which would have been another perfect question, how come he didn’t speak out when the Portland courthouse was attacked for 90 straight days, including with Molotov cocktails and policemen were injured, some of them severely injured with lasers pointed at their eyes and so forth? Mr. Former President, why didn’t you say anything? Black Lives Matter is a Marxist anti-Semitic organization, Mr. President, how come you don’t condemn at least that part of them? Because Obama won’t go on shows where he’s questioned, he only goes on shows where he can stutter and concoct these idiotic answers. Go ahead. Or what originally was, oh, don’t worry, this isn’t going anywhere. We’re just letting. All right. Are you’re rambling? You know, it’s true. There are Obama fights out there with their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, spittle dripping down their chin. As they watch Obama. My. Don’t we Miss Obama, fantastic. Did another interview where he took credit. For all the economic growth under Trump. Well, he’s taking credit for the radical left wing actions of Biden. Honestly, this guy is a pseudo psycho. I really believe that, I believe he believes this stuff, you know, in a lot of questioning. Well, I am. I am. These interviews are perverse, they’re absurd, they show a man who. Where is Brandy XLE, Mr. Bettison? What happened, she got fired at. Yeah, I remember she and she had a gaggle of like minded buffoons who were passing judgment on President Trump’s psychological well-being and mental well-being from afar. What happened to Brandy? Actually, we could use her bad now, don’t you think? Except this time, maybe she could analyze Barack Milhouse Benito Obama. Because these are some truly, may I say, with all due respect to some really dumb ass comments, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Actually, I have a Breitbart story here for later. I’m not going to get into this in great detail, the reason I wasn’t here yesterday. Is because when I was driving from the airport. My home in Virginia. There was a little accident. I would say actually was a big accident. And I’m actually very lucky to be here. And it involved a dumptruck. And beyond that, I won’t get into it. I was the the recipient of a domino effect. In the car was totaled, I’m I’m OK. But obviously, I couldn’t get back here in time to do my job, so. Don’t call an ass, you don’t have to, you know, are you OK? I’m fine. Here I am. Let’s get your attention. And but for a couple of moves and that car, I’m sure it could have been a lot worse. So there is a God, I think, of you. And he was looking over me that now for four thirty PM Eastern Time yesterday. And I’m very, very grateful. There’s a lot here. When you hear the Democrats and media types, the the poison, the hate that they have for this country, I’ll even go for it. They hate they have for white people, like white people are some generic group of people. Any white people come in all forms and shapes, white people come in all religions and backgrounds and ancestries, white people come from all over the world like black people and brown people and red people and yellow people. But not all the same, and yet for the Marxists, they have to be the same. Because you have this dichotomy. Class warfare, oppressor and oppressed, as we’ve talked about before. And you can’t have oppressor and oppressed if you look at individual human beings. As individual human beings. You have to create classes, and so when Joe Biden goes out there and he talks about white supremacy is the greatest danger we face, not nuclear missiles from Russia or China. No, no, no. Not a nuclearized Iran, which he’s going to create. No, no, no, no. That’s not the most dangerous thing in the world. Not a sexual predator in your neighborhood, of which there will be many more because the borders are open now. No, no, no. The greatest threat we face is white supremacy. Now, he is doing this because the Obama Marxists around him, the American Marxist. Are pushing our agenda. Regardless of what communist China does or fascistic Russia does or the Islamic Nazi regime in Tehran does. They want to overthrow this system. That’s what they want to do, focusing on other countries, that’s not going to fix anything. That’s not going to change everything, and as I said the other day, these people wake up every morning trying to figure out how to overthrow our country, how to destroy our traditions, which monument to turn down, which book to burn, which person to cancel. We don’t do that. We wake up, we go to work, we do our thing. We raise our family and so forth. So the better we understand this enemy and it is an enemy. The better we understand their tactics and they have tactics. The better we understand how they’re devouring our classrooms. Our colleges and universities. Our movie studios, our television networks, wittingly or unwittingly, and most of them winningly than the better, we will be able to confront them. And I’ve only just begun. How about you? I’ve only just begun. Here’s Obama speaking to the 20 21 graduating students nationwide in a Twitter video Saturday. What is it? What did I say? I meant Joe Biden. Here’s Joe Biden. Cut one go. We’re in the midst of a great movement for civil rights, women’s rights and environmental rights. No, we’re not. We’re not in the midst of any great movement except to the hard left. We’re not in any great civil rights, women’s rights or environmental rights movement. This is a mental job, this guy is so utterly unhinged. Go ahead. An inflection point, and we did our best to seize that moment because things were changing so rapidly, and now you face another inflection point as we put this pandemic behind us, rebuild our economy, root out systemic racism and tackle climate change, we’re addressing the great crises of our time with a greater sense of purpose than ever before. Were not massive deficit spending, massive regulations, a war on private property rights, a war on energy independence, massive illegal immigration with wide open borders. It’s not an inflection point to challenge. Racism and tackle climate change. This guy is a wrecking ball. Any idiot can do this. Well, there you go. Anybody, any seven year old can do this, just send them to a candy store or toy store. I want this. I want this. I want that. No, you can’t have it. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. The only difference is he dresses it up as some righteous event. We don’t have a civil rights movement going on. We don’t need a civil rights movement. Everybody in this country is an individual and they’re free to do what they wish to do under the law. Nobody’s stopping them. He acts like this is the 1920s or the 1960s, it’s not women’s rights. Ask your wife, ask your mother, ask your daughter, do they not have rights? What are they talking about? Not talking about anything, environmental rights, does the environment have rights? How does that mean environmental rights? This guy is trying to create a fantasy of his own. A, if you will, a Potemkin nation, not just a Potemkin village. Over which he rolls and then he pats himself on the back of the head. Now, what a fantastic job he’s doing. We’re going to see more change in the next 10 years, he says, later than we saw in the last 50 years. Well, not if you and I have anything to say about it. Because we’re not interested in change, we’re interested in liberty, change for changes sake is a disaster. We’re interested in progress, not change, progress doesn’t necessarily mean change and the real understanding of reform, as Edmund Burke explained, reform is an understandable process of change. Change persay is a radical move. I’ll be right back.