June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021

Biden Podium / Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden seems to have glossed over Memorial Day and gone straight back into racism, excessive government spending, and how else the Democrats can control our lives. We can’t fix our history in Tulsa’s greenwood district. But we can’t pretend that program after program and more government intervention will change what happened 100 years ago. That’s a damnable lie. This push for racism, after all of the good progress America has made in the civil rights movement, is unraveling the country. The Party that is led by White liberals is reconstructing its constituent groups and trying to rewrite history to advance a foreign concept to destroy American exceptionalism. Then, Biden says that empathy is the fuel of democracy, but he’s wrong, it’s liberty that is the fuel of this republic. The left self-righteously slaps the label of “reform” on anything that they wish to destroy. If the problem is the government, why would anyone want more of it? Will trillions of dollars in federal spending eradicate racism? Critical race theory teaches that whites inherently benefit from white supremacy. It focuses on equity measures outcomes, not inputs. This is the racializalization of Marxism. Later, a federal appellate court struck down a provision of Biden’s plan to grant special treatment to specific racial groups and genders. The Democrats’ institutionalized racism is being disguised as righteousness.


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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

Rough transcript for Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Do people know what a memorable day was all about? Apparently, Joe Biden does not and apparently the media do not, rather than celebrating those who have died in service to this country. Oh, yes, they celebrated some of that, but it was racism all weekend long. Starting with Joe Biden. You see folks for people like Joe Biden, it’s easy to talk about the past, it’s easy to cherry pick America’s past. And then talk about spending vast sums of money. And then talk about regulating your lives. Then talk about massive redistribution of wealth. But when things actually happen on Joe Biden’s watch. Not so good. It was just a week ago where we saw massive outbreaks of anti-Semitism in our cities. Joe Biden didn’t lift a finger. He issued a statement. Beyond that, he did nothing. We cannot fix what happened in Tulsa. And the Greenwood district 100 years ago. We can’t fix what happened in that place. But for 100 years to pretend that nothing’s happened in this country. Civil rights. Laws, court decisions, trillions of dollars spent program after program after program is a damnable lie. A damnable lie. As if spending money and destroying our economic system and destroying our constitutional system will fix what happened in Tulsa a hundred years ago. Embracing tyranny doesn’t fix anything. And it never will. This this push for racism in this country now, after all that’s happened and after all the good that’s been done over the decades. To confront it. As it’s confronted, unfortunately, in every society. Is unraveling our country, it’s unraveling our system, and Joe Biden has made a decision and his staff of radicals have made a decision and the Democrat Party has made a decision. It is going to be a party that is led by white liberals. And is it a party that intends to appeal to white liberals? As well as minorities. In other words, they’re reconstructing their. Their constituent groups are keeping some don’t get me wrong. The borders are open today for a reason, not because of Tulsa. Not because of slavery, not because the Democrats give a damn about minorities. Look at the history of Democrats. Oklahoma, 100 years ago was a one party Democrat state, I might add, and Tulsa was a Democrat city. None of that ever comes up, of course, all of America is at fault, all of it. Even Americans. Who fought in the Civil War and opposed slavery and always have. There’s a lot of ethnic groups. They come out into this country that have come to this country, who have suffered from slavery. In fact, most of the. 150 years ago, 100 years ago, they were escaping. Tyranny and totalitarianism of one form or another. That’s why they were coming to this country. Not just for economic reasons, for liberty. And yet Joe Biden. Wants to keep talking about 100 years ago. There are 160 years ago. Joe Biden doesn’t want to talk about Joe Biden’s past. But what Joe Biden did or didn’t do in the United States Senate or his vice president. It’s just easier to point to history and then blame America, point the history and blame America, all Americans. All Americans. Yet all Americans didn’t believe in slavery, yet all Americans didn’t believe in segregation and all Americans weren’t involved in both. But Joe Biden did believe in segregation. We can’t fix what happened. In the Greenwood district, although it’s important to remember, it’s important to remember. Slavery and segregation and so forth. But Joe Biden doesn’t use it to remember he uses it a hundred years later or 150 years later. To advance an alien ideology. That would destroy what makes America great. America’s greatness. So that Arlington National Cemetery yesterday. Joe Biden’s barely getting through a speech, as obviously others have written for him. You can see he has dementia. He squints his eyes. He suffers with the words it is. Historians will comment on this one day, even though the modern media, whether it’s. The coronavirus or the fraud that was the Russia collusion is in the back pocket of the Democrat Party, one day they’ll comment on this. But there he is at Arlington National Cemetery. A sacred place in this country. And in part, he says this cut to go empathy. Empathy is the future of democracy, our willingness to see each other. Empathy is not the fuel of democracy. Liberty is the fuel. Of Republicanism. Liberte. Not empathy. Empathy is an emotion. Liberty is a state of being. Go ahead. His neighbors, even we disagree to understand what the other’s going through. I cannot stand it when he when he goes through these machinations like this. A very stupid man. Really in the in the last hours of a quasi sanity. Writing, reading, things that other people have written and doing it like this and this. Go ahead, state the obvious. Let me stop here if I want to have a caller. Anybody can call here and tell me any time during Joe Biden’s senatorial career or vice presidential career, for that matter, what he did to improve relations between blacks and whites, what he did to improve the economic. Life of minorities in this country. Don’t tell me, create a program, I want to know what he did. Exactly, and I want to know what banner he carried for the black community 50 years in Washington, D.C., because that’s his effort now. Go ahead. Our democracy is imperfect, but always has been what Americans of all backgrounds, races, creeds, gender identities, sexual orientations and long spilled their blood to defend our democracy. Yes. But you’d say. And Tulsa. About systemic racism. So there’s multiple problems that Democrats are having cobbling together their new coalition. Is America systemically racist or not? And yet you try to appeal to Americans. Based on their diversity. Well, which is it, is America systemically racist or not, the borders are wide open, people are pouring over the border, a very small percentage of whom are Caucasian. So which is it? Over the land of opportunity or the land of systemic racism? They don’t know yet, they don’t care because consistency is irrelevant to them, propaganda’s what matters. Empathy is what fuels democracy. Empathy is what fuels democracy. Empathy, is that why our men and women on the battlefield fight for empathy or for liberty? Can you find the word empathy in any of our founding documents or liberty? Is the word empathy chiseled in all our monuments or the word liberty? That’s going to cut three, please go. Democracy thrives when the infrastructure of democracy is strong and people have the right to vote freely and fairly and conveniently on a free. This is this is the effort. That the left uses all the time to take what they’re trying to do, that is what they’re trying to destroy and slap the label reform on it in a self-righteous. Kind of way. So nobody’s denying anybody to vote. Can you name one person who has been denied the right to vote? I’m serious. Can you name one? Can you name one person is brought a legitimate federal voting rights claim under the 1965 Civil Rights Act and as demonstrated in that claim, in a court of law, that a state denied him or her the right to vote because of their race or sexual preference. Can you name one person? You know, you have standing to bring those federal lawsuits. Most of us can’t name anyone, so if it’s widespread and states are actually trying to do this. Where all the cases, even more importantly, where all the outcomes that demonstrate that there aren’t. Go ahead. Press pursues the truth, founded on facts, not propaganda or the rule of law applies equally and fairly to every citizen and regardless of where they come from, what they look like. Now, despite the propaganda, is that not the case in this country? Well, look at the number of people based on race who are in our prisons. I didn’t ask that. Is that because we lack due process, is that because every courthouse in America is corrupt every day during America’s corrupt? Is that because every defense counts in America’s corrupt? No, that has nothing to do with it. These guys, again, hypocrisy, want to build an even bigger, massive government while they attack it. If our justice system and our court system. Our racist. Well, why do you want more laws, why do you want bigger government? If the problem is government, why do you want more of it? Go ahead. Excuse me. Oh, good Lord, wherever Americans are there, there is democracy. I have no idea what that means. Go ahead, churches and synagogues and mosques, neighborhoods and coffee shops and diners. Teachers, a kids, baseball or soccer games, libraries and parks are full of racists, right, because we’re systemically Ray, if you’re systemically racist, that means there’s not a corner of this country, not a diner, coffee shop, not a mosque, synagogue, church, not a neighborhood. That’s not racist. That’s systemically racist. That’s what it means. And yet here we are again. Democracy. Democracy comes out of our. Ladies and gentlemen, democracy comes out of whatever we do because we’re Americans and yet three paragraphs later, we’re systemically racist and I’m going to spend trillions of dollars to fix that. This is what we get over the memorial weekend. From the dumbest. Most moronic president in modern American history who threw in with the segregationists. He’s incoherent, he’s a plagiarist. And he has no moral core, period. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

I can’t just be a ping pong ball. Ladies and gentlemen, bouncing around a pulling in all the current issues, but I have to do in a way that makes sense so we understand what’s going on to our country and to our society. You’ll Beto O’Rourke. There’s a reason why they’re all saying the same thing. If you understand and you do that the Democrat Party is diabolical, in fact, it’s evil that it was behind segregation and slavery and Jim Crow, if you understand that the Democrat Party has no tolerance. For the constitution, the rule of law, if you understand that the Democrat Party will back violence. And it has since before the Klan, the Klan and forward even today were Black Lives Matter and Antifa, then you understand what we’re dealing with. The truth does not set them free. The truth is that when it comes to the media, the Democrat Party, academia and their various. Organizations. And so when Texas tries to return to the pre coronavirus election system, which nobody at the time said was racist. Now, according to Beto O’Rourke, who wants to run for the senator, governor there, I believe, Governor, he says voting integrity does the exact same thing as poll taxes and literacy tests. They will say anything. And right now, for all the talk about inciting insurrection, they are inciting. Listen to me. They are inciting or trying to incite race riots. They’re trying to incite further violence. That is exactly what they’re doing, weakening the cops and trying to incite violence. Listen to their words. Don’t listen to me.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, we’re late to this fight, ladies and gentlemen, some of you saw it coming, some of us saw it coming, but one institution after another is crumbling in this. This racist ideology is now spewed and is a poison throughout the White House and the executive branch. And what better foil than one of the dumbest men to ever serve in Washington, D.C., who is really on his last IQ numbers and. I want to set the stage here for more of this, this was happening all weekend. No, I wasn’t watching a lot of TV this weekend. This is Memorial Day weekend, not Democrat Party spewing racism weekend. And how Obama excuse me, Biden can do this. At Arlington, when you walk and there’s row after row after row after row. Of men and some women who gave their life for this country. Without reference to their race is a shock to me. Now, what are we dealing with here? You see, you’re going to learn more about this whole racism stuff with the Marxist connection today, it’s part of the American Marxism, as I call it. If it’s not the longest chapter, it’s the second longest chapter, racism, gender ism and Marxism, and I also cover immigration in this chapter. But let me give you a taste of this again, to put it in further context, that I want to go back to the things you were hearing, one Democrat Party member after another, one media platform after another. This is what they promote, not Americanism, not the magnificence of this country. Almost no talk about the men and women who are serving overseas. Are those who have freshly returned. Maybe in a throwaway line, but nothing more. They don’t celebrate America, they don’t celebrate the men and women who died for this country. Because it’s. It doesn’t do them any good, you know. Because they’re really aligned with academia, they’re aligned with the media, they’re aligned with Hollywood, and they don’t give a damn. George R.R. Lenoy, who is a good question. He’s a research professor of public policy and political science, University of Maryland. And he describes this critical race theory, but it’s more than that, but critical race theory through the writings of two best selling proponents, Robin D’Angelo and Ibrahim Kennedy. CRT begins with the presumption that race is the primary way to identify and analyze people. Now you see Biden doing this. Biden is now one of the leading ministers of critical race theory and racism in this country. So begins with the presumption that race is the primary way to identify and analyze people and consequently posits a racial hierarchy that supposedly exists with whites on top and blacks at the bottom. Individual behavior is insignificant because everyone in America functions within a society of systemic racism, structural racism and institutional racism. Criminal rights reaffirms this perspective by pointing to various existing racial disparities, which it claims are the result of racist discrimination, according to this perspective, efforts by public and private organizations. To enforce civil rights laws and employment, housing, contracting, education, et cetera, are either insufficient or pointless. And so you hear Biden say 100 years after the Greenwood district in Tulsa and the slaughter that took place there was horrendous. That we have to face up to this. We need to do something about this. What wasn’t there? Franklin Roosevelt. And LBJ and Barack Obama and others, trillions and trillions and trillions in spending a massive new federal a find it to do something. Can we have Supreme Court decisions? Don’t we have all kinds of federal laws now? Where is this systemic discrimination going on? Exactly? Please define it. Define it. Where is it? And they do. With this new word equity, its outcomes we measure by outcomes. Not by input. By the way, not by personal responsibility and personal account of just outcomes. That’s all that’s good enough. So critical race theory, and again, it’s broader than that, but let’s let’s play along offers two responses to this situation. First, all whites must admit their culpability by confessing the advantage of white supremacy confers on them pretty much what Biden is talking about. Failure to do so reflects white fragility and instinctive defensiveness that whites are said to display after they have trained about their investment and racism. Second, individual whites cannot hide behind any personal history of nondiscrimination or the desirability of race neutral laws or policies because the collective action of their race has been oppressive. In other words, there’s not a damn thing you can do. They beg for mercy. If you’re white. Well, one of my ancestors were it doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, it’s irrelevant. And by the way, Clarence Thomas, so black, right? Their minds have been. Conquered. You see, they are what they call colonial whites. What’s that? Oh, yes. This system has devoured the. There’s always an answer, you see, for the racist. And acknowledging their white privilege, writes, Professor Lenno explains that whites must support anti-racist policies. They require various forms of race preference of nonwhites across a variety of fields for an indefinite period, an indefinite period. This is required even where whites are a local minority and power structures are controlled by nonwhites or blacks, indigenous and people of color, what they call BIPAC spox. It’s a whole new language in the current technology. Now, Tom Sole. I had on my show last summer, his book came out. And God bless him, he said, the one I want to go on is love in show life, liberty and live in. We did for an hour. In his book, Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Saul. Denounces the entire multicultural and identity politics movement and explains that the kind of collective justice demanded for racial or ethnic groups is often espoused as social justice, since it seeks to undo disparities created by circumstances as well as those created by the injustices of human beings. Moreover, what he calls cosmic justice not only extends from individuals to group, it extends beyond contemporary groups to intertemporal abstractions, of which today’s groups are conceived as being the current embodiments. He says among intellectuals who confuse blame with causation, the question begging phrase blaming the victim has been a become a staple in discussion of inner intergroup differences. And he goes on, he says, this is all a fraud. This is all a fraud, it’s all manipulation. And he says, what’s the point? He would say, what’s the point of focusing on 100 years ago, should we remember it? Absolutely. Shall we ensure nothing like that ever happens again? Absolutely. But it would also say, what the hell does that have to do it today in terms of your own life? So much has changed. Look in the mirror, what about you, you personally, whatever your race look, what’s the problem? You’re free person. That’s not happening. Because. This is the racialization of Marxism. That’s why what is Joe Biden proposing, more liberty? No. Less government of which he attacks more government. Less group identity, no more group identity, outright racism, which was struck down by two federal courts yesterday, by the way, or today. With his race based funding programs. Because this whole movement is a Marxist movement. And now you know why, after studying and researching, I call the book American Marxism. This isn’t about liberal Democrats, this isn’t about democratic socialism, this isn’t about progressivism. Joe Biden is a mouthpiece for 50 years of Marxists who’ve been trying to rationalize Marxism and gender, race, immigration, and he’s their mouthpiece, he’s their dunderhead, he’s doing it. And so he will look for more opportunities, more anniversaries, they’re working the calendar right now, what happened one hundred and twenty years ago, 150 years ago, what can we do? They keep stirring the pot. To distract the American people, particularly to distract. Minorities’. And to upset them and stir the pot and tell them we white liberals in the Democrat Party, we are their saviors, stick with us if we can pull together the same community of groups. They separate us out into groups, ladies and gentlemen, and then they bring us together and call us the masses. But the Democrat Party has made a decision. That’s remigration. So outright racism and segregation of ideas. That they intend to be a coalition of white liberals. They hope there’s enough in the suburbs. Black people, brown people, red people. Now, if the numbers aren’t enough to keep the borders open. Because there’s no other explanation of what’s going on here, it’s a disgrace what’s going on on the southern border, it’s horrific. And that’s how they will hold power. I have a announcement to make. As of this afternoon, thanks to patriotic Americans like you. American Marxism, from which I’m taking this and have taken a lot of information over the last three to four weeks to tell you without getting into great detail. What this is about, before you put your hard money down and tell you what, I hope this movement will become a movement of all people, of all races, of all backgrounds, of all religions who love this country, who care for liberty, who want their children to be taught properly, not politically. This book’s for you and something has happened. On a book like this that I don’t think has happened in modern history. I’m not talking about a book about somebody famous or an actress or whatever. We have now reached, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to you Patriots, over 100,000 preorders with a hardcover of America, Marxism. This afternoon. And with the hardcover book, the e-books and the audio, we have now reached 150000. That is unparalleled. Unparallelled. And I want to encourage the rest of you to join our movement. So on July 13, we can hit the ground running. We can inform each other, we can be more knowledgeable than anybody else, we can see what’s taking place and we can push back. America is a great country, but we have a president who keeps damning us and damning the country, everybody in the country. A country that has a leader who’s trying to destroy the guts of the country, a country that has a school system that’s trying to destroy the guts of the country. It’s not a country that can survive. I want to encourage you to get your preordered copy of American Marxism. I want us all to read it, go through it together. And I all want us all to take steps that we can take civil legitimate steps, many of which will be taken from the left in these various areas, they really aim at destroying our lifestyle, all Americans, America’s lifestyle, and substituting it with racism. Gender ism. Marxist sorts of economic systems. That will repress our freedom of speech, already has freedom of association and will rip our Constitution to shreds. Now it’s our time. We didn’t ask for this. No generation has asked. They have to defend what is ours, but we’re going to have to defend it and for the liberals in the media listening by what is ours, no, we’re not sick like you. That’s not about race. It’s about we, the people as individuals. The great diversity of people who believe in liberty, so many of whom came to this country, who are not white, who happen to be black, brown, yellow, mixed, and what the hell ever. Red-Blooded, Americans. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

It’s amazing how the Democrat Party gets away with what it’s done in our history to black people and brown people and yellow people and red people, it’s amazing. Then their most recent progeny blames it on all Americans. Yet all Americans were not that way. And that says everybody, the whole country has to change. I ask you a question. Joe Biden has been in public office for half a century. Where and what is he contributed to individual liberty in any place, in any way of any person, of any race, ethnicity or religious background? How and where? Joe Biden is a nasty old man, he’s always been a nasty man, but now he’s a nasty old man. Tell me. When he treated Clarence Thomas, the way he treated Clarence Thomas. Did you not remember Tulsa back then? When he threw in with Eastland and Stennis to segregationists from Mississippi, did not remember Tulsa back then. With all of his racist comments, of which we have many to play, but I will not to bore you. Did he forget about Tulsa then? What was the civil war about not only maintaining unity, but liberty? Three people being free. What has Joe Biden done to advance freedom in America? Not a darn thing. He advances government. That’s all he knows. Now, his party intends to destroy the constitutional construct with the backing of a. We tyrannical and corrupt media. How will that help black people and brown people and yellow people and red people and whatever people, not in the least. I’m not done. We’ve had a whole weekend full of this racist. So at least one house has to spend a little bit of time confronting it. And I don’t mean playing a clip and giggling. I mean confronting it. All right, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ll see you in just a few minutes. We’ll be right back.