May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021

Israeli Strike / Getty Images / Mohammed Abed

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden is pressuring Israel to relent in the face of 4000 rockets being fired by Hamas and proxy-funded by Iran. Consequently, Biden has been working to restore funding to Iran by restoring the JCPOA. Israel’s military operation called guardian of walls is shaping up to be one of the most accurately executed in military history. Despite minimal civilian casualties, and of course, all lives should be protected, the Israeli Defense Forces have gone through every effort to protect civilian lives. The House of Representatives voted against a Resolution to condemn Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Israel and every single democrat defended Hamas and voted against the Resolution, while all the Republicans voted for the measure. Later, Major Doron Spielman, spokesman for the IDF, joins the show to explain that one Hamas official had a rocket launcher hidden in his home because Hamas hides in plain sight amongst their own civilians. Spielman added that Hamas has also suffered friendly fire including their own power plant and killing their own people in Gaza. Then, Critical Race Theory didn’t just happen, it’s been creeping into society and now the people are accepting it. This poisonous thinking has slipped into the US military and the highest levels of law enforcement. Let alone, the damage that’s been done in our college and university system and newsrooms. Afterward, the prosecutorial misconduct continues as the civil probe into former President Trump’s business, the Trump Organization, has been leaked to be a criminal probe. The left and the media are creating controversy to scare innocent people into buckling and admitting to crimes they did not commit. Zero charges have been filed against Trump. This is the kind of prosecution that is seen in third-world dictatorships. Finally, Breitbart’s Alex Marlow calls in to discuss his new book “Breaking the News: exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.”


Netanyahu Says No to Biden’s Call for Ceasefire

Washington Post
Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools (July 31, 2014)

Biden tells Israel’s Netanyahu U.S. expects ‘a significant de-escalation today’ in Gaza

Washington Post
The new criminal probe of the Trump Organization, and what it could mean

Right Scoop
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot refuses to do interviews with WHITE reporters

USA Today
‘It’s just terrifying’: Video shows 4-year-old being taken from bed before being found dead on Dallas street

Jewish Press
Menachem Begin To Joe Biden: I Am Not A Jew With Trembling Knees

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Mohammed Abed

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Now, approximately 4,000 missiles have been shot into the state of Israel, aiming at Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and anything else they think they can hit. Most of these missiles were manufactured. By Iran. So Joe Biden is trying to pressure aggressively Benjamin Netanyahu to stop defending his country. While he is negotiating directly through his top negotiating surrogates to give the Iranians tens of billions of dollars by reopening their deal. And at the same time. While he’s pressuring the Israelis to surrender to Hamas. As I said yesterday, he just gave one of the biggest national security bonuses. To Russia by taking all the sanctions off the pipeline they were building. Going past NATO countries to Germany. To provide them with their fuel. You missed Donald Trump yet? You met Donald Trump yet? I want to point out a couple of things here, because this is truly getting out of control with this administration and others, I might add. The fact of the matter is. The Israelis can’t stop fighting Hamas, you know, I posted something earlier today. And I said, look. Al Qaeda hit us by plotting and planning Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. The Taliban never actually struck us, but they gave aid and comfort, they gave safe harbor to al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. And so we wound up in Afghanistan, even though we’re withdrawing now, it has to be almost 20 years. Almost 20 years. The Israelis have been fighting Hamas, which fired missiles into Israel unprovoked. For 10 or 11 days. 10 or 11 days. And Biden’s telling them to cut it out. It’s a sovereign country. Now, one of the points that was raised. By the editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post, is this on Twitter for all the criticism of Israel? He says this is a point everyone should pay attention to. Israel’s guardian of walls, that’s their military operation, is shaping up to be the most accurate and precise military operation in modern military history. The IDF has bombed over 1000 targets in Gaza, many of them homes, buildings, tunnels and Hamas positions. The number of dead, which sadly includes civilians, is, according to Hamas, 227. But the IDF says at least 160 of those 227 are terrorists. That means approximately 60 of the dead were civilians. I’ll think about this for a moment. Over 1,000 bombs dropped on over 1,000 targets and 60 civilians, unfortunately, lose their lives. Every life should be protected. But now go tell me that the IDF is disproportionate, the world should be applauding the IDF for what it does, not admonishing it. Because if the Israeli military, which is enormously powerful. Wanted to do maximum damage, we’d be talking about more than 60 civilians, we’d be talking about tens of thousands, which is exactly the kind of casualties Hamas was hoping to inflict on the Israeli citizenry with their Iranian missiles. Ladies and gentlemen, almost 4000 missile Brian Mast, who’s a remarkable man, he lost both of his legs in combat. He’s a great American hero. We introduced. A resolution in the House of Representatives today. A resolution to condemn Hamas. A resolution to condemn Hamas. And they would have applied sanctions to Hamas. And individuals and governments that assist Hamas. The House of Representatives voted against it. 217 to 209, every single Democrat, every single Democrat voted against it. Every single one. And every single Republican voted for. Every single one. That means all these phony moderate Democrats. In and around New York and New Jersey, in and around Pennsylvania. In and around Florida and Arizona and these other states, Virginia, they are fraud’s. When their votes are needed, they provide them. Can you imagine 10 years ago? Any Democrat in the House of Representatives voting this way, so the Democrats in the House voted to defend Hamas. Every single one of them. And the Republicans voted. To condemn Hamas, every single one of them. I want to remind you of a story that was actually in. The Washington Post many years ago, actually, seven years ago. Remarkable story that actually told some truth written by Terrence McCoy, I don’t know if Terrence is there anymore. Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools, not everybody reporting on this. All the networks, all the cable channels, all the newspapers already know all this because they reported it. But they want you to think it didn’t happen. Inside a Gaza Strip mosque in January 2009, nothing at first seemed unusual, with the wooden pulpit pushed against a cement wall barely taller than a man who stood beside a microphone stand, an electric fan and some plastic chairs, according to photographs captured by the Israeli Defense Forces. But hidden inside the pulpit, Israel LECG, where a Kalashnikov assault rifle, bulletproof vest and binoculars soldiers soon spread the mosque’s cash on the floor, a hall that included a rifle, grenades and ammunition. Hamas operatives Israel charge where the blame. The many mosques in Gaza Strip serve not only religious functions, but are also put to military use by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. The mayor, amid Intelligence Terrorism Information Center, said at the time they are used to high terrorist operatives store weapons sites from which rockets and mortar shells are also launched. To many observers, one of the most troublesome facts of the Gaza Strip conflict writes The Washington Post seven years ago, which has killed around 13 hundred Palestinians, many of them civilians and 56 Israeli soldiers, has been Israel’s apparent willingness to strike civilian institutions like mosques, schools and hospitals. Now, on Wednesday, following a strike on school while its inhabitants slept, killing 20 and wounding dozens more. The U.N. official said Israel violated international law. Israeli military officials, for their part, say the reality, the strikes substantially more complicated and claimed Hamas’s maintenance of military operations inside civilian institutions precipitate such attacks. So, in other words, I would ask you this. What kind of a regime? What kind of a government what kind of a people would intentionally hide behind their women and children? A suicidal ideology. That views this as a PR coup. Because they know the fools in the American media and the European media. Report exactly what they want them to report. Hamas chooses to use these protected areas for military purposes in order to shield itself from IDF strikes, IDF forces said, and to draw international condemnation of Israel if the IDF is forced to respond. And it goes on. Case after case after case where, in fact, Hamas does these sorts of things. July 31, 2014, Washington Post. Because you see, ladies and gentlemen. If these terrorists actually acted like real men of courage, they wouldn’t be terrorists in the first place, would they? They want to fight on the battlefield, fight on the battlefield. But they hide behind their women, they hide behind their children, they hide behind their masks, they hide behind their elementary schools, they place missiles in their schoolyards. Because this is who they are, this is what they do, they’re called terrorists, they’re not. Normal military personnel, the terrorists. And they tell their people they’re dying for Allah. How many of their leaders are dying now, but they don’t want to die, they’ll die for all you know, and they’re good old time. Not right now. Can you imagine 4,000 missiles fired into the United States in some jerk leader of another country says it’s time to de-escalate? It’s time to de-escalate. Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this is CNBC. On Wednesday, he expects quite a significant de-escalation today on the path to a cease fire. That was his fourth conversation since the violence erupted between Israel and Hamas nine days earlier, the worst fighting between the two sides since 2014. Amazing. When he talks to me, he doesn’t say, hey, Haji. Hajji, you know, those two and a half million workers that you have in concentration camps, you’re killing them, torturing them, raping them, sterilizing them aborning, why don’t you cut it out? Not once has he ever said that. Not once. And yet Israel trying to defend itself. Quite the contrary. And Netanyahu said he’s determined to continue this operation until its objective is achieved. More than 130 Democratic members of the U.S. House signed a letter calling for Biden to facilitate the immediate cessation of violence, said different Democrat Party today, ladies and gentlemen. Completely different Democrat Party. It’s a Marxist party largely, you also have some very violent, radical recent immigrants. I’m telling you the truth. Marxists also. Who dragged this party to the point where every single member of the Democrat Party in the House voted against that resolution? Against Hamas, every single one. So if you’re represented by one of these phony so-called moderate Democrats, maybe they served in the military, maybe they served in the CIA, the Democrats put up these kind of candidates and so forth. Never forget. Never forget what they’ve done today and never forget what they do every day. Twice and Donald Trump. Running up our debt. Open borders attacking capitalism, if that’s moderate, then I don’t know what Marxism is. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Here’s Netanyahu speaking to a number of ambassadors today, cotinine go. We didn’t see this conflict. In fact, we could see the origins of this particular outbreak in the cancellation of the Palestinian elections. Hamas was sure that it would gain considerable power. And when they saw that these elections were not going to take place, they sought to use the Jerusalem Day ceremonies and events around Jerusalem Day and the court proceedings in York to incite riots, to incite violence in order to further their political goals. I have to say that we didn’t expect quite a conflagration, but we knew what they were doing. And therefore what we did was everything in our power to de-escalate the potential conflict around Jerusalem and the Temple Mount Cattan go because Hamas is embedded deeply in civilian areas because it uses civilian human shields. Democracies have a choice. They can say there is nothing we can do. We will absorb attacks against our cities. We could do that, or we could level the cities in World War Two, when Western cities, specifically London and some British cities, were targeted this week by thousands of rockets, the response was to level cities. I admire Winston Churchill. I think it was one of the greatest leaders in modern history. I don’t criticize him for anything. I think he did the right thing under those circumstances. But this is not our response to the firing of thousands of rockets on our cities. We do something different. We try to target those who target us with great precision. That is not a surgical and operation as it is. Even in a surgical room in a hospital, you don’t have the ability to present collateral damage around the affected tissues. Even then, you can. And certainly in a military operation, you cannot cut someone go. But there is no army in the world does more than the Israeli army in the Israeli security services and Israeli intelligence to prevent collateral damage. To have Israel criticized for that is absurd. Not only is it absurd and unjust and untrue, it does enormous damage to democracies that are fighting this kind of evil. It says you cannot protect yourself because in the course of doing that, instead of having the perpetrators who commit double war crimes or hiding behind civilians and firing on civilians, not having them criticised, but having you criticize is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity and irresponsibility. All right. One of the great leaders of the world, really, the prime minister of Israel, who’s deeply hated by the Marxists, an anti-Semite and America’s Democrat Party. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

When you listen now, we’re having debates in public over critical race theory. We have challenges in classrooms and school districts going on. This didn’t just happen. This is you, we the people standing up for our rights, standing up for our country. And we have grave threats facing this country. Joe Biden is a human pandemic and he swings his wrecking ball in every direction. It just depends on the day you just saw every House Democrat vote to support Hamas effectively and every House Republican to vote against Hamas. You see, Joe Biden with a border wide open, just doesn’t give a damn he’s not going to do a thing about it if there’s two million, four million, 10 million people who come into this country illegally while he’s president. That’s fine by him and his party. And if they’re members of MS 13 or if they’re violent criminals in their own criminals in their own right, we won’t know about it because they’re not being vetted. Then they could wind up in your communities. Then what? The police are being beaten down and undermined, we have left wing judges and prosecutors installed by George Soros and Tom Stier. You see, crime now is completely out of control. They say they want to create good paying, environmental friendly jobs, union jobs, and where exactly have they ever done that ever? Did Obama do that? Biden’s been in Washington, D.C., longer than the Jefferson Memorial, the Biden do that. Remember, Joe Biden was in charge of that one trillion dollar shovel ready program? Oh, they shovel. All right. But it wasn’t jobs. And all this for what, massive debt? They’re reaching into your classrooms. They’re reaching into your automobiles, they’re reaching into your workplace, they’re reaching into your communities where they’re trying to outlaw single family homes. Oh, yeah, that’s next. With federal zoning. Suddenly, infrastructure doesn’t really mean infrastructure, it means the Marxist leftist agenda, that’s infrastructure coronavirus, nine percent of the money spent goes to the coronavirus, all the rest of it. Big, massive, intrusive government. That’s where it goes from brainwashing your children at the earlier stages. Trying to turn them into racists. Or even victims of racism, depending on what color they are. We have segregation now going on in our classrooms, being preached by the the Marxist left athletes, ESPN corporatists. It’s really quite shocking. It’s amazing. Transgenderism, 10 years ago, nobody even knew what the hell transgenderism was. Now it’s a civil right. It’s a civil right to have your genitalia cut off or add added to. OK, fine. What do I have to do with any of that? Why does the public need to be involved in that? Oh, my goodness. And so much more. And they’re on the march. Some Americans are more equal than others out of this administration. And today was the first meeting of the Biden commission to look at the Supreme Court in the federal court system. And this so-called commission is heavily lopsided toward the radical left. And I’m sure they’ll come up with some great proposals. On how to destroy. What’s left of the little bit of independence in the courts? Great proposals, I’m sure. We’re always one election away, ladies and gentlemen, from totalitarianism, imagine if the Democrats had 53 or 54 seats in the Senate. Almost none of them think or speak or act independently. Look at the house, as I said today, every damn one of those Democrats. Every damn one of them joining with Hamas. Every one of them, although they have their excuses in the media, will have their excuses, but it is what it is. When you read. American Marxism you’re going to find. That Cloward and Piven. In particular. And Piven, they were married to Marxists. She’s still alive, he’s gone, gone up to atheist heaven, I guess. That they said. Relatively. Recently, I don’t mean yesterday, I mean a few years back. To target the Democrat Party. The Republican Party is hopeless. Target the Democrat Party, it’s the Democrat Party that we need to take, it’s the Democrat Party that will. React. And respond. To our pressure. And start to fold and start to accommodate. And then start to follow. And you’ll learn this. In American Marxism, too, and that’s exactly, of course, what’s taken place. That’s exactly what’s taken place. I get inquiries, so I want to tell you. Bear with me as of noon today. There have been over 80,000 preorders, hardback version of American Marxism. Now, even those of you who haven’t preordered, I want you to think about that. That is an enormous base for a massive movement. Almost never do you have preorders of 80,000, that’s just books. On Kindle, almost 9,000, on audio, almost 3,000. We have 92,000. Preorders of hardcover, Kindle and audio. And I said, if we get to 100,000 on the hardcover book. I am convinced. That this movement that you see, beginning simply based on what I say on the microphone here on radio and on live in TV on Sundays, it’s a budding movement. It is going to burst onto the scene. On July 13th. And you will see the amount of incoming we take, but we have our own Iron Dome, it’s you. And me together. And we don’t give a damn what they review about this book or what they say about me or you, we are going to be on the move. We are going to be on the march. That’s the whole point. Books come and go. But for us, they’re crucial. The left, the Marxist left, doesn’t talk about Thomas Paine’s pamphlets, they don’t talk about the American crisis. They don’t quote from the American crisis. We do. They don’t quote, certainly not accurately from the Declaration of Independence, we do. They only cherry pick the Constitution when they think they can twist it to accommodate their needs, but you and I, we embrace and revere our Constitution. And the Federalist Papers. And our history. So they have one idea, it’s called Marxism. Marxism is really a form of domestic terrorism, it’s about destroying things. Destroying you want to use the word infrastructure, destroying our civil societies, infrastructure, infrastructure of. Traditions. Destroying the infrastructure of our customs. And the infrastructure of our morality. That’s what we’re up against. This poison has seeped into the United States military at the highest levels. It is slowly slipped into the highest levels of law enforcement at the Department of Justice and various chiefs of police. It’s on display in our classrooms where your kids are being brainwashed as I speak. And our universities and colleges are all but gone. Hollywood is one dimensional, television is one dimensional. You only have real. Felisa. Called Debate Indifferences here on talk radio. On talk radio. But those of you. Or the early patriots in this coming movement. I want to thank you. And I think you’re going to feel very good about yourselves. And there’s a lot more for you and me to do. But I’m hoping America Marxism becomes. The American crisis, that is. The Thomas Paine pamphlet for our time, except it’s a book. Except it’s a book. And I want to encourage you, if you can, to jump in with both feet, we need every single patriot we can get, every single patriot we can get. To spread the word. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I want to ask the Democrats in the media, where are the commissions to investigate and defend Black Lives Matter and the two billion dollars worth of damage they’ve done in this country? The police officers. Who they assaulted and in some cases killed in this country. The civilians who they assaulted, in some cases killed in this country. The small business people they put out of work where the commission’s. What are the conditions for that, ladies and gentlemen? Were the conditions for the attack on the White House when Donald Trump was president? Where are the commission’s first three months of nightly attacks on a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon? Where are those commissions? Where is the commission on the lawlessness and anarchy on our southern border, at the affirmative direction of the president of the United States? As he’s done nothing to stop it. And they think they have done this down, this is going on every damn day, they’ve effectively destroyed ICE and the Border Patrol. Of course, they’re not going to completely defund them. They’re going to just overwhelm them. Which is exactly what they’ve done. We have no border system in place anymore. Ladies and gentlemen. That’s what they’ve done. Where’s the commission for that? Where’s the commission? When Chuck Schumer threatened to Supreme Court justices a year and a half ago, where’s that commission? Where is the commission? When Nancy Pelosi incited attacks against federal law enforcement in Portland by calling our federal law enforcement officers storm troopers, where’s that commission? Nobody incited an insurrection in Washington, D.C. What a lie, lie the big lie day in and day out, an insurrection without a single weapon. An insurrection when Capitol Police are opening the doors and letting people in. Don’t get me wrong, the morons who did damage broke windows, broke doors, hit cops, prosecute them, but there weren’t 400 of them. Where are their. They were mostly peaceful, wouldn’t you say, Mr. Producer. Oh, yes. The Democrats. The Democrats, meanwhile, Hamas, they side with. Israel, they oppose. Think about the. 4,000 missiles shot into a country. Ten days later, Biden says, you know, Israel, you better tamp this down. Going to listen to that idiot. Imagine if 4,000 missiles were shot in the Delaware. And aimed particularly at Wilmington, do you think this halfwit. Let me be saying, let’s look for a cease fire. When we come back. Let me put it to you this way. This Marxist ideology. Think about it this way. When Mao became the dictator, what is today, mainland China? He had killed most of the revolutionaries, the senior level, who fought right beside him. Not all, but most. Once Stalin seized control as chairman of the Communist Party in Russia, he killed off most of the competition, too. And this is a typical Marxist communist trait. They chase them down. Donald Trump is being chased down by the Democrat Party in New York as I speak. I want to talk further about.