May 3, 2021

May 3, 2021

Schoolroom / Getty Images / San Francisco Chronicle

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the teacher’s union and the CDC have become politicized and they’re politicizing the classrooms of America’s children and their health. Big Democrat cities obey the “follow the science” mantra to get the tax dollars of rural and suburban areas while they squander their own. Then, Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the American political system by way of donations to groups supporting Marxist-Progressive ideas. While claiming to be apolitical, Wyss seems to solely support Democrat causes while the media chases Rudy Giuliani. Democrats pose the pretext of taking action on “dark money” while simultaneously allowing Wyss’ foreign billions to build political infrastructure. Later, Levinites need to take their liberty back from Marxists and we need to do it non-violently because all Americans aren’t Antifa. Nikole Hannah Jones, founder of the “1619 Project” claims Gov DeSantis and other critics of Critical Race Theory have not even read the teachings. This revisionist racist poison is spreading through academia, the media, and our government. This is a Marxist movement hellbent on destruction and violence wrapped in the patina of “free speech” instead of indoctrination and propaganda. Afterward, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken all but called on China to attack Taiwan. President Biden is a mix of our worst presidents – Carter and Obama. Finally, Dr. Kenneth Hartmann of calls in to discuss his annual online event honoring high school seniors enlisting in the U.S. armed services after graduation.


NY Post
Powerful teachers union influenced CDC on school reopenings, emails show

NY Times
Swiss Billionaire Quietly Becomes Influential Force Among Democrats

60 Minutes
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the threat posed by China

Washington Examiner
How the White House is hiding the true cost of its spending plans

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / San Francisco Chronicle

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The bigger and more centralized the government gets and the more it usurps your liberty and the more devours the private sector. The more powerful the special interests. And in this case, of course, would be the special interests that support the Democrat Party and vice versa. And now we know the second biggest teacher’s union in the country with almost two million members has had an enormous influence on, quote unquote, the science coming out of the CDC. And that would be the AFI, the American Federation of Teachers. People keep saying, follow the science, well, what does the union that represents the second largest number of teachers? Know about science. And why are they lobbying the CDC? Because, ladies and gentlemen, the CDC has become politicized, it’s become politicized when it comes to the Second Amendment. It’s become politicized when it comes to so-called climate change, and now it’s become politicized when it comes to opening the schools for your children. When it comes to their health. Big government is a poison. Big government. Is a poison. Notice certain billionaires do very, very well. While Joe Biden is going on with his Marxist class warfare propaganda. Certain groups do very, very well. They get richer and richer and more and more powerful. Certain states get a windfall of tax dollars by redistributing wealth from red states to blue states. From the suburbs in the rural areas to metropolitan areas in the inner cities. This isn’t about science, it’s never been about science. Oh, we get some of it. But it’s mostly about power. We’ll circle back to quote the late, great Masaki. In a moment, but first, I want to tell you about what I consider a huge story. And it’s actually broken by a reprobate by the name of Kenneth Vogel at the New York Times, the Holocaust denying the slime soda is quite shocking in that regard, but they have to do one of these every now and then. So there’s at least some patina of journalism going on. Hun’s Hansjörg Wyss. That’s Wyss, by the way, ever hear of this guy, Who is he? It’s not. He’s not as well known as wealthy liberal patrons like George Soros or Tom Steyer, writes Vogel. His political activism is channeled through a daisy chain of opaque organizations that makes the ultimate recipients of his money. This is called dark money. But the Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss. Hansjörg Wyss has quietly become one of the most important donors to left leaning advocacy groups, an increasingly influential force among Democrats. So here we have a billionaire. A Swiss billionaire. As you’ll see, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into our political system, including influencing. Elections. Newly obtained tax filings show that two of Mr. Vises organizations, a foundation and a nonprofit fund, donated 208 million dollars from 2016 to early last year to three other nonprofit funds that doled out money to a wide array of groups that backed progressive causes, a.k.a. Marxist causes, and helped Democrats in their efforts to win the White House and control of Congress last year. You got this. A billionaire, a Swiss billionaire. Was involved in our elections and had a an impact on our elections. Mr. Wyss representatives say his organization’s money is not being spent on political campaigning, but documents and interviews show that the entities have come to play a prominent role in financing the political infrastructure that supports Democrats and their issues. Should this not be a headliner in every newscast in America? It’s not. It’s not this is from today, 5:00 or 1:00 p.m.. While most of his operations recent pull, while most of his operations, recent politically oriented giving was channeled through the three nonprofit funds, notice how they always launder their money. Mr. Wyss organizations also directly donated tens of millions of dollars since 2016 to groups that opposed former President Donald Trump and promoted Democrats and their causes. So while they’re insisting that you follow a shiny object called Russia collusion, the fact is. Look, this Swiss billionaire pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the Democrat Party, through these front groups, through the backdoor me while they’re chasing Rudy Giuliani. Beneficiaries of these organizations, direct giving, included prominent groups such as the Center for American Progress. You’ve heard of them, Podesta’s group and Priorities USA radical left group, you’ve heard of them. As well as organizations that ran voter registration and mobilization campaigns to increase Democratic turnout, built media outlets accused of slanting the news to favor Democrats and sought to block Mr. Trump’s nominees, prove he colluded with Russia and push for his impeachment. A Swiss billionaire. Using Democrat Party operatives and front groups. Several officials from organizations started by Mr. Vice and his team worked on the Biden transition or joined his administration, and on environmental policy in particular, Mr. Wyss agenda appears to align with President Biden’s. There’s services, growing political influence attracted attention after he emerged last month as a leading bidder for the Tribune Publishing newspaper chain. Mr. Wyss later dropped out of the bidding for the papers. Born in Switzerland and living in Wyoming, he was not disclosed publicly whether he holds citizenship or permanent residency. In the United States, foreign nationals without permanent residency are barred from donating directly to federal political candidates or political action committees, but not from giving the groups that seek to influence policy a legal distinction often lost on voters targeted by such groups. Mr. Wyss role as a donor is coming to light, even as congressional Democrats with support from Mr. Biden are pushing legislation intended to rein in so-called dark money spending that could restrict some of the groups financed by Mr. Wyss organization. No, no, no, no, no. This is what they do to appear to be reformers when they are farmers, then, of course, they attack Citizens United. You knew that was coming. Citizen United has nothing to do with foreign billionaires laundering money through various organizations to influence elections. That’s not what the Citizens United case is, the 2010 Supreme Court case. But Wyss can’t help himself because in the end, he’s a leftist. Let’s keep going. While progressives and election watchdogs denounced the developments as bestowing too much power to wealthy interests, Democratic donors and operatives increasingly increasingly made use of dark money. During the twenty election cycle, groups aligned with Democrats spent more than five hundred and fourteen million in such funds. And we pounded the table on this. And we couldn’t get anybody’s attention. Five hundred and fourteen million in such funds, compared to about 200 million spent by groups aligned with Republicans, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics. It’s not just. That they use this advocacy money in and of itself, that’s OK. It’s that this was a guy who’s a Swiss billionaire, not an American. They call him in this paper a Swiss billionaire. Some of the groups financed by Mr. Wyss organizations played a key role in that shift, though the relatively limited disclosure requirements for these types of groups make it impossible to definitively conclude how they spent funds from the wise entities. Mr. Wyss and his advisers have honed strategic evidence based, metrics driven, results oriented approach to build political infrastructure, said Rob Stein, a Democratic strategist and a mealymouthed extraordinaire. Stein, who founded the influential Democracy Alliance Club, a major liberal donors, are No. Five, this is a fund through which these billionaires and multimillionaires give money. And recruited Mr. Wyss to join, added that unlike most wealthy political donors on the right and left, Mr. Wyss and his team know how to create measurable, sustainable impact. That’s the point, you idiot. Dark money. As far as we know, the guy is a Swiss citizen, unless he has dual citizenship, if The New York Times couldn’t figure it out. Mr. Wyss, eighty five. Was born in Bern, first visited the United States as an exchange student in 1958, became a with America’s national parks and public lands after becoming wealthy while helping lead the Switz, Switzerland based medical device manufacturer Synthes. He began donating his fortune through a network of nonprofit organizations to promote conservation, environmental causes and other issues. You see, I don’t know about him, but a lot of these people get extremely wealthy by government largesse. And you’re going to have new billionaires created out of the Biden massive trillion dollar here, trillion dollar, their trillion dollar spending over here. And they’re all going to support Democrats. But meanwhile, he’ll talk about how he cares about the people and he’s only taxing people who make, you know, a certain amount. Well, he’s kowtowing to others. The organizations gradually increase their donations and other causes backed by Democrats, including abortion rights, minimum wage increases eventually to groups more directly involved in partisan political debates, particularly after Trump’s election. Asked about the shift, Howard Stevenson, who has been close to Mr. Wyss since the two were classmates at Harvard Business School in the 60s, pointed to Trump’s sharp reduction to the Bears ears. National Monument in Utah went to Mr. Wyss’s foundation, said team with five other foundations to commit at one point five million to preserving the monument. Of course, Biden is now reviewing Mr. Trump’s policy on barriers broadly opposed by Democrats and conservation groups. Mr. Wyss did not respond to requests to be interviewed for this article. Most of the people interviewed either declined to discuss and requested anonymity. And I want to continue this after we break so you can see how Jeff Zuckerberg. Had his invisible hand behind the scenes, approximately 400 million dollars spent laundered through these groups. Particularly at the local level, to turn out the Democrat vote. How this billionaire, this Swiss billionaire hanging out in Wyoming, Lynne Cheney country, I guess. This guy influence the outcome of the election. Donald Trump knew something fishy was going, I don’t talk about it and can’t talk about it, Russian collusion. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

This is a truly significant story, shockingly, from somebody who is quite literally a leftist as Kenneth Vogel, but I suspect he was handed this information. He couldn’t just ignore it. Or the information would wind up somewhere else in The New York Times. Probably hoping this will go away quickly. It was first published this afternoon online. Before I return to this. And I am going to it’s very important. I’ll give you another aspect of the corruption, OK? Another aspect of big time corruption. And there’s something you can do about it. We had a wonderful life, liberty and love in the sun. I had Josh Hawley on the show. He has a new book, The Tyranny of Big Tech, which was blocked. But then a conservative imprint picked it up and I felt Josh Hawley has been maltreated. And not just over the book, but over January six, then I decided to give him a full hour. And you might say, well, why would you do that, you’re promoting his book in your book because that’s the way I am. And he was at number two for a while, he’s at number four, but that’s not what I want to talk about. Thanks to you on Amazon. American Marxism has been. Number one for some period of time. We’ve been beating Oprah Winfrey’s book, What Happened to You, and it’s her book, not just her club, it’s her book. Which is really quite amazing when you consider all the slobbering press she gets, well, 60 Minutes brings in a guy by the name Michael Lewis, a book called The Premonition. You’ve never heard of him or his book. And why do they bring him in? First of all, 60 Minutes has never invited me on their show. I have had eight. Is it eight? Yes, eight New York Times best sellers, six of which have been number one. No one. So they bring this guy in 60 Minutes to promote his book, what is his book? It’s a vicious attack on Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. A vicious attack on Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. Because 60 Minutes is a fraud, because 60 Minutes is part of the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party, so that book is now number one on because of 60 Minutes, I want to strongly encourage you, we, the silent majority, to make a move right now to make a move on 60 Minutes, to make a move on this crap book called The Premonition. And if you’re of a mind to order American Marxism, which I consider the most important book I’ve ever written, given the important times when please go to Amazon now or any of the other online store and preorder your copy, it’s thirty eight percent off. I’ll be right.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want to continue sort of these parallel stories. So when you look at what 60 Minutes did. The description of this book in part says, fortunately, we’re still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst case scenarios. Michael Lewis has taught and brilliant nonfiction thriller Pets, a band of medical visionaries against the Wall of ignorance. That was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of covid-19. So here is the rewriting of history. It is pushed by 60 Minutes. 60 Minutes is a mouthpiece for the radical left. And so that’s what they’re doing. So they pushed it to the top of Amazon. No, Oprah Winfrey’s no pushover, so she’s fighting back, so she’s number three on the top 100. Amasa, I’m in the middle, I’m number two. And the only reason I’m no to this because of you and my audience. You in this audience, I haven’t been on Fox yet to discuss this, I haven’t been in on living TV yet to discuss this. It’s you, the radio lavishness. I don’t know who the hell Michael Lewis is, and nobody gives a crap, quite frankly, except the left, because it’s just another avenue to attack President Trump, who saved millions of lives with the vaccines. And I already told you about Oprah Winfrey, how she is. A disgrace. And I already told you about my book, American Marxism. Which is the most important book I’ve ever written. It’s the longest book I’ve ever written. And we’re going to get into all kinds of subjects in here and we’re going to do some pushback. We’re going to launch. Push back a counteroffensive not. A violent counter offense, so we’re not antifa, we’re going to launch a counter offensive. To claw back our liberty. For anybody who wants their liberty back. What can we do about it? I do my best to explain what I think we can do about it, but one of the things we’re going to have to do about it is stop fiddling around and calling these people a liberal. No, they’re not. The people who are destroying our classrooms or destroying our sports. The people who are destroying our capitalist system are destroying our sovereignty. They’re not liberals. They are Marxists. Fundamentally, that is what they are. Fundamentally, that is what they are. They call you and I don’t care if you’re white or not, if you don’t agree with them, they call you part of the white privilege, white dominated society. They can call you all kinds of lives, but we’re not allowed to call them the truth while it starts right here behind this microphone. And with you millions and millions of you, it is crucial that you read this book. In my opinion, it is crucial that if you have children in college that they read the book. Because ideas have consequences, that’s what’s destroying us, bad ideas, poisonous ideas. Well, we have ideas to. And I’m not talking about simply quoting the Constitution at this point, I’ve written many books on that subject. Nor am I doing another treatise on Karl Marx, although he has to be discussed. This is called the book American Marxism, how they’ve taken the Marxist ideology, I don’t call it a philosophy, the ideology. And they’ve tallied it to our system in order to destroy our system. These aren’t democratic socialists or progressives or social activists. Enough with the passivity. Enough with the passivity. We’re getting close. It’ll be out soon. Not soon enough for me, but it’ll be out soon. We’re moving everything as fast as we can, each and every day, each and every day. I’m going through the final editing. And the book begins with a chapter called It’s Here. Then there’s chapter two, breeding mobs. Then there’s chapter three, Hate America Inc. Chapter four, Racism, Gender ISM and Marxism, Chapter five, Climate Change Fanaticism. Chapter six, Propaganda, Censorship and subversion and Chapter seven could have easily been called the pushback chapter, but I called it We Choose Liberty. This book is about 100 pages longer than any book I’ve ever written. There are hundreds and hundreds of notes, so you can follow them to the original source if you wish. And yet it’s still not long enough. But I can’t write a thousand page book because nobody will write it, but I might write a volume too, but we have to get started now. Now, and you can hear the things I’ve been talking about over the last several months, right? Using the word Marx and Marxism, that was taboo even on Fox, on other channels, it’s not taboo anymore. That’s a good thing. In liberty and tyranny, 12 years ago, I talked about how immigration was being used to change the demographics of the nation in order to help the Democrat Party. Now you’ll hear people talking about it. They didn’t talk about it before. Critical race theory, how often do we talk about that? And we can go on and on. That’s not the point. The point is, and here you’re going to have in one book, it’s all going to be pulled together. It’s all going to be pulled together. For you. And then it’s OK, kids, it’s action time. Now we go on offense, now we push back. That’s why 60 Minutes brings this this buffoon, Michael Lewis, The Premonition onto trash tromped, that’s why. They fight like hell to try and deny us publication Dranias position. 60 Minutes would never bring me on to discuss my book. Even if they did, it would be a constant hit job with carefully edited sentences to take my words and my arguments and spin them. That’s the nature of American media, and I wrote a whole book on the media, so I didn’t write another one, but I dig even deeper into them to no stone unturned, period. No PC period. And Amazon has it at 38 percent off right now, at least as long as it’s up on Amazon. We’re going to have to push hard now against the cancer culture, hard now against the censorship police, because that is coming. It’s just a matter of time. That’s why I’m saying the silent majority no longer. We need to show up, not by the tens of thousands, by the hundreds of thousands. And if we can demonstrate that we can hold on to this number one position on Amazon. Look, I know you don’t like Amazon. You think I like this and I don’t. But we have to make. Advances we have to we have to push ahead. If we can show them that we can control that number one spot and they have no power to stop us. Then they’re going to know, oh, what are we up against? Well, this is what they’re up against you. Millions and millions of you. So if you have a chance, I hope you’ll go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. And preorder your copy and by the way, for those who are concerned when they discount it, you will get the best discount that they offer before it’s released. Right now, it’s off at 38 percent. But it’s not enough for you and me, you can read it, but you got to make sure other people in your circle read it, whether it’s a church or synagogue, whether it’s your kids or your grandkids, particularly if they’re going to school or whatever, they need to be armed. They need to be prepared. And sometimes you’re frustrated. I bet you said what’s happening to my kid. What say to your kid, look. To keep paying tuition, that you got to read this book. Oh, you want me to help at least read the book or do me one favor, read the book. And I bet we get calls here in a couple of months saying I read the book and a light bulb went off. All right, let’s circle back as. Psaki says, because there’s a lot to cover here, including the corrupt teachers union, so we’re talking about this guy, Wyss, who’s a Swiss billionaire who’s had an enormous impact on funding the Democrat Party through a number of surrogates and front groups and had a great impact. To twenty twenty election, that’s what this New York Times piece is essentially saying. You saw with Zuckerberg, you see it was Soros, why do these billionaires want Democrats to win? I thought the Democrats were against billionaires taxing the hell out of money for the little people. Why? Because it benefits these billionaires. That’s why it gives them power, gives them access, crushes their competition. That’s why. Price Floyd, a spokesman for two of his devices operations. This is very, very important, the vice foundation of the Action Fund, both of which are based in Washington, pushed back on suggestions that his giving was intended to help the Democrat Party, suggesting his focus was on issues important to him. But the White House Foundation, which is housed in a stately 19th century Georgian revival mansion in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, you see fighting for the Democrats comes with its its benefits. In a stately mansion, listen to this, the vice foundation has more than two billion dollars in assets at the end of 2019. Two billion dollars in assets. This is what we’re up against. It’s registered under a section of the tax code that prohibits it from spending money to expressly support partisan political campaigns, but it can and does donate to groups that seek to influence the political debate in a manner that aligns with Democrats and their agenda, including the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank where Mr. Weiss sits on the board. The organization was started by Clinton. Mobster, in my view, John Podesta, a top White House aide to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, a foundation to Mr. Vice as chairman and that has since merged with the vice foundation, paid Mr. Podesta as an adviser in the two men remain close, according to associates. But it’s not Democrat, they’re action fund, which sheds facilities and staff of the Vice Foundation, had assets of nearly 65 million at the end of March 2020. According to its recent tax filings. The fund has registered under a section of the tax code that allows it to spend money supporting and opposing candidates or to donate to groups that do. Mr. Floyd said Burger action had its own policy barring any of its funds from being used to support or oppose political candidates or electoral activities. And because the recipients of funds from this, these weisse organizations do not have to disclose many details, including which donations are used for which projects. It’s not clear how they use the money originating from Mr. Vises operation. But some of the groups funded by Berger Action help pay for campaign ads, helping Democrats and attacking Republicans, including Mr. Trump and gave to other groups that did. The voluntary restriction is potentially notable. Given questions about Mr. Visus citizenship. While Mr. Rice donated nearly 70000 dollars, the Democratic congressional candidates and left leaning political action committees from 1990 to 2003 does not appear to have made any such donations to federal candidates or PACs since. Mr. Wyss’s representatives provided tax filings. Let’s see if let’s invite this man on the program, Mr. Bruce, I don’t know how to find them, just try and track them down. Apparently hangs out in Wyoming. Maybe try and work through the Burger Action Fund. Or one of these other groups that are listed in this article. Over a half listen. Over half a billion dollars in so-called dark money that cannot be traced. Was used on the last presidential campaign to help Joe Biden and to defeat Donald Trump. Do you understand what I’m saying? And earlier in this New York Times piece, they also pointed out that a number of associates to Mr. Wyss. Served on the transition team. And some are now in the Biden administration. Our representation. Is all but destroyed. The way Pelosi conducts herself and Schumer conducts himself, you know, these people know who Mr. Wyss. You know, they work with Stalter. Whatever that guy’s name is, Tim, the other billionaire. You know, they know Soros and worked with him. So there’s these oligarchs, not just in new tech or big tech, but in these other enterprises, including people with. Foreign addresses. Including people with foreign interests. This is a movement the Democrat Party is leading. Marxism almost never has the support of the majority. It has the support of elites. It has the support of radicals. And what they do is they devour the various institutions and take control of. Which is exactly what’s happening in our country right now. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

WIBC Jerry Imposing New Jersey, you met the standard, sir. How are you? I’m fine. I ordered your book two days ago. I’m waiting for it. And the fact that I’m waiting two more weeks. I want to go over your audio as well. I like to have both. Well, thank you, sir. And that’s helped me with a lot of ammunition. But the other two guys, your two best buddies also have their books that have little books in hand in these books. So I use the three of them as the as the a triad of weapons. Let me just speak for myself. And those are two fantastic men with fantastic books and so forth. For me, this is the most important book I’ve ever written. It is my ninth book. And it’s the most important book I’ve ever written for several reasons. Number one, the topic, American Marxism. It needs to be spoken now. We need to take the nomenclature back. We need to take the language back. No, to our times are. Severe, extraordinarily dangerous if you believe in liberty, we’re not just at the precipice, we’re in the precipice and we are falling into the abyss. And so we need to climb our way out. We need to be strong, we need to be red blooded Americans, I don’t care what color our skin is, there are many people who listen to the show who are not white. And there are many who listen, who are white, this is a very diverse. Audience in terms of physical characteristics, in terms of of of sex, we have gay people who listen to the show, which is when as many people as possible to listen to the show because they tell us we have obviously Jewish folks, Christian folks, Muslims, atheists, God knows this is all important. Whatever the little differences we have, I make the point of the book we must put aside, we must unite, we must rally to the defense of our nation and our own liberty and for our families. We must put aside the relatively minor things and defend what is ours and what is ours at birth, our inalienable rights. We lose this country. We lose our unalienable rights. By far, this is the most important book I’ve ever written. We’ll be right back.