April 22, 2021

April 22, 2021

Biden Climate / Getty Images / WPA Pool

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden will commit the US to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This is an attack on what was the industrial revolution, yet another part of the degrowth movement. Ayn Rand predicted this in her book “The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution.” Rand surmised that attacking technological progress is an attack on the innovative thought of the individual and limits the unknown and undiscovered. Joe Biden is allowing an attack on capitalism which is actually an attack on liberty because you can’t have a free society without it. A plan to reach net-zero greenhouse gasses would destroy so many smoke-stack industries and associated jobs. This is a massive totalitarian affront on our liberty and it’s based on crap science. Notice how the left has stopped talking about the Amazon because it’s still there producing carbon dioxide which is protein for plants. Environmentalist leftists are part of a religious movement to destroy their own industries and many of them don’t even realize it. Later, if Democrats pursue statehood for the District of Colombia then all non-federal areas of the District should be ceded back to the state of Maryland so that they can have a vote. In the past, part of Washington DC was ceded back to Virginia. So, the purpose of having a federal enclave was established in the Constitution because the framers didn’t want the Capitol to exist in any state. Afterward, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson got under Rep. Steve Cohen’s skin today as he gave testimony to Rep. Chip Roy. Robinson cited how offensive it is for Congress to suggest that African Americans could survive slavery but not figure out how to get a voter ID card. Finally, Sen. Marsha Blackburn calls in discuss her bill that would force the Biden administration to submit any Iran nuclear agreement, including rejoining the 2015 deal, for Senate consideration as a treaty.


Washington Examiner
Biden sets target of cutting US emissions up to 52% by 2030 but won’t detail how to get there

Washington Free Beacon
‘Green Infrastructure’ Backers Stand to Profit From Gov’t Spending Boost

Daily Caller
‘Net Zero Is Not Enough’: John Kerry Says We Need To Remove Carbon Dioxide From The Atmosphere

Right Scoop
House passes bill to make DC the 51st state

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson: Insulting to Say Blacks Can’t Get a Free ID to Vote

Right Scoop
NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson drops truth bombs in House hearing and Democrats go BERSERK

Twitter slammed for lukewarm description of LeBron James’ threatening tweet toward Columbus cop

The Blaze
Athletes who take a knee or raise a fist in protest at Tokyo Olympics will face punishment: IOC

NY Times
Georgia Faith Leaders to Urge Boycott of Home Depot Over Voting Law

The Blaze
Former NFL player turned Army Ranger blasts LeBron James’ incendiary tweet: The left has ‘taken over’ every sector of American life

American Military News
Biden agrees to Iranian demands of sanction relief to advance nuclear deal talks: report

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / WPA Pool

Rough Transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I have exciting news to announce my book will be on Amazon next week. And the title will be revealed next week, and I just asked the publisher before the program, let’s go ahead and move on this. Because time is of the essence and things I’m beginning to say are being picked off by other media, and what we need to do is explain things in an intelligent way, not just cherry pick and pop off. So I want to get this done. I want to get this done right. I’ve literally spent an entire year on this project, but in the last three months, I have. Probably never worked as hard as I have in my life. Now, Joe Biden is out there, every left wing radical idea. He is institutionalizing, embracing and announcing. Joe Biden will commit the United States to cutting its greenhouse emissions 50 to 52 percent by 2030. By 2030. But administration officials say the target, one of the most aggressive in the world, is achievable despite the transformation of fossil fuel dependent economy it would entail. They argue it’s necessary in order to keep the U.S. on pace for net zero emissions by 2050, net zero emissions. Now, let me take exactly what this is. And you’ll hear this on various Fox shows and radio shows tomorrow. This is an attack. On what was the industrial revolution. That’s what it is. This is part of what I’ve talked about before. Nobody does the research I do on TV and radio. I’m just telling you the degrowth movement. That’s exactly what’s taking place. Ayn Rand, as I’ve talked about before, she wrote a powerful book. That people ignore. It’s called The Return of the Primitive, the Industrial Revolution. And you see, it’s not just her, it’s others. Who understand what’s going on here? Like all bad things, the media are involved in promoting this. No serious scrutiny. No availability, brilliant scientists and experts. To challenge anything that our government seeks to do, and they did the same thing with the coronavirus. This is agenda driven. It’s agenda driven, just like. Black Lives Matter and a tea agenda driven, just like the attack on the cops as agenda driven. It’s all driven to destroy the civil society. They replace. I’ve written many books on this. But he ran and I am happy to give credit where credit is due, I’m happy. To give attribution. The people who write things and think things that I haven’t written or I haven’t thought. It’s a very good habit to get into. By the way. And as I said, the subtitle of the book is The Yantai Industrial Revolution. She says here. The open break with the intellect, the dropping of the mask of intellectually worn by the left, the substitution of birds and bees and beauty, nature’s beauty with a pseudoscientific super technological paraphernalia, Marx’s economic determinism, that’s what’s going on. A more ludicrous shrinking of a movement stature, a more obvious confession of intellectual bankruptcy cannot be invented in fiction instead of their old promises that collectivism would create universal abundance and their denunciations of capitalism for creating poverty. They are now denouncing capitalism for creating abundance instead of promising comfort and security for everyone. They’re now denouncing people for being comfortable and secure. Some 40 years ago, that’s 40 years from the time she wrote this book. See, which was. First published in 1970. Believe it or not. She writes some 40 years ago, which would now be, I guess, some. Ninety years ago, Franklin Roosevelt exhorted this country to sacrifice for the sake of an underprivileged one third of a nation. Fifteen years later, the sacrifice was stretched to include the underprivileged of the whole globe. Today, you’re asked to sacrifice for the sake of seaweeds and inanimate matter. Since the enormous weight of controls created by the welfare state theorist’s has hampered, burdened, corrupted but not yet destroyed American industry. The collectivists have found an ecology, a new excuse for the creation of more controls, more corruption, more favor pedaling, more harassment of industry by more irresponsible pressure groups. The industrialist, as usual, listen to this. This is big, the industrialists, as usual, will be the last to protest the corporations in a mixed economy. The industrialists will swallow anything and apologize for anything. Their abject crawling and climbing on these so-called environmental bandwagon is consistent with their policy of the past four or five decades, inculcated by pragmatism. They would rather make a deal with a few more bureaucrats than stand up and face the issue in terms of philosophical or moral principles. Boy, oh, boy, do we see that. The greatest gift to modern industrialists is not the fumes of their factory smokestacks. But the pollution of this country’s intellectual life, which they have condoned, assisted and supported. Now, she’s a libertarian, obviously, as to the politicians, they have discovered that the issue of pollution is dirt and they’ve gone all out for it. They see it as a safe, non-controversial public-Spirited issue, which could mean anything to anyone. Besides, a politician would not dare oppose and be smeared from coast to coast is an advocate of smog. The deeper significance of the ecological crusade lies in the fact that it does expose a profound threat to mankind, though not in the sense its leaders allege it exposes the ultimate motive of the collectivists, the naked essence of hatred for achievement, which means hatred for reason, hatred for a man, hatred for life. And today’s drug of boastfully self-righteous swinish minus, the masks are coming down and you can hear but all but explicit confessions of that atrip. I’m telling you, she was right on. The demand to restrict technology, you know, you hear some populist nationalist talk about what a way to technology’s putting people out of work, they have no clue what they’re talking about and who they’re throwing in with. She writes, The demand to restrict technology is the demand to restrict man’s mind. It is nature that is reality that makes both these goals impossible to achieve. Technology can be destroyed and the mind could be paralyzed, but neither can be restricted. Whether and wherever such restrictions are attempted, it is the mine, not the state that withers away. In other words, man exists. To advance. To think. Technology is applied science, the progress of theoretical science and of technology that is of human knowledge is moved by such a complex and interconnected some of the work of individual minds that no computer or committee could predict and prescribe its course. The discoveries are one branch of knowledge lead to unexpected discoveries in another. The achievements in one field opened countless roads to all others. The space exploration program, for instance, has led to invaluable advances in medicine, who can predict when, where, how a given bit of information will strike an act of mind and what it will produce. So what she’s saying is this attack on capitalism. The industrial revolution progress, economic progress, yes, technological progress. It’s an attack on the individual, the nature of the individual, the ability of the individual to think. To restrict technology would require omniscience, a total knowledge of all the potential innovators of the future. Short of such omniscience, restrictions mean the attempt to regulate the unknown, to limit the unborn, to set rules for the undiscovered. And more and the mind will not function by permission. An inventor will not spend years of struggle dedicated to it and excruciating, excruciating work at the fate of his work depends not on the criterion of demonstrable truth, but on the arbitrary decision of some authorities. He will not venture out on a course where roadblocks are established at every turn in the form of the horrendous necessity to seek, to beg, to plead for the consent of a committee. The history of major inventions, even in semi free societies, is a shameful record as far as the collective wisdom of the entrenched professional consensus is concerned. As to the notion that progress is unnecessary, that we know enough that we can stop when the present level of technological development and maintain it without going any further. Ask yourself why mankind’s history’s full of the wreckage of civilizations that could not be maintained and vanished along with such knowledge as they had achieved. Why men who do not move forward fall back into the abyss of savage. A stagnant technology is the equivalent of a stagnant mine, a so-called restricted technology is the equivalent of a censored mine. When we come back, I want to read another paragraph or two and then I want to apply this to what is going on today. With so-called climate change, but I have. Made public and made known to the degrowth movement. In passbooks and in my future writing. And what this means for us when Joe Biden enters into agreements. Without getting treaties. That intent that our intended. To emasculate our economic system. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Not a lot to cover here tonight. This is the only issue, but it’s very important because this is the Green New Deal, this is the degrowth movement. What this really is, is the the attack on capitalism. An attack on capitalism is an attack on liberty. You see, ladies and gentlemen, you can’t have a free society without capitalism, or at least mostly capitalism. Now, you can have a fascistic or even so-called communist society as they have in China and rely significantly on capitalist. But you cannot have a free society without capitalism because all the other economic models are government centric, they’re about government committees, government offices, politicians making decisions about your life, what you have a right to, what you need, redistribution of wealth. So all these decisions, not just the the the money’s not just the production. All these decisions are redistributed from the private sector to government bureaucrats who have no idea what’s taking place. It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. It’s been tried. Joe Biden says now he wants to slash. Greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 52 percent in the next nine years and get rid of them altogether. In the next 29 years, now, that’s fine, he won’t be around, but the economy will be destroyed. And that phrase greenhouse gas emissions that is intended to upset your greenhouse gas emissions when, my God, does anybody know? What greenhouse gas emissions are. Does anybody know what carbon dioxide is? I doubt Joe Biden does. Joe Biden doesn’t know a spoon from a fork. Carbon dioxide. Listen to me carefully, is not a pollutant. It’s never been a pollutant. It can’t be a pollutant. It’s not carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. The Supreme Court even knew that Massachusetts versus the EPA, a phony standing case, a phony decision the court took up, voted five to four. Gave Massachusetts standing when there was no standing see its result-oriented and then authorized the EPA chose to to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant, that they they weren’t wise enough on the court to know whether it was or not. But that’s up to the EPA. So they didn’t have the authority. The EPA to do what it did under the Clean Air Act, it didn’t matter. This is how things get done. This is how our country gets turned upside down, decades of this kind of lawlessness. And phony semantics. Carbon dioxide has never been listed as a pollutant. You’re breathing, right, you breathe in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide, it’s that simple plants to keep it simple. They breathe in carbon dioxide, they breathe out oxygen so we can live. That’s how it works. Now they say there’s too much carbon dioxide. How do they know that? Well, they have phony tests. Defective, we’ve known this for decades to defective tests, but what is the right amount of carbon dioxide? What is the exact right temperature? They have no idea. None. Greenhouse gas emissions. In the wintertime in places that are very, very cold in this country. We have a little greenhouses and greenhouses are used to grow flowers, grow vegetables, just grow plants when it’s really cold and bitter outside. They create a greenhouse. A greenhouse. That’s what we’re talking about. There’s nothing poisonous in a green. We’re not talking about acid rain or there’s nothing poisonous in a greenhouse. Not the greatest element in a green house is its condensation, its water, but they haven’t figured out how to control condensation and they think they’ve figured out how to control carbon dioxide. You know, how to shut down our industry. That’s half. Now, not only will this put millions of you out of work, not only will it drive up prices, not only will this make America so much poorer, our enemies, they’re not interested in carbon dioxide and they’re not worried about.

Hour 1 Segment 3

We’re finding that Wall Streeters corporatists. Joe Biden, family members in all, are getting ready to cash in. On the climate change issue, like on the infrastructure issue, the Green New Deal, as you call it, whatever you wish. They’re planning to make a fortune off of it. I mean, they’re going to follow the trillions of dollars. Don’t you think? Well, of course. Corporations hope to make a fortune off of it. That’s their hope. I just want to show you how radical and extreme this is John Kerry, who is a billionaire by marriage. Lives a life that really none of us could ever expect to live. A man who flies on private jets, who eats caviar, who lives in multiple homes, who chauffeured around in huge vehicles and we can go on and on. He thinks you’re living too well. He thinks you’re living too well. So here he is at Biden’s leaders climate summit video conference today. And let’s hear what he has to say go. You said twice getting the net zero is going to be hard, really hard. That is net zero carbon dioxide emissions. Go ahead and just remind everybody that that that will depend on whether or not we have some breakthrough technologies and breakthrough innovations. No. One, but even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. So this is a bigger challenge than a lot of people have sort of really grabbed on to. Yet you see you see there can never be a victory. You can never be a finish line. Even if we get to net zero. Well, we’re not producing any carbon dioxide whatsoever, it’s hanging around in the atmosphere and we got to figure out how to vacuum it out. So net zero is not good enough. Ladies and gentlemen. This is insanity. This is economic and societal suicide. This man is not a scientist, he’s a carnival barker, he’s a buffoon. All you folks who work in unions and work with your hands, you’re going to be out of work. You see how quickly Joe Biden hammered that Keystone XL pipeline? All the pipelines are going to go. You folks who are members of the UAW in assembly lines, you’re going to be out of work. Oh, we’ll have electric cars, but electric creates carbon dioxide, too, at its original source. It doesn’t just show up. This is a war on hard working men and women in this country working our steel mills who work in our oil fields, who work on our assembly lines, who work on any smokestack industries. This is a war on consumers who like the automobiles. They have your heating and your air conditioning systems. You understand this involves energy. So it affects everything you do, everything you do. And you know what else they have to do if they get rid of carbon dioxide. They have to pass rules on where you can live, how you can live, how large your home can be, what kind of vehicle you can drive, how many vehicles you can drive. This is a massive attack on your liberty, your mobility. It is totalitarian in every respect. And it’s based on crap science. Let’s pretend we get down to zero carbon dioxide. You remember when the left used to worry about the the Amazon, the magnificent Amazon or what was happening down there? Do you notice they never talk about it anymore? I was just thinking about this during the break and raising it with Mr. Producer. You notice they never talk about the Amazon anymore. Why is that? Because all that vegetation, that lush, dense vegetation. Requires a lot of carbon dioxide to survive. And in order to create a lot of oxygen for the rest of the planet. Carbon dioxide is protein. For plants. That’s what it is, it’s not a pollutant, it is protein for plants in vegetarians, better start paying attention to what I’m saying. Just think about what would happen to our economy even more. Think about what would happen to our ecology if we had net zero carbon dioxide and then we need technological advances, says the dummy, to get into the atmosphere and get the carbon dioxide out of there. This is a religious movement. With false gods and idols, that’s what it is, this is a religious movement with false gods and idols. Of ignorant people like Chuck Todd, Chuck Todd doesn’t know anything about anything. And he says he is going to ban and censor forever anybody who comes on and denies climate change. But they won’t ban somebody like Kerry who is insane. Absolutely insane. Then we have Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Biden’s leaders climate summit. And she’s dummer. Then John Kerry says people don’t know anything, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it’s a cool thing to say, a cool thing to do. You can do whatever you want, spend whatever you want, fly as many planes as you want because you’re going to save the planet. You are righteous. All these Democrats. Who voted for Biden? All these Democrats? To vote for these leftists don’t even understand they’re voting to destroy their own jobs and their own communities. It really is shocking. Meanwhile, you’re going to have billionaires are going to make a fortune. You have people like the Biden family who are going to make a fortune. They’re going to know what to invest in, where to take their money. There’s already a list of advisers, official and unofficial, about how they are going to make a fortune because they’re already investing, getting ahead of the curve on what the government’s going to do. Government’s going to spend trillions. So somebody is going to make money. Somebody is going to make money, you’re not. Joe Biden said all those people who lost the jobs that their Keystone XL pipeline, they’re going to find new, better paying jobs for them, then he say that America. Or the media, do they follow up with these people to see if Joe Biden helped create new, better paying jobs for them? Of course not, because he didn’t and he’s not going to. It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, Joe Biden’s intentions are, as I’ve said many times, to promote Joe Biden, but the Democrat Party’s intentions, as we talked about last night, are quite evil. The Democrat Party hates America. Down the line, see? What does it do to support this could it hates America. Its leaders hate America. They lie about the people of America. They lie about our police department. They lie about what’s going on on the border. It’s really quite, quite an evil party. They don’t have good intentions. This is something George W. Bush doesn’t get. Either he’s too stupid or he doesn’t want to face up to it. He and his dear friend, Michelle Obama. You have these rhinos running around on Capitol Hill SACE. And Romney. Liz Cheney. Adam Kinzinger, they don’t get it, but even if they do get it, they don’t care. The greatest threat we face is all around us. Look at. Now, that’s climate. Let’s press ahead on a couple of other issues, there’s just too much I can’t spend all day on one subject. D.C. statehood. The vote in the House was 216. The two away. Every Democrat voted for it. Every Republican voted against. I do not have a problem with the people of Washington, D.C.. Having the right to vote. In federal elections. In fact, I think they should vote in federal elections. And I think the non federal areas of the District of Columbia should be seated back to Maryland. Were the people in District of Columbia who live in these communities can have a vote? The idea that we would take the federal enclave. The federal enclave. And create a state out of it. Where senators don’t forget, they’d have their own legislature and all the rest. Would be a constant dagger points with the federal government, particularly Republicans in the federal government, is simply unacceptable. That’s not what the framers wanted. Now, not once in any of the reporting on this on television did I hear mention of this word. Constitution. Now, I know that the Democrats feel that they have carved out a a special statute that gets around this with a couple of knuckleheads from Harvard or whatever. But they didn’t. The District of Columbia’s created by the Constitution of the United States, you can’t just pass a statute and say we’re going to add a few more senators by making the District of Columbia, some part of it, a state. It’s different from territories, it’s different from Puerto Rico, it’s different. It’s the capital of the entire nation. And the framers wisely didn’t want the capital of the entire nation, part of a state. Normally, the Democrats hate states, have you noticed that they hate states? Except when they control. The hypocrisy exists on so many levels, I’ll give you an example, they talk about the Electoral College, it really we need a direct election. The Electoral College isn’t representative of the people. This is what they say. Well, then the Senate’s not representative of the people, as I’ve said before, because this two senators from every state, regardless of the population. Right. So how’s I representative of the people, because they didn’t create a system representative of the people per say, they created a republic where parts of it represent the people and there’s checks and balances and so forth and so on, we don’t need to go through that for the four millionth time. So they didn’t create a democracy, created a republic. Which is far superior to the democracy. You know, they have a democracy in the Gaza Strip, they got one vote, that was it. No republic, no checks and balances, and it’s a terrorist state. There’s phony democracies all over the world. The Democrats want to create one here in the great Republic of the United States. So we have simple solutions to this. The parts of Washington, D.C. that are mostly neighborhoods and not parts of the federal enclave, Persay should be seated back to Maryland. You got two senators, maybe you’ll get another representative. Maybe you’ll get rid of Stumpy Hoyer. Who knows? Part of Washington, D.C., was ceded back to Virginia. So this is the answer, but it’s not what the answer the Democrats want, because this isn’t about representation in Washington, D.C.. Again, it’s their abuse of black people and other minorities. For their own power structure, they want two more senators, that’s it. Case closed. And you and I and the rest of the country are supposed to just say, yeah, you know what, taxation without representation. Well. We said they concede back to Maryland. Now, it’s interesting, they bring up taxation without representation. Because the Democrats really don’t want representation when they increase taxes. They haven’t held a bunch of hearings that you and I can attend on their tax bill, their tax bill is very secretive. We don’t have any say in any of this, our specific representatives don’t have any say in any of this. So what do they mean? The way Pelosi runs the House of Representatives, half of the country doesn’t have representation because she cuts the Republicans out of committee hearings on major issues. She cuts the Republican side of producing legislation. She cuts the Republicans out of making amendments. So what about US taxation and no representation? The way ever. The fascist Pelosi runs the House of Representatives. Ah, what about what Schumer wants to do, the separation of powers? That kills representation, too, so we don’t need lectures about the Constitution, Republicanism, democracy, representation from the Democrats who are all frauds, power hungry narcissists, nut jobs, we don’t need that from them. We know what they mean. They have no good intentions. The opposite. They have evil intentions. They don’t give a damn whether the people of the District of Columbia have a right to vote or whether any of us have a right to vote. It’s full speed ahead on their agenda. That’s it, period. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 4

When all you folks in these congressional districts, you have a Democrat in a marginally Republican district, I understand that all these radical proposals intended to empower the Democrat Party and destroy the Republican Party are being voted on by that representatives representative. And they’re voting with the left and with the Democrat Party until we blow them out. Electorally, until we blow them out, this is going to keep up. They need to be punished. We’re not going to defeat representatives from the inner city who are Democrats. You’re not going to defeat Nancy Pelosi. You’re not going to defeat Jerrold Nadler. I have no problem with opponents running against them and let them have it. But the way we take back the House is to defeat these Democrats in areas that are formerly had representative who were Republican. That’s how we have to do it, because they have thrown in with the radical left and every major issue, every major issue, and then they’re going to spend money and lie to you back home about how they’re part of a bipartisan caucus and all the rest. They’re frauds and they’re liars like this. Gottheimer in northern New Jersey. Complete joke, we have so much more, by the way, in the final hour, Senator Blackmer. Marsha Blackburn is scheduled to come on the program. She’s solid as a rock, isn’t she? Right across the board, as best as I can tell. And she’s saying all this stuff that Biden’s doing in the Middle East and with Iran and everything. Wait a minute, he doesn’t have the power to just do these things by himself. And, you know, I wish we had more senators who would who would voice their position not just with this, but we’re going to climate change agreements that don’t come through the Congress as a treaty. We had the original Kyoto accords that came through Congress as a treaty. But back then, the Democrats had lost their minds. There was a unanimous vote against it. Every Democrat and every Republican in the Senate said, no. I’ll be right back.