March 11, 2021

March 11, 2021

Biden Desk / Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Do we as a country love our children? This is the most selfish generation and we are destroying their futures. This COVID ‘relief’ bill will lead to massive tax increases and other unintended consequences. This money they are giving away isn’t free, it has consequences, this insane reckless spending isn’t necessary. Then, the General Accounting Office (GAO) has examined Trump’s Operation Warp Speed and has determined that it was a remarkable success. The report confirms that Trump’s administration ordered 800 million doses of the vaccine from various pharmaceutical companies. Going a step further the Trump administration secured partnerships with pharmacy chains like CVS and Walgreens to fast-track the distribution of the vaccine. The Biden Administration has done little-to-nothing of value regarding the vaccine. The truth is that the Trump Team saved millions of American lives. Later, Congressman Thomas Massie joins the show to discuss the left’s latest assault on the Second Amendment. Massie also noted that the model used for Operation Warp Speed was successful and that it should be used for other products to combat the virus. Massie said that the amount of money spent in this bill should have afforded $85,000 per family and instead these families will be $85,000 in debt. Afterward, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls in and warns that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Biden and Congressional Democrats are putting up fences around the Capitol while trying to tear down the border wall. They are opening the border and shutting down schools.


Biden’s criticism of Trump administration vaccine contracts too broad to be accurate

Operation Warp Speed: Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccine Development Status and Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges

Biden’s Stimulus Wipes Out New York and San Francisco’s Budget Deficits

Right Scoop
House Democrats pass TWO gun control bills and here’s the Republicans who voted with them

Exclusive report from Gillian Turner – Top General of the National Guard opposed keeping troops in DC but was overturned by Biden administration

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Do we love our children? I’m sitting here thinking about this as a society, do we love our children? Do we love our grandchildren? Do we care about future generations? A tiny fraction of our population goes off to war. A tiny fraction of our population. Joins the military. A tiny fraction of our population. Works in law enforcement are Chinese law enforcement. What are they trying to protect? What are they trying to protect? And we hear civilians. Who are neither in the military or law enforcement or law enforcement. We are destroying the future of our children and grandchildren and generations to come. We are the most selfish generation. In the history of this country. Because that’s what Marxism and socialism are all about, and that’s clearly what the Democrat Party is all about. We don’t have this money. Now we’re going to go through the motions of massive tax increases. Massive redistribution of your earnings and wealth to people who didn’t earn it. With various righteous causes because of race. Because of inequality, because of whatever. But the children, the same party. That would not pressure the teachers union, which is in their back pocket, and they in their. Who abused our children? Abusing them in a way, now. But I don’t think we can fix. You see people say, oh, we’ve always heard this talk about massive spending and what it will do to us. It hasn’t hurt me. It’s not going to hurt you more than likely, but it will hurt your flesh and blood. Because even. Big countries that spend money one day. One day, the laws of economics hold those countries to account. This isn’t free, these checks that they’re writing, the money they’re dropping from helicopters on various segments of our society, the expansion of entitlement programs, more and more people on entitlement programs. These have consequences not only as a consequence for our culture. Turning a thriving, industrious, hard working people into a lazy people that expect things to be handed to them. Certainly a percentage of our society. So it has a. It’s truly troubling psychological effect on our society, completely changing the way we think. But even more. I want you to look at your children and your grandchildren, and I want you to think about generations yet born, how are they going to handle this? They’re not even benefiting from any of this, nor will they. We are using up. The resources that we create, plus the resources that will have to be created when we’re long gone, that is when we’re long dead. Our children and grandchildren are going to be holding the tab and the consequences are going to be dire. So when I watch these. These fools like Biden. And Pelosi. And Sanders and Schumer. These doddering old nasty fools. Smiling and happy. Because they feel they’re spending their way to majoritarianism from now until, you know, forever future. I think to myself. These are really, really abominable people and some of the people who support them in the media and otherwise, there is no talk about the debt, none. There’s no talk about the consequences. For the future generations. This is the most selfish generation ever. Demanding that somebody who has worked hard give them their money or somebody who has worked smart and created all kinds of products and services and has become wealthy, thereby hiring enormous numbers of people and creating more wealth and opportunity for other people. That that guy or gal somehow owes somebody else. A massive percentage of what they created. That’s what this bill is all about. We’re going to have Kevin McCarthy on here in the last hour, because I heard him say nine percent of this bill goes directly to the virus. And I want you to listen to this a second, because I just looked it up. The unemployment rate in this country is less than six point three percent. And again, I checked, as we talked about last week. Their predictions are. The predictions are. That the first quarter of this year, we’ll see gross domestic product growth of 10 percent. 10 percent. So why are we doing this? Because, ladies and gentlemen, they couldn’t do this if they waited two, three, four or five months because it would be apparent to everybody that the economy is building. That this kind of unparalleled, reckless, insane spending is unnecessary. But they’re grabbing power at every level, they’re using every lever they possibly can to grab power. And it was now or never. That’s why Biden could cut a deal with the Republicans, it was now or never. It’s about his legacy, it’s about empowering the Democrat Party, everything, if you put it through that lens, you’ll see the whole thing, it’ll all brighten up for you. I heard one guy on Fox even mentioned it. So a listener on Fox, it’s all brightened up for him now to. But you need to think about these things. They’re very, very important. Now, we’re going to get into this a little bit more deeply, a little later, but I want to first talk about the vaccine. I did further research today. And we’ll carry this through the. Second segment. Did you know the General Accounting Office, which is the audit part of the federal government, did you know the General Accounting Office? Took a close examination of Operation Warp speed. This past month. Over 50 pages was produced. You should read it. What a tremendous accomplishment, operation warp speed. And in fact, rather than start now and have a break. What I’d like to do is take the break right after the break. I hope you listen to this because you’re going to learn something you haven’t heard before. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Katch and PolitiFact health care there are left of center. In fact, PolitiFact, in the past, I’ve been engaged in trying to expose them. So what I’m about to tell you is even more remarkable. They looked at the claims by Joe Biden and they looked at what the Trump administration had done with respect to operation warp speed. And the virus. Now, I want you to listen to this. Last summer. The Trump administration contracted for 100 million doses from Pfizer, 100 million doses from Moderna. 100 million doses from Johnson and Johnson, 300 million doses from AstraZeneca, 100 million doses from Novavax and 100 million doses from Sanofi GlaxoSmithKline. 800 million doses. For 400 million people. Now, they did this without knowing which company would have an effective vaccine. They did this without knowing. Whether it would be approved on an emergency basis by the FDA, but President Trump and his team. Did something that we’ve never done before, they ordered the doses, they ordered the syringes, they ordered all of this. Betting heavily. That one or more of these companies would come up with a vaccine. Three of them came up with a vaccine, two of them. In November, but they waited to announce it until after the election, so they contract it for 800 million doses for 400 million people. Some of them, of course, require two doses. Now, Joe Biden hasn’t told you that. His spokes idiot, Psaki, hasn’t told you that. Now, in December of last year, December 23, when only Fizer and Moderna had received emergency authorization, the Trump administration immediately ordered another 200 million doses from both companies. Another 200 million doses from both companies. That means between that 200 million order and the original order with FISA and Moderna, that’s 400 doses of vaccines. 400. Then Johnson and Johnson went before this FDA emergency committee. And. Got approval for its vaccine, the one shot vaccine. And Johnson and Johnson had been coordinating with Merck on how to increase production because Johnson and Johnson didn’t have the capacity to meet the order. That the Trump administration in place since its capacity was limited. And so those two companies began working together and came up with an agreement. Joe Biden took credit for that agreement. In the end. The Trump administration had contracted for enough approved vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson to inoculate five hundred and fifty million people. Joe Biden says they didn’t order enough vaccines, he’s lying when Joe Biden says somehow his administration got Merck and Johnson and Johnson to work together and pull it across the finish line. He’s lying. The distribution process that’s in place today. Working with HHS and the Defense Department, particularly the National Guard, that was developed. By the Trump administration. The use of CVS and Walgreens and Wal-Mart, Target and so forth, that was developed by the Trump administration. By the Trump administration, these are facts. These are facts you haven’t heard anywhere else. Because they they interrupt, they undermine the narrative that the White House is putting out in a massive propaganda campaign. Let me tell you exactly what’s going on, why I started with the spending and that had led to the virus and the vaccines, because what Joe Biden is trying to create and what he will say is in the first hundred days. He helped whip the virus. And helped save the economy, that’s where this is headed. When, in fact, his outrageous spending will do enormous damage to this economy in the out months. We’ll do enormous damage. To the fiscal state. Of this country for generations to come. And did virtually nothing when it came to the development and distribution of these vaccines. Maybe refining here and there, but that’s it. This is why they have trashed President Trump when it comes to the vaccines, because they know if the truth ever gets out, if the truth ever gets out of what that administration did and by doing what they did, listen to me, please. They saved millions and millions of Americans. Millions and millions of Americans. By doing what they did, they brought us to this point. And what the GAO reports, it shows. Where some of the blockages were. Some of the manufacturing gaps and how the administration moved quickly to try and fix them. And still got these developments, these these vaccines develop. At warp speed. And you know what else shows? That was the Trump administration’s leadership, particularly at HHS, these companies were working together. They were sharing their data. There are even sharing facilities. Our great American private sector. That’s how we got the vaccines. That’s how people are getting vaccinated. And that’s how we have saved millions and millions of Americans. Joe Biden announced the other day that he’s going to order another 100 million vaccines. So we have enough even to distribute overseas because this is a war. Donald Trump said this was a war. At the first outbreak. And yes, to some extent, he ignored the science because the scientists were prepared to sit this for five years and let the companies just go their normal route. Donald Trump refused. He refused. He was the one who said the only way to truly destroy this is through therapeutics and vaccines, and he was right. And I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Biden said today that they’re working with these companies, Pfizer, Modano, Johnson and Johnson, to speed up the production and delivery of the vaccines. Ladies and gentlemen, they’re already speeding it up. And they don’t need Joe Biden to be taking credit for any of this. They’re already speeding up. They’re speeding up because it’s like creating anything else and producing anything else as you produce more and more stuff. You become more and more efficient, the supply lines become more and more regularized, the distribution becomes more and more normalized and regularized, and so you’re able to speed it up and move it along more and more quickly. It’s not because Joe Biden’s presence has come on, hurry up and notice. Every time he talks like this, he provides no specifics whatsoever. Exactly what is the administration doing to speed up anything? You would think if they had a long list of things that they’ve done that have improved production and distribution, that we would have these lists, we know that the. The left wing phony media, The New York Times and The Washington Post will put it on page one above the fold. We know that Freightquote will not be to be confused with Purbrick, Cuomo and Jake Tapper. We know that they would lead with it. We know that Andrea Mitchell and Brian Williams and the other reprobates at MSNBC would be waving it around. But there’s nothing to wave around because I haven’t done anything special or profound or fundamentally different than what they inherited. They inherited the vaccines. They inherited the distribution methodology, including the military. And so. As people who are serious and have looked at this, we’ll tell you that that’s what’s taken place. And yet tonight, the media, even so-called friendly media, are reporting that Biden said that, you know, he spoke to you, that we’re going to get this done, get these out faster. They’re going to come out faster regardless. But this is all an effort. To make mine look better than he is. And Trump was. That’s what’s going on here. Now let’s look at the spending bill, this is one point nine trillion on top of four point one trillion that had already been spent. So by my calculation, that’s six trillion. The federal budget is about four and a half trillion. In a 12 month period, we’ve spent over 10 trillion dollars. Over 10 trillion dollars. And then if you include the six trillion dollars the Federal Reserve is authorized to use in loans, we’ve spent over 16 trillion dollars. The entire federal excuse me, the entire economy is about 17 and a half to 18 trillion dollars. In one year’s time. We’re bankrupting our country faster than any generation, any group of politicians ever. And we hear that nine percent of this bill goes directly. Directly to dealing with the virus, nine percent of the bill, and as I pointed out to you earlier, with about six percent unemployment. And in the first quarter, this quarter of the year, it’s expected to grow the GDP by 10 percent. So why are we doing that, why are we expanding welfare programs and expanding food stamps and doing all these things? Bernie Sanders wrote this bill. That should give you a hint. That should give you a hint and what’s in this bill, first of all, it wipes out the debt. The debt. In New York and San Francisco. Andrew Cuomo, we’ll get to him later. Andrew Cuomo had wanted 15 billion dollars, do you remember that? He gets twenty three point five billion. The San Francisco school system, where they’re not busy taking down monuments and renaming schools, gets 650 million wipes out their debt. For the next two years. Los Angeles gets one point sixty five dollars billion in Garcetti. Can barely control his excitement. Wipes out their debt. What does this have to do with the virus, nothing. Because the cities and states were indeed dead before the virus. There’s 362 billion dollars in direct aid to state and local governments. A third of a trillion dollars. One hundred and sixty eight billion to assist educational institutions. So teachers, not all teachers, but particularly in the metropolitan areas. Who don’t want to go back to work, who haven’t gone back to work, they’re rewarded. And there were states in the worst cities are rewarded with enormous sums of money. That’s 525 billion dollars out of the one point nine million. Fifty three point six billion to assist small business, what does that mean? We’re not sure. And you should know any state that takes one dime of this money, Mr. Producer. Is prohibited from cutting taxes. Thirty nine billion for child care block grants to states that has nothing to do with this virus, twenty seven point eight billion for emergency rental assistance and housing vouchers, that has nothing to do with this virus. Ten billion for homeowner assistance, that has nothing to do with this virus. Five billion more for assistance to individuals experience homelessness that has nothing to do with this virus. Almost 50 billion dollars for testing and contact tracing. Well, no one contact tracing. Reminds me of the communist China’s social credit scoring. There were among other things, they’re going to keep track of where you are. But we don’t need 50 billion dollars for testing at this point. And what I should have mentioned is the same time the Trump administration. Was. Pursuing vaccines and therapeutics, it also had to build ventilators. It also had to make Pipas. It also had to find and create hospital beds. And of course, it also had to invent testing because forcing the FDA weren’t up to speed. The Trump administration did all that. Seven point six billion to expand the public health workforce. Seven point six billion for community health centers, I have no idea what that means, six point one billion for Native American health programs, three billion for substance abuse and mental health block grant programs, 50 billion more for FEMA. Ten billion for emergency medical supply production. Eight point seven billion for covid-19 health response efforts overseas. It extends federal unemployment compensation benefits of three hundred dollars per week until September 6th. Prior to this pandemic, the federal government paid nothing for unemployment compensation, it’s strictly a state matter. Now, it’s September, how much you want to bet they never get rid of it? It’s a new entitlement, an additional tax rebate of fourteen hundred dollars for individuals with incomes of 75000 or less. And a married couple or just a couple who are in one hundred and fifty thousand dollars or less, they get twenty eight hundred dollars. It doesn’t even matter what the circumstances, you just get it. Expands eligibility and increase the maximum earned income tax credit for childless adults and increases the child tax credit. Three thousand dollars per child over the age of seven thousand six hundred dollars. A child under the age of seven. So, Mr. Producer, if you’re a couple earning 150000 dollars a year. And there’s four of you. You’re going to get twenty eight hundred dollars, the two adults. Actually going to get more in there, you’re going to get fifty six hundred dollars, right, for every individual in the fifty six hundred dollars, let’s say, of two little kids under seven plus 7200 dollars. We’re talking eleven or twelve thousand dollars for a couple earning 150000 dollars a year. How long can a country do this, folks? Expands and extends through September 2021, paid sick and family leave tax credits for employers requires Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program to fully cover the cost of covid-19 vaccines. This is already being done under the Trump initiative, where insurance companies have already agreed to do that. What else? One point five million for the Seaway International Bridge, which connects New York to Canada and is a priority for Chuck Schumer. 500 million or half a billion? Grants to fund activities related to the arts, humanities, libraries, museums and Native American language preservation. 86 billion to rescue about 185 multiemployer pension plans insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any of this. And these are underfunded pensions. 35 billion to increase subsidies to defray Obamacare premiums because Obamacare is a drain. It doesn’t work. Thirty five dollars billion to hold up Obamacare. Another three point five billion for the program formerly known as food stamps, another one billion for Head Start, and, of course, one and a half billion for Amtrak. Nothing whatsoever to do with this virus, nothing, and Biden says this will all jump start the economy because he knows the economy is already beginning to rocket. And he wants to be able to say that it’s due to his program and we know that this propaganda machine is underway because the word leaked out, the cabinet secretary, subcabinet secretaries, friendly media surrogates in the left wing non-profit community are all to hit the streets. And to say so, this is one thing the Democrats do that the Republicans don’t, McConnell gets in front of a microphone, coughs up his baloney sandwich, then leaves and that’s it. And then that’s it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

One of the things Biden’s going to announce tonight at 8:00 p.m., because they put it out, is that every adult in the United States will be eligible to get the vaccination no later than May one. And you’re supposed to thank him, what the hell would we do without Joe Biden? Ladies and gentlemen, this was always the plan. Can we pull up again yesterday we played Mr. Producer, what might have been the day before Joe Biden at the debate saying we’re going to have to wait till like May for all of us to get a vaccination, isn’t there? He didn’t say something like that. We’ll find that if we don’t find it sooner, if we can play it next hour. Yeah, we’ll see what he says. He wants you to believe that they have some kind of magical system in place where they’re doing these things, that they’re not doing anything. They’re jumping in front of the parade, it’s like the worst pass. Don’t you hate people like that? I’d you disgusted by people like that. Those of you who work in an office for people, take credit for the work that you do. That’s been Joe Biden his entire life. Let’s go ahead and play it. Go ahead. Your reaction and just 40 percent of Americans say they would definitely agree to take them. By the way, this is from the September debate, I believe. Go ahead. Approved by the government. What steps would you take to give Americans confidence in a vaccine if it were approved? Make sure it’s totally transparent. Have the scientists, the world see it, know it, look at it, go through all the processes. And by the way, this is the same fellow told you this is going to end by Easter last time. This is the same fellow who told you that. Don’t worry, we’re going to end this by the summer. We’re about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter. And he has no clear plan. And there’s no prospect that there’s going to be a vaccine available for the majority of the American people before the middle of next year. You hear that? For the majority, the American people to the middle of next year, which is fantastic, and now he’s taking credit for it. That’s why he doesn’t want to submit himself to serious questions by serious reporters, both of them, just to show you the the insanity, the Democrat Party, when you look at New York. I don’t remember anybody demanding that Cuomo resign as a result of his policy in which thousands of senior citizens were killed. You start to hear some noise when the attorney general points out that more people died than Cuomo said, and that leads to the fact that they covered up the death numbers. And then you heard a few more people saying, well, maybe he should resign, mostly Republicans and these women start coming out. And we’ve had the sixth woman who talks of a truly grotesque. In effect, rape. When you touch somebody where you’re not supposed to touch them, that effectively is rape. And now whether it calls by 60 Democrats for the governor’s resignation. But the Democrat Party is a fraud in so many respects, Joe Biden did something very similar to a young woman when he was a senator. Nobody wanted to hear about it. And tarried, went public, put her neck on the line and she was trashed. Oh, the story here, our story there, but we didn’t hear from any of these Democrats are speaking out now, speaking out on her defense. The New York Times didn’t stand up for her. Joe Scarborough didn’t stand up for her. His wife did in some ways. But the Democrat Party circled the wagons around their nominee. Because they couldn’t afford to have them fail. And she wasn’t alone. We’re going to be game began to come forward talking about how he was inappropriately touching them. Putting his face into their hair. Doing some other perverse things that Biden does. And that’s Joe, the lovable Joe. And that was fine, there’s no investigation of Joe Biden and there’s not going to be. But why shouldn’t there be? Aren’t they similar situations, this sixth young woman coming forward? And what Tara Reid said happened to her. They’re very similar, aren’t they? Very similar. But don’t worry, Joe Biden’s out there, he’s for women, don’t you know that’s why he’s destroyed girls, high school sports. Tonight, it’s going to say every adult in the U.S. eligible for vaccines no later than May one, he had nothing to do with this. So when you watch this, if you must if you listen to this, if you must, then you should look at whoever afterwards is reporting on this is telling you the truth. This is one of the reasons I spent a decent part of this hour going through this vaccine history. I had no idea Joe Biden was going to say it, but I know at some point he would take even additional credit. And because of the brilliance of his administration, who exactly who what exactly did they do? I’ll be right back.