February 25, 2021

February 25, 2021

Springsteen Obama / Getty Images / NurPhoto

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen are preaching reparations as a way to redistribute wealth to people that mostly vote Democrat. Obama has never led any movement to unify the country. We can’t allow this kind of blatant racism to be passé and normalized. If we’re ever going to have reparations, it’s the responsibility of Democrats, since they were the party that supported slavery. The Democrat party has surrendered whatever integrity they have and decided that critical race theory and race training is their new base. They will surrender the working class for illegal immigrants, who will then become future Democrat voters. The Left has corrupted our institutions and schools and we’re paying for all of it. Also, there is a push for TV companies to stop service for some news networks, like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN, because of how they cover certain topics like election fraud and the events on January 6th. These attacks on a free media is unbelievable. Later, little kids should not be able to decide if they get a sex change operation. Rachel Levine, who has transitioned from a man to a woman, is become Biden’s nominee for the department of health and human services, which shows exactly what he’s all about. A society and culture who believes that minors should make decisions about hormones and operations without parental consent is in decline.


Daily Mail
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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / NurPhoto

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Well, let’s jump right in, shall we? I think we shall see Barack Obama, Barack Milhouse, Benita Obama, he’s got a podcast. With Bruce Springsteen, can you imagine Bruce Springsteen and when he’s not drinking and driving, I guess he’s doing a podcast, Mr. Producer, anyway, reparations. Obama feels now we should have reparations, see Obama, even when he was president, he no, I can only go so far with this stuff. I can only go so far. But now. All stop signs are gone. All stop signs are gone. We have this critical race theory, we have the Sixty-nine King project, we have the retraining of teachers, we have HRR training individuals and major corporations and middle sized businesses. We have textbooks galore. We have books galore about racist America. It’s really you can see the change in the last 12 to 24 months. It’s been incredible. It’s been radical, it’s been extreme. And it wouldn’t be happening, but for the fact that our universities and colleges for which we pay hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars every year, even those of us who don’t have kids going to school, we subsidize them. And now our public schools for which we pay hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars a year. We’re not indoctrinating people on this. And yet they’re controlled by the teachers union. They’re controlled by the administrators, they’re controlled by the faculty in colleges and universities. We have no say in any of these institutions. And yet we pay for all of it. All of it. And they’re destroying our country, they’re destroying faith in our country by the next generation. They’re destroying our history, they’re lying about the founding of this nation. And so every radical with a chip on his or her shoulder. Who has not been suppressed, oppressed, repressed. Pushes their agenda, whether it’s climate change, whether it’s climate justice, whether it’s environmental justice, whether it’s social justice, racial justice, economic justice, whatever it is. We are drenched in this. And the only reason. That this is able occurred in this country because we are so free. And repressive regimes, truly repressive regimes, this kind of crap’s not put up with. And so this country is being ripped and torn and pulled and pushed. And it has found a home in the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party has surrendered any integrity it once had, which wasn’t much. And it is decided that this will be the new base. This will be the new base. Not certain of the traditional. Communities within the base. But an adjusted new base, so the the radical neo Marxists, environmentalists, very important part of the base, if they have to surrender private sector union members, so be it. It’s not that big anyway, they figure. We can get the suburbs with the other. If they have to surrender the working class. They will surrender the working class for illegal immigrants who they can bring in by the millions, eventually legalize and eventually get registered to vote as citizens. So there’s been a marked change in the Democrat Party, and as I tell you every night on this program and the Democrat Party now is the party of what power. That’s it. Now, Barack Obama, as I think back during his administration, what exactly did this guy accomplish? That had any lasting power that was really helpful to the American people. You know, the interesting thing is Donald Trump did more for the black community than Barack Obama did. Whether it was employment, whether it was economic zones, whether it was his push for school choice, whether it was criminal justice reform, you go down a list. What did Obama do now, Obama and Michelle have made out? Really incredibly well, since they’ve left the White House, they’re worth well over 100 million dollars. Reparations, they say, no, I made a proposal many years ago behind this microphone. That, of course, reparations is preposterous. It’s a preposterous idea, but it’s being pushed again by the hard left on the Democrat Party as another way to redistribute wealth. To individuals who mostly vote Democrat, not all, but mostly if they mostly voted Republican, you wouldn’t hear about reparations. If two thirds of Latinos, Hispanic Americans. Or Hispanics, period, if two thirds were voting Republican, you wouldn’t hear about open borders. And citizenship for illegal aliens, it wouldn’t happen. Because it’s all about power. Reparations. Now, here’s the interesting thing, most Americans who live in this country today, their ancestors weren’t even here during slavery. The overwhelming majority of taxpayers in this country are not the descendants of slave owners. In fact, many of the. People who are here in the United States today, you may. Our ancestors fled here for the same reasons so many ancestors have fled here in so many people have fled here to get away from slavery and tyranny and pogroms. So this is just another way to figure out how to redistribute wealth. When you read Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address and my dad wrote about it in a beautiful illustrated book, mostly for young kids, but you can look at it to read it anywhere. It’s the second shortest inaugural speech ever given the first. Was George Washington, who didn’t give it in person, of course. But it also considered his greatest speech even more than Gettysburg and Frederick Douglass after he was finished delivering that speech, Lincoln. Met Lincoln at the White House and praised him. He was skeptical about Lincoln, but he became to love. He came to love and adore Lincoln as Lincoln did him. And Frederick Douglass, there was a courageous man, there was a brilliant man, a former slave. Truly a remarkable human being. And you should read how he wrote, he wrote beautifully, just beautifully. Abraham Lincoln gave that speech truly for unity. It wasn’t like Biden saying unity and then doing everything he possibly could to ram is hard core, radical left neo Marxist agenda down the throats of all Americans. Read that speech. Here they are ending the most horrific war America has ever had. It’s not even close. Over 700,000 dead. And God knows how many other casualties. In a nation of 25 million people. Cities burned to the ground. Atlanta burned to the ground. And L.A. isn’t the only city, Richmond, Vicksburg. And others. Devastation. Massive devastation, so the economy needed to be rebuilt. The people had had to somehow come together, Americans. And that speech Lincoln gives is a religious speech in many respects. And it’s a respectful speech. And he talks about America and he’s respectful about the north in the South, he’s respectful about the men who fought. He’s an all of them. He’s an all of them. Not all are. And then you have to listen to Barack Obama. Barack Obama, the first black president. Yet it’s Abraham Lincoln who did more for African-Americans in America than any other human being in this country before or since Abraham Lincoln. And we don’t even what his birthday as a holiday, but it was Abraham Lincoln. People wanted him to sue for peace. People wanted him to settle. He said no. No. And the second great president nearly following on his heels. Who confronted? Who confronted what had taken place post civil war was Ulysses S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant. He sent the United States military into the south to go after the Ku Klux Klan and had put them down pretty good there for a while, and then guess what? They lost the House to the Democrats, Mr. Producer. And so he lost in many respects, his authority to do what he wanted to do, including with reconciliation. The Democrats are always at the bottom of this division, whether it’s one side or another, they’re always trying to divide us. They’re always trying to to trivialize us or balkanize us, perhaps a better word. Do you understand what I mean? This is what they do. Whether they are. Slaveholders, whether they are segregationists. Whether they are democratic, socialist and neo Marxist, it doesn’t matter. It’s never about Americanism, it’s never about Americanism. And so Barack Obama, as he sits there and gets incredibly wealthy as he vacations with billionaires. As he dines in his wine. He says now is the time for reparations. Well, why didn’t he go for reparations before? Well, when we come back, I want you to hear what he has to say. You’ll shake your head like me. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

All right, this Springsteen Obama podcast series. Cut 15 go. How do you hold the same country that sent man to the moon with being the same country of Jim Crow? You don’t make peace with that, obviously. But how you sort of. Hold that being the same America, I think that it is partly because we never went through a true reckoning and so we just buried one huge part of our experience and our citizenry in our minds. No, we didn’t. We had a massive civil rights movement, ladies and gentlemen. A massive civil rights movement led not by the federal government. It started in black churches in the south. Were brave black men and women, brave black preachers. Wouldn’t take it anymore. And they rose up. They were mostly peaceful, they were followers of Gandhi. Not Karl Marx. That’s what happened. Nobody buried anything. Maybe it’s because Obama’s a Democrat, he thinks it was buried. The Democrats fought. The 1957 Civil Rights Act, when Eisenhower was president, they fought the 1964 Civil Rights Act when Eisenhower was president. They fought the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They fought the 1965 Civil Rights Act, often called the Voting Rights Act. They fought at all. But it wasn’t swept under the rug, it was a broomed. The nation went through a major convulsion and it needed to. And it needed to and there were enormous changes made throughout the country and in the state. This is the difference between an Abraham Lincoln and a Barack Obama. Barack Obama never brought the American people together, nor did he ever do anything special for the African-American community. He was the first elected black president. For which he’s been honored and celebrated. It’s been noted it’ll be noted in American history for all time. But in many ways, in my opinion, Obama has always been about Obama and he’s been very selfish about it. And so he’ll do this podcast, he’ll show up at different events. He’ll make comments, some of which are rather radical, some of which aren’t, and then we’ll go back to one of his five massive mansions. But Obama’s never had. Really any role in anything in this respect? He’s never led any movement. To bring unity to this country. But I don’t know what he means, there has been a reckoning or that sort of thing, again, I want you to think about Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. He would never have said that, you know, among those in the audience. Were Confederate soldiers. Who crossed the Potomac? Some of them without limbs. As a result of the war and they wanted to hear what Lincoln was going to say. What was he going to do to the south? What was he going to do? What’s interesting is what you see in the Capitol building today with a National Guard surrounds the Capitol building. That’s exactly the opposite of what Abraham Lincoln would have done or did as the Civil War was coming to an end. Obama went on, and I want you to listen to more of this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, I feel I have to take time to go through this and unravel this because it is so ubiquitous and now it’s almost passé for people to make comments like this about white people and black people. And we cannot allow it to be passé. I have a dear friend of mine, he’s African-American, I worked with him for years and we had a wonderful phone call the other day and he started on this. I was stunned. Shocked he never talked like this before. And I confronted him, I said, I’m not going to sit here and listen to this bull crap, I’m just not going to do it, you know better. I know better. We’ve been friends. Almost 40 years. And he laughed, he understood. And so. If I don’t bring this up and I don’t discuss it, who is going to do it seriously? So Obama continues on this Bruce Springsteen and Obama podcast series. Cut 16 go now, you mentioned that a reckoning had taken place, so here we sit today where it feels like a reckoning is being called for. How is the country ready to deconstruct its founding message or. Hold on a second. It’s is it ready to deconstruct its founding this? Its founding this. This is a serious discussion. It’s mythic stories go ahead. Mythic stories, this mythic history, or is it prepared to consider reparations and hold on a sec. Our history is not a mythic story. We have no interest, tens of millions of us, and deconstructing our founding Nesse. And if this attitude takes hold and it is taking a hold it more and more places, we’re going to lose this country. What are we left with? We’re left with this self-heating. Ultra radical, neo Marxist mentality. We’re left with nothing. Absolutely nothing. And so what does Obama say in response to this go ahead. We’re at that place right now. So if you ask me theoretically, are reparations justified? The answer is yes. There’s not much question, right, that the wealth of not much question. Really? There’s not much question. You know, I was saying earlier and I didn’t finish my thought that I said I have said for years that if we’re going to have reparations, it’s the responsibility of the Democrat Party. The Republican Party never supported slavery. In fact, it was founded to end slavery. Those aren’t Republican governors standing in schoolhouse doorways, those weren’t Republican governors supporting or legislators, for that matter, racist laws and Jim Crow laws and so forth, these Democrats, Obama, Bruce Springsteen and so forth, they don’t even get their history right. And so to broadly condemn everybody, well, we know everybody didn’t support slavery. We had a damn civil war. And the vast majority of Americans didn’t own slaves. So. Go ahead. The power of this country was built in significant part, not exclusively, maybe not even the majority of it, but a large portion of it was built on the backs of slaves to the White House. OK, I don’t disagree with that. But those poor folks are gone. For three or four generations, they’re gone. There’s no way we can pay them back as a country. And it’s a country again, it’s interesting. The country as a whole, significant parts of the country did not support slavery and significant parts of the country didn’t have slaves. So the country fought a civil war, the union fought the Confederacy that had broken away from the Union. To prevent them from being a breakaway republic and to destroy slavery. And there were a hell of a lot of people who died, died. Who didn’t have slaves and didn’t want slaves in the north, some in the south. They went to their death. What more can you give? And some of these people who talk like this, they never go to the battlefields to see exactly what took place, it was horrendous. They don’t go to the cemeteries. They don’t see the cross after cross after cross after cross. Now, people who died. Over this issue, you realize we’re the only. Modern country in the face of the earth that fought a civil war to end slavery. The only one. There’s still slavery going on in the world. It’s going on, for instance, in communist China. Which the Democrat Party has sold out to, which the left has sold out to which supporters of the Democrat Party, whether in sports or elsewhere, have sold out to their slaves, slaves, concentration camps in this world. A significant number of people in communist China. In the Middle East. In Southeast Asia, other parts of Asia. On the continent of Africa. In the Sudan. Where black Muslims captured black Christians, wiped them out or enslaved them. It is horrific, you hear nothing, almost nothing. But now we’re going to keep going back. To the pre civil war period. And Obama acts like nothing’s been done. The Civil War itself. Was something mankind from the beginning of mankind, mankind have never seen before, never seen before. A country fully convulsing. Nearly destroying itself. To prevent a breakaway republic, to prevent slavery, to end it. With hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead. You had battles. That lasted two days. With 35000 casualties. Think about it. Twenty five million people in the country. Thirty five thousand casualties on one battlefield in 48 or 72 hours. Can you imagine the scene of that battlefield? Go to the battlefields. Look. It’s right there, it’s not a museum. It’s not a fantasy. When Obama says there’s never been a true reckoning. Those battlefields are drenched in blood, drenched in blood. This civil rights movement. Why do we celebrate the civil rights movement? A 55, 60, 65 years ago, because it was a reckoning with the segregationists. And the separatists and now we’re dealing with a new form of that we critical race theory. And nationalist movements and so forth, but that for another day. Go ahead. The house I stayed in for a while. That’s going to cut 17 go, what is also true is that even after the end of formal slavery and the continuation of Jim Crow, the systematic oppression and discrimination of black Americans resulted in black families not being able to build up wealth. Not being able to compete, you know what’s interesting about this, when you the late, great William Walter Williams or Tom Sole? Or Shelby Steele. These men grew up in discrimination, as have so many. And. They talk about. How the family stayed together nonetheless. How families were churchgoing. How ethics and morality were taught at the breakfast table in the dinner table. Self-respect. And that with this left wing agenda of radical egalitarianism, big government, Washington imposition of its of its views, you look at what’s going on in our schools today. We’re. Kids, mostly minority kids, stuck in these inner city schools where they’re either not open or they’re not getting educated or their crime infested, and so their opportunities are limited and so forth. They point out. That so many ways the government have held people back now. Go ahead. That has generational effects, so if you’re thinking of what’s just here’s what I’m thinking, Mr. President, you’ve never embraced capitalism except for yourself. He never embraced. Individualism except for yourself. Stop categorizing people based on stereotypes, stop categorizing people based on race and ethnicity. What you should be promoting, what Lincoln promoted and others have promoted, Frederick Douglass promoted. And Martin Luther King, in my view, is liberty of the individual. Individual sovereignty. That is, everybody’s an individual human being, they are to be unmolested. They should pursue their interests, whatever motivates them. And if we can help, we should help, but the idea of economic massive redistribution of wealth has never helped anybody. It’s been tried over and over and over again since Markes. And it’s failed miserably. Tell me, how are minorities doing in China, how are minorities doing? In North Korea, how are minorities doing in Cuba? How are minorities doing in Venezuela? They are brutalized, all of them. All of them. So this movement toward big centralized government supported by the Democrats, massive redistribution of wealth, a massive increase in the welfare state that. That doesn’t liberate people. That controls people. And wherever it’s tried, you have tyranny. And I don’t care who the leaders are, whether they’re white men or black men, whether they’re brown man, whether they’re Asian men, it doesn’t matter whether it’s tried, it’s the ideology. And it does an enormous disservice to our fellow human beings. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

You know, saving money has never been more, but before I get. It’s a damn shame that the people who benefit from this country most like Obama, like Bruce Springsteen, is king, among others. Trashed the hell out of it. It’s a damn shame. That more Americans don’t enjoy the American spirit, the spirit of this country, the opportunity, this country, people who are not from this country, who are black and brown and red and yellow and white, what have you. They look at America differently than Obama and Springstein. And their ilk. What amazes me as you listen to Obama, you listen to Springsteen, we have men and women in uniform today all over the world who put their lives on the line. To protect people they don’t even know that they have absolutely nothing in common with. And also to protect this country. If this country is, as Obama says, if this country is, as Springsteen incoherently says. Then who would want to join the military? Who would want to fight for it? In some ways. I say to myself, if my father saw what was going on just in the last two and a half years. I think it would destroy him. At the age of 17, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteers. And little did he know his would be father in law. Some years later, obviously, at the age of 34, dropped everything he was doing. To volunteer to join the Marines. As did his brother in law. Jewish men in the deepest poverty in Philadelphia. Breaking their butts to make ends meet. And my grandfather’s parents came to this country. Escaping the Russian programs against the Jews. And they tried to make something of themselves, they didn’t come with a chip on their shoulder. Well, Mark, they weren’t slaves, actually our ancestors were slaves. But that’s that’s beside the point. They wanted to achieve they wanted their family to be well, they just couldn’t focus on things like that, they had to move forward, they had to do what they had to do what my dad was in the army. You know, they first sent him, Mr. Producer. Biloxi, Mississippi. He was in a unit or whatever they called it, with 120 men, 119 of whom never saw a Jew before. So be it, so be it. As he would say, you do what you have to do and he wound up getting along with them great, by the way, is the day. All right, I’ll play that last clip after the top of the hour, I don’t want to belabor the point, but I have to answer Obama, that’s why. All right, we’ll finish this up. And I think it’s important that I do finish this up and then we’ll move on. I’ll be right back.