February, 5, 2021

February, 5, 2021

US Capitol / Getty Images / Samuel Corum

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, The Manchurian candidate, Joe Biden, and the Democrats spent another quarter of a trillion dollars to appease the teachers’ unions, not the American people hurting from coronavirus. The majority of the money is to help democrats close budget gaps that existed before the coronavirus. Biden has destroyed thousands of key jobs by shutting down one pipeline and are considering shutting down all pipelines. This relief bill isn’t about helping small businesses, or anything else, it’s about massively transferring wealth. Also, Raheem Kassam from the National Pulse calls to react to the Time Magazine article that admits that a cabal of corporatists, activists, and politicians changed election laws and more to “secure” a victory for Biden. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested by foundations and other organizations to influence the election for Biden through uprisings for racial justice. Even details like putting election drop boxes on streets that are frequented by Democrats more than republicans were part of the overall plan to beat Trump. Later, Sen Ben Sasse says Trump lied and is responsible for inciting the riot at the Capitol. Similarly, Rep. Dean Phillips whines about his white privilege. Afterward, Dr. Marc Seigel joins the program to elaborate on the latest coronavirus stats. Seigel says lockdowns spread the virus even more because people are huddled in their homes more than usual.


Biden Press Sec: We’re Considering Canceling All the Pipelines

National Pulse
TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy”

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

NY Post
NY GOPer Claudia Tenney declared victor in last lingering House race

Mark Levin Show
Levin declares Biden executive orders unconstitutional: ‘Like Benito Mussolini handing out declarations’

The Hill
GOP senator warns his party must decide between ‘conservatism and madness’

Daily Mail
COVID’s deadliest day: More than 5,000 died on Thursday as fatalities remain stubbornly high after holiday surge – but experts say they are baffled by 50% drop in new infections with just 8.7% of US vaccinated and NO herd immunity

Fox News
Rep. Nancy Mace: ‘I’m sick and tired’ of AOC trying to ‘politicize literally everything’

Right Scoop
White Dem tearfully apologizes to AOC and other non-white Dems for his WHITE PRIVILEGE on House floor

Dems impeaching Trump for using Dem talking point

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Samuel Corum

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

It’s Friday, but we keep our foot on the gas pedal here. This Friday is our important. The Democrats have rammed through a massive spending bill that has very little to do with the coronavirus. Another quarter of a trillion dollars to the teachers unions and these school districts, which haven’t spent upwards of 70 billion dollars that they already have. This one point nine trillion dollar bill is on top of one trillion dollars that has not been spent yet. That has not been spent yet. That’s two point nine trillion dollars printed out of thin air. The vast majority of the money and the policies that had been laced throughout this massive bill. The vast majority of money is intended to help Democrats. Elected Democrats in our cities elected blue state. Democrat governors. They’re pre coronavirus budgets. It is there to help them with their public transportation, which is, of course, not being used that much because, well, we’re not supposed to. We’re propping up teacher unions. Well, in so many parts of the country, teachers are not going back to work, and in fact, in our major cities, they are blackmailing the school districts. We even have lawsuits being brought in, Chicago and San Francisco. By the mayors against the school boards. At the same time. Biden has destroyed thousands of important jobs, he has shut down a pipeline that delivers crude oil from Canada to the United States or was to they’re now talking about shutting down all pipelines. You talk about throwbacks, you talk about undoing progress. Undermining. Modernity, these people are true throwbacks, progressives, I’ve called them regressive for years because that’s exactly what they are. The whole pipe pipeline technology was a genius. Invention by John D. Rockefeller, so they wouldn’t have to use trains. Now, look at this, it’s not hard to destroy, you can sit there and just keep signing executive orders and executive orders. Now we have what was it, Mr. Producer, six point three percent, I thought unemployment maybe at six point seven percent. We’ve had six point seven percent unemployment many times in the history of this country, particularly in the last half century. That didn’t require trillions and trillions of dollars of deficit and debt. They are ignoring the science, they are ignoring the facts when the Congressional Budget Office, which is part of the Democrat controlled Congress, is saying we are going to have a recovery by mid 2021. Lawrence Summers. A liberal. It was an economist. For Clinton and Obama. He said this kind of massive spending is going to result in the kind of inflation we haven’t had in a generation. Nobody’s thinking about inflation, zero percent interest rates, not for us, but for those who trade in such things, but very, very low interest rates, massive deficit spending, this was unnecessary on top of all the other spending as a result of the pandemic, this was unnecessary. And so last night it was 50 50, 50 50, the Democrats versus the Republicans. When Kamala Harris is sitting in the chair. And they vote 51 to 50 for this one point nine trillion dollar bill. One point nine trillion on top of one trillion that hasn’t been spent yet. All this money is going to flood into the economy at some point. And by the way, not going to create productive jobs, it’s going to bureaucrats, it’s going to politicians. It’s going to have to back up the cities and the states and so forth. So they’re taking money out of the system. To reward themselves. This isn’t about. The pandemic, this isn’t about helping Americans get jobs. This isn’t about helping small businesses. This is a massive wealth transfer. To the Democrat Party, to Democrat constituent groups, to Democrat politicians in the cities, to Democrat politicians who are governors, a massive transfer of wealth. That, in part, is why 50 Republicans probably woke up and voted against it. And they bastardize it, the Reconciliation Act. Which in plain English, means the House and the Senate are two separate bodies, they have two separate budget systems. Once their committees are done, they come together in a single committee of the House and the Senate, Republicans and Democrats, they try and work out their differences. Once they do, they present a bill to both parties. And the filibuster doesn’t apply so they can fund the government. It had nothing to do with what they just did. Everything I just told you never happened. They just went with a one point nine trillion dollar bill written by Bernie Sanders. And rammed it through. Fifty one to 50. Fifty one to 50. No filibuster because they abused the reconciliation process, so much for moderate Manchin, so much from moderate what’s her name in Arizona. They went with them every step of the way. Then Biden says, we have people out there hurting, they can’t wait any longer. Biden’s been president for, what, 16, 17 days, can’t wait any longer. The guy signed about 50 executive orders and actions. He has violated the Constitution over and over and over again. He is a radical, he’s the most extremist president we have ever had ever. I don’t care if he’s doing it, if he’s being manipulated, it’s irrelevant, it can’t happen without his signature. This man is a Trojan horse, he’s been a Trojan horse. Through which the left can push their agenda, he was the Manchurian Candidate pretending he was a moderate while they were trashing Trump left and right. I blame the media, I blame the never troopers, I blame the Republican establishment. For the way they have conducted themselves. He’s using executive orders and regulations are now Schumer and Pelosi are on the loose. They have tiny majority in the House, 10 votes, they have no majority in the Senate, they have to rely on the vice president’s vote. And they’re giving you an example. And two and a half weeks time and what they intend to do. And they’re daring anybody to try and stop. What they want you to believe is if this economy recovers, as the CBO says, it’s because the Democrats. We’re spending like drunken Marxists. Have you noticed the reporting of the vaccine, Mr. Producer, all of a sudden we’re back on track? Did you see that? 48 hours ago, we don’t know where the vaccines are, we don’t know where they are. We don’t have a distribution system. They didn’t leave us with a plan 48 hours later, we’re going to be able to have. One point three million vaccine vaccinations a day very soon. Everything’s going as scheduled, everything’s going great in 48 hours. In 48 hours, no, it’s because I went on national TV and I went behind this national microphone and I said, he’s a screw up, he’s doing the same thing he did with the vaccine. Twenty years ago, he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing, his administration doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing, they can talk about Trump all they want. We have vaccines because of Trump, because of his administration, and we were going to have a million vaccines given out each day. Now it’s one point three. How did that happen? Because there was never a screw up by Trump. All the plans were in place, they had all been developed, there were more vaccines coming off the assembly line from Moderna and Pfizer, now Johnson and Johnson once in. There was never a screw up there. The screw ups. They’re destroying our school system, they’re pushing our children behind. God knows what they’re doing to the next generation, Biden won’t stand up to his unions because his unions own him lock, stock and barrel. He’s destroyed women’s sports in our public schools and universities and colleges just keep signing away. Destroys the Keystone XL pipeline. Since when does the president have that kind of power throws tens of thousands of people out of work while opening the borders? Maybe you ought to show a little bit of compassion to hardworking men and women in this country. And that media sit there and they lie and they’re still attacking President Trump, it’s the damnedest thing. And the show trial, this kangaroo court. That the Senate has no constitutional authority, no jurisdiction to hold next week is all intended to divert you from what Biden is doing to you, what the Democrats are doing to you all intended. To try and destroy the reputation of Donald Trump, all political at our expense on our dollar. They wanted to get this thing through before next week, so you couldn’t get up and say, look at this, they can’t even pass a relief bill while they’re running this kangaroo court in the Senate. Everything they do. It’s diabolical and cynical, every damn thing they do. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Great site, The National Pulse, our friend Raheem Kassam, is he head muckety muck there, we all woke up this morning to a remarkable piece in Time magazine where I karpal only a cable on the far left. And the corporatist entities in this country admit that they all conspired to change election laws, to put pressure on big tech, to undertake all kinds of actions to try and take out Donald Trump. Rahim, you did an outstanding job of summarizing this, my friend, I’d like you to walk through it, if you would. And thank you for having me, Mark. I’m a huge, huge fan of your work, and it’s just an honor every time you have a national profile featured. Look, we reported on a lot of the detail, but TIME magazine got into in their article last August and actually we were called, you know, wild eyed conspiracy theorists for it. But what TIME magazine is admitting to here and even laying out the detail in the pattern of behavior of here is what they call a conspiracy, what they call a cabal and what they call it, as you say, muckety mucks, but muckety mucks at the AFL-CIO, the US Chamber of Commerce, people who featured in the Obama State Department, the Obama White House, all of these people coming together and they say in Time magazine’s own words, to change the flow of information, to stop people getting the right information or accurate information and even to change the rules and the laws of the election of November the 3rd. And, you know, I think the entirety of the audience will be in a very relieved to hear that all of these things we have thought about for so long and been called, you know, nut cases for believing are actually now being underscored and undergirded by TIME magazine’s own reporting. The question is now, who’s going to bother? And I know you have as many frustrations with the Republican establishment as I do. Who is going to bother investigating this now that the mainstream media has admitted to what happened in the run up to November the 3rd? Now, instead, we get these some of these reprobates who are going to participate in a rogue, unconstitutional Senate trial of an individual who’s a private citizen. And here we have laid out step by step by step. Yes, they went into these states and these change these election laws, something we have been saying, something I’ve been hammering on over and over and over again. They knew they did it. We knew they did it. Zuckerberg initiative, hundreds of millions of dollars went in in order to affect election outcomes. You wrote about it. We talked about it. It’s a fact. It’s in this piece. They’re now bragging about it, aren’t they? They are bragging about it, and that’s what the really interesting thing is, and if you get to the end of the 6500 word article, they actually the author actually kind of gives away why this article is being written. She talks about the fact that multiple people are now trying to trying to claim credit and that that’s where this came from when she started to flesh this whole thing out in late November and early December. And only obviously now it’s being published in next week, I think Time magazine in print. But she talks about the claiming of credit. She talks about the people utilizing the Black Lives Matter protest, how all of these activist groups are actually in the hands of a very, very small number of people. They control them. They tell them when to activate. And crucially, as the article states, they tell them when to stand down. And that’s the order they got on November the 4th is hey, stand down. We’ve got this now across the article. Molly Ball will tell you that this wasn’t about defeating Donald Trump, that this was actually about securing the election. But if you go 75 percent into the article, you get about 4000, 4500 words in and she starts talking about the victory. And that’s the giveaway. This was never about a secure election. This is about stealing an election. More on this. This is a big deal. It’s a big deal now. You know, a big media, big tech, the so-called Chamber of Commerce, these left wing radical Democrat groups, both the writers, the AFL-CIO and others probably than ever. Trump has to say we’re all working against against this president and all working against us. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Well, I resigned from Facebook and Twitter. Parler should be up next week. And we’ll be linking to many of the national Paul’s articles. Raheem Kassam and the gang there do a fantastic job. We’re talking about this Time magazine piece. Trump is right. There was a conspiracy, well-funded cabal, powerful people, changing laws, steering media and controlling information. Now, in this article, it says the handshake was between business and labor, one component of a vast cross partisan campaign to protect the election. Extraordinary shadow effort. As you point out, it wasn’t protect the election. It’s really to win the election by hook or by crook. It also says here they admit an assortment of foundations contributed tens of millions on election administration funding. The Chan. Zuckerberg initiative chipped in 300 million. You’ve written about this. You’ve talked about this. But here’s the killer right here. The racial justice uprising sparked by George Floyds killing him. This is from time, as noted in your piece, was not primarily a political movement. The organizers who helped lead it wanted to harness its momentum for the election without allowing it to be co-opted by politicians. Many of those organizers were part of potholders network. That’s the AFL-CIO logo guy from the activists and battleground states who partnered with a Democrat Democracy Defense Coalition to organizations with leading roles in the Movement for Black Lives. In other words. These rioters, these Marxist organizations were working with the Democrats and the never Trump is correct. Sometimes more you can do all the digging in the world, but the best thing that can happen is that your opponents get ahead of their skis, get too big for their boots, feel like they need to brag, take credit. And that’s exactly what’s happened here. All of those things you just read out of very clearly the consequence of somebody getting on the phone with Molly Ball with TIME magazine and attempting to claim credit and saying the quiet part out loud, the quiet part of this was always supposed to be the Black Lives Matter was about black lives and wasn’t about politics or partisanship or politicians. Now, it just so happens, of course, that the politicians now suddenly don’t want to have anything to do with Black Lives Matter. And I think Joe Biden is inviting them into the White House. Yet they’re now complaining and bemoaning that fact. But it’s very clear and it’s euphemistic as well at the same time, because TIME magazine will say, you know, it is coming together of business and labor. Well, the US Chamber of Commerce doesn’t represent ordinary business in the United States of America. It represents big corporate interests. And the AFL-CIO doesn’t represent ordinary labor. They are the union fat cats, the union bigwigs with big fancy steel and gold trim buildings a block away from the White House. So, again, this comes down to not what we’ve typically understood is left versus right, but actually what we now understand more to be like the hyper elites versus the rest of us, you know, not the one percent, but the 0.01 percent versus everybody else. And, you know, it’s very clear. And Molly Ball gets into it in the article, she talks about how these people leveraged their power, put together these multimillion dollar PACs, these political action committees. And their job is to keep pressure on to big tech, onto big media and indeed get election rules and laws change. And that’s what Phil Klein of the Amistad Project and all those wonderful people that reported to us back in October of last year. And we reported that story out, that Zuckerberg was plowing hundreds of millions of dollars and those dollars came with strings attached. They went to public authorities around the country and said, hey, we will help you. We’re going to help you fund the changes in your elections that you know needs to be made because of this current crisis. But you have to do it by our rules. You have to do it in a way that heat the signatures may not match. You’re going to count the ballots anyway. The ballots may come in late, but you’re going to count the ballots anyway. The drop boxes are going to be in more frequent positions in streets where Democrats typically vote and less frequent in the streets where Republicans vote. And they got all of that. What we’ve seen here and what we’re learning from this article, things we suspected all along. But what we’re now learning is about the corporatization of an American election. And it is it is it’s amazing how they expose themselves. And you know what? The rest of the media will ignore this. They’re probably very annoyed at TIME magazine for doing this. Big tech is revealed here. As we knew. You know, we knew what they were doing, but they’re revealed here. They buckled to the pressure, the left. And, of course, they’re participating in what the left is doing. There’s no question about it. And they’ve gone beyond now, beyond the election. And then you see big media, the same thing, and they talk about changing the election laws in these states. And, you know, if you bring that up now. You brought it up, Ted Cruz, you brought it up, Josh, you brought it up 140 Republicans and it was there. It’s it happened. We all saw it. Oh, you must be inciting people. You must be inciting an insurrection and so forth. So they’re probably still at it post-election, don’t you think? They want this I mean, in the article we call it changing American elections forever. This is a one time shot or a one time deal for these guys. They intend for this to remain the case. But I’ll tell you, you’re absolutely right. You know, the Brian Stelter of the world are going to be so angry that this piece, because they’ve been screaming into their cameras for the last several months, that anybody who claimed anything, even close to what TIME magazine reporter remember, the definition of conspiracy is to do harm. The definition of curveball, we’ve been told for years, is underlying anti-Semitic tropes. And this is what TIME magazine actually is admitting here. And those are the words that they are using. So CNN will be mortified that they’ve done this reporting. But I’ll tell you what, it does help is it helps in the upcoming Senate trial. And every single seat in that room should have a copy of this article printed out and placed on the seats. And every single senator should be waving a copy of this article because it lays out and you cannot you cannot allege that the president of the United States incited an insurrection under false pretenses. Mark, if the pretenses were true. Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, the others, they owe an apology to this president. The apology to the Republican Party, the apology to the country, because they have participated in the propagandizing of the attack on people who are who are innocent. I’m not talking about the people who rushed the Capitol building. Of course, I’m talking about all those people on radio, on TV, you on the Internet, bloggers who all raised serious questions about what was taking place, serious questions about it. It was in our face. We saw it. I’m not talking about the kook stuff. I’m talking about the real stuff. And now it’s all been underscored by this article, by the people who did it. And you’re right, every one of those, at least Republican senators should have this document. And what are they going to say about it? What are they going to say? Are they going to use it? I don’t think they will. I don’t think the success of the world and the Romneys of the world give a damn, do you? Well, I’m not going to try and read their minds that it’s not hard, they’re very transparent. What’s something inside me just still hope something inside me still hopes that they care about the truth at some level. And that and there are 6500 words of truth in this Time magazine article. All right. Well, thanks for everything. We very much appreciate it. That’s Rahim Kunsan, the National Pulse. And take care of yourself. Keep up the good work, you two. Thank you, Mark. All right. Now, Mr. Producer, I want to take this Time magazine article. I want to put it on my Web site. Mark Levin show dotcom. All right, it’s already there. I want the National Pulse and Ibrahim’s. Summarization of this so people can have that if they choose not to read the long article on there as well. But, folks, it’s really worth 10, 15 minutes of your time to go through this article. It is shocking and it is disgusting, and yet it lays it all out. And I’ve been carefully watching news almost the entire day. Excuse me. Throughout the afternoon, I should say. I haven’t seen this. Excuse me, I haven’t seen this anywhere. I haven’t seen it anyway, not discussed anyway. It’s pretty amazing. This is a a confession by the conspirators. And, you know, it’s the same thing that happened with the Russia collusion stuff, but there wasn’t an article like this. Things like the Russia collusion strategy. That is. Ubiquitous throughout the media, throughout commentary. Ubiquitous throughout government, throughout academia, those things don’t just happen, it takes an organized plot like this organized plot. That’s not exposed in this article, but is bragged about in this article. It’s really disgusting. And I should also add that it’s unfortunate for the president. Well, Donald Trump, former president, United States, it appears that some of his people were caught flat footed. The RNC was caught flat footed. The lawyers at the RNC and elsewhere were caught flat footed. Obviously, some of the president’s advisers were caught flat footed, all this was going on. How many times did I get behind this microphone, Mister Producer, and warn the campaign about all the lawyers on the left that were doing stuff, doing things endlessly over and over? They better have enough lawyers that we’re set. We’re OK. They weren’t set. And they weren’t OK. They weren’t set and they weren’t OK. So this is a big propaganda effort, it was a big behind the shadows effort and Rahime is exactly right. This was organized by the Republican and Democrat establishments, the hard left, big tech, big media. You’re not conspiracy theorists, you’re not nuts. But unfortunately, Jeremy Peters and Phil, what’s the idiot’s name? Phil Bump and all the other doofuses and mouthpieces. They could have investigated this, they could have reported this story, but instead. The people who were involved in this started bragging and they want to Time magazine. And so while they try to make all of you out to be some kind of white supremacist militia. Violent. Q And on whatever else goes through, they’re very, very small noggins. This is what took place. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I want to congratulate Claudia Cheney, who was on this program Tuesday. She’s now been declared the winner finally today of her congressional seat in New York. We had her on this program Tuesday. I wanted to know the name of the judge, we called out the judge, we called out what was taking place there. Hopefully that made some kind of a difference, who knows? But she is the legitimate winner of that seat. Good for her, and she fought like hell and she was solid as hell, now she’s in the house and she’s going to be a lion or is it lioness? It doesn’t matter. Because she saw what was done in these election laws. And again, I want to strongly encourage you to read the article from The New York Times, which is a posting here, we’re posting it. We’re posting it on Mark Levin Show Dotcom, that’s the mothership. It’s not up yet, but it will be up and I really hope you’ll take a look at it. It’s already a. I don’t know where else, where else can we put it? We don’t have any other place to put it. That’s it right now. We’ll wait till next week and hopefully parler will be on its feet. Yeah, are we able to post anything on parler? I thought we could post one or two things. We’ll post it on Monday. But wherever you find it, you need to read it. You need to read it because the media are going to. Cover it up. I’m hoping one of the bigs on Fox. This evening at eight p.m., nine p.m. to 10 p.m. are all we’ll get into this because it’s very, very important. It’s very, very important. You know, I have to say this, and this isn’t a putdown of any of the people who have been trying out for that seven p.m. slot on Fox, I kind of miss that, Martha. Show that she had their you know, that the Martha MacCallum program there, I kind of miss her. I feel like she was a real journalist. Joe Biden in the first. Two and a half weeks of his presidency has been a disaster. He’s been a disaster for the working men and women of this country. He’s been a disaster for the women of this country who participate in college sports or high school or middle school or elementary sports. He’s been a disaster for people who care about lawful immigration as he’s embraced illegal immigration. He’s been a disaster for the suburbs. He has reinstituted a radical federal zoning policy that will reach its tentacles into your communities and take control from your school boards, from your election boards, from your mayors, your councilman, your supervisors and from the Department of HUD determine what your community will do, when it’ll do it and how it’ll do it. That’s just. That’s just coming, he just signed up on that. What else has he done? He just ran through the biggest inflation bill in American history, that’s what it is. One point nine trillion. Nancy Pelosi says in a couple of months, we’re going to come back for more covid relief, ladies and gentlemen. The vast majority of this bill has nothing to do with those of you suffering or who have suffered from this virus. Has nothing to do with those of you who’ve been put out of work as a result of this virus, nothing to do with those of you who’ve lost your businesses, are losing your businesses because of this virus and these damnable governors and mayors. The vast majority of it has nothing to do with any of that. He’s paying off his base, a massive redistribution of wealth. That’s what he’s doing. What about his appointments? They’re coming through the Senate rubberstamp one after another. He’s one of the most radical foreign policy and national security teams in American history. Sellouts that communist China. Haters of the state of Israel. They reject American sovereignty, they insist on globalism, which I wrote about, by the way, in liberty and tyranny. Years and years and years ago, he can’t surrender America’s sovereignty. That doesn’t mean you don’t have commercial dealings with other countries, but one has nothing to do the other. He’s back channel the Iranian regime trying to prop that regime back up. And I could go on and on and on about the disaster in the last two and a half weeks. But even more than that, they’ve trampled all over the Constitution.