January 28, 2021

January 28, 2021

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, There is a positive revolution going on in the finance world with the GameStop stock soaring benefitting the little guy instead of benefitting the hedge fund managers. The Wall Street big wigs lost their shirts trying to drive down the stock while average people reaped the rewards of the increase, in a Trump-like populist uprising if you will. Then, Dr. Elaine Healy, the whistleblower from the New York Association of Nursing Home Medical Directors, calls in to react to the New York Attorney General’s report on underreported COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes. The report reveals that as much as 50% of the deaths that occurred in New York state nursing homes were not reported. Later, why are parents paying to send their kids to a school so that they can be taught to hate America, hate their family and hate their genitalia? A California school district wants to rename several schools because some of the names are now controversial. Also, Joe Biden’s climate czar, former Secretary of State John Kerry, – whose family owns a private jet – says that America is the second-biggest emitter of carbon dioxide and suggests ending energy independence, natural gas jobs, and other energy until our economy is destroyed. Afterward, the FBI’s investigation of the US Capitol break-in on January 6th indicates that various social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter) were used in planning the riot but Parler was not among the sites released in the current report. Yet that information isn’t widely reported.


GameStop’s stock closes down more than 40% after brokers place restrictions on trades

NY Times
N.Y. Severely Undercounted Virus Deaths in Nursing Homes, Report Says

NY Post
Kerry admits zero emissions in US wouldn’t make difference in climate change

Fox News
John Kerry’s family still owns private jet as he leads climate fight, FAA records indicate

San Francisco Chronicle
Washington and Lincoln are out. S.F. school board tosses 44 school names in controversial move

Legal Insurrection
Capitol Hill Riot: DOJ Arrest Reports Focus On Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Barely Mention Parler

National Pulse
The Left Keeps Accusing Conservatives Of “The Big Lie” – A Term Invented By Hitler As He Prepared To Persecute German Jews.

Philly Inquirer Op-Ed: It’s Not ‘Wrong’ to ‘Compare Trump to Hitler’

Jake Tapper obsessively using “MAGA TERRORISTS” talking point

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Thomas Lohnes

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Big issues I want to attack at the top one, GameStop. Now, why would GameStop be at the top of the list? In a moment to you know, it’s amazing, Mr. Producer and I missed a call screener and the three of us, we talk all the time before I go on the air and so forth about how we really set the stage in the standard for so much. It was a phone call that we received, I believe it was March 25th. Right, Mr. Producer? From a medical administrator. Dr. Elaine Healy, on the orders that were coming from Albany, specifically from Governor Cuomo, compelling nursing homes to take Covid positive patients. We broke that story wide open here, wide open here, thanks to her. We spent a lot of time on it. First, I couldn’t believe it. And there’s more on that in a moment, but before we get there. GameStop stock, if you can even trade it now in some of these markets, you can’t go from four dollars or fourteen dollars. To almost 400 actually went to almost 1,500 hours, but came down to three hundred and eighty five dollars. People are saying what’s going on here? Well, let me say this to you. I think there’s now a revolution in finance that is a good revolution. It’s strange, last night I was talking about hedge funds. And I don’t know a lot about hedge funds, I just know that people of relatively average intelligence make an enormous amount of money and. Produce absolutely nothing. Now, some of you hedge fund folks out there, I know your fans, maybe I’m not talking about you, but as a general practice, what do they do? Well, they drive the price of certain stocks down in order to make money as they go down or they drive the price of certain stocks up and they make money as the stock prices go up. They’re also involved in marrying companies together, that sort of thing where they can. And I want to talk about. This GameStop revolution. These hedge fund managers. Are extraordinarily wealthy men and women. And again, I say these I know one in particular, he’s not particularly bright. Runs around meeting people, smiles a lot, but anyway. I’ve often wondered how these people make the money that they make and now we know they’re basically bullies. Poly’s. They decide, well, you know, these retail stores like GameStop, they’re not making it, let’s crush them, let’s put them out of business, but in the in a manner in which we can make money. In a manner which we can make money. So what happened? On Reddit, perhaps elsewhere, but as I understand it, on Reddit, where a lot of millennials go. They said we have a different idea. Why don’t we try and save GameStop and drive the price up, and while these billionaire hedge funds are trying to drive the price down and that’s what they’re betting on, the price going down, we’re going to drive the price of this retail company up. And in doing so, that means with these hedge funds betting on the price going down. But these individual almost trumped like populist activists, and they’re not intending to be activists, but they’ve become activists. Putting relatively small amount of dollars in, but adding up to a huge amount, driving the price up, these hedge fund billionaires have lost their shirts on these stocks, including GameStop. While all these other investors out there. Slower them. Not billionaires and millionaires, for the most part, just average people. Have made some money. Now everybody’s nervous. The hedge fund industry, if you can call it that. They’re nervous. You ever drive down those of you on the East Coast, you ever go to Florida and you drive down? Is it a one way or U.S. one along the ocean there and what do these people do that have these massive, massive homes on the ocean? Well, a lot of them are trial lawyers, bring class action suits. You don’t get 35 percent of a four billion dollar settlement. But Bianna. A lot of them are these hedge fund guys. And they sit around. With other hedge fund guys, so they sit around with. Harvard MBAs and others, and they figure out how they’re going to make money by effectively manipulating the price of stocks legally, legally. I mean, it is a market system, so I don’t deny them that. And they pretty much have had their way until the last 24 hours. I don’t know if it started out as a spoof or what, but people said, you know what? You’re messing around with GameStop, we all know GameStop. I mean, when my son was quite young, he was very active in gaming and so forth. I was at GameStop all the time. And when new games would come out, I was there as early as I could get there. And people still go there. At retail, shopping is very difficult. And so they just picked the wrong scab this time. And so. You had this sort of this populist uprising. This kind of populist uprising. People investing and said, you know, we’re going to push back against these billionaire hedge fund guys and now some of them have really lost their shirts on this because they bet everything. They bet everything. I’m basically destroying GameStop, well, GameStop is not destroyed now, is it, Mr. Producer? And this isn’t the only stock where this happened in the last 24 hours. And so some of these the stock markets and so forth have put the brakes on, what are we going to do, what’s happening here, blah, blah, blah. The political parties. In many ways. Have relied on these hedge fund guys for support and contributions. Joe Biden has relied on them in a big way. In a big way. So while people are freaking out, I’m not I think this is actually pretty exciting, I don’t know why I mentioned hedge funds last night. It was just in my head. And I know some people, not a lot, but some people are involved in hedge funds, they make an enormous amount of money. And I look at them and I wonder to myself. This guy is not particularly bright. What the hell is he doing? They’re not producing much, I can tell you that, depending on what kind of hedge fund it is, of course. And so I want to congratulate the young people on Reddit. And in other places. Who have decided to push back against these hedge fund billionaires and multimillionaires. And I want to thank them for what they’ve done. I don’t believe in stirring the pot just to stir the pot, but I’ve had it with these oligarchs, whether they’re in business, whether they’re in politics, whatever they are. This is why I’m a big fan of Parler, despite the effort to turn it into some kind of right wing operation, which it’s not. I know these people. It’s just a platform who invites anybody and everybody. We’re going to have some updates on. What the FBI has found must be who are they investigating? Almost nobody related to Parler, did you see that, Mr. Producer? Almost nobody related to Parler. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Now, the state attorney general in New York is a mental case, no question about it, but they do have a large staff there. And even though she’s a mental case and a left wing hack, looks like she’s no friends of Cuomo, certainly not after today. Headline New York Severely Undercounted Virus Deaths in nursing homes. Report says that’s the New York Times. The state attorney general, Letitia James, said it’s likely the Cuomo administration failed to report thousands. Thousands of covid-19 deaths of nursing home residents. I wonder if will be forced to give his daytime Emmy back. Mr. Producer, I wonder if his publisher will demand their money back. I wonder if he’ll be banned from anything in the future. Now, March 25th, we had a phone call. From Dr. Healy, right, Mr. Producer, and she said. That this was going on. And I didn’t believe it initially. Then we had a fairly long and substantive conversation about what was taking place. Then we went back to that show. And made sure that we captured and made a copy of the directive that, in fact did go out. To all the nursing homes and senior facilities. And we write it on the air and we couldn’t believe it. Then in my impassioned plea, I asked, where the hell are the media? It’s all up there. Maybe we’ll pull it for tomorrow, Mr. Producer. I said, where the media, how the hell can this go on? It took 24, 48 hours, but we. We lit a fire under this story. Very, very important. And we know that a significant percentage of those who have and are dying from this virus are the elderly. And we also know that certain states with certain governors, all blue. Did exactly the wrong thing. And caused the death of thousands and thousands of your grandparents and uncles and aunts who didn’t deserve certainly to die and certainly not this way. Albany, New York, an investigation by the New York state attorney general has concluded Governor Andrew Cuomo has administration undercounted coronavirus related deaths at nursing homes by as much as. Fifty percent. In other words, Cuomo. And his administration covered up. The extent to which their policies caused the. Of senior citizens and here’s. As sad, a horrible fact. If this man were to run for governor today again in New York, he’d get elected in a landslide. That’s how far gone some of these states are. They count up deaths in the state’s nursing homes has been a source of controversy for Mr. Komando, thanks to The New York Times and State Health Department officials who’ve been sensitive to any suggestion that decisions made at the outset of the pandemic may have caused some of those deaths, which the state puts up more than 8700. They’ve also been accused of obscuring a more accurate estimate of nursing home deaths because the states count only included the number of deaths at the facilities rather than accounting for the residents who died at a hospital after being transferred there. You know, it’s amazing we talked about this. After they were transferred to hospitals, they weren’t counted. We talked about this, and, of course, I was attacked maybe by The New York Times, we’ll dig into this. So you have what’s happened here in science and data collection, you have the overcount of deaths, associated coronavirus. In many instances or enough to matter, and then you have the undercount in the case of the senior citizens to help protect the Democratic governors. Who contributed to this? In the 76 page report released today by the attorney general, Letitia James. A survey of nursing homes found consistent discrepancies between deaths reported to the attorney general’s investigators and those reported to an official released by the health department and one instance, an unnamed facility reported to the health department. It was confirmed and presumed deaths on the site through early August. The attorney general survey of that same facility, however, found 40 deaths, including 27 at the home and 13 in hospitals. Another facility reported, one confirmed in six presumed covid-19 deaths to the health department, according to the report. The attorney general’s office, however, said the facility reported to its investigators that there were more than four times that number, 31 dead by mid-April. I have a question. For the attorney general of New York. For Letitia James. When this issue first broke in late March on this radio program. And then was followed up by others. Why didn’t you do anything to stop it? We certainly appreciate your report, but it does little damned good to the people who are suffering the families as a result of these deaths. Letitia James, the attorney general of New York, didn’t do a damn thing to stop the governor of New York and the governor in New York lied through his teeth while the media, including The New York Times, kissed his ass, let’s be honest. And Hollywood gave him an Emmy. And some publisher gave a book deal, would you find out what publisher gave the book to you, Mr. Producer? And then he has the gall yesterday. The gall to go on television with that idiot, Nicolle Wallace. To go on about how government killed people, government caused deaths, and I guess he’s pointing to the Trump administration, which only sent him a ship and thousands and thousands of extra beds and ventilators and masks and all this other stuff, because there were if there were honest, what is it? If there was an honest story done about Cuomo, you would see he was never ready for any kind of pandemic because he’s so busy pissing money away in every other direction or when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Well, Dr. Elaine Healy, obviously a fan of the program, was listening and has called in. She is vice president, New York Association of Medical Directors and a medical director for a nursing home in New York. How are you, Dr. Healy? I’m doing well, Mark. Thank you. Well, what do you make of this latest report? I don’t think you’re surprised in the least, are you? Not at all. And in fact, you know what? What the attorney general did was estimate the number of people that died from Covid in the hospitals after being transferred from the nursing home. And using that, she came up with a number that was 50 percent higher than what was reported. But my contention is that a lot more people died in the nursing homes than have been accounted for. And I think I might have mentioned this to you before, but a lot of people died in March and April that were not counted as Covid deaths for various reasons, including the fact that there were mistakes on the death certificate. There was a mad rush to collect the data over a single weekend day and just a lot of different reasons. So I think there’s a large number of people that died in the nursing homes that were not counted in that number of five or six thousand, but that was given out originally in April or May. So there’s a tremendous just gap in our knowledge of of what really happened in the spring. But in addition, I was telling rich people are dying and nursing homes still in New York State and very high numbers. But you never hear about it, Mark. You never hear about it. You know what? You know what’s really upsetting as I listen to you? We have an FBI investigation of a guy in his 20s who puts out names. And I don’t defend this guy. I don’t even know everything that he put out telling people to vote by text. They they arrest him in Florida. They’re shipping them off to New York City. I’m thinking to myself. Wow, aren’t there worse crimes than this? I mean, I’ve never seen anything like this, the federal government is all focused on this guy. OK, fine. Meanwhile, you have a governor. And his health experts and scientists, right, Elaine, making these decisions that even a pedestrian like me. When you call that show, what the hell is that? I was in disbelief any anybody would with two brain cells to rub together, knows you don’t put people with a with a pandemic like virus in with the elderly. I mean, you don’t have to have a medical degree, do you? The worst public health decision ever made just was like, you know, what are the consequences? No brainer, all these deaths and no consequences. And I said earlier, the man, if he ran for re-election, he’d win by a landslide. I know. I know. And if you listen to his press conferences, I don’t know if you do, but I of course not to. And they cover well, they cover in exquisite detail down to the zip code of these neighborhoods where there’s micro clusters in test case positivity rates and all of this. But there people are still dying in nursing homes and you never hear about it, you know, could be close to 40 percent of our fatalities. I mean, that’s what it is across the country. And they never mention it. You can’t find it on the website. There’s nothing about nurse nursing home mortality data on the Department of Health website. Nothing. And it’s never mentioned in these press conferences and nobody asks about it. The truth is the data on Covid deaths. I don’t know what to think that the data uncovered. This is not reliable in many respects. And we we went through the CDC form. They’ve since scrubbed it. They you know, they brushed it away. You can’t find it anymore. The original one, but. Some of it is assumption, some of it’s secondary, and here we find that when it comes to nursing homes, it’s the opposite because you got to protect the government at all costs. You know, he’s a Cuomo and he may want to be the next president after Biden or something of that sort. So they protect their people anyway. So what happens now? You’re the vice president in New York, Association of Medical Directors. Do you have any pull in that state that your organization I mean. No, no, no, no. We’re trying to go through the state medical society. I was just on the phone with one of the assemblymen. They’re putting together a task force on long term care to you know, I thought it might be a good idea if the doctor were sitting at the table along with the. So, yeah, but that’s I don’t know. I don’t know how these things work. I really don’t. But it’s you think there’s going to be an FBI investigation? He acknowledges that. Do you think there’ll be an FBI investigation? Mark, listen, I made a foil request in May for the number of people that died in New York nursing homes. I start starting in twenty nineteen all the way through May of twenty, which should be public information and I can’t get to first base with it. I mean, it’s an electronic database would take a couple of keystrokes to give the information. Then you would know how many really don’t what doesn’t say that they died of it, but if they died at ten times the rate of average monthly deaths, then you could somebody that’s smarter than me could figure out whether statistically you could you can make the case for it. I don’t know if it seems to me and maybe it’s easy for me to say this, but if one of my family members had perished as a result of this, I get together with the rest of them. I bring a massive class action suit against the state of New York. I would. Oh, yeah, yeah. And address it. And then and then have your depositions of the governor and his health experts, so-called and all the rest of them. Oh, yes. Yes. And you know, on Fauci they’re praised. Governor Cuomo, what do you think of that now? God. Oh, I can’t stand it. I mean, what kind what kind of doctor is that? What a mess they’ve made of it. Well, listen, what a mess. You broke this. Listen to me. You broke this story wide open. There was that piece in The Wall Street Journal, but coming on this program, I think it was very, very, very important because we went after it immediately. And then what? Then it spread. And I’m very pleased that you were able to do that, Elaine. And God bless you, keep in touch with us and I’ll always be grateful and likewise, Mark, and make sure people remember to to keep those numbers in their mind. What is going on today in the nursing homes right now? Nobody knows. And you know, by the way, Elaine, I’m going to tell you, I have a relative in Florida who’s quite ill, so I go down there rather frequently. And I watch what’s going on in Florida with governor disarmed as Governor DeSanto said, the elderly are the priority, period. Everybody else comes second. I have the data. I know who’s dying. I know who’s vulnerable. He’s not playing any games, they get one shot, he’s holding enough of the vaccine, so they then come back and give a second shot because one shot doesn’t do the trick. And so what’s happening is he’s coming under attack, including by the Soki, the spokes idiot for the idiot saying, well, they have they have, you know, they’ve only use 50 percent of their vaccines and the government has to play defense. That’s disingenuous. He said it’s not that we were wasting time or just sitting on them. We have to wait a period of time. I don’t know what it is. Three weeks, three and a half, whatever it is. Before we give the second shot, we have everyone in the database. We’re going to go back, circle back and make sure they get their second shot. Otherwise, the first shot was for nothing. But the politicians like to play numbers, games and say, look at this. We gave out this many shots and he’s saying, that’s fine. But I got to make sure that people who get the shot get the second shot. Isn’t that rational? The second one, yep. Of course. Of course. And he’s under attack. We bungled the vaccine rollout. Yeah. Oh, my God. Thank God for the federal program, for the nursing home. So that was the Trump administration. What is that took care of us. What is that? The Trump administration arranged for a federal inoculation of nursing home residents and staff. Is that right now that’s working? Yeah. Isn’t it amazing that even in this long, is it amazing that even in this long New York Times story, they don’t even mention that, that whereas this governor was a complete disaster, that the president stepped in and tried to address these these local and state nursing home issues? They’re never going to give them credit, the governor the president gave us the vaccine and he gave us rapid testing. We sent rapid test kits to the nursing homes, every nursing home. He did more for the nursing home. Population across the country then, well, my governor did anyway. Yeah, all right, keep up the great work. You’re a real hero. You deserve a Medal of Freedom, quite frankly. All right, Elaine. Dr. Elaine Healy, thank you very, very much. God bless. She is terrific. And now that we spoke to her, by the way, she’ll be on all the shows tomorrow. That’s OK. I like that, yeah. But we’re not going to give out our. No. Easy enough to find on their own. Now, when we come back, what did I hammer on for an hour, hour and a half last night on this program? Executive orders. Then Mr. Producer found a clip that we played because he works hard, we all work hard on this program, but we enjoy it. They found a clip. Back in October, I believe, was the 15th, give or take, during that preposterous interview with George Stephanopoulos, Clinton Democrat, dressed up as a phony journalist with Joe Biden, where Joe Biden said, no, we’re not going to do all that. We yeah, I’m not a dictator. There’s a democracy. I believe in democracy. I, I can’t issue all these executive orders. And of course he did and is and we played that clip three times. And Fox and Friends played it, I want to thank them for their attribution, did you get did you hear that attribution, Mr. Producer? I missed it, too. But that said. Everybody today is talking about the dictator or the oligarch or the monarch, Joe Biden, because yet again, I hollered almost at the top of my lungs, where the hell is everybody? This guy sitting there making a law, signing them one after another after another, all aspects of our culture, our society. He’s violating the federal constitution. Where are the Republicans? Where are the lawsuits? And are more lawsuits coming? But where are the lawsuits from the Republicans in Congress? From the House and the Senate jointly suing and saying, wait a minute, you’re usurping our authority under Article one, you can’t do that now. We got it. We understand those executive orders and a lot of them out there, but nobody’s ever sat there and used them one after another to write laws. We spent a lot of time on this, so I won’t do it again. So we’re trying to push the narrative on a lot of these issues, by the way, I want to thank the New York excuse me, The Washington Post, Mr. Peterson. You’re not going to believe this. They wrote a fairly balanced article on this issue of unity. What does it mean really? And Joe Biden uses it. It means different things to different people. And guess what The Washington Post did this time systematise. They quoted me, but they quoted me as conservative talk show host. No, not right wing. It’s not right wing Mark Levin and there were three reporters on this, I don’t have it in front of me, all right. I tip my hat and I’m not even wearing one. But they said conservative talk show. I said, wow, what happened to them? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Also, I see here that this manipulation of the of the market to save these hedge fund billionaires and to punish these retail traders. What is this one? This one that that suspended, what was it called, Robinhood app. Why did they do that? I think the only reason they would do that is to protect theirs. These billionaires, these hedge fund billionaires. There is no reason to. To freeze it, what did they do exactly? They stop trades, right? You can only sell, you couldn’t buy. You could only sell, you couldn’t buy Robinhood app, they blocked retail investors from purchasing. That is outrageous. That is contemptible. Unbelievable. They can buy. They what do they do, they block the the buying you could only sell, I believe it was. For GameStop and AMC, really outrageous that needs to be investigated. Sure, the Biden people will be all top of that being populous and also they like to claim. I think that’s incredible. Want to get back to these executive orders. We’ve got to stand up to this kind of tyranny. We’ve got to stand up to this sort of thing, you’re not going to find it in the main media. You’re not going to see it on the Joe Scarborough show. He is a mental patient. Or the padded cell roommate of his Meeka in one of the. The Third Reich experts who come on his program and compare everything to Hitler if they disagree with it. That’s a sick show. You know, the star of our show is a sick show. Stupid people, radical people. In the case of the Scarborough’s washed up people who couldn’t get a job anywhere else. Unbelievable. But this is a big deal, these executive orders and what’s going on with these executives. And then you get a guy like John Kerry, you know, you figure he’s done. No, no. Now, here’s what he said yesterday that completely undermines everything that they’re wanting to do in terms of destroying our capitalist system, cut one go. He also knows that Paris alone is not enough, not with almost 90 percent of all of the planet’s emissions. Global emissions come from outside of U.S. borders. WA wa wa wa wa. Wait a minute. Ninety percent. Of global emissions come from outside U.S. borders, another, we have nothing to do with it. So why would you destroy the American economy? Ladies and gentlemen. Why would you destroy the American economy? To end climate change now that comes out of horse, face his own mouth right there excuse me. That is unbelievable. And by the way, this guy has a 76 foot luxury yacht. Has a for. He’s married into wealth. He didn’t make any of it is on his own, he married a, I believe, a melon Paul Melon’s daughter originally, and then he, of course, married a Heinz. So he’s married and all this wealth. He lives in the lap of luxury, he takes advantage of the luxurious lifestyle that he married into. He’s a disgrace. So if you’re earning 40, 50,000 dollars a year, even if you’re earning one hundred thousand dollars a year working in oil well or whatever, he doesn’t give a damn. I’ve only just begun, ladies and gentlemen, and I shall return.