Category Archives: Notes of Interest

Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!

President Biden claims he is a lifelong friend of the Jewish people and a Zionist. But these are empty words of cover for his lifelong war against the Jews. He has worked at break-neck speed to undermine Israel. America is flirting with the wrath of God. Wake up America! Photo by Michael Brochstein/SOPA ImagesMORE

With Friends Like These

With Friends Like These

Actions matter more than words. Immediately after October 7th, I was in IDF reserves and I discovered something I thought unthinkable. Photo by Alexi J. RosenfeldMORE

The Manhattan Trial Is A Stalinist Show Trial

The Manhattan Trial Is A Stalinist Show Trial

In the Manhattan case, you are seeing the naked use of the criminal justice system and judicial system to smear, threaten, humiliate, and destroy a political opponent of the Democrat Party, Donald Trump. Pool/APMORE