September 16, 2020

September 16, 2020

Joe Biden / Getty Images

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, The Democrats and their unions have destroyed the public school system in many communities. The great civil rights issue of our time is whether children from poor areas, many of them ethnic minorities, should receive the best quality education available. When it comes to our daily lives we want as much competition as possible to ensure we get the best value. Sadly, when it comes to educating children in failing public school districts, the militant teachers’ unions prevent kids from getting the best education available in order to maintain the power and profit of their public school positions. Joe Biden is an anti-school choice and fervently oppose charter operated public schools. Then, the china virus vaccine spearheaded by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed may be available sooner than expected. AstraZeneca and nine other pharmaceutical companies have penned a letter ensuring that the vaccine will be safe. Later, AG Bill Barr says that America is at a fork in the road between liberty and socialism. Barr added that mob violence is a disconcerting development effectively heading toward sedition. Barr has instructed federal law enforcement to charge individuals attempting a violent insurrection with sedition. Afterward, don’t Hispanic lives matter? Hispanics are the largest voting minority in the US and Biden has ignored them. Finally, Congressional candidate Dan Rodimer calls in to discuss his race.


Daily Wire
Biden Says He’ll Kill Federal Funding For Charter Schools. Many Of Those Schools Hugely Benefit Minorities.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly (May 2020)

AG Bill Barr Slams Democrats for Demanding ‘Biden or No Peace’: ‘Rule by the Mob’

Wall St Journal
Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Charging Violent Protesters With Sedition

Biopharma Leaders Unite to Stand with Science

The Federalist
Top Romney Adviser Worked With Hunter Biden On Board Of Ukrainian Energy Company

Sheldon Adelson is plotting a spending spree to help Trump with under 50 days left until the election

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Before we get into it and we are I am ready. I’m poised. One of the reasons I promote our podcast. It’s not only because of simplicity of use and many of you have iPhones and Androids and. Bright Away is listening beyond terrestrial radio. And we do appreciate all of our affiliates is because in some markets we are preempted for the silliest of things. Even though we’re not supposed to be. So I want to encourage you to download. Our app, so you can listen to this program, go on our social media sites. Mark Levin, show Facebook. Mark Levin, show Twitter. You go on the Mark Levin show parlor. You will see we have started to put twice a day links to. Podcast so you can sign up extremely easily on the Apple platform. I’m told for two hours tomorrow we’ll be preempted on WABC from 7 to 9 PM for some GOP local convention. So if you want to listen to me in New York, I want to recommend that you go ahead and download the podcast. Could the Mark Levin show Click on the audio, rewind middle at the top home page. It won’t take you to the podcast page and you can pick whichever podcast you want. Right now we’re pushing the Apple podcast, but you can use the others too. And as I say on my social media sites, we will continue. To link to those so you’ll be able to hear the show no matter what decision an owner or management makes. This show is not supposed to be preempted in New York except for breaking news. And I will deal with that another day. So whether it’s New York or any other station, you can circumvent those decisions by going directly to the podcast. People like our podcast, it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And I try and tell these ownership companies and program directors, the more you interfere with the show and the more you put it later at night, the more people are going to skip over you and program it themselves and go to the podcast. It’s a basic issue of survival. For stations who say. If they handle this correctly, they’ll do just fine. If they don’t, they won’t. All right. That aside. The great civil rights issue today is not reparations. It’s not redistribution of wealth. It’s not, quote unquote, police brutality of which there is very, very little. The great civil rights issue of our day is whether we not. Whether we want little kids to get educated or not. Particularly little poor kids, particularly little minority kids. What the left would have you believe in, the Democrat parties just keep pouring tens of billions of dollars into failing school systems. Well, we’ve done that. We’ve done that for decades. It doesn’t work. What’s needed is competition. Live in antitrust division in the federal government and their antitrust divisions in various state. Departments of Justice and what do they exist for to promote competition? So before one publisher can buy another one toast, toaster maker can buy another one car company combined. They go through this process because it is believed at least the theory is that competition is a good thing, right? When you shop, don’t you compete, don’t you go online and look at the best product for the best price? When you buy an airline ticket, don’t you look for the best price in the. The best service. The best flights. So why do we treat our children? Worse than we treat companies that want to acquire each other. Why is the competition is a great thing. You’re buying a loaf of bread or you’re buying an automobile, but not when you’re educating your children. I’ll tell you why. Because the Democrat Party is in the back pocket of the militant teachers unions, just as in there in the back pocket of the militant trial lawyers, and I go down the list. The teachers unions. I very diabolical in many ways. In states where they can strike, they threaten to shut down the schools and they kick the children to the sidewalk. Today, many of our schools are closed across the country, not because of the China virus. But because of the teachers unions and the teachers unions, make sure that the teachers continue to get paid and their pensions contributory contributed to and they continue to get medical care even though they’re not in the classroom. And this is an important fact. To consider down the road. When your school boards and your local governments, when a massively increase the property taxes on your homes and on your businesses. To continue to pay. For this edifice. Which today is not even functioning or barely functioning. But that’s not even the point of this discussion. The Democrats like to talk about the rich versus the poor. They’d like to talk about income gaps. They like to talk about how the Republicans are for the rich and they’re for the poor when in fact the opposite is true. If kids can’t get an education. They’re going to fail in life. They’re going to fail in life. I’ve been involved in the school choice movement for decades through the great landmark Legal Foundation, and I’ve told you we have litigated these matters in states. Into the Supreme Court, various states, including Wisconsin and Ohio, the United States Supreme Court and the PAVE. The road has been paved legally and constitutionally now to allow school choice because of groups like Landmark Legal Foundation and others. We had a fight, the NEA in the HFT and the NAACP. Yes, the NAACP, we had to fight them all. And we want. And we want. So much for a system systematically racist. Are systemically racist. And so Joe Biden. Bragged about how he could work with segregationists when he was a United States senator. Some of them were his friends and mentors. His running mate called him out on it during one of the debates, famously or infamously. Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Gave a long speech. About his dear friend. Robert Byrd, the grant legal. Who started the Klan in West Virginia? Now, Joe Biden is at it again. Joe Biden is effectively the Orval Faubus and the George Wallace. In his 80s school choice movement positions, he. His unions, his party are standing in the schoolhouse door. To prevent. Little kids, particularly little minority kids in the poorest of our neighborhoods, from getting a leg up, from allowing their parents. To choose schools even in their own neighborhoods. That are not the government school down the street. They could be crime infested, drug infested. Well, the teachers may not be able to teach or may not be teaching. He wants to deny parents the opportunity. To get their little kids educated. Even if just a five or six blocks away, there’s a private school or a parochial school. Or charter school. Where they can actually learn. And get a leg up. Joe Biden opposes this, is LeBron James aware this is Oprah Winfrey where this. Al in aware. Of course, they’re all aware of it. They’re all aware of it. And who’s the leading voice for the school choice movement today for the civil rights movement, of course, its president, Donald Trump. President Donald Trump, who’s tried to do more for the minority communities in this country, whether it’s black, Hispanic. Asian. He’s tried to do more through governmental policies. Than any prior president than I can think of, including Obama of our first black president. Obama sought to shut down the 1. School choice option that existed in the District of Columbia, even though he sent his own kids to a very expensive private school. The irony. Here’s Joe Biden today. He’s being interviewed by the president of the National Education Association, Lilly, Eskil and Garcia. Now I want you to listen carefully. Because, you know, when he talks to the radical environmentalists, he says no fossil fuels, no fracking. Then he goes to western Pennsylvania, says, I never said that. He said it repeatedly. Oh, I never said that. We talks about defunding that is reallocating funds from the police, says, I never said that, I never said defund the police, but of course he did. He said I’m going to mandate a mask nationwide and then he realizes he can’t constitutionally in any way. I never said that. I never said that. Says if one of the government scientists tell him that you’re going to shut down the economy is going to shut down the entire country. Oh, I didn’t mean that. I never said that. He means everything he says initially. Then he tries to back off because he realizes it’s going to cost him the presidency. I want you folks to listen very, very carefully. This is Joe Biden talking to the National Education Association yesterday. The president of that organization asking him a question. And I want you to listen to how, in fact, he is. A little minority kids, little kids, period, but especially little minority kids who need the taxpayer funds to follow them so they can go to an alternative school rather than the failing, crime infested, drug infested government school down the street. Our Joe Biden is saying no. No. Got one go. There are lots of people who think there are other ways to solve all of these problems, and NEA members have pushed back against what we think are very misguided school reforms like charter schools regularly. Now we’ve seen families and communities who will join us in fighting to save that neighborhood public school. You know how we let it stop us. Nobody’s stopping this neighborhood, public school from existing. In fact, they get all the resources from the government. Nobody’s stopping them. But our kids don’t exist for the government schools. That’s not why we pay taxes. That’s why we send our kids to school in order to fill up classrooms so the government schools have the number of students that they want. That’s not why our kids exist. That’s our flesh and blood. We want the very best for them. And why shouldn’t kids, little kids and their parents in poor neighborhoods get the very best? That might be available to them within a mile or two mile radius. But listen to Joe Biden’s answer. Go ahead. Charter schools. We’d like to know how we feel about charter schools. I will not. There will not be no federal dollars. Betsy DeVos? No, my way. Sex education is like her in terms of her attitudes about public schools. No privately funded charter school would receive a private charter school, receive a penny of federal money. None. There you go. Not. Now, this should shock you. This should upset you. And you’re not going to tell you what. It won’t change the mind of a single so-called African-American leader. It won’t change the mind of a single so-called civil rights leader. Not one. It won’t change the course of the Black Lives movement or the NBA or the NFL. Here you have a man. He used to work with segregationists. He was admonished by his running mate, who all of a sudden forgot everything. Here you have a man who’s done absolutely nothing for minority communities. Nothing. And he just expects to pocket 90, 95 percent of the vote of black Americans and a big percentage of the vote of Hispanic Americans and Black Lives Matter wants him to get elected and wants to defeat Trump. But who is standing in the door? House way. Joe Biden and his party. The party of slavery, the party of segregation. Never forget it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

The Democrats and their unions have destroyed the public school system and many communities destroyed. The Democrats have destroyed the environment and many of their states can see this in Oregon and California and in Washington state, but other states, too. Democrats, so many of them have destroyed their cities. But the violence in the anti cop positions that they have. The Democrat Party is a wrecking ball. That’s what it is. It destroys things. There are. Organizations and people who create things and build things in their organizations and people who destroy things. The Democrat Party destroys things. They want you to believe they build things. They build these edifices, these massive federal programs. But in doing so, they compel you, compel you to participate in them. So here we have a a public school system throughout the country, spends lavishly, despite what they might say, the benefits are second to none, second to none. Right now, mostly teaching is not taking place in these facilities. Your taxes haven’t been cut, property taxes. And so even any competition is to be destroyed, even though it would help little kids. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Now, Joe Biden wants you to believe that a mask. Is the answer to most of the problems. If he would just mandate the wearing of a mask. And if people would just wear a mask at all times when they’re outside. It will be the most effective way to deal with the virus. Now, you may recall it wasn’t that long ago was the beginning of the year when we were told that masks are useless, don’t wear a mask. Joe Biden has flip flopped and flipped on this issue. He said, yes, he would mandate a mask. Then he said he understands it’s unconstitutional. Not today. He says his lawyers tell him it is constitutional. This is a guy who says he would act effectively with definitive decisions. To save lives when it comes to the virus. He’s all over the map. Here he is. Cut 5. Go. University Washington model, which the White House has previously touted projects in cases and deaths are going to fight this November. Now the unite the the White House may have done so previously, but in many respects it’s become unreliable. That’s okay. Joe’s only six months behind. Go ahead. And an additional 250,000 thousand Americans, they say are going to die begins by come November. By the first of the year, to 50,000 will be dead distant. Now, let’s just stop. These models have been wrong constantly. But Joe Biden wants to paint the bleakest picture humanly possible and then blame the president, United States. Now, wasn’t that long ago, folks. When information was provided by the CDC and others that pointed out that over 40 percent of the deaths. That occurred in the United States, dealt with points 6 percent of the population, that is people in nursing homes and assisted living homes.42 percent of the deaths. From a population of point zero six percent. In nursing homes and assisted living homes. Now, I want to make this very clear because it’s very important. Joe Biden, his surrogates, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, the Democrat Party, have been trying to blame deaths on the president, United States, which is disgusting, it’s like blaming cancer deaths on the president, the United States. That said. Over 40 percent of the deaths. Involve Democrat governors. Like Cuomo and Murphy, like Whitmer, Pritzker and Newsome and others. Putting so many. Of our nursing home seniors in our assisted living seniors at deadly risk with this virus. By issuing edicts, edicts. Compelling these facilities to take people. Who tested positive for the one hand China Corona virus. Now, here’s my point. Have you heard Joe Biden criticize any one of these Democratic governors? Not one and not once. Have you heard Joe Biden? Condemn these figures put out by these governors. Compelling nursing homes and assisted living facilities. To accept people with a corona virus into these facilities. Have you heard Joe Biden? Condemn that practice, not once. Which takes me to the next point. If Joe Biden had been present in the United States, God forbid. He would have opposed the travel ban to and from China. He would eventually oppose the travel ban to and from Europe. The borders would be wide open with God knows who, with what. Coming across the borders. And I have to assume, since Joe Biden has not condemned a single governor or a single policy. That contributed heavily to the death of over 40 percent of American citizens in these nursing homes and assisted living facilities, that Joe Biden would have supported those policies nationwide. Cuomo, Murphy and the others, all of whom support Biden, all of whom Biden has celebrated in the past. You have to assume and I do assume. That if Joe Biden had been president of the United States. There would be thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of more deaths today. As a result. Of these Democrat Party policies and Biden’s policies. So he goes around talking about wearing a mask. That whole mandate. That’s the quick fix. This is the man in 2009 who was put in charge of the swine flu. What they call H1N1. And in along piece in a Biden friendly, a left wing friendly Website called Politico. A headline. That I’ve talked about with you before. Biden has fought a pandemic before, it did not go smoothly. And yet the president of the United States did everything he could as president. To create hospital beds and ventilators and respirators and get PPE eto various governors. Put enormous sums of money into building up an infrastructure, there was no testing at the CDC. He inherited a mess. Now there’s tests galore. Tesco lawyer. Then he put in place a a project called Warp Speed to try and get a vaccine and therapies as fast as possible. And rather than celebrating the fact that we may have a vaccine in a few weeks or a month. The Democrats and the Biden machine, meaning the media. They come out and they do, and they say, what? We don’t trust it because it’s the Trump administration. It’s Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson and other companies working with the experts and the federal government, what are they don’t they don’t trust because of the Trump administration. So in other words, whether it’s school choice. Whether it’s riots and violence in the street. Whether it’s the Coronavirus and the death of people. In part or in whole due to that virus. And a hundred other issues important to America. The Democrat Party is on the wrong side. It’s always on the wrong side. Rather than saying how can we help? How can we help with this virus? How can we contribute? To protecting the American people, they never say that. I’m listening to questions to the president today before this program by this so-called media. And the contradictions are unbelievable. On the one hand. They suggested too fast it might be political. And then on the other hand, they say, well, when it’s out. Well, everybody have access to it, in other words. President says we’re getting it out quickly, we’re going to distribute it as fast as we can. We’re going to get it the first respondents. People with these morbidity is the elderly. You know, people are the most vulnerable. Then we’ll get it out to others. Well. How fast can you get it out to everybody? So on the one hand. They’re criticizing him. Because apparently it’s too fast. But on the other hand, once he has the vaccine, how can you make sure it gets out really, really fast to everybody who wants it needs? It’s like the economy argument they make. Joe Biden says have each told by a scientist that we need to shut down the economy is going to shut down the economy. I want you to think about that. These so-called scientists, many of them are quacks. They’ve been wrong a lot. They’ve been absurdly wrong. They’ve contradicted themselves. So he’d shut down the economy. He’d shut it down. Then he backs off. He says, well, you know, it depends. Maybe not. And then because the president follows the science. And the economy is effectively shutdown for a period of time. The economic impact is obvious. So they blame him for the economic consequences. And they claim it’s because he didn’t act quickly enough on the virus. And so he is responsible for the virus. He is responsible for the economic consequences of the virus. He is responsible for the number of dead. He’s responsible for the wildfires. He’s responsible for the riots because he dared to send in federal law enforcement to protect a federal courthouse in Portland. How much more of this crap can you take? Ladies and gentlemen, how much more of these big lies can you take? From a party. That has no good answers to reality. It’s got these wild radical abstractions which it intends to impose on us and it tends to change our Constitution through the backdoor. And it tends to make sure that it’ll be in power forever. It intends to destroy the United States Senate in the filibuster rule, and it tends to pack all the federal courts but radicals. Which is exactly why Biden will not give us a list of his potential Supreme Court nominees. It tends to open the border to illegal aliens and it tends to give them citizenship and free health care. How much more we’re going to put up with this crap? I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

So you’re going to wear mass and Joe Biden as well. You’ll all be wearing mass. He may shutdown the economy from sea to shining sea. Communist China is going to love it. Course, he’s bought and paid for by communist China. But then there’s Dr. Vin Gupta at MSL City today. Dr. Vin Gupta. Listen to this jerk and Andrea Mitchell, she’s so pathetic. She should be on Saturday Night Live playing herself. She doesn’t know enough to change what she says. She’s such a joke. Cat 7 go lean into others, say, you know, living here on the West Coast. People are in a state of psychological shut down under this president’s leadership. It didn’t have to be this way for one hundred forty thousand people could be alive today. We now are past 1 2008. So this is what you get from the quacks. The political hacks with medical degrees, I don’t even know what kind of a doctor he is, honestly, for all I know, he’s a proctologist. I’m not saying he is. I don’t know. But he’s got a very dark mind. Let me put it to you that way. So people are in a state of psychological shutdown and it’s the president’s fault. One hundred and forty thousand people could be alive today, and now we’re past two hundred thousand deaths. This is the kind of sick. Commentary we get on so-called news platforms. Go ahead. Have enough masks. People are scared to leave their homes. We do have enough mass, you idiot. They’re all over the place. You need to get out more. Plenty of masks. And no thanks to Biden and Obama and the Democrats. Go ahead, have the right masks to protect them and ninety five masks. Ones that I have as an ICU doc right here, Andrea. Most people don’t have access to them. What is the president doing? What’s the message? We just don’t talk about it. Let me help you out, genius. This guy, a medical degree. Where’d he get it from? Ed’s medical school. I don’t know. I don’t know anything about it. I see you, doctor, but I never work on me, that’s for sure. The issue isn’t what the president’s doing, genius. The issue is what are these governors doing? He may not have noticed it, but you are in California and Governor Newsome has complete control over that economy. And there’s very little the president, United States can do about it other than keep telling him to open the economy. Let me ask you something, Dr. Chinook. How many people in your state have died as a result of suicide or drug overdoses? How many households? I have seen a rise in child abuse and spousal abuse. How many genius? How many people have died because they’ve put off surgeries or even doctor’s appointments because jerks like you scare the hell out of everybody? The mortality rate is very, very low in this country. Here’s what the schmo can’t tell you. How are you defining death by coronavirus? I’ve gone through this for months, for months. If people are already sick and on death’s bed and they get coronavirus and some of these states, they’re blaming it on coronavirus. And what’s sick about this kind of reporting, such as it is? They can’t wait for that two hundred thousand death, Mark. Have you noticed that, Mr. Producer? They’re getting. We’re not even there yet, but they want to be there so they can use that number. Two hundred thousand, that’s on Trump. And then you have Biden saying there’s gonna be two hundred and fifteen thousand more. There’s gonna be over four hundred thousand deaths thanks to Donald Trump. Donald Trump did it. Ladies and gentlemen, because he won’t tell people to wear masks. He won’t tell churchgoers to stop going to church. Donald Trump did it. He didn’t act fast enough. Well, what we’re trying to impeach him are telling people to come to Chinatown. Are holding rallies. He didn’t act fast enough. Do these people sound like they want to actually solve this problem? When they politicize everything, they have politicized science. They have politicized medicine and now they’re politicizing death. Do these people sound like they really give a damn about the people who are dying? Do they? It’s a talking point. I noticed stuck Vin Gupta. Didn’t talk about Cuomo or Murphy or Newsome and the others who put out their orders that led to many, many deaths in nursing homes and assisted living homes. Dr. Gupta doesn’t mention that. Tell me something, Doc, to go back. How many people would be alive today if these Democratic governors weren’t in office? I’ll be right back.