April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017

Susan Rice / Getty Images / Scott Olson

On Monday’s Mark Levin show, Adam Housley of Fox News calls in to discuss the investigation into leaks coming from the Obama administration. What he found was that Barack Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice requested that Trump officials be unmasked during the transition period. Rice says she knew nothing about it yet she is the one who is in these reports unmasking the names. Someone had to come to her to tell Rice what was in those reports, so who else is involved? There is a lot of information here and multiple paths that this investigation could go. This has been going on for a long time now. After that, Eli Lake from Bloomberg News calls in talk about what Devin Nunes is trying to get at. Susan Rice requested data on U.S. intelligence reports that were connected to the Trump transition. It all raises a lot of questions about what Susan Rice’s purpose was. What did she do with this information and why did she unmask it? The big question is who asked for the name of Mike Flynn to be unmasked? Finally, it was Ted Kennedy’s strategy to keep highly qualified Constitutionalists from the court and it all started with nomination of Robert Bork and one of the most vile speeches ever made by Kennedy. It was Chuck Schumer’s strategy that led to effort to destroy Clarence Thomas and the strategy being used to try to take out Neil Gorsuch now. We have now reached a point where filling the Scalia seat with a decent constitutionalist is now unacceptable.


Fox News
Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say

Washington Free Beacon
FLASHBACK: Susan Rice Said in March ‘I Know Nothing’ About Unmasking of Trump Officials

Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

McCain: Nunes ‘Killed’ Bipartisan Russia Probe

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Scott Olson