July 13, 2016

July 13, 2016

Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address To Joint Session Of Congress - Getty Images - Chip Somodevilla

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Ruth Bader Ginsburg should resign from the Supreme Court or be impeached for her repeated political comments against Donald Trump. This is an attempt by Ginsburg to campaign openly for Hillary Clinton. What she has done is in clear violation of Canon 5. She is representative of the unlawful judicial oligarchy that is present in America today. After that, the draft the Republican Party put forward for its platform is solidly conservative. It is conservative on social/cultural issues, free market capitalism and trade. In addition the RNC platform rejects the Supreme Court decisions on same sex marriage and abortion. It’s as if Ted Cruz himself and his delegates wrote the platform. Now the question is, will Donald Trump support it? After that, the Democratic Party should apologize for its own sorry history. In the past the Democrat Party fought for slavery, opposed civil rights amendments, and supported segregation. We don’t need lectures from Hillary Clinton about Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party because her party was on the wrong side of the race issue. Later, Donald Trump doesn’t mind not having Republican control of Senate and is willing to be a free agent. If Trump has a Democrat controlled Senate while he is in power, how is he going to nominate a conservative Supreme Court Justice? Trump needs to show that he cares about down ballot opportunities and be willing to help Republicans take the Senate. Finally, Dave Brat calls in to discuss his new book, American Underdog: Proof That Principles Matter.

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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla