September 2011

September 2011

September 30, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO in San Francisco fills in for Mark. He talks about the targeted killing via a drone strike of terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. He applauds the U.S. military and intelligence operations for carrying out the operation and also says that there was nothing wrong about killing him without due process as some others have argued for. Brian also discusses how the environmentalists are pushing for solar panels that don't even work and are costing the taxpayers even more money.


Washington Post
Anwar al-Aulaqi, U.S.-born cleric linked to al-Qaeda, killed in Yemen

CNS News
Al Gore: U.S. Democracy ‘Hacked’ by Anti-Warming Special Interests

September 29, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the Supreme Court and how we have liberal Justices that continue to move left and farther away from the Constitution. They are activist judges that don't believe in the Constitution and want to empower the federal government while stripping away the individual's rights. The idea that the Supreme Court has so much power that they can change the Constitution and make America for the worst is scary. Mark also talks about how President Obama is telling Congress to pass his job's bill, while Senator Dick Durbin is saying they don't have enough votes for the bill. The Democrat's can't even get their own party on the same terms.


Health-Care Law Has Precedent, Retired Justice Stevens Says

American Prospect
Did the Founding Fathers Screw Up?

Cities with the highest, lowest unemployment rates

Real Clear Politics
Biden: "I Don't Blame Them For Being Mad … We're In Charge"

NY Daily News
Rezwan Ferdaus arrested, accused of plotting attack on Pentagon, Capitol using exploding RC planes

Durbin on Obama jobs bill: We don’t have the votes

September 28, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: We bring you the Best of Mark Levin! Despite the best efforts from the Obama Administration and the Left, the American people do not hate each other. Just because we push back against a socialist agenda, does not mean that we hate America. We support the Constitution and want to bring back our principles of liberty and freedom in all sectors. Also, Mark talks about New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, your typical person that doesn't appreciate the Constitution and wants more regulations on the American people. Finally, we have Mark's take on Chris Christie and some new gaffes from President Obama to add to the list of mumblers.

September 27, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark is waiting for Chris Christie to announce he's running for President so Republican's can find out he's not conservative. Mark says that anyone who supports man-made global warming like Christie does, or won't fight against Obamacare like Christie is, will not receive Mark's support during the nomination process. Despite the establishment's efforts to divide us, we must remain strong and choose the best conservative candidate that believes in the Constitution and against big time government. For some reason our politicians are proposing economic policies that are devaluing our success rather than promoting it across the globe. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann calls in and talks about the current GOP field for the presidential nomination, job creation and repealing Obamacare.


Ted’s Take
Class Warfare – Yuck!

CNN Money
Poverty pervades the suburbs

Celebs turn out for Obama

Washington Times
Obama’s jobs plan isn’t top priority for Reid

American Spectator
Chris Christie has been fairly straightforward about his desire to run for president (Video)

September 26, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark plays audio from President Obama’s town hall where he can't even get his own lies straight. Obama says to stop complaining, stop whining, and to march. Also, Obama answered a setup question from someone that worked at Google and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democrat Party. This is why the American people, independents and conservatives are getting tired of Obama – the constant lies and the bickering that is going on. So many people have worked hard to create the greatest country in the world, and then we have Obama and his supporters trying to divide the country. They do this so they can hold onto their power. Mark also calls this day 1 of the Chris Christie presidential nomination so he can show just how liberal he is.


Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight

Obama Loses Cool At Black Caucus Dinner; ‘Stop Complaining’ And March (Video)

Right Scoop
Obama gaffe: Warren Buffett’s secretary shouldn’t be paying a LOWER rate than Warren Buffett

Right Scoop
Question at Obama town hall: “Would you please raise my taxes?” (UPDATE)

ABC News
Sarah Palin Threatens to Sue ‘Rogue’ Book Publisher

Government shutdown avoided after Senate deal

Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court

The Hill
Boehner seeks to avoid ‘mean’ mistakes of prior Republican leadership

Daily Caller
EPA: Regulations would require 230,000 new employees, $21 billion

LA Times
New home sales stuck at the bottom in August

September 23, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark stresses once again that there aren't just 2 candidates running for GOP nomination. Don't believe what the media or the Republican establishment wants you to think. There is a lot of time left and a lot of issues that need to be debated on and in no way is this settled on two candidates yet. Having said that, we now hear that NJ Governor Chris Christie might run. Mark says to let him run so that we can vet him and he can expose some of his controversial including those on Obamacare and global warming. Also, Mark talks about the U.N. summit and the Palestinian demand for a Palestinian state.


Jeb Bush Wants In-State Tuition For Illegal Immigrants' Kids (April 24, 2006)

Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days

Palestinians make formal statehood bid at U.N.

Netanyahu offers settlement freeze in return for recognition as Jewish state, Palestinians say no

Y Net News
Abbas accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts: GOP Wants to Go Back to When No Women Voted, 'Slavery Was Cool'

OTC inhalers to be phased out to protect ozone layer

Hot Air
President offers states an opt-out from NCLB — in exchange for more federal control of education

Gov't paid $600 million in benefits to dead people

Washington Examiner
Obamacare HHS rule would give government everybody’s health records

The Tennessean
Patients to wait longer for care under new health law, think tank says

LA Times
New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad'

September 22, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses how regardless what the mainstream media is telling you – the Republican primary is not over in the next couple of debates. We should not give in to what the media or the Republican establishment is trying to tell us as far as what candidate we should choose. We should look for a conservative candidate that can save the nation, because it needs it. Mark goes through some candidates and their flaws, but says that the process should play out. Mark also plays audio from President Obama where he can't even get his class warfare propaganda right as he claims to be a warrior for the middle class.


Freed Hiker, Shane Bauer: “we sincerely hope for the freedom of other political prisoners and others imprisoned in America and Iran” (Video)

Liberals shouldn't shed any tears for executed murderer Troy Davis

Census: Recession taking toll on young adults

The Fiscal Times
Unemployment Cheats Raked in $16.5 Billion Last Year

Stocks End Sharply Lower on Recession Fears

LA Times
Oops, Obama touts his jobs plan today at an Ohio bridge that won't qualify

Weasel Zippers
Mass Moonbat Elizabeth Warren: "There Is Nobody In This Country Who Got Rich On His Own — Nobody"

National Review
Elizabeth Warren’s Argument

Big Journalism
Explosive Email Shows Anti-Palin Author McGinniss, Random House Likely Published Literary Hoax

Big Journalism
Caught: Random House Published Palin Smears After Lawyers Allegedly Told McGinniss No Proof Existed

September 21, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and gives his points how he is wrong with his ideology and beliefs. People like Friedman don't believe in individual liberty but rather they want an all powerful, centralized government with concentrated power. You can not be a Leftist and cherish the Constitution. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton calls in and explains just exactly what is going on regarding the Palestinians, Israel and the U.N. President Obama is being taken advantage of because he is looking weak and indecisive on the Palestinian issue. Finally, Presidential candidate Herman Cain calls in and talks about the GOP debate on Thursday.


House shoots down spending bill

NY Times
Are We Going to Roll Up Our Sleeves or Limp On?

The Hill
Ron Paul says he'd consider putting Dennis Kucinich in his Cabinet

The Founders’ Constitution
The Constitution's General Welfare clause was NOT intended to give plenary power to Congress and did NOT

Washington Post
Obama’s favorability numbers start to drop among African Americans

Daily Caller
Energy Dept. weatherization programs rife with waste, fraud, inspector general audits show

September 20, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses the terms, "middle class, and poor," and says how they change all the time. The problem with this is that when it comes to policy, there are no consistent or coherent proposals because no matter what the socialist does, they are never satisfied. They want to continue taking more rights and economic freedom away from people to further make the individual a slave to the state. They want to pretend they're populists but really they are big government politicians. The class warfare argument is a sham and a fraud game. Mark also talks about Solyndra and how their bosses will be pleading the 5th for the Congressional investigation this coming Friday.


FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries?

LA Times
Why (and how) to tax the super-rich

CEO to Congress: I Was Fined Because I Hired Too Many People

Daily Mail
'Hell on earth': Detailed satellite photos show death camps North Korea still deny even exist

Harry Reid warns of shutdown over CR

Solyndra execs will decline to testify at hearing

Washington Examiner
Dean: Employers will drop coverage under Obamacare

CNS News
USDA Secretary: We Must ‘Create Appropriate Transition’ for What Americans Eat

Clinton raps GOP climate change stands

Scientists sign petition denying man-made global warming (May 2008)

September 19, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: We now know what President Obama thinks about the American worker; he doesn't care about them and has proven it by now wanting to add a $1.5 million tax on us. Tax increases don't create jobs. He wants to tax the rich, but the rich aren't even the rich. He is using class warfare rhetoric trying to divide the American electorate against each other. At the same time, he is giving no incentive for people to work hard because he is punishing those that are successful by raising taxes on them. We need to have the Republicans stand firm against the Democrats – they already had their chance and blew it at the expensive of the American people, economy and society.


Washington Post
Obama’s debt-reduction plan: $3 trillion in savings, half from new tax revenue

CNS News
Gallup: Obama's Approval at All-Time Low–Among Liberals

Weekly Standard
Kristol's Dream

Fox News
Democrats Balk at Obama Tax Plan

Rebel Pundit
Congressman Mike Quigley to Islam Conference: "I apologize on behalf of America" (Video)

Washington Examiner
Among Hispanics, strong support for voter ID

September 16, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark spends a great time of the show explaining various parts of the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and some of the Founding Fathers. He talks about their philosophy and how liberals reject the Constitution and the values of liberty, private property and freedom. We can't trust or believe anything President Obama says anymore because he has lied about so much – including shovel-ready jobs, unemployment figures, green jobs, etc. Also, we see the stubbornness of Obama saying he won't agree with anything Speaker Boehner proposes regarding jobs, and Boehner's inability to substantiate an argument in his favor.


Philadelphia Enquirer
Would have been 30 burglaries, but they encountered a lion

CNS News
Obama Predicts: His Plan Will Cost $235,263 Per Job

The Hill
White House works to quell Dem dissent
Reid Statement On Nevada's Unemployment Rate

Real Clear Politics
Chris Matthews: Republicans Are Ignorant And Hate Intellectuals

September 15, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama is a job and business destroyer. There's nothing regarding progress when talking about the Progressive movement. The American people want the economy unleashed – with jobs, wealth and opportunity created on all fronts. Also, The Transportation Bill is being held up by Harry Reid because of his insistence on having a bike path. The green movement is like the red movement – it is just another excuse for the federal government to take your money, redistribute wealth and control your lives.


Medal of Honor Official Citation for Sgt. Dakota Meyer

Weasel Zippers
We Now Know One Of The Issues Harry Reid Feels Is More Important Than Passing Obama’s Jobs Bill: Bike Paths (Video)

The Hill
Poll: Voters blame GOP more for Washington’s political fighting

The Hill
White House initially denies rep.'s request to attend Medal of Honor event

Chris Matthews Blames 'Robots' at CVS, MSNBC for Poverty in America

Washington Examiner
Obama: 'I'd like to work my way around Congress'

Washington Post
SAT reading scores drop to lowest point in decades

Daily Mail
Sarah Palin's husband hits back as author defends claims 'fraud' Palin snorted cocaine and had affairs

Hot Air
Kiss of death: Jimmy Carter says he’d be “very pleased” to see Romney as GOP nominee

September 14, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: We see from Tuesday's election results that the socialist agenda is not working and that the American people are tired of the federal government and don't believe in an all powerful, centralized one. More and more of us are showing that we aren't going to sit back idly and see our liberty taken away. Mark also calls for a special prosecutor for why hundreds of millions of dollars has been wasted for phony stimulus and yet we still had to pay the bill. President Obama now has to decide if he wants to enhance the private sector or if he wants to continue paying off union bosses and public sector bosses.


Chicago Sun Times
Michelle Obama prodding restaurants to reduce portion size

Nevada election bears bad news for Dems

Gateway Pundit
Latest DNC Spin: We Need Jobs Bill Because Moms Are Late for Football Practice and Astronauts Need Groceries (Video)

Dem Congresswoman: "You Don't Deserve To Keep All" Of Your Money

USA Today
Congresswoman's husband pleads guilty to two felonies (August 31, 2005)

Michigan Launching Fat Kid Database

September 13, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives his take on the CNN/Tea Party Express debate from Monday night. He goes through the faults of each candidate and his opinion on where they excelled. He also talks about Ron Paul and says that there's no reason for him to be running for the Republican ticket and that he holds dangerous foreign policy views that hurt America. Also, America isn't in trouble because of the American people or capitalism – despite what Obama says. There's no reason the country should be heading down a socialist path like the one it is on now. Mark also talks about President Obama's relationship or lack thereof with Israel.


Daily Mail
Bachmann fights back! Michele turns the tables at GOP debate as candidates gang up on Rick Perry

ABC News
GOP Debate: Rick Perry Booed Over Texas Immigration Law

The Lookout
22 percent of American children lived in poverty last year

Number of poor hit record 46 million in 2010

Weasel Zippers
Obama: You’ll Realize Later I Wasn’t A “Bad Captain Of The Ship”

Carpe Diem Blog
Mr. Mayor: How Do You Define "American-Made"? (2008)

Carpe Diem Blog
#1, #2 American-Made Cars: Toyota and Honda

The Hill
Obama campaign launches website to fight misinformation

Arizona Daily Sun
NAU officials confront students over U.S. flag handouts

Amish men jailed for not displaying buggy safety signs

September 12, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses Social Security and says that the system needs to be reformed now or else it's going to collapse. It's not fair for future generations to be paying into a system that they won't have a stake in. We shouldn't be used as tools by the politicians to abuse our children's welfare and well being – socially and economically. Mark Steyn calls in and discusses Mitt Romney's position on Social Security, as well as how Harry Reid believes that there isn't a problem with Social Security! Also, Mark calls for a special prosecutor to investigate Obamacare waivers and why certain companies are getting them.


Mitt Romney and his defense of Big Government

US Less Than 3 Years Away From Being Greece: Walker

Daily Caller
New DOE loans support green Obama-backers

Sun Sentinel
Average family will see additional $11 a week, under Obama plan

American Thinker
The Great Obama Welfare State

American Spectator
Obama's Strategy of Silence

September 9, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark Simone of 77WABC fills in for Mark. He discusses President Obama's Job Act speech and the lies that he told. He says he's not engaging in class warfare while at the same time he's engaging in class warfare! How are we supposed to believe anything he says or any ideas he has? The numbers simply don't work out with Obama's economic promises. Also, President Obama kept demanding that Congress pass this bill now – but there is no bill to pass! Finally, we take calls and share memories of September 11th and pay tribute to the brave men and women that died that day.


Hot Air Pundit
Obama: 'Pass the Bill' 17X (Video)

NY Times
More Volatility as Stocks Drop Sharply

NY, Washington, aware of terror threat, not afraid

Americans for Tax Reform
Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes

Sources: Authorities Concerned About Possible Dirty Bomb, Times Square Strike

Chicago Sun Times
Teachers union president says Mayor Emanuel ‘exploded’ at her

ABC News
Northeast Flooding: 14 Dead, 45 Trillion Gallons of Rain

September 8, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives live play-by-play of President Obama's jobs speech. Instead of the "American Job's Act," Mark calls it "Save Obama's Job Act." The speech was incoherent, didn't make any sense, and it was the same old socialist rhetoric that will not make any significant or positive changes. This was more of a campaign speech than anything else. Obama has now begun campaigning for 2012, putting the American people and American jobs at risk. The President didn't propose anything that would attract investment or push property rights and liberty; instead he went in the complete opposite direction. Senator Mike Lee calls in after Obama's speech and points out that this is exactly why we need to defeat him and other liberals in the next election cycle; we simply can't handle more regulations on businesses that hinder our economic prosperity.


Daily Caller
White House releases talking points to liberals ahead of speech

Labor Department probing big US homebuilders

ABC News
U.S. Citizen Linked To Terror Plot on 9/11 Anniversary

FBI at Solyndra Headquarters

The Daily Caller
Solyndra officials made numerous trips to the White House, logs show

September 7, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about President Obama's speech on Thursday night and what to expect from it. The false promises and the lies about why we are in such a desperate situation like we are now. Obama will not address the enormity of waste, fraud or abuse that these large government programs have; yet this time all we're supposed to do is just trust him that it will work. Senator Jim DeMint calls in and talks about the Republican debate happening later Wednesday night and how our only hope is to defeat Obama in 2012. Also, Mark talks about the RINO's that are all over the television networks scolding the Tea Party and the Tea Party candidates as to what they should or need to do. Who made them in charge? They are trying to jump onboard the Tea Party because they realize how successful it has been and how important the core principles of liberty and freedom are to the American people.


Obama to propose $300 billion jobs package: reports

Fox News
Pelosi Peeved Republicans Opt Out of Rebuttal to Obama Speech

Chicago Sun Times
Obama to propose $300 billion to jump-start jobs

Washington Post
Obama's whopper of a claim on tax cuts

Polls: Voters prefer GOP Hill majority

The Hill
Democrats fear it's too late

US falls to 5th in global competitiveness, survey shows

Oregon Live
Tax cheats took in $24 billion in stimulus money, GAO finds

ABC News
Stimulus Jobs in China? Senators Angry About U.S. Money Going Overseas

Yahoo! News
Borrowers exit troubled Obama mortgage program
Would Ronald Reagan Have Endorsed Ron Paul? by Gregory Hilton

September 6, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Teamsters Union President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. decides to tell people that they are ready to fight the tea party S.O.B.'s. Mark gives his take on this and says that the union bosses aren't pro-worker and don't look out for the working citizen. What kind of union member would vote for Obama? His policies aren't helping union members, only their bosses; the worker is being sold out. Also, Jesse Jackson Jr. says that there is now a civil war struggle against the tea party. What have either Jimmy Hoffa Jr. or Jesse Jackson Jr. done for the people they claim to represent?


Bureau of Labor Statistics
Union Members Summary (2010)

CNS News
Gallup: Uninsured Have Increased Under Obama and Since Obamacare Was Enacted

James Hoffa’s Full 'Take These Sons Of Bitches Out' Quote: 'Everybody Here’s Got A Vote'

Right Scoop
Awesome: Tapper grills Carney on Hoffa’s comments

National Guard Members Gunned Down In Carson City IHOP Shooting

The Hill
Christie: Americans unhappy with GOP field

Hot Air Pundit
Biden At AFL-CIO Rally: "You Are The Only Folks Keeping The Barbarians From the Gates" (Video)

Right Scoop
Jesse Jackson on Tea Party: This is a Civil War struggle

Officials: 1,000 Texas homes burned in past week

The Hill
Pelosi drops the word 'stimulus'

Ford building $1bn manufacturing complex in India

White House 2012
Analysis, Transcript, and Video of Sarah Palin’s Saturday Speech in Iowa (Video)

September 5, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Happy Labor Day! We bring you a Best of The Mark Levin Show that includes Mark giving a list of businesses and sectors that will continue to collapse if President Obama has his way. The Administration wants a more centralized and top-down run system, with the federal government regulating and controlling all aspects of any economic growth. Also, a hilarious hour featuring MSNBC's Al Sharpton, whom apparently can't speak without a teleprompter; as well as Barney Frank who apparently had a flatulence problem on live television! Mark also speaks with Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juskiewicz who is under assault by the federal government for the type of wood they are using in their guitars. This is just the latest example of how the overreaching government is trying to get their hands on anything and everything, while destroying companies both large and small all in the name of more regulations and government oversight.

September 2, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark speaks with Former Vice President Dick Cheney regarding his new book, In My Time: A Person and a Political Memoir. They discuss his career as well as both political and personal struggles that he has had to overcome. Mr. Cheney also discusses the Tea Party and President Obama. Also on the show, Mark gives a picture of what America is right now under the iron first of the left and that despite the warnings from we the people, Obama went ahead with his agenda. We have told him to stop deficit spending, stop printing money and borrowing from the Chinese, stop massively growing the government, and yet the liberal statist keeps doing the opposite!

Mark talks with former Vice President Dick Cheney

Employers add no net jobs in Aug.; rate unchanged

CNS News
U.S. Debt Held by Public Tops $10T for 1st Time—More Than 60% Owned by Foreign Interests and Federal Reserve

Fox News
White House Hints at More Economic Speeches, Proposals Ahead

Business Insider
Black Unemployment Jumped To STAGGERING New Highs In August

Washington Post
Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds

The Hill
GOP wants White House papers on loan to failed solar company

Carpe Diem Blog
Only in California: A Ballot Proposal to Prohibit Foreclosures and Eliminate the Mortgage Industry

Fox News
Evidence Suggests Cover-Up in ATF Scandal, as More Guns Appear at Crime Scenes

September 1, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: The American people aren't necessarily sick and tired of Washington D.C., we are sick and tired of the way President Obama has been running the country and his policies. We don't want more private sector money going to the public sector and being wasted. President Obama switches his economic speech to next Thursday at 7 pm eastern – making him look even more like an idiot with the way he handled this. Mark also predicts that his approval ratings will go lower after the speech because it's the same thing we've heard before and it doesn't work. What happened to all the stimulus money and where is the rest of the money going to come from that he will be requesting for the economic sector? Finally, Texas Governor Rick Perry calls in and talks about his Presidential bid.


USA Today
Obama jobs plan may call for repairing nation's schools

Historian talks at secret Obama election retreat

Real Clear Politics
Carney: Obama's New Jobs Plan Would Put Unemployment Below 9%

Real Clear Politics
Carney: Obama Recognizes "There Are Things He Can Do Without Congress And He Will Do Them"

Washington Examiner
White House: People 'sick and tired' of Washington (Video)

The Hill
WH official: Obama struggling in polls because voters don't know GOP opponents

Business Insider
In Email To Campaign Supporters Obama Says He Is "Frustrated" With Congress

Washington Examiner
Jesse Jackson Jr: Perry supports slavery amendment

Fox News
Mark Levin with Neil Cavuto on the timing of Obama's jobs plan address (Video)