December 2012

December 2012

December 31, 2012

On Monday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the BEST of Mark Levin. Mark gives a perspective of what's going on from President Obama and Speaker Boehner's standpoints. Obama has an imperial mindset that considers himself greater and above the rule of law and the Constitution. Boehner on the other hand, showed his cards immediately after the election and is trying to make a deal with Obama about the fiscal cliff. Obama is not going to meet him halfway and now Boehner looks even weaker than he has in the past. Mark speaks with Congressman Tim Huelskamp about how Boehner is trying to strong arm conservatives in the House and is trying to dismantle the Tea Party and crush the conservative movement. Also, Senator Jim DeMint calls in and speaks about what he sees as troubling signs if Republicans are going to go against their word on cutting taxes. Finally, Lt. Col Ollie North calls in and discusses his new book, Heroes Proved.


House GOP Leaders Purged Conservatives Using Secret Criteria List

Yahoo News
Conservatives make John Boehner’s life difficult—again

NY Times
Where Have You Gone, Bill Buckley?

The Algemeiner
Sources: U.S. Playing Major Role in Censure of Israel

National Post
Canada stands alone on Mideast

Egypt's Mursi leaves palace as police battle protesters

Investors Business Daily
Obama, Media Whitewash Morsi's Pro-Jihad, Anti-Jew Past

December 28, 2012

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM fills in for Mark. He discusses President Obama's recent statement saying that he is trying to reach a budget deal before the fiscal cliff comes, and he is urging the Congress to pass an appropriate one. Obama also puts the blame on Speaker Boehner and the Republicans, saying it's their fault if this doesn't happen. Tom says that Obama wants to transform the Presidency and the country towards a more socialistic one. Also, Obama won't tell the American people the reality of what happens when the wealthy get more tax increases put on them – it will lead to fewer jobs. Also, Emily Miller of the Washington Times calls in and discusses the gun control issue. She talks about the importance of the 2nd Amendment and the lies that are being said about past gun control and how many of them didn't haven't worked and ultimately it takes away more of our rights as citizens.


The Wall Street Journal
Joyce Lee Malcolm: Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control

Washington Times
Miller: Second Amendment Attack Backfires

December 27, 2012

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM fills in for Mark. He discusses how Senator Dianne Feinstein is proposing legislation that would make it mandatory for all gun owners to register their guns, even if they were grandfathered in. The bill that she wants passed is absurd on many levels – not only would you need to register, you would be photographed and fingerprinted as well. The Democrats also want to bring back the assault weapon ban even though we know that it didn't prevent more violence in the past. Also, Brigitte Gabriel calls in, President of ACT For America, regarding the Middle East situation and the ongoing problems in Syria and Egypt. She says that there has been a cover up in the State Department and Hillary Clinton, and that people need to be held accountable to what happened in Benghazi.


The American Thinker
The Unintended Consequences of Gun Control

Flashback: Clinton Requests $60 Million to Put Cops in Schools

December 26, 2012

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the BEST of Mark Levin. Mark discusses the November election results and says that although we may feel down, we can't give up. There are tens of millions of us that will not succumb or give into the liberal ideology and mindset, we will not throw away our Constitution and our liberties, and we will not sacrifice our kids' futures so that we can become an entitlement society. Mark talks about what he thinks happened with Romney and why he lost, and how the Republican establishment didn't have a good enough plan for Romney – they didn't promote the Constitution or our core principles and fundamentals to relate with the people. The Democrat Party as we know it has now become a radical Left party. It is up to us to stop them.


Romney Could End Up With Less Votes Than McCain Got In 2008 Levin Show
So, we lost the election last night because of the power of incumbency? Levin Show
Coulter also insists that we have to stop nominating purists like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock

Mark Levin Show
Perhaps this will be useful to many in understanding what is occurring (PDF)

December 25, 2012

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the BEST of Mark Levin and would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We are the resistance. We are what stands between supporting and keeping the Constitution relevant against those that try to destroy it. We are human beings, we are not subjects of the government that gets to dictate how we live our lives or by what means. Mark says we don't negotiate for a fiscal cliff, we don't make deals that will make us seem weak, and we need to politically fight against the socialist will. We need to stop the spread of centralized power by a few. Mark also takes on the college system and the liberal professors out there that are indoctrinating our students. It's not right and we need to start teaching conservative principles to our children.


French Socialist in Mittal Row: We're Just Doing What Obama Does

Conservatives vs. the GOP

The Hill
Liberal Democrats: Higher rates for wealthy 'just the beginning'

Washington Examiner
Dominos: Obamacare requires 34 million pizza nutrition signs in stores

Houston Chronicle
Surprise! Which country has had the greatest co2 cuts since Kyoto went into effect?

Daily Mail
Obama family 'costs taxpayers $1.4BILLION per year'

December 24, 2012

On Monday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the BEST of Mark Levin! Mark gives the truth behind the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and what it really means. It’s a lie when the politicians are telling us that more taxes would lower government spending or reduce the deficit. By taxing the private sector beyond its' means, this is only serving to set up more deficits and lower the quality of life and economic participation. Rather than hold firm, Boehner is ready to capitulate and don't be surprised if he caves in to President Obama on the fiscal cliff. Why is it virtuous to be poor and okay to hate people that make money? Finally, Mark talks about the Iranian connection with Hamas and how they continue to support them and fund them with weaponry.


Study: By 2050, 60% of American Production Will Go to Government

Human Events
Should the GOP cave on taxes?

The Hill
Corker touts fiscal plan, says it’s time to ‘rip the Band-Aid off’ and reach deal

The Millionaires Who Pay the Highest Tax Rate

Warren Buffett calls for a minimum tax on the wealthy

The Daily Reckoning
It Turns Out Warren Buffett Is A Master Of Avoiding Taxes

News Observer
Hospitals scramble to limit readmissions, avoid new penalties

Straight Dope
Myth: the tax rate on the rich under Ike was 91%

Daily Caller
White House silent as Egypt’s president grabs power, moves toward Shariah Islamic law

A look at powers decreed by Egypt's president

Wall Street Journal
Morsi Tries to Calm Egypt After His Edict

Daily Caller
Executive order-crazy Obama so far silent on Egypt’s executive orders

White House ‘Concerned’ About Morsi’s Power Grab, Won’t Condemn It

Gateway Pundit
Jamie Foxx Gives “Honor to God and Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama” (Video)

December 21, 2012

On Friday’s Mark Levin show: After delivering remarks on the fiscal cliff and telling Congress to keep working Presidential Obama skips town and flies to Hawaii. Essentially saying you guys work on the problem, I’m going on vacation. Also, Mark talks about the NRA CEO, Wayne LaPierre, who gave a speech saying we need to have armed officials at schools. Mark questions that we’re wise enough to choose our political leaders but not wise enough on how to defend ourselves? Finally, Congressman Tim Huelskamp calls in to talk about the defeat of Speaker John Boehner’s tax plan.


Roll Call Bush tax cuts 2001

Roll Call Bush tax cuts 2003

Obama nominates Kerry for secretary of state

Washington Examiner
CRS: Under 2 percent of gun crimes involve assault weapons

December 20, 2012

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark calls for a Levin Surge to tell your Congressional Representatives to not sell out the American people on the fiscal cliff, and it works. Speaker Boehner releases a late statement saying that they don't have the votes and that it's now up to President Obama and Harry Reid to figure out how to deal with spending. Mark says that even with the House leadership threatening committee spots and positions on various committees, it didn't work because of the American people. We realize that we are the ones that need to stand on principle and reason – the Boehner tax plan never made any sense. They should have voted to cut the three low tax rates and throw class warfare right back at the Democrats. The Constitution is on our side and Boehner would rather capitulate and give into the Democrats rather than fight because he is weak. Finally, Congressmen Jim Jordan, Tim Scott, and Louie Gohmert call into the show to discuss the fiscal situation.


Wall Street Journal
Boehner Plays a Weak Hand Well

Washington Examiner
Morning Examiner: Why would any conservative vote against a $4.1 trillion tax cut?

US lawmakers press for answers on security, military response to 9-11 Libya assault

Alt House
After skipping a trip due to a stomach virus, Hillary Clinton faints and has a concussion

Washington Examiner
House Democrats push for immediate vote on gun control measure

The Hill
Sen. Feinstein no longer has concealed weapon permit

BREAKING NEWS: Speaker Boehner’s Statement on Tax Code

December 19, 2012

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the passing of Robert Bork and shares stories of him and honors him as a great constitutionalist judge and activist. Mark talks about how the Left went after Bork when he was nominated for Supreme Court Justice by Ronald Reagan because of his views that were in line with the Founding Fathers' on how America should be. Mark also talks about Woodrow Wilson and the Democrat idea that they can adjust the government and give it more power as they see fit, regardless of what the Constitution says. They want to bypass the system of checks and balances when they deem necessary. We now have two parties that are both right now not fighting for the American people – the Democrats want the country to collapse and transform it in their own way, and the Republicans are at odds with conservatives that want to preserve liberty. Finally, Senator Marco Rubio calls in about the fiscal cliff.


Fox News
Robert Bork, former Supreme Court nominee, dies

The Federalist Society

Wall Street Journal
A Bad Budget Deal

The Hill
Ryan to vote yes on 'Plan B' tax plan

CNS News
Boehner’s House Has Increased Debt $18,944 Per Household

Benghazi review slams State Department on security

December 18, 2012

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, what the Framers had in mind, and how it is in fact a protection for the individual against the federal government to be able to have arms. We can't have other rights if we don't have the ability to defend ourselves and to preserve our lives, that is why the 2nd Amendment is so crucial. John Lott calls in and talks to Mark about the previous assault weapons ban, why it didn't work, and how misconstrued the notion of what exactly an assault weapon is can be. Stricter regulations in the past haven't worked in the past, they just make it harder for the law abiding citizen. Finally, Mark plays audio from Senator Diane Feinstein from 1995 and Harry Reid in 2010 where they admit they had a concealed weapons permit because they wanted to protect themselves.


The Hill
President Obama to push assault weapons ban in second term

Washington Examiner
Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent

Fox News
Fear of being committed may have caused Connecticut gunman to snap

Washington Examiner
Team Obama still raising money – off Sandy Hook shootings

CBS News
Fast and Furious gun found at Mexican crime scene

White House Rejects Boehner's Backup Plan

Feinstein in 1995 on her concealed carry permit: 'I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did'

Federal Observer
Second Amendment Hypocrites: Senators Schumer and Feinstein Pack Heat

Freedoms Lighthouse
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2010 Extolled the Virtues of Guns: “I Carried a Gun Every Place I Went. . . But for Me, Guns are More than That (about Self-Defense) – Video 2010

December 17, 2012

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: In the wake of the Newtown shooting tragedy we now hear calls from politicians for stricter gun laws. They are trying to tell us that the Bill of Rights only allows certain firearms and guns rather than the simple right to own what we want. Unfortunately, no law would have changed what happened in Newtown; the person was a maniac and it's a horrendous thing what he did. Also, President Obama speaks in Newtown and politicizes it. He's trying to use this situation as a way to expand the government, and decide which parts of the Constitution can stay or go. Also, why didn't Obama mention Fort Hood in his speech when he mentioned other shootings? If we have armed guards at schools, then we will need them at shopping malls and other places too because there's no way we can make every place safe.


Lawmaker: Report shows FBI ignored accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan out of political correctness (July 19, 2012)

Daily Caller
Ft. Hood survivors: ‘Attack was not workplace violence’ (October 22, 2012)

Christian Science Monitor
Univision: The untold story of what 'Fast and Furious' wrought in Mexico (September 29, 2012)

NBC News
Obama reassures Newtown 'you are not alone' at vigil for victims of Connecticut school shootings

CNS News
Feinstein Introducing Gun Ban; Durbin Holding Hearings

Preventing Mass-Murder Tragedies: What Works, What Doesn’t

The Facts about Mass Shootings

Washington Examiner
Media myths on ‘assault weapons’ and ‘semiautomatic firearms’

Daily Caller
NAACP welcomes Scott to Senate, expects no help from ‘small government’ lawmaker

CNN sources: Fiscal cliff talks centered on GOP $2 trillion proposal

AP source: Boehner offers millionaire tax hike

Washington Times
FLEMING:GOP-controlled House has never raised taxes

NY Times
Do We Have the Courage to Stop This?

CNS News
Obama Bypasses Congress to Mandate Black Boxes for All Cars — Beginning in '14

December 14, 2012

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the horrible travesty that happened in Newtown, Connecticut in which a person shot and killed 27 people including many children. Mark says that this is the act of a nut job, someone that clearly had serious issues and was a maniac. The bodies haven't even been removed yet and already the gun control issue is being brought up. We now hear calls that we need to have a national debate and conversation – and Mark says for what? Will Hollywood be held accountable or a violent culture? Why it is just that gun owners are being targeted by our politicians. John Lott joins Mark and talks about the facts behind gun shootings and that by not having guns and the ability to defend yourself, you are enticing criminals to hurt you.


ABC News
LIVE UPDATES: Newtown, Conn., School Shooting

News Times
27 dead including 20 children, gunman in Newtown shooting

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

Daily Mail
Mentally disabled gunman

December 13, 2012

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives a lesson in Reaganomics. He reminds people exactly what Reaganomics was, how it worked and why it worked. He also compares the positives that Reagan did, to what Obama has done and shows why Obama and socialism can't and doesn't work. All the massive increases that Obama has done has gotten us nothing but further divisive, further in debt, and further prone to more government control and regulations. Mark also talks about ESPN commentator Rob Parker's comments saying that Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin the 3rd might be a Republican and may not be black enough. Mark says what does this have to do with anything and that this was uncalled for.


Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures

Setting the Tax Record Straight: Clinton Hikes Slowed Growth, Bush Cuts Promoted Recovery

Weekly Standard
'Obama's "Plan" Adds $8.6 Trillion to the Debt'

CNS News
DOE: School Suspensions of Boys, Blacks, Disabled May Violate Civil Rights Laws

ESPN Commentator Rob Parker: RGIII a 'Cornball Brother' Due to Possible Republicanism

ESPN spokesman Mike Solty on Rob Parker comments

Real Clear Politics
Andrea Mitchell On Susan Rice: "Woman Of Color Has Been Forced Out"

December 12, 2012

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark commends Republican Governors that are standing up for state rights against Obamacare. Mark says that if the Governors continue to do this and the House decides not to fund it, then we can put a dent into Obamacare and begin to control it. The federal government's experiment to try to coerce states into Obamacare now faces a legitimate challenge and we must continue to push for it. Mark then focuses on the Speaker of the House and says that anybody can actually be Speaker and we should start trying to push someone in that can speak articulately about the conservative principles that we cherish. Finally, Senator Rand Paul calls in and talks about letting Democrats raise taxes and dig their own grave.


Powerlne Blog
Flanking Maneuvers

American Spectator
Replacing Speaker Boehner

Dennis Hastert: Don’t hike taxes on the rich

ABC News
President Obama Predicts GOP Will Cave on Taxes

Buffett Joins Soros in Effort to Raise Taxes on Estates

Berkshire buyback seen clashing with estate tax push

Google's tax avoidance is called 'capitalism', says chairman Eric Schmidt

Zero Hedge
Jimmy Hoffa Warns Of "Civil War" As Michigan Governor Signs "Right-To-Work" Into Law

Authorities arrest illegal immigrant working as Menendez intern

Landmark Legal Foundation

December 11, 2012

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Michigan has voted to become a right to work state and the unions are going crazy over it. Right to work laws shouldn't be the biggest threats to unions, but rather it should be President Obama, socialism and statism. Mark also talks about the migration that is going on – how people are leaving blue states due to the high taxes and regulations and moving into red states. Now 1 in 7 Americans are employed by the government. A government that is at odds with capitalism and the private sector, as well as with our Constitution. The Democrats are the party of the federal government; whereas conservatives talk about Constitution the Democrats talk about big government. Obamacare is the biggest redistribution of wealth in American history; it's a massive spread the wealth scheme in the name of healthcare.


Wall Street Journal
Worker Liberation in Michigan

Weekly Standard
Immelt: Communist China 'Works'

Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts

American Spectator
The New Government Class

U.S. Should Consider Automatic Voter Registration: Holder

Weasel Zippers
Bizarre: Harry Reid Raves About Ben Nelson’s Hair On Senate Floor, “Some Think It’s A Toupee, But Not Me”…

NY Times
New Taxes to Take Effect to Fund Health Care Law

Obamacare fee of $63 per person to begin in 2014

Gateway Pundit
GOP Senator Bob Corker: Give President the Tax Increase He’s Talking About (Video)

Real Clear Politics
Sen. Coburn: "Will I Accept Tax Increases As Part Of A Deal? Yes."

The Hill
GOP Rep. Cole: Take Obama’s offer to gain tax cuts for ‘98 percent’

NY Daily News
'Storage Wars' star David Hester sues A&E, claiming show is rigged

The Boston Globe
Many freed criminals avoid deportation, strike again

December 10, 2012

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO in San Francisco fills in for Mark. What we're seeing right now is the taking of our money and the redistribution of it in many forms. Higher taxes, an income tax system that is getting out of control, an ever growing entitlement system and Obamacare is not making our deficit any smaller. Why doesn't Harry Reid propose a budget before we decide on the fiscal cliff? Also, the effect that the big government unions have had on many businesses – including how they have hurt their workers when it comes to the car industry and health industry. Finally, the pop singer PSY performs at the White House even though he has said anti-American comments in the past.

December 7, 2012

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about our Founder's, the First Constitutional Convention and how people realized that the country was heading into a bad place and since they cared so much they sat down and wanted to fix it. The country was already divided and rather than divide it more, people came together and tried to better it for their children and future generations. Rather than do what President Obama is doing – promoting class warfare and divisiveness, we need to be strong as conservatives and continue to promote the values of liberty and freedom. Mark also talks about the new unemployment figures – where once again they are being skewed because they are not taking into account the number of people that drop out of looking for a job and thus aren't counted. Finally, Mark pays tribute to those that died at Pearl Harbor 71 years ago today.


American Rhetoric
FDR’s Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation (December 8, 1941)

Washington Times
Govt. borrows 46 cents of every dollar it spends

US economy adds 146K jobs, rate falls to 7.7 pct.

CNS News
Unemployment Plunges to 3.8% for Government Workers; Government Adds 35,000 Jobs in November, 544,000 Since July

John Boehner won't rule out 37% tax rate

Washington Times
Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear

Against the Eggnog Gestapo

Washington Free Beacon
‘Too Little, Too Late’

December 6, 2012

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses the arguments that Democrats are using that are unconstitutional regarding the debt ceiling and being allowed to raise it or not. The Dems are trying to change the language and tell us what the Constitution says about debt, when clearly it doesn't. Mark also takes calls from just liberals asking what they think the tax rate should be – and it gets interesting. When it comes down to it, regardless of class warfare and the power grab that Boehner is trying to do right now, you can't hide from the law of economics. The higher taxes will not lower our spending or deficit, regardless of how they want to spin it. Finally, Congressman Allen West calls in about his future plans and what he thinks about the debt situation right now.


NY Times
Boehner Gains Strong Backing of House GOP

NY Post
Taxes are for the little people

Washington Post
Jim DeMint Leaving Senate

December 5, 2012

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Why is it only acceptable to cut spending in the military when it comes to the Democrats plans? Why in recent years have some Republicans given up in recent years to stop tax increases of any kind? Why is Speaker Boehner agreeing with President Obama when it comes to tax increases on the wealthy? Mark says that Speaker Boehner doesn't speak for him or conservatives and that he is doing a lot of damage by being so weak and desperate to continue his power grab. The taxes won't just be on the rich or super rich, but on you, the hard working American. Something is wrong when people with the ideological belief such as Obama or Harry Reid can rise to such high power and people keep voting them in. Finally, Christopher Horner calls in about his new book, The Liberal War on Transparency.


Washington Times
Court casts doubt on Obama’s recess appointments / Mark Levin Show
Obama's unconstitutional appointments: the court is not impressed

Wall Street Journal
The Budget Baseline Con

Two of a Kind

Buzz Feed
House Speaker Denies “Purging” Conservatives

IRS finalizes new tax for medical devices in healthcare law

Ann Harbor
Domino's Pizza CEO says calorie counts in health care reform bill present 'difficult' task

Daily Caller
GAO report: US on ‘unsustainable long-term fiscal path’

Retirement savings tax breaks face scrutiny

Roll Call
Dissidents Pushed Off Prominent Committees

Business Insider
OBAMA: There Won't Be A Debt Ceiling Negotiation This Time

Huffington Post
Harry Reid: Filibuster Changes Will Take Place In January

Washington Times
Congress demands EPA’s secret email accounts / Mark Levin Show

December 4, 2012

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives a perspective of what's going on from President Obama and Speaker Boehner's standpoints. Obama has an imperial mindset that considers himself greater and above the rule of law and the Constitution. Boehner on the other hand, showed his cards immediately after the election and is trying to make a deal with Obama about the fiscal cliff. Obama is not going to meet him halfway and now Boehner looks even weaker than he has in the past. Mark speaks with Congressman Tim Huelskamp about how Boehner is trying to strong arm conservatives in the House and is trying to dismantle the Tea Party and crush the conservative movement. Also, Senator Jim DeMint calls in and speaks about what he sees as troubling signs if Republicans are going to go against their word on cutting taxes. Finally, Lt. Col Ollie North calls in and discusses his new book, Heroes Proved.


House GOP Leaders Purged Conservatives Using Secret Criteria List

Yahoo News
Conservatives make John Boehner’s life difficult—again

NY Times
Where Have You Gone, Bill Buckley?

The Algemeiner
Sources: U.S. Playing Major Role in Censure of Israel

National Post
Canada stands alone on Mideast

Egypt's Mursi leaves palace as police battle protesters

Investors Business Daily
Obama, Media Whitewash Morsi's Pro-Jihad, Anti-Jew Past

December 3, 2012

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses Bob Costas' comments regarding gun control and how if there weren't guns, less people would be killed. As if people can't kill using other means besides guns. Mark speaks with John Lott about the facts behind guns. Also, Mark urges Republicans not to vote for any higher taxes whatsoever. John Boehner is trying to do whatever he can to stay in power, and apparently that means giving into President Obama on taxes and the fiscal cliff without making any demands. Mark also talks about the Syria and Egypt situation and asks since when do Palestinians have the right to Jerusalem? Also, what makes Hillary Clinton a good Secretary of State when she is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood as the Middle East goes further into chaos?


NBC's Bob Costas Blames NFL Murder-Suicide On Guns

Fox News
The truth about Costas, Belcher and guns

Columnist Who Inspired Bob Costas Drops New Bomb: 'The NRA Is the New KKK'

Red State
The Purge of House Conservatives Continues

Orange County Register
Ron Hart: Let's get fiscal

CNS News
Obama’s Now Borrowed More Than All Presidents from Washington to W

NY Times
Health Insurers Will Be Charged to Use New Exchanges

IRS aims to clarify investment income tax under healthcare law

CNS News
Rahm Emanuel Likens Obama to Lincoln

The Hill
House GOP makes a $2.2 trillion debt counteroffer to Obama on cliff

ABC News
Republican Doomsday Plan: Cave on Taxes, Vote ‘Present’

White House Dossier
Obama Goes Powergolfing with Bill Clinton

Obama presidential library campaign begins

Investors Business Daily
As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees

American Spectator
Hillary Praises PA; Blasts Israel

Virtual Jerusalem
UK, France Summon Israeli Envoys in Wake of Housing Appr