January 26, 2021

January 26, 2021

Biden Signing / Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Equality has now evolved into equity and President Biden will mention it often, but he rarely mentions the word freedom. One can have equity in poverty but that’s not helpful. Constitutional amendments and the civil rights movement paved the way for equality for minorities under the law and the issue of equity is a farce. The denial of school choice in communities of color is the simplest test to prove what Biden or any other Democrat truly care about, the education of kids in urban areas or teachers’ unions. Then, Marxism seeks to eliminate history, the founding, and eventually all Americanism. The identity politics movement upsets genuine Marxists who argue that all things relate to materialism, not to mention that Karl Marx was a racist. This is why Marxists reject the concept of distinction and individuality so that all people will focus on the all-provident central government, the state. The goal must be to treat individuals as human beings not as part of a group, caste, or class as Marx suggests. Groupthink and bigotry promote government power to make decisions on race or sex, this gives the government power they must not have. Later, Biden is taking off where Obama left off; he is the new imperial President. Biden has now passed 28 executive orders surpassing the 6 orders previously signed by Presidents Trump and Obama at the same time in their first weeks in office. Also, Chuck Schumer suggests declaring a climate ‘state of emergency’ so that Biden could use presidential power to usurp the Constitution. Afterward, Rand Paul joins the show, to explain that the impeachment trial to remove President Trump is dead on arrival. It’s an illegitimate process that is unconstitutional and has no chance of success. Paul again rejected how irresponsible it was to even suggest that Trump had anything to do with the pre-planned attack on the Capitol. He also reiterated the importance of adhering to the Constitution for impeachment and the creation of voting laws.


Judge bars Biden from enforcing 100-day deportation ban

Business Insider
Sen. Patrick Leahy taken to hospital hours after being sworn in to preside over impeachment trial

Schumer: We Can ‘Expand’ District, Circuit Courts to Balance out GOP Judges

Schumer: Biden Should Consider Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ So He Can Do Things without Congress

Right Scoop
All but FIVE Senate Republicans vote AGAINST impeaching Donald Trump, even Mitch

Rand Paul UNLOADS On Dems Over Their Impeachment Hypocrisy

Daily Caller
Kyrsten Sinema Won’t Support Eliminating Filibuster, ‘Not Open To Changing Her Mind’

Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government

Hot Air
Democrats Move To Ban Trump Supporters From Federal Jobs Or Joining The Military

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Mandel Ngan

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We’ve gone from equality to equity. At the slip of the tongue. In just a few days. Equality. Equality before the law. That justice, we support justice. Equity. Equity is a different in the end, meaning. Equity means same. Not saying this before the law, but sameness, period. You know. The one word you’ll never hear Joe Biden speak or his apparatchiks speak. Whether they’re surrogates in the media or otherwise. Is the word that matters most. Freedom. Freedom, you can have equality or I guess the word is equity in slavery, you can have equity. In poverty in most countries. Equity without freedom is slavery. Freedom is the key. Now, if you have freedom and we’re treated as. Individual human beings, then you’re not going to have equity. Because everybody’s motivated by different things. Some people work harder than others. Some people are luckier than others, and you can go on and on and on. That’s the nature of freedom and a free society. Everybody can’t be rich, on the other hand, everybody is not poor. There is mobility. You know, this caste system or class structure that Marx talks about, the bourgeoisie, the proletariat and liberals in this country talk about this class and that class, there are no classes. Because in America, you’re free. To pursue whatever you want. We’ve had big battles in this country over equality. The abolitionist movement, the Civil War. We had a fight, segregation of the Democrat Party. We have the Civil Rights Act of 64, the Voting Rights Act of 65, multiple acts since then. We had Civil Rights Act of 1957 of 1960, Civil Rights Act of 1868. We’ve had Supreme Court decision after Supreme Court decision all aimed at smiting. Inequality, unjust inequality under the law. All quite necessary. But when Joe Biden talks about equity, they never explain what they mean exactly, but I know what they mean because Bernie Sanders tells us what they mean. He’s a quote unquote, democratic socialist. That is, he’s a neo Marxist, always has been and always will be. Is an old read from Brooklyn, New York. Found his way to Vermont, got elected mayor Burlington, got elected to the house and then got elected to the Senate. Vermont’s a beautiful state. It’s got about 12 people. And it’s got about 14 minorities. Now, all that said. We don’t seek. Human equity in this country. We seek equality under the law. That’s exactly what the framers meant, and that’s what all these battles, whether they’ve been wars like the civil war or civil rights battles, are all about. non-Equity. Not democratic socialism, not neo Marxism, and yet that language has been slipped in and the reason it’s been slipped in. Is because of the incredible influence, sadly. That Marks has in virtually every society. Despite the fact that it’s an ideology of impoverishment, it’s an ideology of enslavement, it’s an ideology of genocide, that’s the history of Marxism. But Marxism creates excuses. It creates excuses, it treats people as groups. Now, I’ll tell you something interesting if you want to put on your thinking cap just for a little bit. The whole identity politics movement. That is race, sex, orientation and all the rest of it. The pure Marxists are very upset about identity politics. Do you want to know why, Mr. Producer? Because they believe it takes away from the core argument of Marx, which is everything relates to materialism. Not religion, not race and so forth and so on, in many ways, Marx was a racist, by the way, but that aside. And by the way, all these communists seem to be racist. Now, Castro was wiping out. Cubans who happen to be more black than other Cubans. Look how China now is wiping out Muslims. And so forth. But here’s my bigger point, Marxism, the purists reject identity politics. Because they believe it undermines the core arguments of Marxism, which isn’t about race and religion, because you’re supposed to eliminate religion, eliminate the nuclear family. That’s what he says. Anybody cares to read it. And eliminate these kinds of distinctions, what you what you really want to destroy is the whole notion of individuality. Everybody has to be relying on the state and that way we can all truly fulfill ourselves and realize ourselves. Now, that’s a thumbnail sketch, there’s more, but that’s enough for now. So the concern is. You’re unmooring, the notion of Marxism by focusing on identity politics, but there are those in America today who said no, no, no, no, no. They can do just fine together, and I believe they can. They can do just fine together, we can, on the one hand, celebrate, promote and enshrine identity politics, not a colorblind society. Not true equality under the law, but we can enshrine. In our in our ideology, in our culture and in our law. Different caste systems. Based on race, based on religion, based on genitalia, based on what you do with your genitalia and on and on and on and at the same time embrace the materialism that Marx talks about because. Mark said everything begins and ends with materialism. Which is preposterous. Those of you who go to church or synagogue, you know, that’s not true, but OK. And then the identity politics types, they say, no, no, no, everything begins and ends with the race you were born into. Or if you’re a female versus a male. Or if you’re transgender versus straight and on and on and on. But what they all have in common is they hate the American system. They hate American history. They hate American principles, including the Declaration of Independence, because you can’t believe in the Declaration of Independence, natural law, existential truths and so forth, the Enlightenment, Western civilization, you cannot believe in those things and be a Marxist or a progressive or status or whatever you may call at the same time. Because you have to destroy what came before, you have to destroy history, you have to eliminate it. As an acceptable idea. And now our goal, you see, is the perfection of man, the perfection of mankind. And we can’t perfect mankind. If we’re going to stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who are so putrid. It was so rotten to the core. We can’t stand on their shoulders, we have to stand on our own two feet. So the world begins today. History begins today because we know more than everybody, we know more than Moses, than Abraham. For Christians, we know more than Jesus. From Muslims, we know more than Muhammad. We know more than the great thinkers, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Brutus. Kato. Smith. Burke. We know more than they do. All put together. Because they were imperfect and we are more perfect. We’re more righteous. That’s what this is all about. I wrote about it and rediscovering America, I wrote about it first in Americatopia, that’s what this is all about. You hold up a utopia, this is where equity. And I’m signing one executive order after another insisting on equity for underserved communities. You should insist on freedom for underserved communities. Because this equity thing is a farce, and I’m going to prove it to you right this second. Joe Biden opposes school choice for the poorest of our neighborhoods in this country. Where minorities are a large majority in the inner city, he opposes school choice to allow school choice. Is to allow access to private schools, to charter schools, to parochial schools using the same tax dollars. In other words, just like in universities and colleges, the money follows the student. Joe Biden opposes this. Why? Because he says it will take money out of the public schools. Ladies and gentlemen, education exists for the children. Not for the bureaucracy, not for the teachers unions, if we’ve learned anything in the last year through this pandemic. I mean, the teachers unions in Chicago and other cities are preventing children from actually going to school. The education of our children, our flesh and blood. When it comes to equality or we’ll call it equity, we’ll call it whatever they want to call it, Joe Biden doesn’t believe in that. And yet look how important this is. A good education is central to everything. Equity, he says. I don’t even know what he means. He doesn’t even know what he means, but it sends up a red flag. Because once again, government is not treating individuals as human beings, it’s treating individuals as part of a group. Now, as you listen to me, folks, many of you driving in your cars, many of you at the dinner table. When you think about your life and you think about your family and you’re looking at your family member right now, are you thinking, gee, I’m part of a group? What are you thinking about how to raise your family, how to take care of yourself, what you’re going to do tonight, what you’re going to do tomorrow, what kind of life you’re going to live? Of course, that’s what you’re going to do. You’re not thinking, gee, what are all black people going to do today? What are all white people going to do today? We’re all lesbians going to do today. What are all straight? You don’t think that way. And yet you are treated that way. And so the consequences. The dehumanizing of the individual, whether it’s Rousso or Hegel or Marx or Engels. Whether it’s Lenin or Mao. Or Stalin or Putin, for that matter. The Islam and Nazi regime in Tehran. They don’t think of you as individuals. Just like the American left, they think of you as a grouping. As a grouping, and this is the great distinct distinction. Between me and those who hate me. And between you and those who hate you, regardless of your background, color and religion or whatever, this is the greatest thing. Treat individuals as human beings, not part of a group based on some physical characteristic. Some religious affiliation. Genitalia, what you do with your genital, you treat individual human beings as individual human beings and you know what? That’s the natural way to live. If you go to a diner and I like a diner around here in particular. And there’s a person waiting on you. Do you look at that person as an individual human being, are you interested in what they they are about their back? I am. What do you say, oh, that’s a Hispanic guy. No, and I’ll say, oh, that’s a Hispanic guy. That’s Frank, Frank, what’s up? How’s your family? Well, whatever I’m interested in, Frank. So the government. Puts us in these different castes are classes, some of them are economic, some of them are based on whether you’re male or female. Some of them are based on why. Why does the government do that, Mr. Peterson? To control us, and so we’re constantly at each other’s throats, constantly at each other’s throats. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Now, you’ve heard this phrase critical race theory, what’s critical race theory to actually broader than race. But let’s just stick stick to the race part. What is critical race theory? Again, thumbnail critical race theory is the idea. That everything that happens to you and everything you do and everything you respond to. Must be seen through the lens of your race. Must be seen through the lens of your race, and this, of course, has not only caught on in academia, it’s now being used as training and indoctrination tools throughout the federal government, under the Biden administration and throughout our school systems. White teachers in some of these school districts are now being trained on their white privilege. On the other hand, my are being told that in many respects, they cannot get ahead because of their race. And so people are being taught to be extraordinarily race conscious, to basically take up views of race that are in many ways bigoted, if you will. I’ll coin that word. So, again, not to look at as individuals, as individuals or Martin Luther King said colorblind, but no.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Now critical race theory. I’ll move off this soon. I just want to lay a foundation for what’s going on in this new administration promotes stereotypes about individuals based on their physical appearances. It promotes groupthink. And it promotes bigotry in the end. When you hear about systemic, this are systemic there, but it doesn’t apply to me that must apply to somebody else. You think you’re morally more virtuous and righteous? The people who may have the same skin color or. Sexual orientation or whatever it is. But it promotes stereotypes. And bigotry and groupthink. But even worse than all that, it promotes government power. To make decisions based on one’s race, ethnicity, sex preference and all the rest of it, it gives powers to government the government should not have. It may benefit one race one day and it may benefit another race one day, but e pluribus unum, that is supposed to be our nation. That’s what we’re supposed to be about, as a friend of mine reminded me. Not I’m an African-American or a Jewish American or a Christian American or a Muslim American or lesbian American. No, no, no American. And I use the word and I have in writings the D assimilation. Of the country, you know, we see it with immigration, we don’t assimilate people into the country, that doesn’t mean people don’t assimilate on their own. But we don’t assimilate people into our American culture. And how are we going to assimilate people into our American culture when we’re de assimilating people right here at home in our American culture? Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who was a top writer and confidant of John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He wrote a book years ago, a Harvard professor. And he said the one great fear he has is the failure to assimilate into the American culture. No country can survive all this tribalism. It’s just not possible. And so let me just circle back and then we’ll move on. When you look at the tribalism. That is identity politics or critical race theory, and then combine it with the neo Marxism or Marxism. You can see this is what’s going on today when Joe Biden signing an executive order after another, that’s exactly what he’s doing now. He’s too dimwitted to know what he’s doing. But that’s what he’s doing. Bernie Sanders knows what he’s doing, he’s all excited about it, I can tell he’s excited about it because he opened his eyes. But he’s not the only one. And Joe Biden is ruling. Like some kind of a potentate. I called Obama the imperial president, now Biden is the imperial president, he’s taken over. Where Obama left off and has done a lot more, 28 executive orders in six days. Trump had four executive orders in his first six days. Obama had five executive orders in his first six days. Clinton had about five executive orders in his first days. George W. Bush had none, 28. And when you add in today, almost three dozen in these are substantive decisions. In other words, a clear violation of separation of powers. This goes way back to the American FICOs before the American founding to Montesquieu. Who talked about how you prevent a centralized tyranny and in the way you prevent a centralized tyranny, Montesquieu wrote, is to separate government into these three arenas. He said, the legislative, the judicial and the magistrate, meaning the executive. And it’s this balance of power. That our Constitution recognizes, so we don’t have one of these centralized tyrannies or one of these parliamentary mob type situations, it’s a uniquely Republican, small r Republican form of government. It’s genius. And the reason the framers came up with this is because they studied all the governments of the past, they studied what happened in Britain and Germany and France. They embrace the great philosophers. The Western Enlightenment. And so they tried to create a constitution, despite all the imperfections in that society, despite all the tugging in the polling, they created a society. That was intended to respect the individual. Now I know you’re going to mention slavery and you should. So I’ll give you Abraham Lincoln’s response, because Abraham Lincoln did more. For African-Americans in this country than any other human being ever in America, ever more than any civil rights leader. More than any politician, and he gave his life. And he said, read the Declaration of Independence, which is really taught anymore, read it. He said, this is in the middle of the civil war. We have over 700000 casualties. A civil war. Can you name another country on the face of the earth that fought a civil war to end slavery? Name one. Mark, the war was really fought to keep the union. Frederick Douglass thought that originally, too, and then he got to know Lincoln, he said, no, Lincoln wants to extinguish slavery. And if you read Lincoln’s speeches, it’s quite clear he wants to extinguish slavery. By the way, you have equity in slavery, too. That’s what I mean, that word equity can be extraordinarily dangerous. He said, read the Declaration of Independence. Those men in Philadelphia. They came together, they put their lives on the line. To break away for independence from Britain, and I might add, Britain continued to import. African slaves into the United States, even though Britain had abolished slavery for itself, it was making an enormous amount of money. Importing slaves into the United States. The United States had pretty big boundaries and they had and they were not able to control their boundaries back then just too big, and they didn’t have a Navy big enough to handle it. And they didn’t have a border patrol or any of that sort of thing. He said those men in Philadelphia in 1776. Tried but could not resolve the issue of slavery. Here’s something interesting. I believe it was his first draft. Thomas Jefferson, who owned slaves. Who owns slaves? Not many, but he owned slaves. Thomas Jefferson. Wrote in the Declaration of Independence. How horrid slavery was and talk about the abolishment of slavery that was taken out of the draft. You see, back then, these colonists, these colonies were fighting for their survival. And so they never really got around to addressing that issue. They couldn’t agree, Georgia and South Carolina, when they went back to the constitutional convention again. Some of the northern state delegates raised the issue, but South Carolina and Georgia threatened to leave the union. If it was addressed. That is if it was about. So they couldn’t get it done. And Lincoln knew that. There’s Lincoln in the middle of the Civil War, and what is he calling over and over again? He’s quoting the Declaration of Independence. Unalienable rights for every individual, God given rights. Does it say God given rights to only white people, says God given unalienable rights? And Lincoln would quote that over and over again, and he said, you know those men in Philadelphia who put their lives on the line? When they wrote that document. They knew there and then at Independence Hall in Philadelphia they could not resolve this issue. As many countries couldn’t, but they could not resolve that issue there and then. They’re about to go to war. Really, it had already started with the most powerful military on the planet, the British. But he said they wrote it nonetheless, it’s called the Declaration of Independence, they made a declaration for the whole world to read. And he said they knew that they couldn’t resolve the issue of slavery, but they also knew that their children and grandchildren would have to confront it. Otherwise, they never would have written the Declaration of Independence to include the phrases that it includes. And he’s right. And who am I to second guess Lincoln, who are any of us to second guess Lincoln when he was the greatest? Certainly one of the two greatest presidents we ever had. And he’s the one that eliminated slavery. Through his statesmanship and his leadership and by the way, many in the North consider quite liberal at the time, one of the Lincoln to sue for peace, they were tired of the war. The casualties were unimaginable. Think about it. A nation of about 25 million people, you wound up with 700000 dead. Almost no family was unaffected. The Declaration of Independence, he said. What’s also interesting, if you look at the American population. The vast majority of people in this country, their ancestry. Certainly white people. Does not go back to the civil war. It goes back post civil war. Post Civil War. There were a massive influx of immigration during different cycles in our history, including before the Civil War. But most of the population in this country today. Cannot reach back. To the Civil War. Or the pre civil war period when their ancestry. I’m not saying blacks, I’m saying most of anybody else and in fact, many of the black people in the country today don’t reach back to that period either. They’ve come into the country since. This is not to explain anything away. This is to explain when you have a huge country, a diverse country with every kind of of background, with every kind of race and ethnicity, with every kind of religion, because that’s the kind of country we are. That’s the kind of country we were meant to be. Despite our imperfections, we are a great country. There’s not another country on the face of the Earth with this kind of diversity. That has had this kind of a civil society, not another one. And we’re destroying it. Because critical race theory, identity politics and Marxism are all about destroying the status quo, so we’re supposed to emphasize our differences. We’re supposed to to support stereotypes depending on what the stereotype is and who we’re stereotyping. You can see the promotion of bigotry and self-hatred and on and on and on. So rather than treat ourselves as individual human beings, we’re supposed to treat ourselves as part of a group. A group that’s either victimized, a group that’s perpetrators. Wait a minute, I didn’t do anything, of course you didn’t do anything, that’s just you. What about everybody else? And this is the problem. Now, the Democrat Party. Has. Decided that it is throwing in with these sort of neo Marxist identity politics, critical race theory ideologies. And they’ve been very successful in husbanding votes this way. It’s very hard to talk to people about personal responsibility and accountability. It’s very hard to explain freedom if you don’t unless you don’t have it, then you understand it intuitively. God, I want my freedom right where the freedom is all around you. If it’s all around you, you may have a chip on your shoulder, you may be angry about something, you may have had a bad day, you may have been fired. Who the hell? No, it’s just easier. Not to look at yourself, to be circumspect, it’s easier to blame something else. Now, somebody is a bigot and a racist that needs to be addressed and under our laws, federal, state and local, it should be addressed. But they say the entire society, an entire race is this or that is to be a bigot yourself, is to peddle stereotypes. Is to participate in group think, not thinking as an individual human being. That’s what’s going on in this country today, whether it’s young people in colleges, universities, online, their own social circles, whether it’s the Democrat Party trying to manipulate people, trying to get votes. I mean, Joe Biden used to throw in with the segregationists from Mississippi and Alabama and Georgia early in his Senate career. Now he’s embracing critical race theory, identity politics and neo Marxism. Oh, Joe’s a centrist. Joe is signing executive orders like he’s Mussolini, one after another, after another after another. He just destroyed women’s sports. Abortion on demand paid for by the taxpayers. These are first. We’re not going to deport for the first 100 days, people come into the country illegally, even if they’re criminals. A federal judge today said, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second there, brother. A federal judge told Chumby, no, you don’t have the legal authority to do that, all these should be challenged. So he’s writing executive orders left and the guy’s been there a week or so, not even enough time to take in what’s actually been taking place, but he’s there. Maybe he’s signing away. No talk about him being a dictator. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

We’re going to have Rand Paul on the program as well, and we’re going to talk about this a little bit. What is this? This is a joke or something. Senator Patrick Leahy rushed to the hospital, is that right, Mr. Bill? You want to check that? I don’t know if that’s true or not, but he was supposed to oversee, you see, the impeachment trial because he’s such an objective. Judicious type individual, by the way, as I was speaking in during earlier, they are Black Lives Matter is the quintessential example of the combination of identity politics, critical race theory on one side and Marxism on the other. The founders, all three of them, have said they are Marxists, and yet you can tell by the title of their group and their mission, which is identity politics and Marxism, that these things can be married together. And so it’s like the worst of all worlds. Leahy is in the hospital. So who do they go to next, Mr. Producer? They’re running out of. Presiding officers to oversee this thing, we’ll discuss that more in the next hour, by the way. This critical race theory and identity politics cuts the other way to the white supremacists, the neo-Nazis, the Klansmen. What do you think they do? They identify themselves by race, they stereotype, and they’re bigots and there’s groupthink among them. So this whole movement, this whole ideology, that’s fear that some people around us as sort of a liberation movement, it’s extraordinarily dangerous. It undermines the whole notion of Americanism. That’s why I wanted to spend the full hour on it now. We will move in the next hour. I’ll be right back.