CNN’s Jake Tapper truly is a deceitful “journalist”

For a more comprehensive “news” story than Tapper’s presentation, regurgitated by Mediaite in this link, CNN might have included the praise Trump has repeatedly received from the government of the Jewish state of Israel, his enormous popularity among Jews in Israel, his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, his movement of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, his appointment of an Orthodox Jew as ambassador to Israel, his repeal of the Iran deal, the fact that his daughter is a convert to Judaism, the fact that he has three Jewish grandchildren, the fact that the white supremacist who slaughtered Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue was a Trump hater, Trump’s definitive statement after the attack about “standing with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism,” and his unequivocal defense of Israel in the UN.

To compare Trump to this anti-Semitic Islamist is a disgraceful piece of Tapper hate-journalism and CNN propaganda. It’s also an excuse for it’s past slobbering in defense of Obama’s anti-Israel policies and refusal to fully expose Omar’s bigotry.