January 27th, 2023

January 27th, 2023

BERLIN, GERMANY - JANUARY 27: Roses left by mourners lie next to one of the many plaques detailing transports of Berlin Jews to concentration camps at the Gleis 17 (Track 17) on January 27, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. Thousands of people will come together today to remember and honour the millions killed in the Holocaust and mark the for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops on 27th January, 1945. Auschwitz was among the most notorious of the concentration camps run by the Nazis during WWII and whilst it is impossible to put an exact figure on the death toll it is alleged that over a million people lost their lives in the camp, the majority of whom were Jewish. (Photo by Carsten Koall/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, today is the 78th anniversary of liberating Auschwitz from the Nazis, which is why it’s no coincidence there was a shooting at a synagogue in Jerusalem by a Palestinian terrorist. Biden’s policy of sending tax dollars to Hamas is used to fund terror attacks like this, unlike President Trump who eliminated it. President Roosevelt limited the number of Jews who could come to the U.S while working with the media to cover up what was being done to Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Mankind can be evil beyond imagination, which is why all the talk and promotion of racism and hating America is something we need to fight. Also, we have a nation being crippled by debt while Congress passes a 1.7 trillion-dollar budget stuffed with liberal projects and programs.  Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer never read the bill – they pulled staffers together to stitch a bill together with over 3000 earmarks, and specifically removed funding for the southern border. This is the Roman senate happening right before our eyes. Later, the footage of the police killing of Tyre Nichols is just horrific and crossed a line regardless of race, and we will see what happens to the officers. We don’t even know the full story yet, but on the film, we can see five grown men brutally beat someone to death. Politicians act like passing laws will fix tragedies like this from happening, but they won’t because we have a culture issue.

At least seven dead in Jerusalem synagogue attack, Israeli police say

The Men Who Escaped Auschwitz to Try to Warn the World

Fox News
Tyre Nichols bodycam: Memphis authorities release video in deadly traffic stop

Photo by Carsten Koall

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Couple of things to start off with. He watched the video of the attack on Paul Pelosi. You see that guy winding up with a hammer and full body force hits that old man on the top of their head. And that is about as horrific as it gets, other than if we saw the actual head blow. And then he’s on the floor now. We know he live, but he could have easily died. So that was quite sickening. I don’t care what you think of Pelosi. As you know, I’m no fan of hers. But that’s not the point, is it? And then we know about the Tyree Nichols video that’s coming out in about an hour. But that’s all we know, that it’s coming out in about an hour. And a lot of people who have seen it are calling it horrific. And so we will find out. I do not understand why the authorities are releasing it. When the sun goes down, that seems kind of strange to me. It’s tougher to keep control that way. And if it is, as people say, there should be protests, but we don’t even know anything. I don’t know anything. Do you know anything, Mister Producer? But we know very basic facts. But there’s going to have to be a good reason why five big men beat another man to death. And they know the body cameras are on, Right. So they know if they do it, they can’t quote unquote, get away with it. Right? I don’t know. I’m just speculating and we’ll wait. It always pays to wait in these matters. But that said. I mean, if you’re beating somebody that badly, beating them to death. I don’t know if all five officers participated in it. I don’t know. I was somewhere just watching. Who knows? We’re going to find out. And so I will keep the powder dry until we do. I want to thank the media again for telling people to turn out and be violent by telling people not to turn out to be violent and spend hours and hours and hours and hours on speculation. Why don’t they just wait till the video comes out? Because they can’t. But I really felt bad for his mother today. What she said is so true of all mothers and, quite frankly, fathers. And apparently his last words and he wasn’t far from his house, was calling out to his mother, 29 years old. That’s it. That’s a heartbreaker. Then we have in the state of Israel, we have a Palestinian terrorist who slaughtered seven Israelis who were leaving a synagogue on Shabbat because Israelis go to synagogue, as many Jews do on Friday evening, Shabbat last Friday through Saturday. Ten injured, seven murdered. And they keep bringing this up in the context of the Israelis attacking a terrorist cell in Gaza, killing ten Palestinians who are terrorists. And the news just keeps linking the two because the Palestinians keep linking the two to the Israelis, go into Gaza, wait for people to come out of a mosque and mow them down. Now they went after terror cell. And so when the Biden administration and others say we want to de-escalate both sides, what are you talking about? Israel is not allowed to hit a terror cell. But the Palestinians are free to slaughter innocent civilians. And of course, they do it today. You know what today is? If you watched virtually any major news program, you have no idea. Now, shockingly, shockingly, Joe Scarborough and MSNBC covered this and Joe Scarborough actually want to outfit. And actually did some journalism. For which he deserves a lot of credit. Maybe somebody else did, but I haven’t seen it. This is the 78th anniversary of the. What do we call this, Mr. Producer? A securing our wits and freeing the people who were there. We still don’t know the numbers. It was the biggest death camp of them all. It was built in Poland. It was anywhere from 1.3 to 1.7 million people are executed and murdered there. Imagine 1.3 to 1.7. That’s 400,000. We can’t really count for. Um, and they, they basically built assembly lines, if you will. They had the most efficient killing machine world had ever seen. Want to tell you a little story? When I tell you a little story that comes from Time magazine. The man who escaped Auschwitz to try to warn the world. In April 1944, two Jewish prisoners, one of them a teenager, would attempt what until then had been all but impossible to break out of Auschwitz and successfully make their way to freedom. Their motive was to warn the world of the mass slaughter underway in a death camp whose existence was at the time barely known. Incredibly, they got out of Auschwitz, then over 11 days, traveling only at night and with no map or compass. Walter Rosenberg, age 19, and Fred Wetzler, age 25, crossed the mountains, the rivers, the forests of Nazi occupied Poland until they had reached their home country of Slovakia. There, they eventually made contact with the remnant Jewish community, and its leadership for short was called, as you see the Jewish Council in over two weeks, hiding in the basement of a home for the elderly in the provincial town of Zerlina. They poured out what they knew and what would become the first full account of Auschwitz ever written. One whose impact will be felt for generations. The conversation part debrief, part interrogation would last several days. As soon as he heard the men give the outline of their story. The Jewish official understood that this was bigger than him. The US’s leadership needed to hear this. He telephoned Bratislava to speak to Oskar Krinsky, a chemical engineer by profession who was one of the council’s most senior figures. Steiner urged him to come right away. Jews were not allowed to travel by train, but Krinsky wrangled a permit and was in Zerlina later the same day. The head of the Jewish Council, the 50 year old lawyer and writer Oskar Neumann, joined 24 hours later. The officials. The first task was to establish these two men were who they said they were wasn’t simple for an answer he had brought with him the records kept by the council. Every transport that left Slovakia for what was then destination unknown. There was a card for every deportee, including their name and photograph. So unfriended. Walter gave the date and point of origin of the transports that had taken them away. The records back them up. More than that, Fred and Walter were also able to name several the others who had been jammed into the cattle trucks with them, along with specific individuals who’d arrived in Auschwitz on nine subsequent transports. Each time the names and the dates tallied and each time the escapees were able to confirm the fate of the people on those lists, with next to no exceptions, they had been executed. Crash Nancy found these two young men credible away. They were clearly in a terrible state. Their feet were now misshapen. They were completely exhausted. You could see that they were undernourished and that they had eaten almost no food for weeks. He summoned a doctor between them. They decided that the men should stay there in the basement to recover. A couple of beds were brought down it for all their physical weakness, pronounced he was struck by the depth and sharpness of each man’s memory was a thing of wonder. The engineer was determined to get their testimony on record and ensure it would be unimpeachable. With that in mind, he decided to interview the two separately, getting each story down and detailed from the beginning. So the evidence of one cannot be said to have contaminated or influenced the other in sessions lasting hours. KORNACKI Question asked questions, listen to the answers and wrote detailed shorthand notes, whatever emotional reaction he had to what he was hearing, which was, after all, a confirmation that his community had been methodically slaughtered. He hardly showed it. He kept on asking questions and scribbling down the answers. Walter alternated between speaking very fast, as if a torrent and very slowly, deliberately, as if searching for the exact word. And before the formal separate interviews, Fred saw how Walter strained to be strictly factual, like a witness in a courtroom, only for the emotional force of the events he was describing repeatedly. To prove too much, the younger man could not help himself. He seemed to be reliving those events in the telling every fiber of his tissue and every pore of his skin back in Auschwitz. After an hour, Walter was utterly drained and he had barely gotten started with a separate interview. KORNACKI ushered him into a room. Now, this is very important because these are the two young men who revealed to much of the world what was taking place. Remember, some of the newspapers were covering it up like The New York Times, like The New York Times currency ushered him into a room which he lacked was less protection against interruption of the security measure. Given the Jewish Old People’s Home of Zerlina was now harboring two fugitives from the SS with a Gestapo warrant out for their arrest. There was another reason to keep them in this building day and night for as long as two weeks. If they went out on the street looking like this, they’d be noticed. People might start to talk either way. Walter began the conversation by asking for a piece of paper, and a pen began to draw a map. The distances as close to scale as he could make them. First, he sketch the inner layout of the main camp, Auschwitz one then. And. And this was more complicated. He drew Birkenau or Auschwitz too, with its two sections A, multiple subsections, A, B and C, and so on. He showed where the behemoths of German industry AIG, Farren Siemens, Krupp and the others had their factories powered by slave labor. He showed where at the far end of Birkenau stood the machinery of mass murder, the four mass of crematoria, each one combining a gas chamber and a set of ovens. For 48 hours, whether separately or together. Walter and Fred explained at all the transports, the selection during which those chosen to work were marched off while those chosen to die were ferried toward the gas chambers. The tattoos for the living, the ovens for the dead. The two men rattled off the dates and estimated numbers of every batch of Jews that had arrived since the late spring of 1942, right up until the week they had made their escape. They spoke in particular detail about the fate of their fellow Slavic Jews. Chronos, he often joined by Neumann, listened to it all, absorbing every word. Newman was a lawyer by training, and it often felt like cross-examination as he pressed and pushed Walter and Fred on every aspect of their evidence. Newman might need an old school friend whom he knew to have been on a specific transport, say, in September 1943, asking if the pair knew the fate. Of that group, they would give their answer knowing it would be checked against what they had already said about the same transport nine or 10 hours earlier. Well, it all annoyed, annoyed, Walter, that these officials were relying on the excuse me. It annoyed some that these officials were relying on the word of two young men who had risk bullets and starvation to make the trek across the border. Why are they not dispatched one of their number to our switch to see first hand the fate visited upon their fellow Slavic Jews who’ve been shipped out of the country? That 75 mile journey was hard and perilous. To be sure. No one knew that better than him and Fred. Well, sir. And they told her the stories. The bodies. The cattle trucks. The shaved heads. The numbers tattooed. Color coded triangles. It talked about the women being separated from their babies. It talked about babies, some holding their mothers hands as they walked in the gas chambers, laughing, having no idea what they faced. They were going to take a shower, the Nazis told them. More when I return.

Hour1 Segment 2

All right. He only one minute here. I feel that since this is history, this is posterity, that I need to finish this article for you. I can’t do it in one minute. Won’t take long. I’ll do it after the bottom of the hour. Auschwitz was the the biggest murder concentration camp of World War Two. And that’s where that technology was refined when it came to gas chambers and ovens. Before that, they were to have these people dig these massive graves and then execute them. And they have found graves with 20, 30,000 mass grave bodies in them. I’ll be right back.

Hour1 Segment 3

I hope you’ll stick with me, folks from about halfway through. There’s much more here. The 78th anniversary of the freeing of the people at Auschwitz, perhaps because the job of distillation was done by an engineer overseen by a lawyer rather than by a journalist. The document they were putting together was bold and spare free of rhetorical fire. It gave the floor to facts rather than passion. It did not declare its most shocking news at the top. On the contrary, the word gas did not appear until page seven and its core revelation that all but a small number of Jewish deportees, Taylor Swift’s all but a small number. The rest were all murdered on arrival, did not come to the following page. Even then, that horrific fact was delivered with no oratory or even emphasis was all but slipped out. As an aside, it came after a list of transports that arrived in the spring of 1942, the last made up of 400 Jewish families from France. The whole convoy consist of about 1600 individuals, of whom approximately 200 girls and 400 men were admitted to the camp, while the remaining 1000 persons, women, old people, children, as well as men, were sent without further procedure from the railroad siding directly to the Birch forest. And there they were, gassed and then burned. From this moment, all Jewish convoys were dealt with in the same manner. Approximately 10% of the men and 5% of the women were allotted to the camps, and the remaining members were immediately gassed. From there, the report went on to list the transports. Each one denoted they committed to memory by the numbers that were allocated to the handful selected for each for work. 800 naturalized French Jews. The remainder of the convoy was, as previously described this I’m quoting. Gassed 500 Jews from Holland. The majority German immigrants. The rest of the convoy, about 2500 persons gassed, 320 Jews from Slovakia. About 70 girls were transferred to the woman’s camp. The remainder, some 650 people gassed. It carried on in that vein, listing every transport, a group of transports. And so the prisoner numbers of those selected for work reached 174,000. Sometimes the entry would be terse and factual, offering no more than a place of origin and an estimate of the number of dead. But sometimes the report would offer additional information, even the names of individuals, usually fellow Slovak Jews who’d been selected for work from a particular transport. See here, not on page 12. The report described the mechanics of murder alongside a drawing presented as a rough ground plan. There was a description of the four crematoria then in Operation at Birkenau in stark, strictly factual sentences. A huge chimney rises from the furnace. Let me start over. Huge, tiny rises from the furnace room around which are group nine furnaces, each having four openings. Each opening can take three normal corpses at once, and after an hour and a half, the bodies are completely burned. This corresponds to daily capacity of about 2000 bodies. Now, what they started to do, ladies and gentlemen, is they figured it would be more efficient just to burn people alive in the ovens. Why gas them and then bring their bodies, their corpses to the ovens. Just shove them in there alive. And that’s what happened. Referring to the diagram the report took. Care not to leave out What? Walter was the heart of the matter. The centrality of deception in the Nazi method. The unfortunate victims are brought into a hall where they are told to undress to complete the fiction they’re going to bathe. Each person receives a towel, small piece of soap issued by two men clad in white coats. All the key details, details were there from the use of the of the gas, Zyklon B, deadly gas, how it was dropped through events in the ceiling and then in removing the bodies. Ditto the typhus wave of August 1942 and the fate of the Czech family camp in March 1944. It explained that the internal administration of Birkenau was carried out by a group of specially selected prisoners and so forth. I’m trying. Here we go. They concluded with a less bill as a careful estimate of the numbers of Jews gassed in Birkenau between April 1942 and 1944. And as we well know, it continued well. It continued in 1945, and it actually began before 1942. There were other camps, too. But here’s the list. Poland shipped by trucks approximately 300,000. Poland shipped by train approximately 600,000. Holland approximately 100,000. These are all Jews. Greece, approximately 45,000. France approximately 150,000. Belgium approximately 60,000. Germany approximately 60,000. Yugoslav. Italy. Norway. Approximately 50,000. Lithuania approximately 50,000. All in one camp. Bohemia. Moravia. Austria approximately 30,000. Slovakia approximately 30,000. There’s camps of foreign Jews in Poland. Approximately 300,000. Approximately 1.7 million. Prasanna showed the text to the two men whose words he had taken down verbatim and whose testimonies he had amalgamated he wanted their approval to release to the media. Walter read it quickly and could see its flaws. The change in first person perspective from Fred to him could confuse. And given that the document was not intended solely for Slovak consumption, there was perhaps a disproportionate volume or detail on the fate of the Jews in Slovakia down to the inclusion of those individual names. But surely the biggest defect was contained in the words that were not there. The final text made no mention of the imminent catastrophe about which Fred and Walter had been so desperate to warn he did not speak of the urgent threat to the Jews of Hungary. They had certainly discussed it in the presence of Neumann, president of the Jewish Council. The period described the construction word they had seen in the camp and relayed the excited SS talk of the imminent arrival of Hungarian salami. And yet in this document there was not a word about it. What was more, when the final text mentioned the planned extension of the camp, the area known as Mexico, where Walter and Fred had hidden for three days and nights, There was no no hint that this section. Was apparently intended to contain a new influx of Hungarian prisoners. On the contrary, report insisted that the purpose of this extensive planning is not known to us. Why would a document written by two Jews who had escaped for the purpose of alerting Hungarians Hungary’s Jews not even mention the specific threat to their community? So Walter confronted Kerensky. There had to be an explicit warning in the text, he said. But Kerensky was equally adamant The credibility of the report depended on it being a record of murders that had already taken place. No prophecies, no forecasts, just the facts. KORNACKI was sticking to the promise he had spelled out in the forward. This document would only be believed we can find. It’s up to what had happened, eliminating all intimation of what was to come. The talk of Hungarian salami had apparently fallen foul of that standard, classified as speculation and hearsay and therefore deemed unfit for inclusion. But Kerensky was at pains to reassure the escapees that what he had revealed about preparation for the mass murder of Hungarian Jewry would be passed on to the relevant authorities. Sir Walter had a decision to make. Of course, he wanted the warning to Hungary’s Jews to be loud and clear. Of course, he he would have preferred that the report be explicit on the point of much else. But that would have meant a delay. There simply was no time for a rewrite for correcting errors or retyping pages. Not one every day, every hour counted. Better to get a flawed report out today than a perfect one tomorrow. Walter and Fred signed the approval. But if Walter expected Colonel Skin Newman to dash out the door. That instance, the reporting of the satchel, the messenger would rush to Budapest as fast as a locomotive could take them. He was to be disappointed. The next day, February Friday, April 28, the home for the Valley became the venue for a secret meeting the Slovak Jewish leadership with Newman in the chair. They were in resistance mode. So the rules of legal work applied. No names were to be used. The two escapees were subjected to a final round of questioning from this group called to defend the report like doctoral students summoned to defend a dissertation. And by the way, the two got annoyed with this. Walter’s patience reached its limit. He sprang out of his chair and began to shout back There they are flinging people into the fire. At this moment, he said, You need to do something immediately. Fred tried to restrain him, but it was no good. Walter started pointing at individuals around the table, including the lawyer, accusing them of just standing there like pillars of support. You, you, you. You’ll all finish up in the gas unless something is done. Fred tried again to calm as young friend, and eventually Walter’s shoulders slumped and he sank back in his chair after that. Sorry, my eyesight is failing me here. After that, can Lansky ready the document for dissemination? He got to work on a translation of the text in a language that would be comprehensive to the greatest number of people. It certainly would not go very far in Slovak renouncing did say that it would be most effective if it were written in German. Meanwhile, there is an equally practical matter to attend to. April was trying to close the Workers Festival of May Day was looming that they tended to make the Slovak authorities anxious. They saw May one as a potential focus for anti-fascists activity, and so their habit had been to search the few remaining Jewish buildings on the lookout for Judeo Bolshevik agitators, as they put it, Fred And Walter could hide no longer in the pensioner’s home in Zerlina. The Slavic Jewish leaders had arranged a safe house for them in the mountains some 50 miles east of Zelina in the town, a laptop ski. Walter and Fred were given money to live on and far from precious false papers certifying them as pure Aryans. At least three generations standing. That status would give them complete freedom of movement around Slovakia. They were on a train or in a restaurant that was raided by police. There would be nothing to fear. These bogus documents were flawless. Naturally, they were not in the name of Alfred Wetzler, Walter Rosenberg. Those men were Jews and the subjects of an international arrest warrant. Instead, the papers verified the identity of the two new men. And it goes on. Walter Rosenberg was no more. No, no, no. Miss Something here. Rudolph Herbert was not an entirely new creation. There had been an influential Czech Catholic priest of that name who had died five years earlier, having built a reputation as an energetic anti-Semite. He proposed a set of measures to secure the exclusion of Jews from bohemian life. But the new Rudy he was to become was not bothered by the association. All that matters was to be free of what to him was the Germanic taint of Rosenberg. He wanted to sever every connection with that supposedly civilized nation. The two men, reborn as Joseph and Rudy, headed for the mountains. Meanwhile, the work of their lives. The Auschwitz report was about to embark on a journey. A journey of its own. It would eventually reach the deaths of Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Pope Pius the 12th through a series of extraordinary diplomatic moves that would lead to the saving of 200,000 Jewish lives. There you have it. But as you read in part of my new book that I’m working on. Roosevelt limited the number of Jews who could come to the United States. And he worked with the media to cover up what was taking place in Germany, including The New York Times. Now the vast majority listening to this program, You’re not Jewish. Maybe you have some Jewish ancestry, you know, some Jews. You’re not Jewish. But I know you understand because you listen to this show. The show is not the Jewish 3 hours. The show’s about freedom. You’ve heard me talk about the Ukrainians in 1932, but Stalin did to those people. You’ve heard me talk about the Cubans. What Castro did to those people. You’ve heard me talk about genocides in Africa through my 20 years and all the rest. Mankind can be evil beyond imagination. Evil beyond imagination. That’s why all this talk and promotion racism. All this talk and promotion of hating the greatest country on the face of the earth, it protects every minority race, faith, sexuality to try and destroy it is something I will spend my entire life and will continue to spend my entire life fighting. Fighting. That’s why I believe we need to build up our military so we don’t have to face another Third Reich or Tojo or Zeleny. Or if we do, we can defeat them. You see how China has rounded up people and disappeared them the weakest Muslims. You see what their aims are. You see what Iran’s aims are for. Not only our country, the state of Israel. You see what the Palestinian terrorists are seeking to do. We can’t be everywhere. But we ought to be. But we shouldn’t believe we should be nowhere. 78 years ago, Auschwitz Birkenau were liberated. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Can he just accurately tell you what took place in Israel? And then we will move along. Was the Israelis sent in undercover, some of their special forces into the Jenin refugee camp? Now they’re only refugee camps, Palestinian refugee camps, because Abbas keeps them in refugee camps. There’s no reason for it. And why were they in there? They were looking for a mastermind terrorist. Because people who tell them things that are going to take place and they were undercover and they were looking for this person of interest, and then they came under attack. And they fired back from several these Palestinian operatives and others. Then overnight, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza into Israel. They were intercepted by Israel’s air defenses and Israel sent some forces, including its jets, to take out some of the Hamas terrorists. And then today, Shabbat, which is, you know, you take a day off every week because God took off the seventh day. So for Jews, it’s sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. That’s the best way I can explain it. And then they go to synagogue. And as these Jews were leaving synagogue in Jerusalem, they were mowed down by a 21 year old Palestinian terrorist. Now, that terrorist, just so you know, under Biden’s policies, Trump had ended this. He his he was killed when the police showed up. The IDF actually. So under Biden’s policy, our tax dollars go to the Palestinian Authority, which is controlled by Abbas, and your money in PA will be used to provide that terrorist’s family with a pension. And he’s their family is going to get a huge pension because it’s based on how many Jews he kill. Donald Trump had eliminated that. Donald Trump had eliminated that. He’s also defying the Teller Force act when under a Palestinian attack, an American citizen by the name of Taylor Force was murdered some years ago. All right. We’ll be right back.